Chapter 41: At Agares

'At least the setting is more comfortable this time,' Keiji thought as he headed onwards to the land of the Agares.

"Welcome, Keiji HIryu," Seekvaira spoke. "Congratulations on your victory against Sairaorg. It was a splendid match."

Keiji smiled at the match that brought him to the precipice of defeat. "It was my honour to face him. Also, first name is fine."

Seekvaira nodded. "Very well. I called you here because I owed Sairaorg a favour from years ago, and he's chipping it in. I'm surprised such a guy like himself would do such a thing, but it makes more sense that he's doing it for someone else."

"That's just the kind of man that he is!" Keiji responded back. "So what will this reward even be?" Keiji asked

Seekvaira took notice of the grin as she smirked. "You'll see very soon," she spoke, making Keiji follow her down a long spiral staircase that ended with a heavy wall. The Agares symbol was burned into it and two hammers crossed each other in a circle.

Keiji had his finger shaped in a check mark underneath his chin as he took to gazing at the heavy gate in front of them. 'I'm guessing it has to be some sort of secret storage base. Or a secret dungeon.'

Seekvaira smirked, placing her hand on the door. The Agares symbol spanning out and the door creaking against the ground as the mysterious room was revealed. "One of my ancestors was a weapon collector, and this armoury was then forged under the Agares castle. It contains plenty of demonic weapons, so pick one that you like."

Keiji got Seekvaira's attention as he smiled at her. "Thanks for going through all the trouble," he told her.

Her pink eyes reflected their colour on her face after that response. "It's nothing," she replied, unlocking the armoury.

"Welcome, Seekvaira! And hello to you, Red Dragon Emperor!"

Keiji stopped at the group of girls that appeared to be waiting for them. "Were you waiting for us?" Keiji asked, thinking it would be confusing for people he didn't know to be in the very private room Seekvaira wanted to show him.

Seekvaira stepped forward, in front of the ladies present. "This is my Peerage. We haven't had much Rating Games, so this will be your first time seeing them. Introduce yourself," Seekvaira told her Peerage, stepping out of their way.

The first person is a beautiful young woman shorter than Seekvaira with long crimson hair reaching her waist and pink eyes. Her curvaceous figure was complimented with enormous, bouncy breasts and sizeable buttocks. She dressed in a white sailor uniform that has a black collar and black cuffs that has white horizontal stripes, an orange-colored tie hanged from the edges of her collar, a short black skirt that has a single white stripe, long black socks that has a red-colored ribbon around her upper thigh, and a pair of maroon-colored shoes.

"I'm Mio Naruse, Seekvaira's Queen!" 

"She was a half-devil before reincarnating and Mio's mother never told her who her father was, but she's probably from an extinct Pillar House because of her large reserves of demonic energy," Seekvaira explained.

The next Peerage member is a petite beautiful girl with long silver hair and purple eyes in her human form most of the time. She is seen dressed in a black dress that has white frills most of the time and what seemed to be like a functional keyhole on her collar, black leggings, and boots that have a purple hearts on them.

"Hello, handsome. The name is Maria Naruse, you could say I'm a sister to Mio, and I'm a Rook," Maria purred.

Seekvaira shook her head while Keiji was used to affection from strangers before. "Don't mind my Rook. She's actually the daughter of an old succubus family that lived in Agares territory in the past. She found Mio by chance and decided to protect her, which led to her being brought to the Agares domain with her after her powers awakened. From there, I met them and they were some of my first pieces."

Following after the Rook is a beautiful young woman with a slim yet endowed build with a far more notable big butt. She has light blue, shoulder-length hair that has a longer portion of her hair put into a braid on the left side of her face tied into a single braid, as well as a ahoge and yellow eyes. Similar to Mio, she wore the same outfit.

Before she introduced herself, a similar looking person came to her side in an almost protective-duo manner. Her petiteness did not prevent her from having a developed body. Her blue-violet hair tied up in a ponytail most of the time using a white scrunchy and yellow eyes just like the big buttocks babe. Her tight-fitted outfit consists of a navy blue leotard with a black collar and white skirt; also, she wears short tights underneath her skirt and a navy blue cape.


"I'm Yuki Nonaka, a Knight for Seekvaira," she calmly introduced herself.

The other one took a moment to look at Keiji. "I am Kurumi Nonaka, a Knight for Seekvaira," she spoke back.

"The two of them are sister as you can tell," Seekvaira started, making Keiji nod as his thought was proven correct. "These two sisters are from an old clan of swordsmen. I found them after her parents summoned me to ask for a better life for their daughters when enemies exterminated most of them. So I agreed to turn them into Knighs. Their parents are also taken refuge in the Agares region.

"We are thankful for that," the two of them said.

Stepping out next was a taller tanned girl out of the lot. Her well-shaped and sturdy figure was complimented with a rabbit tail and rabbit-ear-shaped horns. Her attire is a tight black dress that reveals her middle chest, black shoulder pads and gold lining, white stockings, and black long boots that has a golden lining.

The tanned woman gave a small bow. "My name is Zest. I'm Lady Seekvaira's Rook. I was a chimeric devil artificially created but when my King's father closed down illegal experiments circulating within his region, I was picked to be her daughter's personal maid."

'That explains the rabbit look.'

Seekvaira laid her hand on Zest. "She's like a big sister to me," Seekvaira pointed out with a smile, and Zest shared the same sentiment.

Matching Seekvaira as a bespectacled woman; her round glasses were read, was another member of her Peerage. Her attractive looks were stunning, coupled with sexy hip-length black hair that has bangs hanging on the right side with two ahoges, green eyes, a mole under her left eye, red round glasses, one earring on her left ear and a voluptuous figure. Most notably, she beat both Mio and Yuki in their specialities (boobs and butt, respectively).


"Hello, Keiji. I am Chisato Hasegawa," she kindly spoke. "My real name is Afureia but I've gotten too used to the name Chisato, so call me that."

Keiji pointed to her. "Your aura feels unique. It's almost—"

"Divine," Seekvaira finished. "You'd be correct. She's a woman with divine blood flowing through her veins. It's precisely why 2 Bishops were barely able to reincarnate her."

'Just like Rias, collecting unique people,' Keiji thought.

"I used to work as a nurse in the human world until one day I killed a few stray devils who had come near the city just as Seekvaira was doing her research on G"—Seekvaira's flushed face made Chisato stop and recompose herself with a cough, giving her time to think of something while Keiji had a deadpan look at seeing Seekvaira getting embarrassed over something that he wasn't aware of—"and after a short talk, along with the prospect of a nice and simple life, I accepted to be a part of her Peerage."

Keiji then looked to the next member, who had green eyes. Her blonde hair reaches down to the bottom of her face and she had a pony tail that descended into the curls going to the right. She wears tights that accentuate the thickness of them. Her royal jacket was purple with golden designs at the bottom, with twin tiny crimson tassels hanging near towards the bottom of her golden buttons. Along with white gloves, she wears a white cloak with red accents and her hood was undone. The cloak is fastened towards the left side of her jacket with a golden 8-pointed sun; in the shape of a thick leave are golden pauldrons, finishing her outfit off were two lines of linked diamonds.

"Greetings. I am Celis Reinhartd. Seekvaira's Pawn!"

Keiji looked at her with some interest. "I know it's ironic I'm talking but she feels powerful for a Pawn. She could be, like, a Knight."

Celis put her hand to alert Keiji. "That would be because I'm the only survivor of a group of hero descendants living in Europe that they were wiped out by unknown enemies," Celis explained, making Keiji growl at the likelihood that it was the shitty Hero Faction who were responsible, most likely failing to try and recruit them. "On behalf of all my fallen group, I'd like to thank you for your and the others' efforts in beating most of the higher-ranked members."

Keiji smirked. "No problem about that. I'd be happy to bring you along and smack the remaining Hero Faction members," Keiji joked.

"You'll also find that Celis is an excellent swordsman, combined with her hero heritage, it makes sense why it took 5 Pawn pieces to reincarnate her. Of course, it helps whenever she is around the Nonaka sister. She's the closest to achieving the best chemistry when paired with either one of them."

Seekvaira then looked to the short and shy member. "Come on, don't be shy," she gently spoke to another bespectacled person.

Out came an androgynous person with a similar aura to two Longinus best friends. They were short and small in figure with short blond hair with black hair clips, and red eyes behind a pair of maroon colored glasses; their outfit matched Mio's.

"U-um, hi. I'm Nanao Tachibana."

Keiji nodded back to her, a small giggle in his mind. 'This feels familiar,' he thought. 

"She's a bit shy as you can see but I trust that's not a problem. She was a dhampir before being reincarnated," Seekvaira explained.

Keiji blinked in surprise as the familiar points just kept adding up. "By any chance, do you know Gasper or Valerie?" he asked, bending down to meet her.

Nanao didn't shy away from Keiji but she took a moment to think before denying it. "I do know of them, but not directly. My mother smuggled me out of the Tepes territory shortly after I was born out of fear that I'd be mistreated. She managed to contact the Agares' family after a long search and became a made in exchange for my safety." Nanao then looked towards Seekvaira with a smile before meeting Keiji's eyes. "Seekvaira ended up having a soft spot for me and I became one of her Pawns," Nanao finished, making Seekvaira blush and smile.

"You kinda remind me of Rias. All of you together like that," Keiji spoke.

