Chapter 42: Riot Parade of the Promotional

After the news and dinner being finished, everyone was gathered around as Rias took to explaining the way the Middle-Class Devil promotion exams work: "These exams are organized every once in awhile, and several requisites are usually required to be nominated, such as being a devil long enough. However, all of you have made such crazy exploits over these last months, you're getting the go-ahead earlier, especially you, Keiji."

Keiji scratched his head. "Honestly, shit just kept on happening. Guess I'll thank them for pulling the shit that they did."

"The President's right. You've been a devil for only a few months, and some of us have been devils for years! You should feel proud!"

Gasper paused his game console that he was secretly playing. "He's like a speed runner," Gasper commented, grinning with Valerie by his side and helping him not get caught.

Rias smiled to the rest of the Peerage. "For the rest of you, don't be disheartened you haven't been for this opportunity. You'll all get your chance. I can only think that it's sheer happenstance you haven't been chosen this time. That and I'd fear that it would look like blatant favouritism if more of us were hand-picked."

"I guess this might not be so bad," Keiji remarked, his arm resting over Ingvild's head while Koneko rested her head on his leg.

"Now... as for what will be on the test: The Middle-Class promotion test has three parts that are modeled after the tests in the Human world since a majority of the Devils who taking the promotion tests are reincarnated Devils (former humans). The first part is a written report that addresses the theme of aim and ambitions. The second part is a written test involving the history and government of the Underworld. The third is a practical where an individual faces off against another participant from the test in a one-on-one fight. During this battle, Pawns are given special permission that allows them to promote themselves as if they were in enemy territory. The theory portion is as valuable as the practical, so don't neglect either one," Rias remarked, with Akeno and Yuuto confidently nodded.

Keiji's smile dropped at hearing the statement, fear stirring up at the thought of studying, let alone topics about devil history. "Fuck me. I chose devil life because I figured I wouldn't have to study! Will education torment me no matter what?!" Keiji lamented, his face stuck in his palmed hands.

Xenovia brought her hand to his shoulder. "I understand your pain very well. Good luck with this. I'll be training with Ex-Durandal."

"It's not like you're doing this alone. We'll all be there to help you. It is our jobs as being your senior devil."

Thanks to Keiji's actions before, and with Seekvaira and her Peerage moving in with them, Sona and her bespectacled heiress ally could both help Keiji with the practical studies.

'They are so lucky they are smarter,' Rias thought, watching with a sour face as she had to do what was best for Keiji, even if it meant giving him over to those more studious and well-versed about those topics than herself 

Later on, Keiji was continuing his learning whilst in the company of both Valerie and Ingvild, the latter two happily joining in and helping to mitigate Keiji's stress. On top of that, the two of them could use the info. Ingvild had been sleeping for centuries and Valerie wishing to be better adapted to devil society for when she (Inevitably, in her mind) officially becomes a part of it as one of Keiji's lovers.

Keiji accepted the help and comfort as he continued to work on an older topic to help refresh his memory, while the two girls started their journey on learning about devil society.

Teaching Keiji wasn't the only thing that Seekvaira was useful for. Thanks of her inherited bloodline technique Time, it allowed for reduced time studying while cramming more information. And, more importantly, longer sex time while also taking up less actual time.

Ravel definitely found it the most useful as having to manage and remake fair schedules for everyone to have regular time with their lover, not even counting the spontaneous sex aside, was difficult, didn't help that the harem was expanding.

Heeding Rias' advice, Keiji was back to mastering the Illegal Move Triaina forms. It was the final step to help advance his Cardinal Crimson Queen to the maximum level of strength. Several cuts in the clouds from using the Welsh Blaster Bishop. The energy drain and power of its attack being one of the harder parts to master.

Sure, it might have seemed a bit unnecessary, but better to be safe than sorry was something that Keiji was taken to heart. Besides, knowing all the events that arisen from seemingly harmless moments made him cautious.


Walking into the living room, a bizarre sight greeted Keiji: Ophis, a lot of snacks at hand as usual, sitting watching TV with an excited Le Fay at her side... and the 4 dragon girls of the house staring at her from another couch awestruck.

"What is happening?" Keiji asked Ophis.