Seekvaira smiled. "I'm glad you think like that. I'll take it as a compliment. Besides, me and Rias are close friends. She even called me Seek-chan in the past when we were little. That reward was a free one. Let's get on with the real one."

"Ooh, are we going to have sex in the armoury?!" Maria asked in excitement. 

'She reminds me of Aika,' Keiji thought.

Seekvaira shook her flushed face. "No. We'll be moving into the vault for Keiji's real reward. After that, we will all have dinner after the business is concluded."

"Sex," Maria muttered with a giggle before going into laughter.

Mio sighed at her so-called sister. "You're so horny. It's not like anything is gonna happen between the two of them," Mio remarked.

"Are you jealous?"

Mio's face went flushed as she vehemently denied the possibility while Yuki nodded. "I'm sure everything will run smoothly. We can just wait for dinner," Yuki suggested.

Going deeper underground, Keiji's eyes lit up at the entire area. Perfectly lined up were weapons of every variety and kind, some even Keiji hadn't seen before. Many of them exuded demonic energy whilst others were completely normal but more exotic looking; most likely found in ancient times of humanity. Under each weapon was a description of what it was called, when it was found, date of creation as well as the moment the Agares ancestor found it.

"I shouldn't be surprised Sairaorg did this. He's an amazing guy, wasting a favour from another heir for someone else. I'll have to give him a rematch later."

Seekvaira smirked at Keiji's statement, agreeing with it and holding more respect for Sairaorg than she already did. "It's nice that you are showing such interest in things. Some people aren't so open-minded."

Keiji nodded while checking out the area. "You have that damn right! Especially those old, high-and-mighty douche devils at the top. They make me sick," Keiji responded. He then turned to face the Agares heiress. "Thanks for going through all the trouble of doing this as well," Keiji said.

The pink-eyed devil found found her eye colour reflecting on her facial cheeks as Keiji grinned at her. "It was nothing," she bashfully replied.

Sweeping around the area, Keiji admired all the weapons on display but the one limit rule forced him from going berserk. The temptation to take more was there but he decided to stay honest and only go for one, which made it harder for the dragon-devil as Keiji scouted his options for a stand-out weapon.

A vibrant pair caught Keiji's eye as he plucked them with some difficulty and examined them. Large light orange sword-daggers with gray hilts and glowing blood-red edges, with one blade being thicker than the other. The smaller one has a black blade guard that crawled around the side of the blade and the bottom of it ended with claw-like dagger hooks, while the thicker one has a golden blade guard, with a scaly layers of gold around the back of the blade and crossing over and to the front but in a smaller scale.

"Does this count as one?" Keiji asked, a hint of desperation in his voice.

Seekvaira took a moment before answering. "Yeah, they are. But I should warn you that these weapons aren't really easy. It's impressive you can hold them."

"So you're telling me that these weapons aren't something simple?" he asked, with Seekvaira nodding. "In that case, even more reason for me to use these!"

Seekvaira sweat-dropped at the excitement he was displaying. "Very well, they are both yours to keep. The blades can fuse together, so that might be helpful."

Keiji nodded to her and then summoned the Boosted Gear. "Ddraig!"

"I'm already aware!"

Clutching the fused blade, a powerful force began to vibrate from it as the centre jewel of the Boosted Gear began to beep out and a red outline overtook the Boosted Gear as red sparks flew off and Keiji's arm was shaking as fiery flashes exploded out and the power began to shake. "What the fuck is going on?!" Keiji asked, placing his hand down and grunting as all the light soaked down.

"Did it work?" Seekvaira asked, tilting her glasses. She sighed in relief when she saw the blood-edged blade sticking out of the Boosted Gear. "I'll take that as a yes!"

"Seekvaira! Are you fine?!" Celis shouted out, brandishing her blade.

The weapon has a garnet-colored handle with a bronze honeycomb-spun pommel. The cross-guard was gold and bent slightly a couple degrees with a white emblem plastered in the middle. The blade itself was almost three in one: the middle one was a lengthy gold with jade decorations at the bottom and blue veins thundering all over it. Both sides surrounding the gold blade had a shape similar to a half-kite and isosceles triangle; one side was glittering like frost, while the other was a blooming crimson.

Keiji looked to see the others arriving. "This blade was a bit of a troublesome one, but it's all under wraps now."

"Now that is done, let's go to the dinner hall.


As promised, Keiji was invited to dinner with her Peerage: they had pasta; some with grated cheese and mushrooms on it, hearty perch soup, fried catfish, tempura, chicken drum sticks, noodles, steak, rice balls, salad, bread pudding, sushi rolls, pizza, garlic bread, and much more. Deserts of all kinds were there but everyone seemingly agreed to have them after.

"Celis, I'm curious about that sword you have."

Celis stopped the steak that was ready to go into her mouth. "It's a keepsake called Georgius. It's named after the Dragon Slaying Saint."

Keiji nodded as he de-boned a chicken and swallowed the meat in one go. "Just like my Ascalon. Does it have any special properties?"

"She can use different elements from it at a high level. It makes it harder for us me and Kurumi when training with her because of it. But it's fun."

Kurumi nodded with her sister's statement as she indulged in some bread with her soup. "It is," Kurumi added, feeling comfortable with her sister pitching in.

Zest ripped into a piece of chicken as she looked to Keiji. "Your fight with Sairaorg Bael was a splendid match; we watched the whole thing, verily. We were all impressed with it, regardless if you had won or not."

Mio blushed. "Don't make it sound like we are obsessed with him."

Maria grinned as she purposefully sucked the chicken and repeatedly sent it in and out of her mouth before painstakingly taking a long time to remove it out, which she did with a gasp. "All done," she said, looking specifically at Keiji.

Keiji just looked to Seekvaira who shook her head, shrugging at Keiji that she could basically do nothing about it, but Keiji just shrugged back. He was used to lewdness.

A small pout came on Maria's face at being partially ignored. "Red Dragon Emperor, how many times have you had sex?!" she asked with a full-fledged smile, making most of the group blush while some had a more neutral look.

"Your quite horny," Keiji replied to her, making her blush and rub her head. "That wasn't really a compliment but I couldn't really tell you how much I've had sex."

Maria's eyes widened in excitement but Mio just told her to continue eating, with the former nodding but a devious cog turning in her mind. 'I hope our King gets him to stay the night.'

Chisato smiled. "Looks like you aren't shy to talk about your personal life. Guess you won't need any advice. Although, I'm curious about the Rating Game. I hope you don't mind talking about that. I especially was interested in the dhampir."

"Because his Sacred Gear evolved?" Keiji questioned, his mouth full of pizza. Realizing she probably couldn't hear him, Keiji finished his food. "My bad. So is it about the evolution of his Sacred Gear?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes. You already know that I have some divinity inside me, so I was interested in that I could feel something was off. Like his power came from a source beyond his Sacred Gear and heritage."

The others suddenly were interested in the conversation as Keiji was surprised to see the interest. "Azazel theorized that a piece of Balor himself resides in Gasper, which explains the advanced strength it has gained. Does that help?"

Chisato nodded. "Yes, thanks."

"I have a question about those two Knights," Yuki spoke out. "Would it be possible if me and my sister could spar with them? They were formidable in that match, forcing Sairaorg to use a Phenex Tear."

Keiji drank some water to help the sushi roll go down quicker. "Sure, I can try that, Yuki. I'm sure Yuuto and Xenovia would love to have strong opponents.

"If that is the case," Zest spoke out, making everyone look to her, "then I hope it isn't too much to ask that I may try and spar with the nekoshou from Rias Gremory's Peerage. It would allow me to improve my abilities further to help my King!" she explained, clutching the garlic bread in her hand and eating it.

Keiji leaned against his shoulders. "Your loyalty is nice but it doesn't always have to be about someone else. But sure, Koneko wouldn't mind sparring against you. Just finding a time would be the only issue I can think of."

Mio huffed, crossing her arms. "It feels like I'm being left out, and I don't like that. I'd love to try and fight the Priestess of Thunder. Her holy lightning would be fun, but I guess fighting Rias will be fun."

"If I had to fight someone, I wouldn't mind having a romp with the victor over Sairaorg. Or maybe the Dragon King girl."

Keiji sighed. "Hey, it was a close match between me and Sairaorg. Secondly, are you even strong enough to take down a Dragon King?" Keiji responded, stuffing almost a baguette's worth of garlic bread in her mouth.

"I can do that in a second with your dick—"

Seekvaira coughed, interrupting her. "There is still plenty of food to be eaten, so let's continue for now," Seekvaira spoke.

Continuing on with the food, they still asked some questions but they made sure to devour the food laid out before it became too cold.

"What's wrong? You've been staring at me."

Nanao looked down and pointed her fingers against the ones on the opposite hands. "W-well, it's just that I also want to try and be more confident but I'm not as strong as the other dhampirs."

Keiji's features softened at her plight. "Don't be so down about it. Gasper was lacking in confidence before. He managed to get over it eventually, though it isn't like he didn't have help. I'm sure Seekvaira and the others will support you, okay?"

Nanao smiled as she rubbed her eyes and began eating with more passion, making everyone softly smile, though Maria's one was more mischievous.

Spreading slowly but effectively was a warmth that Seekvaira couldn't explain so clearly. Her eyes focused on him as her stomach hunched at the strange feeling. 'I can see why Rias and Sona find him so appealing,' she internally admitted, unaware that other members of her Peerage were reacting in a similar way, with Chisato and Maria being the more stand-out examples of those.

To finish off the meal was the fantastical deserts. "I'm gonna get diabetes," Keiji muttered as he looked at everything on display. "But I wouldn't dream of passing up on such an opportunity."

'Partner, remember not to go to the extreme. I will not have you becoming the Dragon of Diabetes.'

Keiji sweat-dropped at the over reaction from Ddraig but heeded the dragon's warning as he made it an effort that he'd work off the fat later. Although Keiji couldn't help but be a bit of a glutton with all the options, not to mention how tasty it was.

The other girls were in a similar boat as most of them put table manners to the side and focused on satisfying the sugar tooth. Even Seekvaira had her lacking table manners from time to time but quickly rectified that.

"What a feast!" Maria groaned out, patting her belly.

"Maria, you didn't have to take my cake!"

"It's not a big deal. You'll get fatter, anyway," Maria joked, making Mio blush and angrily pinch her cheeks while Maria tried to escape from the Queen's wrath.

Ignoring the two pseudo-sisters, Seekvaira wiped her mouth with a tissue and folded it neatly at the side. "Keiji, would you like to stay in one of your rooms for the night? It's late," she said, making the others look in intrigue and Mio and Maria stop their fighting.

Keiji put his hands up and wagged them. "No, no. It's really all good. From the swords to the food, I think that's enough hospitality."

"But I insist!" Seekvaira pushed forward, making some of the other girls clench their fists with hope that their King won out. "I'm not having a guest of mine just leave so easily. You won't have to worry. The room is just for yourself. We all sleep elsewhere."

Not wanting it to evolve into a debate, Keiji made sure to send a text to Rias, telling her to inform the others that he'd be resting there for the night. "Done. Alright, I'm ready."

After everyone had a moment to clean themselves and get ready for bed, Seekvaira was leading to Keiji to his room and showing him the guest room. Like all royal devils, the room was larger than it needed to be; the size of the bed could be a room in itself. The bed sheets were silver and black with several rugs of different animals.

Seekvaira's heel was turning in anticipation and minor anxiety, and throwing caution to the wind, she grappled onto Keiji and kissed him. "I couldn't help myself," she admitted.

Keiji answered her horny honesty with another kiss as the both of them slowly trailed down to the bed. His kisses stepping down her body as Seekvaira was hugging his back as his incisors were tickling her neck.

A gasp was quickly stopped by Seekvaira as she gritted her teeth against each other to prevent loud noises. 'I can't allow the others to hear me!' she told herself, wrapping her legs tighter against his body as she pseudo-humped herself against him.

Feeling Seekvaira slowly unbuckling his trousers from all the grinding, Keiji paused and began to actively stop and focus on stripping the both of them of their clothes as they smiled more lewdly at being naked with each other.

Seekvaira gazed down at seeing the throbbing rod present. Already below him, she opened her mouth and grinned at him. "Do it!" she confidently spoke, her words distorted from spreading open her top gate.

Not one to deny a lovely lady, Keiji didn't slow down for a second as his cock strode right into her mouth and pressing against her glasses. Seeing her still keep it even though Keiji knew he was gonna bruise her throat excited him. "There's no choker to snap, but I'll try not to break your glasses," Keiji said with a grin.

While partially worried about what could happen to her glasses, the lust she held negated most of her concerns. Though the concern of breathing came as her whole throat became a sleeve for his giga glizzy while the weight of his fuck-meat was pressing against her nose and breathing was more difficult.

Due to this, Seekvaira's body twitched and her groaning echoed alongside Keiji's cock, making the dick lunge deeper and ruin her breathing as Keiji's hands reached out to caress her body while her throat continued to warm up the bulky cock. The throat bulge definitely increased his urge to fuck her face harder.

'I can't let him have all the fun,' Seekvaira thought as she managed to focus enough to fondle the big balls that helped cloud her face. 'So tense! Oh, he's gonna flood my throat! I'll have to make sure it happens quickly!' 

Seekvaira's determination was shown as Keiji watched her start to fondle his balls and trail down to stroke his schlong while Keiji continued to rock the bed and her mouth as his penis was becoming one with her pharynx from.

"You sure are eager, huh?!" Keiji grunted out, holding her hands and using them as handles to continue forcing his length further the throbbing titan he possessed. "Are you swallowing me even more?!" Keiji asked in minor surprise, definitely turned on at the welcoming surprise, which

The glucking noises aroused the both of them as Keiji's breath became rougher the more it went on and stimulated his senses, driving his dick madly into Seekvaira's tight mouth. For the female, her loins were beginning to flare up as a clenched camel-toe formed from the balls slapping her face and the sword plunging around her insides.

'He's so huge but he's not stopping one bit! I-I think he's getting bigger?!' Seekvaira questioned the possibility of such a thing but her mind soon shut off again as the rough bruising the baby-batter producer was giving her was breaking down Seekvaira and rebuilding her to be the latest addict to dragon dick.

Back and forth on repeat, the veiny vessel slipped in and out of her mouth. The small breaks of breath allowed Seekvaira to gather for saliva and lube up the digger, which also worked to continue allowing Keiji's disco stick move faster as the sight of her throat growing and losing all the weight in a flash looping was only turning on Keiji more, as the sight of it only enticed his desire to let loose.

Lewdness ensued as Seekvaira's back jumped up and was frozen in place, twitches of joys present as Keiji's hand massaged her breasts. The plump beauties being captured by his claws and used for mostly his pleasure. The domination that continued on was one of degenerate delight as Keiji's head sunk back at feeling the Agares heiress tongue pleasing him whenever he gave her time to breathe.

"Rias took my load the first time in one go! Can you do the same?!" Keiji questioned, curious to see what her reaction would be. It was a long time, so he wasn't sure, but a little white lie wouldn't hurt.

At first, Seekvaira appeared not to respond in anyway but Keiji smiled in surprise then in excitement as her arms moved back and she continued to fuck her mouth on his pole and not slow down as a green aura covered her. Whatever magic Seekvaira was doing, it was working as Keiji watched her just go faster and faster without a moment to lose. 

Impressively, Seekvaira's sudden deepthroat expertise was breaking down Keiji's will as the urge not to let loose inside her mouth already as Keiji hunched back and his breathing was more audible to Seekvaira (it was hard to hear before because of the squelching noises from having his length spinning in and out of her orifice) as the pink-eyed devil grinned, though Keiji was unaware thanks to his mass of meat practically blocking her face from existence.

All good things must come to an end. Seekvaira was so caught up that she didn't realize that she had bitten on more than she could chew, literally. Her green aura faded and everything was catching up to Seekvaira as her choking was music to Keiji's ears as the male gave a few more grunts into the sexually submissive Seekvaira.

'Fuck... Oh, fuck, Satan! I'm going to break! I can't take it! There's no time! Oh, Satan!'

Seekvaira's cunt spurted wildly while her mouth was creamed heavily. The bed sheets underneath her turned gray as Seekvaira's mouth was slowly bobbing while Keiji gasped, holding the one sheet and warping it against his hand as Keiji slowly unveiled his heavy hitter out of Seekvaira. 

Snow covered her face, more of it falling down and slipping down her body while Seekvaira slowly got her breath back and her drool also joined in drenching her sexy figure. "I-I'm not done yet," she gasped out. "No way... Rias did this in one go!" Seekvaira tiredly responded, a hint of frustration.

Keiji watched in amusement as Seekvaira used her demonic power to clear off all the cum from her and send it down her mouth. The small show arousing him further as the fuck fluid foam build up was leaking down his length.

The two devils looked to each other and knew what to do as Seekvaira smiled at feeling Keiji surround her. Her legs wrapped around his as her slow massaging of his muscles was a way for Seekvaira to brace herself as she thought that the moment it hit her insides, the Agares heiress was positive that she was going to be screaming.

Symptoms of pain hit the heiress hard as the dragon dick certainly wasn't something to laugh at. The speed and weight, everything about it was dead-set on breeding her silly and converting her mind to worship it. As silly as it may have seemed, it felt like an actual battle, and one that Seekvaira was serious on taking as her eyes went through moments of blindness as she slowly tried to get over the pain reaching into her body.

Eventually, Seekvaira was able to gain enough resistance and the pain was becoming less apparent for her. The miniscule remnants of discomfort was slowly morphing into something more enjoyable. 'I can see why so many love sex! If it's as good as this, I'd want it more! The pain is even... kinda nice,' Seekvaira thought to herself, partially confused to the new feeling but glad to let it overtake her.

Pleasure gripped Seekvaira like a male dominatrix as her legs instantly fell against his body and moans were her only way to absorb oxygen as Keiji's overwhelming-orgasm-giving organ was opening up her pussy pipe and the heat against her moist pussy was making it hard for the inexperienced non-virgin to make any other movement as she could only allow destiny to take its place.

Another kiss was initiated between the two of them as the body humping of the two led made Seekvaira's ample bosom squash against his chest. The horny heat from the two of them increasing the speed of their carnal desires as Keiji was wrapping his arms around Seekvaira while his lower-half was fiercely jack-hammering her poor pussy. 'I wonder if being an heiress gives you a more breedable body?' he wondered while working his wang to break Seekvaira into another heated-up heiress.