"We are watching you on TV," Ophis calmly replied.

A bitter bend of his head and Keiji groaned in annoyance. 'Why is Le Fay so excited about this?!' he thought, looking at the show just in time to see 'himself' standing dramatically amongst many defeated foes and going "I do what I do because I want to...nothing else."

Hearing the MC's 'catchphrase' made Keiji mentally mope, cringe cancer overtaking his body at the sentence. 'Okay, I might be a bit like that, but I don't go around saying that out loud every fucking time!'

Keiji then looked to his dragon maid girls, and the way they looked at Ophis with a mix of different emotions. "You're all staring so strangely. What's the big deal?" Keiji asked.

"Ophis is, like, one of the 2 most powerful dragons in existence as well as one of the oldest ones. She's a living legend in every sense of the world, so having her stay here is still something I haven't fully adjusted to."

Ilulu nodded, not all bubbly for once. "Even I'm scared from how powerful she is, but I can't help but admire how normalized she is. Does she even have an ego?"

"Even back when I was a goddess for the Aztecs, Ophis was well known for being an ancient being nobody dared to cross," Lucoa pointed out.

'So much for that,' Keiji thought, remembering Vali's words from before.

Meanwhile, Kanna was acting the most relaxed about it. Flashes hitting Ophis as Kanna continued to take picture after picture. "I'll just be bragging to my online friends about this, especially that annoying Yu-Long. I can't wait to see his reaction when the idiot finds out I'm housemates with the Infinity Dragon God.

"Kanna... Firstly, where the fuck did you get a phone? Secondly, what online friends?! Did you get Discord or something? Third, and most importantly, Ophis being kept here is supposed to be a secret."

A downcast look fell on Kanna but she nodded, reluctantly holding back her urges to brag. "I'm going to get something to eat," she commented.

"Have fun," Keiji muttered. Sighing, Keiji took to getting in between, making the magician blush and the dragon god to look at him briefly. "Guess I'll spend time with you girls to make sure nothing happens while we watch TV."

Together, they all watched the show. Despite definitely not enjoying it for many reasons, Keiji had to admit it was neat what was put together. The advanced CGI really helped make things look real and the fight scene were well crafted; thankfully, no horrible animation like Seven Deadly Frames. 

'Still, I'm going to have some words with Azazel at how over-the-top some parts of the show are,' Keiji thought. 

Keiji looked to see Le Fay smiling, with the latter commenting bits of the show, and Ophis was oddly calm during the whole of it.

"Excuse me," Keiji said, removing himself from the couch and stepping over Le Fay. "I'm going to go upstairs now."

Grinning, Tohru giggled to herself. "Tonight is my turn."

"Nuh-uh! I'm the one that's totally going to make Keiji cum a lot more than you, Tohru!" Ilulu bragged back.

Naturally, the two dragons took that as a challenge and began to duel it out with words. "I haven't had a turn in 2 days," Kanna grumbled while Lucoa wasn't vocal but smiled.

Ophis titled her head back to gaze at the others, her blank eyes freezing them at the spot. "Are you all mates of the Red Dragon Emperor?" she asked.

"Y-yes," they responded, a bit nervous at the question, while everyone ignored the atomic breakdown blush present on Le Fay's face.

Ophis looked back at the TV. "I see," she replied, then she looked to be thinking over to herself about her question and their response.


The day of the exam had arrived for the three candidates. In true delinquent fashion, Keiji commented heavily on the annoyance of the written portion of the exam but all the studying with Sona, Seekvaria, and the rest paid off as he could answer almost everything with next to no effort.

Another problem he was faced was at the practical part, having punched the examiner through 5 different walls in less than 2 seconds of the fight happening. "My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined," were Keiji's words when the others asked him how the practical went.

Once the exams were finished, the group retreated to a nearby hotel-compound where most of the examinees would be staying until the next day. As usual, the devils had a grand sense of architecture, with the size rivalling a territory alone.

"How about we all have a nice dinner to celebrate?" Rias asked, with the obvious output of agreement hitting her ears, as the group were confident that Akeno, Yuuto and Keiji had passed the exams.