Pistoning over and over into Seekvaira while pressing her back against the rocking bed was just one of the many things contributing to both their pleasures, with Seekvaira being consumed by the lengths they possessed in lust. It (didn't) help that the long length smashing her insides was already closing in further. In response, her cunt was hugging Keiji with equal if not more force than his arms were.

Like his bucking body, Keiji also had his head knocking up and down in the air as Seekvaira's body was turning him on, like many women before him. The position in which Keiji pressed his perfect cock inside her was turning him on as it allowed him to hold her and press her down, the side of domination showing up as the slapping of skin echoed in the chambers as Keiji enjoyed the sound of his testicles clapping back at her.

Feeling the bells bashing against her, Seekvaira was in awe that such a thing was possible. Being proven wrong was only exciting her, as it just went to show that anything was possible. 'T-this means that he can fuck me even harder!' she thought with an almost euphoric sense to it as heavy rumps into her womb aroused her from her enlightened thinking.

Her mouth was covered by Keiji's own lips as they sloppily kissed each other and fiercely bucked their bodies against each other, the sweat making it easier, more passionate, and more dirty, which the two devils delighted in as Keiji took time to fully admire her breasts as he licked it. "I can't forget about these beauties!" Keiji remarked, nibbling on them and suckling them like a new born babe while Seekvaira's cunt chomped harder on his beef blade.

Each breast was used fully by the dragon-devil digger, thoroughly exploring her cunt caverns while milking Seekvaira with his teeth. From sucking just the areolas, to full on whole-mouth breast capturing, with Keiji pulling back on the titty treat like it was meat on a bone, all of it combined was driving the two of them wild.

"Ooooh! So-Sona! Rias! Yo-you selfish duo, I thought we we-were friends! They have been, aaaah, ke-keeping you for the-themselves without te-telling me all this timeeeee!"

Thunder hit Seekvaira's body as the one-eyed dragon unleash his semen subjects into her all at once, making her voice hit a supreme soprano as her body was gently crushed as Keiji kept on smacking into her, a splash of cum and fluids dripping out as Keiji wanted to thoroughly use her pussy before withdrawing himself from her. "Can you take it all this time?" Keiji joked, grinning at the great gaping of Seekvaira's lips before going back to tending to her breasts while pouring his lewd love liquid in her honey chamber.

Many more orgasms later, and Seekvaira was more than full as Keiji had finished with her. Blinking, Seekvaira blushed and groaned at the sight. "Come on in, then," she muttered, making Keiji look back to see her red-faced Peerage there at the sight. 

"How long have you girls even been there?" Keiji questioned, still having his length inserted in their King.

Keiji's question was ignored as Mio and Maria were the first to pounce onto him, shredding their clothes off while the other girls were turning eager and stripping off while the pseudo-sisters took their turn face.

"Lay back, you manly dragon! Let us take care of you!" Maria spoke, her arms snaking and up-lifting Mio's stacked chest. "Isn't that right, sis?"

Mio gasped as Maria pressed her nipple with a single finger. "Yes, yes! I admit I want to have sex with him! There's nothing wrong with that!"

Maria nodded at that as she led Keiji down and started stroking his cock, her cheeks rubbing against the belly bulge-baker while licking her lips, drool purposefully spilling down and teasing the cunt-cracker. "Mio, why don't you warm our guest's face with that beautifully fat ass?!" Maria suggested, tasting the tip with some tongue dips before letting her face be introduced to the amorous aroma leaking out.

"My ass isn't fat!" Mio shouted out.

Her shout turned into a feminine yelp as Keiji dragged her by the legs and went to work on her nether regions, making Mio gasp at as the others chuckled at seeing Mio blush like that. The busty red-head tried to threaten the others but her vocals left as groans and gasps as Keiji gripping her ass harshly excited everyone.

"Your so horny, Mio!" Maria mocked with a smile, ignoring Mio's anger as they turned into something different when pleasure possessed her. 'She's right. Less talking, more fucking myself on this monster dick!'

"She's really going at it," Nanao remarked, blushing considerably as she looked to the engorged pharynx of Maria, as the veins of Keiji's kielbasa was beating like the toll of a mighty bell.

"Mio, put more work into it! You are really sloppy for a Queen!" Chisato called out, chuckling at seeing Mio blush more at the suggestion.

Seekvaira smiled at the small bonding. "Mio, show them how strong you are as a Queen," she said, which made Mio freeze at the order. "You are the strongest Queen, aren't you?"

Feeling her pride and role being threatened, Mio relented. "Fine, then!" she said, gripping Keiji's pecs and furiously slamming her lowerself against Keiji's tongue.

'She's like a tsundere,' Keiji thought as he started spanking Mio. The first spank he did made her stop and try to question him but the sigma male took no attitude from the lewd lady and began slamming his paw onto her butt in tedious tandem.

Drool slipped as Maria gripped the watermelons under the womb-wrecker and fondled them, allowing her soft fingers to continue piling up the pressure in the network of valves along the super shooter.

"She sure can serve well," Zest remarked with an awakened areola as she watched Maria start deep-throating and not show much trouble with the activity as the grunting of her mouth only served to accentuate everyone's arousal.

Keiji sucked on Mio's clit roughly, ignoring the need for oxygen for a prolonged period, and then suddenly biting on it aggressively as Maria's mouth was doing wonders to his dick. 'Her mouth feels like a whole sex toy! Fuck, she's skilled!'

Maria wiggled from side to side as everyone (minus Keiji) gaped at seeing the silver spear be released from the maw of Maria. Large dollops of cum and drool spilling over as Maria gave it a little flick, giggling at seeing it vibrate from her touch.

"He's still so big. I guess I'll have to tame it the only way I can," Maria spoke, lifting herself on top and opening her cunt open. 

In no time, Maria's body was arching as every centimetre that was driven inside her was cracking into her core and her network of nerves were overwhelmed with every moment the penis passed deeper into her interior.

'Is is that good because she's that small?' Celis thought to herself, burying her fingers in her pussy with minor flinching; stuck between slowly enjoying the moment or going finger-blasting right away.

Mio moaned massively at feeling Keiji increase his intensity on her backside. "C-calm down! F-fuck... even if it feels so good!" Mio half-complained, still desiring the level of pleasure being fed to her.

Smacking faster and faster, some of the girls decided to take different angles to view the sight of Maria being used silly. Like the beating of their own hearts, their eyes danced around at the sight of the sacs slapping against Maria, a wet sound and sweat splashing as Keiji continued to rock Maria's world.

Words struggled to come out of Maria's mouth as she choked on her own pleasure and the words were spat out in drool and incoherency, only biting her lip was enough to help bring some clarity to her rocky world. However, her few moments of sanity were wasted as she then proceeded to wrap her legs around Keiji's waist, and her bouncing increased tenfold, her form becoming a blur from how fast she was going. "I-I love you, my gift horsey!" 

Like a washing machine, Maria's gates were flooded as she froze and the baby batter flooded her insides while Mio and had also long reached her limit and was experiencing multiple orgasms at once. Bright flashes in her fuscia eyes as the stacking of sexual stimulation had her falling down weakly over, finally giving Keiji space to breathe.

"My turn!" Mio gasped out, pushing the psychologically passed out Rook to one side, her leg came to his side and her breasts wobbled. "Kiss me!" she ordered.

Due to their interests coinciding, Keiji agreed and Mio tasted herself on him as the two of the grinded against each other while Mio's hand went down to try and find Keiji's dick to insert but smaller fingers were there first.

"Let me help you!" Maria said in a completely non suspicious way, with Mio reluctantly accepting the aid.

And it was a really big mistake. With a grin and tongue out, Maria pressed the tip to her pussy and shoved as much as possible within one go. Mio's moans influenced Keiji to work harder in the kiss, turned on by the way her tongue flopped about.

'I want to teach that stupid Maria a lesson but it just feels so good that I can't do anything but accept it!' Mio thought.

Maria licked her lips at his balls but Zest pulled her away from it. "I think you've already had your go. If we all start crowding, it will get too wild," Zest explained, red-faced.

"You want a go, don't you?"

"No comment," Zest replied, while Chisato decided to get the two girls to just kiss and watch the sight.

Saliva connected their two lips together as the fornicating friends went through a couple more cycles of kissing while Keiji was easing his erection into her, not too fast, but with enough pace that Mio would not have to spend hours waiting for it to reach the top of her pussy.

Fitting comfortably in, the stretching began as Mio gasped and her arms cuddled around his chest as Mio's chest squashed and her nipples drew circles against him. The sweat from her nipples leaving visible marks against his perspiring pectoral muscles.

Through all their movement, Mio was now laying down while gasping for more. If her gasps were actual proper sentences. Keiji could instinctively tell what her carnal desire was but even he had to smirk at the fact that Mio's words were unclear, but her actions were. 'I guess actions speak louder than words,' Keiji thought as he kept unloading his penis in and out of her.

'I just got an idea!' Maria thought, caressing the blushing Zest, who allowed the succubus to relive her limitless libido.

The bedsheets below Mio were lathered in her horny hidrosis as the penis pumping into made her breasts fly all over the place. "Keep going like that! I'm getting there but just please don't stop at all!"

"Hey, dragon!" Maria spoke, making the both of them look at her. "Don't worry. I'm not here for another go. I'm just here to tell you that Mio's weak spots are her breasts! Have fun!

Mio's face flared up at being exposed. "What was that—?!"

Like crocodile clips. Mio felt her whole body shiver in shock at having her nipples being clenched so tightly. The domino effect was Mio aggressively rocking back against Keiji's heavy hitting into her.

"How about a little more?" Keiji joked, moving his face closer to one breast to suck on while the other was rolled around in his fingers, being passed on and each finger given an equal opportunity to experiment and work their magic.

Maria fisted herself as she laughed in sexual joy at seeing the Queen of the group being pounded and all flustered, unable to show any power and left to be dominated. "Having fun, Queen?! I'm sure our handsome dragon is!"

Mio's senses were shutting out everything that wasn't Keiji at this point as a loud shriek from her and a more ravenous Keiji told everyone everything they needed to know. The flames of cum dripping from her gripping cunt was already very clear and excitement lit in each and every girl's eyes.

'Now I really want to lick it!' Zest thought, her body twitching and the pheromones in the air increasing the switch to her already high libido to new heights.

"Now this will be a fun biology practical experiment," Chisato joked, though the lick of her lips told another story. 'The dragon's packing some nice stuff.'

"Can we go next?" Yuki asked, with the other nodding.

With their question being answered, the two of them both laid down on their stomachs and were bent over. "Choose who you want first," Kurumi explained.

'These two certainly are something,' Keiji thought, but ignored it as he went to work. He worked Yuki's pussy with his fingers while his erection rubbed against Kurumi's backside, enjoying the warmth of it cuddling his bad bat.

Yuki exhaled at the skill possessed. Each digit that went in wiggling in expertly and not being too forceful but just pushing the right amount of maximise all the pleasure. "Y-you're really good at this!" Yuki admitted.

Kurumi focused on her sister's eyes as she watched her sister's face soften up and turn into a dough with the amount of times her facial expression changed, usually one of joy, but the rare instances of pain. However, even the discomfort was rewarded with the further spike of stimulation that was making Yuki become more horny.

"Don't neglect my ass! It's my best feature!" Yuki pointed out.

"I already knew that but I'll be glad to learn more," Keiji responded, his spare fingers going to work while Keiji was actively pushing his length more against Kurumi.

Feeling left out with the unequal divide of attention, Kurumi pouted. "Don't just focus on my sister!" Kurumi called out, using both her hands and making her butt jiggle. Kurumi's kinkiness didn't stop her as now her hands were massaging her buttocks and jerking off the throbbing titan.

Keiji gasped as his load was unleashed all over Kurumi's back, making her shiver at feeling warmth from it. Like actual heat was coming from the sloppy treat. At the same time, Yuki's head fell to the side as hot bubbles of air escaped her mouth. Her sister's glazed back definitely helped make her orgasm go longer.

Looking dazed, Yuki didn't realize that Keiji's fingers were dangling until he pushed them in, with the former gladly sucking on her own juices. 'Did I always taste this good?' she thought in her drunken stupor. 

Clapping noises made her eyes focus as Yuki watched her younger sister get ploughed from behind, the connection between cunt and dick being palpable through noise alone, as Kurumi gripped the bedsheets and her eyelids flipping on and off from the pleasure that sparked inside her at each moment.

"It feels so good, big sister!" Kurumi moaned out, smiling happily before her body curved like a dolphin and redness took over as Yuki looked behind to see the eagerness on Keiji's face as his dick was becoming a blur from how fast he was going.

Yuki wasn't left out for very long as a sting on her butt, and she turned to see Keiji's hand reeling back, then another blow was dealt and they kept on raining down on Yuki. Each one faster and harder than the other as Yuki's face cringed from the intensity. 'It hurts but it feels so good! I'm getting desperate!'

'He's gonna break my Knights if he isn't careful,' Seekvaira thought, a small smile coming on her face at the nimble ones limping from the cunt-crunching club of her best friend's Pawn.

Kurumi turned to her sister with a gleeful smile, her frame rubbing the sweat into the bed and lessening the friction. "Sister, can he slap my butt, too?!" she begged, her tongue dropping out and her noise twitching.

With as much effort as someone who was being spanked silly could muster, Yuki wobbled her head back and forth. "Your a hero! Don't be greedy, when he's already fucking you!" Yuki responded.

"I think they are acting more horny than you, Maria," Chisato said.

Maria smirked. "Not quite but I'm impressed with the level they are at. We'll have to thank him for his efforts."

"Oh, we will!" Chisato promised, glistening her lips with the wave of an appendage.

"Hot stuff is coming!" Kurumi shouted as a flood of Biblical proportions had Kurumi crazily grinning and gasping, every nerve twitching and making her body shake while Keiji continued to reshape her pussy in the image he wanted.

Cum dripped from Kurumi's thighs as splashes of sweat and sex juices echoed, the effects visible whenever Keiji connected himself back into Kurumi, who was trying to get Keiji to kiss her at this point with how far her back was bending.

While Maria was being held back by the others as she sadly watched the cum moving further away from her, Keiji's thrusts were finally slowing down as Keiji gave one final push and hugged Kurumi as her screams reached a peak before dying down as the last remnants of the dragon seed settled in.

"It's so warm... I love you..."

The wholesome moment was interrupted as Yuki gripped Keiji's hands and tugged with all her strength, eyes unfocused on his face as the lower-head was more valuable to her warped mind. Similar to her younger sister, Yuki's tongue was hanging limp and weakly rising for attention and aid.

"It's my turn, right?" Yuki asked, her pussy still wet and dripping. The coolness of her fluids contradicting the warmth of her thighs and making her legs squirm together like she was a mermaid.

Her smile threatened to split her face apart as Yuki felt the grip on her ass and her pussy was plugged all the way in. Yuki's fingers gripped the bedsheets and she threw her face in there so that her muffled moans didn't end up cracking the windows around, along with Seekvaira's own glasses.

"I know your butt is your best part, but I'm just going to breed you. Understand?" Keiji explained to her, smiling at seeing Yuki dumbly nod and throw it back. Not allowing the pleasure to overwhelm her and willing to put in the effort for his wide willy.

Despite her name, her insides were warmer than a radiator. All the more to recklessly devour her pussy and claim her as his. Dragon instincts dignified her as his treasure, giving Keiji all the more reason not to hold back and focus his full intent on her.

Through gritted teeth, dribble and drool slipped out of the cracks as pleasure forcibly made her mouth erupt and her moans poured out in vicious vocals. The intensity of it was certainly more than what everyone expected but nothing too damaging to the ear as the lot of them (Kurumi was the exception, having been recently fucked silly) got off from hearing the older Knight being tamed by the dragon.

With enough conscious, Kurumi looked to see Yuki's red bubble gum butt as Keiji's hand once again left and was coming in hot at the same speed of his own thrusts, surely getting close to catching on fire with how things were happening. A downward pull on her face at seeing Yuki's luck. 'He didn't do that to me!' she thought.

Yuki's cunt was greedy, making Keiji's dick whimper as the throbbing continued with how tight it was holding him. Yet the tightness magically did not create any issue when it came to taking him deeper. With a strained effort of a zombie corpse, Yuki happily gazed at her future husband (in her mind) and her crazed smile was on full display, though the ahegao look was a turn on. "Keep on doing that, dear! I'm getting close!"

Darkness consumed the young dragon as he pushed Yuki's face down into the bed and began moving harshly in the prone bone, the clapping making the bed create creaking noises as some of the pillows began to fall off from how intense things were going. "I'm gonna send you to the Dimensional Gap!" Keiji promised.

Those final words sealed the deal as Yuki felt her insides swell up, her eggs all covered and filled to the zenith of vitality. Each heavy bulk of baby batter that crash landed was another orgasm, though it failed to even exit as the beef buffet barricaded her release station and her own pleasure discharge and his fluids filled her up to the brim.

"Now, just keep that all in," Keiji said, lifting her up and leaving her in a triangle position, ensuring that all the cum was safely stored in her constricted cunt-case.

The other Rook sat in front of Keiji with her hands out and tits perked out. "Feel free to use me like I'm your servant. I'll do my best! Would you like me to use my mouth or my tits to serve you first?"

"I want to straight to the final boss," Keiji said, hooking his hands around her thunder thighs and laying her on top of him. All the work was done by him as his arms left the underbelly of her hydraulic presses and massaged the top.

"Allow me to work as well! It's my duty!" Zest said, ignoring the death of her insides as everything was done in one go. Mountains worth of oxygen exhaled and inhaled slowly as she held Keiji down and slowly adjusted to the powerful pricking. 'I think I took on more than I could handle,' Zest thought.

Things were about to get tougher for Zest as Keiji's patience was gone, reduced to atoms. Any pleas she had were ignored as the throbbing titan awoke and began searching her insides, making her squirm as the hammer work on her walls was an intense labour of lewdness, easily overwhelming her inner defences as defeated gasps came out for awhile.

"I'm surprised she's struggling so much," Maria commented, still finding it funny that a Rook—the piece that defined high offense and defence—was struggling.

Zest mewled from the suction cups on her nipples as she allowed Keiji to nestle his face into her bouncy breasts, the dick coming in from below doubling the pleasure as the servant of Seekvaira was gasping at the ministrations from her other master. "Master Keiji," she gasped out.

Hearing a term that his fallen angel usually reserved for him did wonders to Keiji's libido as Keiji fucked the service provided and didn't allow for Zest to do all the work. Grappling her close to him, Keiji tried fitting both breasts in his mouth with just his mouth alone but it was difficult and so his tongue slobbered around while he was busy digging to the deepest point of Zest.

"Master, you've reached the end!" Zest gasped out. "Please, let both my breasts serve you!" she said, gripping both chocolate cups and guiding them to his mouth.

Accepting it on his lust alone, Keiji continued doing what he did best: breeding her silly. The look on Zest's face alternated between silent accepting of the struggle and garrulous lust as her body tried talking but the words would be mixed in her own throat and transform into mindless praise of an illiterate idiot.

Chistao chuckled at seeing Zest bite her lips from how roughly her nipples were being attacked by his mouth. "Oh, he needs some milk!" Chisato commented.

Mixing their bodies together, the noise was palpable as the force being exerted into Zest was forcing the servant to embrace Keiji's body in its entirety or risk being thrown off from the blinding pace that Keiji sat himself when using Zest.

Clapping on and on, the climax only came as Keiji began to grip her ears. A synchronized explosion of euphoria travelled to every pore that could release a signal as Zest's body collapsed. Somehow, she did manage to spare a few more words before her climatic collapse: "Fuck me! Master Keiji! Use my ears! I'm gonna cum!"

"It cums at last," Maria commented, her succubus nature allowing her to determine the amount and the moment Keiji's load let loose.

With all other girls before him, Keiji was stretching out Zest's limit on how much she could take as the river ravishing inside of her was turning into an ocean as her cunt's continent was no longer flat and free. "There's still some more, Zest! Take it all!" Keiji commanded, her body fearfully obeying in eagerness.

Slowly, Zest's whole body had finished receiving everything. The moment Keiji retracted his penis from her, the additional pre-cum decorated her in a blanket of baby batter to keep her warm, or for Maria to greedily lick it up.

"It's time for your examination! After all that exercise, we need to make sure that dick is still as healthy as usual!" Chisato said, opening her mouth wide and lined up her four fingers against her thumb and faked throating something in her mouth.

Seeing her like that gave Keiji his instructions right away as he laid down and Chisato smiled at his dick laying in front of her. Her grin reached her nose at feeling Keiji not waste time and use his mouth on her pussy.

'It tastes... really good,' Keiji commented in mild surprise. It wasn't just the heat of the moment tampering with his brain, but if it was, it would win the award for the best prank played on him. Ignoring that possibility, Keiji's brain racked around why Chisato's cunt actually tasted like something sweet.

"Tastes good, doesn't it?" Chisato rhetorically asked, with Keiji nodding into her pussy. Having said his piece, Keiji gripped her buttocks and held them as he continued to feast on her fluids and dish out the pleasure back.

Coldness clung to the cock as Chisato neglected the poor thing and Keiji was humping her, trying to find the hole, that was his goal. Chisato blew her warm breath on it as Keiji tried guessing where to go next.

Having enough of the games, Chisato finally opened wide. The moment Keiji felt her gums, his speed was already accelerating like a Bugatti Veyron as Chisato found her head knocking back and forth like she was the punching bag of an angry Mike Tyson.

Capturing his tip to start, Chisato started to adventure further and further down. A bulge prominent in her cheeks as the others watched in shock at seeing the tip knocking on the back of her throat. Despite this, Chisato appeared not to pay any attention to the pain it would cause as her head flowed in a steady rhythm and a loud knock was heard and her throat was now the next plan onward.

'There's still more! Fuck, I'm really in for it! Let's see if dragons can even take down the divine,' she thought to herself, using her top position to the advantage as her stacked slopes swirled around and tightened against the big burrito.

Like any straight man, resistance was thrown out of the way and he felt his dick melting against those massive breasts that could knock out a bull. With the tip already being molested by the smoothness and agility of her tantalizing tongue, the rest of his dick wouldn't be safe from the rest of her body.

Maria cooed at seeing the determination that Chisato put on display. Her whole body was put on the line as she threw herself all over his cock, not giving him and herself a moment to breathe as every trick in the book was thrown. "I think she's even more eager than me," Maria commented.

'Maybe I could be that confident,' Nanao thought, her eyes rolling back as she once again fell into another orgasm from waiting in the lewd line for her turn.

The ever-ravenous Keiji felt his fingers crawling all over her perky posterior as he eventually came to find his fingers teasing her balloon-knot. 'Oh-ho! We are not done yet!' Keiji thought, pressing hard against her perineum.

Choking ensued as the both of them continued to play with each other. The sounds of their vigour alone transporting everyone's body to a sauna as the both of them reached their climaxes against each other.

Keiji was drinking more than he could swallow as the divine devil's juices kept spilling and trickling down the sides of his mouth. Despite that, it didn't bother him as more of the naughty nectar came to his thirsty throat.

Meanwhile, Chisato's tongue was working around the universe like an electro-powered windmill, desperate to make sure all traces of cum were dumped inside of her mouth, where they belonged. At one point, she had to hold her beautifully formed, burgeoning, naked, creamy breasts and lick the waste from the wiener.

Both of them finishing up, Chisato giggled as she looked at Keiji. "Did you enjoy my ambrosia?" she asked.

Keiji's brain fired for a few seconds, shaking his head afterwards. "I don't even know what that means, but just come here and let me fuck you silly," Keiji just casually said, not needing to ask for consent after everything that happened.

Like a hook, Chisato's left leg clung on his right shoulder. Keiji's right arm reached out and held her right arm, which she had bent behind her. Holding on with one right leg was difficult, but Keiji was there to the rescue her fall by gripping the swollen slope with his left hand, pressing down and hearing her gasp.

"You're quite tight, Chisato," Keiji spoke. "I guess even divinity needs some love," Keiji joked, slowly moving back while keeping a seal over her puffy planet, enjoying the sight of the aching peak coming out.

Chisato gasped as she continued to allow Keiji to move into her, while his hands were hard on her pert mound. Her breath was ragged along with the pace and aggression that Keiji rammed into her, making it hard for her to get her words out.

Finally managing to focus her strength and not be overtaken by the pleasure, Chisato gave a heavy swallow. "C-call me Afureia! Please!"

"Anal Afureia!" Keiji joked as he had her squealing as the dragon-devil was much close and personal. The wall and Keiji squashing Afureia in place as her stomach bulge was out for everyone to see as their fluids were already mixing and being thrown back out, splattering the floor and turning Maria on the most yet again; it wasn't a surprise at this point.

Afureia giggled at that. "M-maybe we can do that later!" she said, though no further discussion was gone on as her sexual superior began to pound roughly into her, fully throwing her into wall and continuing his rampage without any care for the possibility of injury.

"Aren't you afraid he's going to break the bed?" Maria asked her King, only to turn and see that Kurumi's cum-drenched thighs were being cleaned by their own drowsy King. "Hey! Cheating devil!" she shouted.

Crashing down harder and harder every moment was Keiji's deep V-diver, echoes of his adventures throughout her nude network as his dominating physique once again came into contact with her insides, further conquering it as the resilient muscles on his back flexed for everyone to become infernal-inflamed about.

"Ruin me! Show me the power of dragons, that can triumph even against the gods! Just try and turn me into your sex-slave!" she madly begged, rocking and not even caring for the chance of cracking the wall, but only allowing Keiji to do his job as boost after boost spurred him on and his broad chest crashed into her as her honey soft buns were flattened but still fat against his broad chest.

On and on, Afureia finally got what she wanted as the apex of her legs turned into a fiery furnace iron-hard tumescence nailed itself. Each belly bulge elevating her sense of self to new heights and cementing Keiji as the one above all. Despite being filled to the hilt, Afureia accepted the straining masculinity with cries of pleasure and joy as feeling the young stud fast and furiously buck into her from beneath her beauty bottom.

Agonized gasps ensued from Keiji's mouth as he shut his eyes to fully enjoy the pleasure of his release into Afureia. His harsh rush of breathes no longer being required as abandoning himself to pleasure, like he had done so many times before, resulted in pulsating waves of pleasure for the two of them as Afureia's lungs dried up from the lack of oxygen of her universal speech of sexual praise while the staccato spasms from Keiji resulted in a flood of hot-white eruptions.

"I guess it's my go," Celis said, though Nanao gripped her. "What is it?"

"Do you mind if we work together?" Nanao asked.

Celis smiled, and gave a nod to Nanao, making her smirk happily as the both of them came to admire the hard ripple of muscles all over his body, lithe and the vigour of a lion. More importantly, below the Greek god sculpture, the two of them focused in admiration of the firm flesh.

"Well, let's begin!" Nanao said, slightly impatiently.

Celis nodded, a smile from her and Nanao send to Keiji as they began to brighten up the blatant arousal meat with their tongues, casually dropping their mouth fluids over. "I-is this good?" Nanao asked, her speech impediment due to sucking on the skin of the cock rather than her usual shyness.

Keiji nodded while Celis continued to be more brave than her degenerate dhampir ally as she gently massaged his sexually-stressed manhood, the ache in travelled through her senses. "Even now you are still so pent-up! We'll deal with you, accordingly. Let's do it, girls!"

"Girls?" Keiji repeated in surprise, only to find three heads appreciating the much manlier head as Celis took the tip, Nanao took the right side, and Maria wasn't done yet, her help coming in on the left.

"Did you miss me, daddy dragon?!" Maria purred, then losing focus as Keiji's cervical spear was the focal point of her aroused attention as she eagerly pulled her teeth on the skin and sucked on it like it was chicken.

The boner break was a collaborative job between Pawns and a Rook as the frantic fellatio was met with approval from everyone. The Peerage and its leader were smiling at them for the job, while Keiji made sure to pat each girl and ruffle their hair for the work they did. Some moments would have Keiji smothering them into the very throbbing totem pole they worshipped with such devotion.

"You girls are doing really good! Bet you can't make me cum!" Keiji cockily said, expecting them to fully take on the challenge and the consequences ahead.

Coincidentally, all three of them looked at each other, and then turned their attention to their lewd lover. Together, the three of them basically said 'let's fuck him.' And the effort they put was something else as Celis loosened up and allowed pain to swell up in her thirsty throat as her hypopharynx was hit to the point a doctor could call it an abusive relationship.

'How did the others even continue sucking like it didn't hurt?!' Celis thought, grateful that the flushed face she held could be interpreted as her being drunk on the pleasure, though Celis was candid about that matter.

Things got harder for both Keiji and Celis, with the former feeling the horny hands gang-banging his strained sex sacks, while Celis now had to deal with Keiji's stressed sex coming towards her mouth with more pressure, the difficulty going from professional to world-class as the increased length of the javelin reset some of the progress on the phallus.

"You girls are making me proud, and I'm a succubus," Maria muttered, her and Nanao's tongue lounging all over the cock and making sure it wasn't wrapped in the velvety appendage at least from one babe.

Sinful flesh covered the fullness as Celis straightened up and, like a true heroine, charged head-first into the challenge and ignored the concept of pain in general. Her hand cupped over the area of the dorsal artery and she used it to settle herself down as her head was preparing to safety land to the base, all sorts of noises made from the penis pegging away at her orifice. 

Each pupil bounced their focus all over the prime male animal as they stared at it with the same never-ending intensity of their hearts. 'Come on and cum!' Nanao urged in her mind, too lustful to take her mouth of the cock and speak. Her former shyness helped keep her grounded and focus, given that she knew he would give in; after all, Keiji was a horny dragon.

Punctuated gasps left Keiji as the rocking of his hips was drilled into his mind, and his head thrown back, enthralled by what was to come. 'Just hold off a little bit longer!' he told himself, toes curling.

His teeth cried with a muffled moan as the vacuum face of Celis felt an explosion of erotic release, pushing her cheeks apart like a cleanly cut tomato from Gordon Ramsay. 'Oh fuck!'

This thought was shared along the horny hivemind as Nanao and Maria also laid their fingers against his throbbing meat while licking the cum that fell off from Celis' cock-closed mouth as the middle woman continued to struggle and choke on his sigma shaft.

Finishing their cleaning job, the side chicks moved away as Celis pulled away, the essence of the erection painting his phallus, but Celis didn't allow Keiji's tip to breathe as her mouth got to work on leaving it all silky, not sticky.

Rolling her hand around the menacing meat, her fingers dainty played it as she continued to lick it from time to time while her luscious eyes dazed at Keiji. "Are you ready to experience what it means to face a heroine?!"

As if to question her integrity, Keiji flipped her down on her back and held her waist with his claw while his hot-iron pump laid there to charge in her loins. "And are you ready to face a dragon?!"

Gripping her rose buds, he twirled them around his fingers as Keiji teased her excited entrance and the frustrated expression of Celis came full-circle as the full-force meat wormed right in.

Laying underneath the dragon, Celis admired the ropes of muscle surrounding his lithe physique as both her vagina and mouth watered at being close to him. Her delight increasing as she felt Keiji pierce her, the cunt gladly accepting the entrance of the anomaly-sized length as it slowly strode into her petal-smooth centre. 

"Hold me closer," Celis muttered, her head turning to the side when she felt her flushed diamond being pulled against the marvellous mound from which the point stood upon. "T-that works just fine, too!" Celis gasped out in response.

"How about a little more intimate?" Keiji whispered with a raised eyebrow, falling down to the pendant, pink-tipped, heavy breast as her spread legs flapped like butterfly wings against Keiji, hitting him from time to time but fully intent on keeping him where Celis believed he belonged as Keiji continued to circle cup a breast in one hand while his teeth were busy digging onto the delighters of dicks.

Sharp intakes of breath and heavy exhales were the talk of the town with Celis' body as her mind continued to feel the effects of not only the fuck fumes but the womb raider jack-hammering inside her excited core definitely had its impact as Celis couldn't help but smile and laugh as the twitching titan that Keiji had left inside her was signalling the desire to inseminate the individual it was possessing.

'He's knocking at my womb so viciously! I never knew it could feel so good being fucked silly like this! M-maybe this is what it means to be a heroine!'

"Yep, she's definitely thinking being a heroine is something completely different than what heroes and heroines usually are," Maria remarked, with Celis too drunk on her own degenerate daydreaming to question how Maria had read her mind.

"Really?!" Nanao asked.

Maria gave a toothy grin. "Of course! I'm a succubus. I can tell what kind of thoughts people are having during sex. The closer they are, and the more I know and share relationships with them, the easier it is. Her mind is like water through a paper; even a toddler would be able to know what she desires!"

"I think Keiji really wants to breed her!" Nanao said, pointing towards the tight buttocks of Keiji, his form blurring in and out of reality with the intensity he was drilling into the flesh-light, sweat slipping off his rounded muscles as both their groans could be heard and mixed together to create a cacophony of moans and groans.

Squirming against him, Celis gladly allowed the rocket perforate her every being as daily vaginal visits to her womb was becoming a daily occurrence in every fraction of a second Keiji was whipping back and forth inside her, gripping her by the hips now and the sounds of fireworks going off if nobody knew what was going on.

Keiji delighted in seeing the heroine thrashing beneath him, her legs floating up and raising themselves against her as Keiji continued to swim into her moist cavern at the speed of sound. The two of them fighting for their breathes as the desperate rhythm of their emerging gasps made it sound like two apes reacting to something.

However, all the oxygen served the purpose, as Celis could allow herself to be drunk and enjoy what was coming next. Very literally, as Keiji allowed his molten juices to intermingle with hers while the infernal injection came in as conquering cyclones and maddening bliss. No words could describe the sensation sparking through Celis as her movement and moaning stopped with the harsh groan of masculine satisfaction.

"And there was just one left," Keiji muttered, eyes on the dhampir.

Soaked with arousal already, and her mouth having already been done, Nanao came forward for her turn, but she surprised everyone as she climbed atop of Celis and started wiggling her bouncy backside. "Is this okay with you?" Nanao asked, carefully drawn out puffs of air.

Keiji loved sandwiches. But he loved pussy sandwiches! Ready to delight in the healthiest meal so far (though Afureia's arousal juices might have been close), Keiji pulled out his rifle, his fingers carefully lining it up right at the front bottom and pulling the trigger as Nanao squeaked when she felt her lily loins be trampled upon by a gentle giant.

The aching bulge worked wonders on not only Nanao's naughty womanly secrets but her size as her belly was tightening up like a drum from the hard shaft, the worm veins sprawled around the titanium rod tickling her insides. 'It feels like I'm being gang-banged inside all at once! I'm gonna lose it!' Nanao thought, her virginity definitely more sensitive than the others.

Not hearing any sounds of worry or regret, Keiji took the positive and doubled it... along with his speed as Nanao felt like she was a sex toy for an elephant as every sound was reverberated and Nanao was sure fire crackers were going off rather than two people having sex. Her small frame didn't help secure as the upper half of her body wobbled in the air like a banner, easily carried by the smallest of zephyrs.

Luckily, a heroine came and saved the day as Nanao's smaller stacks collided against the brazenly exposed ripe flesh of Celis' chest. Thrusting forward against her, Nanao felt herself captured in a hug with Celis as the next moment featured Nanao's thing ripe plums captured in the sex swollen flesh of Celis.

Nanao pulled out in minor surprise but she fondled her friend. "Celis! You surprised me!"

Celis giggled as she reached for a kiss, and Nanao gladly accepted the obvious surprise. "I just couldn't help it! After all, when he thrusts, I feel it rub against my body, too! We might be able to orgasm together! Now, more kissing!"

The halting of a speeding car reached Keiji's ears as the blood pumped and lifted around his whole weight. Focusing 100% of his body's efforts on the cleft between Nanao's legs, the dark haven was claimed by the plenipotentiary instrument that was filling her fully, merging himself and pulling out over and over, like he was practicing his pull-out game.

Vigorous rocking ensued and arms wrapped around Keiji's neck as the kinky King appeared by, sticking herself against his sleek, tight skin. "My, you're truly a greedy dragon. To think you wouldn't be satisfied by one, nor with two, you have gone and taken 3 heiresses of the Underworld and their peerages all for yourself~!" Seekvaira praised, sloppily kissing him as her pink pale buds scraping over his broad back helped inspire Keiji's ravishing reaction to her voracious invitation. "I don't think any of us is complaining, though~," she added, continuing to act while Nanao was being banged.

Combatting the darkness of Nanao's damp haven, the pillar of perfection burying deep with an all-piercing purpose as the shattering release was met with the dark domain of degeneracy being awoken and opened up by the radiant wave of the white water flooding her gates, making Nanao's own over the edge orgasms pale in comparison, despite what Celis could see as all the squirming on her own body was enough information.

Celis looked to see Nanao's palm pupils sunk, a soft smile on her face. "Talk about training. I should be tired but I'm so eager.

"I think we all are. So how about we continue to show top Agares service?" Seekvaira asked, all the other girls slumping up and grinning.

Keiji chuckled. "Talk about fuck."


Rias and Keiji sat in the kitchen together, with the former giving a sharp snort with her mouth and exhaling; Keiji was eating a salmon roe sandwich, well aware of what she was saying. "I shouldn't be surprised that now Seekvaira and her whole Peerage are planning to move here in the future."

A weakly animated rise of his shoulders said it all. "These kinds of things just happen. Shit can happen. After all, lots of shit has caused this current situation."

"Well, I hope there's no more surprises in store," Rias jokingly said.

Keiji groaned, head falling down on the floor. "Rias, you just jinxed us," he said.

Coming into the room was Tohru, a nervous disposition for once. "The idiot leader of the fallen angels, the White Dragon Emperor and his friends are here... as well as the Infinity Dragon," Tohru explained, the last one spoken with worry.

The alpha and his first mate took to looking at each other with a face of disbelief. "Okay, this is not my fault!" Keiji spoke first.

Two legendary dragon hosts, the strongest fallen angel, a youkai, Pendragon siblings and a Dragon God in the living room. It sounded like the beginning of a joke but the tension could be cut with a knife as all the guests were on one side of the couch in the living room.

"As you can see, Vali contacted me with something very important late last night, but I have to admit that even I wasn't expecting it to be this important!" Azazel remarked.

Everyone turned to see Ophis on a chair with a booster seat. Doughnuts and cookies piled by the dozen and in variation while the fallen maids were swimming in their own sweat as they carried more sweets to the unperturbed Ophis.

"I like cookies and doughnuts... Sweets are something I like," Ophis remarked, finishing the treats fast enough to cause a famine. "More cookies and doughnuts," she simply remarked, to which the fallen were happy to retrieve and survive a little longer.

Keiji had a look of disbelief on his face. "This is the strongest creature alive... She's like a child tyrant. Next thing you'll tell me is Great Red is a delinquent biker!"

Vali ignored the possibility as he leaned forward. "We've kidnapped Ophis because the Khaos Brigade was just using her and had no real intentions of fulfilling her dream, which she accepted after we pointed that out to her. Ophis has no intention or care for creating a terrorist group, she just wanted her Silence back, so those pricks lied to her and used her as a symbol of power as well as the free power-up source to rally people behind their ideals."

Keiji leaned back, his head supported by his fist. "And are you different?" Keiji asked.

His rival scoffed, finding the question silly. "Of course. I only joined because I wish to kill a certain person within the Khaos Brigade!"

"Itachi much?" Keiji remarked. 

Bikou stuffed some bananas down his mouth and smiled. "Woo! These bananas are some good stuff! You want some, Vali?!"

Vali ignored his ally as Ophis snatched some bananas, to which Bikou could do nothing but accept. Something Rias giggled at.

"Now we have found a moment where we could finally sneak out Ophis, and cripple the Khaos Brigade massively. She accepted but the deal was to be brought here because she finds you interesting," Vali explained.

Rias jolted forward. "You can't be serious?!"

Keiji observed the situation like a statue before slowly moving forward. "Wait, so, basically, you're dumping the loli with the power to blow up the world at my house because it's convenient for your plans?!

Vali continued to have his arms folded at the explanation. "That's... a very unkind way to put it. Don't worry though, Le Fay is staying with her to keep an eye on things."

" I-I'm kinda still technically a criminal so I can't really help much out of the house, bu-but I will be in your care, Delinquent Dragon-sama!" Le Fay called out, bowing down graciously with a blush.

Rias sympathized with Keiji, scrubbing his spiky hair while the latter facepalmed at what was going on. "I feel like we really shouldn't have to accept this," she said, the change in movement in Keiji's head showing that he agreed.

Back and forth arguments occurred as Rias tried telling Vali off for dumping this on them, but the smooth talker, thousand-harem-gained, governor of fallen angels managed to convince the two of them that Ophis no longer supporting the Khaos Brigade would be a massive boon for them, and turning Ophis to their side would be even greater, to which Rias couldn't argue against the reasoning provided.

Night time hit, with the two lovers together in a room... by themselves, surprisingly. "Ophis has taken the room on the tallest floor of the house away from others, where she can have the most silence of the house, but she constantly seems to be on the prowl in the living room for food or something else," Rias spoke, massaging her own temples and groaning.

Keiji presented a bottle of oil to Rias. "Would a massage help? You seem a lot more stressed nowadays, and we are together."

"Why thank you! I'll take it, Keiji!"

Of course, two regularly fornicating devils doing a massage would always devolved in sex, which it was as the two of them got their freak on. All while Ophis was silently watching through the half-open door like a kid who had just seen their parents shagging, completely still and silent, all thoughts locked inside.


Currently, it was after school, as Aika dragged a confused Elmenhilde to the kendo club. The confused pure-blood vampire not paying attention to the perverted smile on display, one so strong even Stevie Wonder could see it.

"What's going on?" Elmenhilde asked the bespectacled pervert.

The grin was probably giving Aika sore cheeks if she kept it up but it didn't matter. "Don't worry about it. I just think you should also participate in our class-bonding activity!"

Dragged into the dungeon , Elmenhilde's face was burning up brightly at seeing the whole kendo club fucked silly and laid around like trash not taken out; most notably, one of her seniors, Kiyome Abe, was equally whored out and a mess. Still carrying some specks of hierarchy in the vampire faction made Kiyomi's kinky situation tick her the most.

"W-what is this?! Such depravity!" Elmenhilde called out, treating the sight like it was sunlight to a normal vampire.

Aika giggled as she watched Elmenhilde freak out at seeing the muscular bod of Keiji working around the clock to breed the church girls all together at once, each of them giggling whenever he made contact with their bodies.

"Relax! We are just enjoying ourselves with the class stud. I mean, at the beginning, it was mostly me and the kendo club, but I slowly went around dragging every other girl in our class to join as a sign of kindness."

Once again, her connections with the church trio made her eyes focus on that as Aika took the chance to caress Elmenhilde's alabaster skin, slowly dragging down each pesky piece of fabric that denied Elmenhilde true joy. 'H-he's really going in,' Elmenhilde thought, most of her clothes now discarded. "Does he always do this? Regularly?" Elmenhilde asked, fully naked at this point.

Finally, the church trio became the twitching trio as they were laid against each other, sweaty with sweat and semen as their puffy pearls glistened with the afterglow that came with mind-blowing sex

The pupil-covered pervert played her role once again as she brought the naked vampire to the dragon. "Keiji, I think we have a new student who needs to learn your comfort," Aika spoke.

"P-please," Elmenhilde mumbled out.

Consent ticked, breeding mission embarked. Picking up Elmenhilde, she didn't have much time to yelp at being scooped up as a bolt of thunder knocked her senses out and Elmenhilde's back was sprawled backwards and twitching while Aika grinned.

"Nice cock!" Aika called out, going off to tend to the other girls and help clean them off. 'Man, he sure does give me a lot of work to do. Then again, he's a stamina freak.'

Quick and shallow gasps left Elmenhilde's thin lower lips as his fluid movements were unmatched and the aching erection was showing no mercy as the force of a true dick took Elmenhilde's first time.

As painful as it was, Elmenhilde couldn't help but breathe in fuck fumes as her body begged Keiji to come in and be her guest for all erection eternity. Her glistening moistness helping with the weakening of friction between the fucking.

"Your a lot tighter than Valerie!" Keiji remarked, making Elmenhilde blush as she didn't know how to respond to such a compliment. "It's not a bad thing," he added, making Elmenhilde smile in relief as she leaned in with her thin sandwich lips and embraced Keiji for a scorching-hot kiss to help ease the burden of the bulge.

Aika grinned at hearing another name pulled out of the horny hat. "You're fucking everyone, Keiji! Don't tell me you've fucked an angel or something!" Aika joked.

Elmenhilde titled her head in confusion as the engine faltered a bit and had to restart. Thankfully. her most tender flesh had adapted to the penetration beforehand and so it didn't cause much comfort.

"Just get back to work, Aika!" Keiji said.

Aika shrugged. "Yeah, yeah. I got you, delinquent dragon!"

The noble was getting naughty in Keiji's hands as the door of her feminity was being slandered and re-branded as the resting place of dragon dick as Keiji had the nail polish-wearing female on the brink of bliss as every time his love sweet arrow rocked her deep-end loins and was more than knocking on her core; it was a damn intruder at this point.

Keiji's torrid extension was perfect for the passion-moistened depths of Elmenhilde as her scream output threatened to crack Aika's glasses as an arrival of alabaster into her womb was enough to make Elmenhilde give in.

She had to end up waiting for everything to finish inside her before Elmenhilde could muster herself. Finally finding herself, Elmenhilde managed a weak smile. "C-can... I move in with you, Keiji?" she asked.

"Sure, I guess," Keiji said.


At the dinner table, Rias stood up abruptly. "Congratulations, Keiji, Akeno and Yuuto!" she spoke, making the others look at her like she acted out of character. "I get you are confused! Well, it turns out you've been chosen to participate in the upcoming exams to be promoted to middle-class devils!"