"I'm up for it, but can someone explain to me why Le Fay and Ophis are here. They were supposed to be stay hidden at home."

Le Fay ignored the intimidating looks from the rest but only made eye contact with Keiji. "Well... Ophis wanted to go see what everyone had been preparing so long for."

Koneko shook her head while snacking on a chocolate bar, Asia didn't know how to react, Gasper continued to play any game; except Fortnite, Akeno giggled at the predicament and Xenovia was busy thinking about swords and baby-making.

"That's wonderful," Keiji said with a deadpan face, and a ticking time vein promptly bulging out his head.

Ingvild tapped Keiji against the shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Me and Valerie can help ensure she's safe."

"Are you fine with that, Valerie?" Keiji asked, with the dhampir happily nodding and taking her place near Ophis along with Ingvild.

With everything settled, and lewd kisses as a bye-bye, the group split up to navigate and see what the hotel had to offer before dinner. Miraculously, Keiji was by himself for once, strolling through the area.

'I know we've got a hotel and everything but I might just take a nap here or somewhere.'

A gasp of admiration made Keiji stop as he looked to the small kid responsible, close to knocking him over as the kid had just turned the corner. Keiji's nictitated at seeing the overly excited boy in front of him. "Can I help?" Keiji asked, looking into the bright green eyes of the brown-haired youth.

"I'm Lirenkus! I'm a big fan of your show, I watch it every day! Your fight with Sairaorg was something else! It was amazing!"

'Great, another youth corrupted by that show,' Keiji thought, giving a smile but internally dying at the mention of the show. Though the kid's enthusiasm did make him crack a smile. "In that case, do you want to see my armour?" Keiji asked.

A spark entered the youth's eyes as he rapidly begged faster than Eminem could wrap, prompting Keiji to summon his Balance Breaker. The form that scared many enemies bringing a smile of joy on the young boy.

Seeing the armour up close, Lirenkus smiled as he began to touch the armour and happily talk about the things of the show.

"Lirenkus! Where are you?!" someone called out to him.

When the woman found her son, she froze in surprise at seeing who her son was with. Quickly, she moved to grab her son by the hand and give a small bow. "I'm sorry for my son. He can be a bit energetic when it comes to the TV show. He watches it every day."

Keiji gave it a hand wave. "It's no big deal."

Lirenkus then took off the Red Dragon cap on his head and extended it out. "Can I have your autograph, please?" he earnestly asked, making his mother blush.

The helmet retracted back to reveal Keiji's face. 'My, he's even more handsome in person,' the MILF thought.

"Sure," Keiji replied, signing it and handing it back.

Lirenkus squealed. "Mom, I'm gonna go show it to all my friends!" he happily exclaimed, while his mother sighed.

"Sure, you can do that, just don't run too far away," she reminded him, as Lirenkus thanked Keiji plenty again and waved goodbye to the Delinquent Dragon, rushing off and gushing in joy.

"Thanks for being so kind. My name is Lyra, I'm his mother, as you can tell. I'm sure you already know how my son is a big fan and, I must admit, that I'm of a similar mind to my son, though more of yourself than the show. Your many achievements and the fight with Sairaorg was splendid."

Keiji chuckled. "It's no big deal. I'm just someone doing my best to get through life, but I do agree that the clash with Sairaorg was great. It's probably impacted me a lot more than I show it," he replied.

Lyra's smile turned mischievous as she closed the gap between her and the Red Dragon Emperor. "You know, I've thought it but I'll tell you personally: You're more amazing in person, from what I can see," she slithered out, looking him up and down while licking her lips, a raised eyebrow from Keiji.


Violently swinging was the door as it slowly closed back after being slapped opening. Keiji and Lyra practically eating each other's faces as the MILF's clothes fell off, and Keiji followed suit with her plans.

"Won't your son get worried?" Keiji asked, reaching out to grip her aching mountains of flesh.

Lyra gasped at the tension, her nipples blossoming into full-fledged rose buds. "T-they are there with an excursion of his school and he will likely be very busy with his friends for more than an hour, so we can have some fun time!"

"If you're sure," Keiji replied, continuing to grope her.

"Oh, I'm VERY sure! I've been needy ever since my husband died, so you better not leave me hanging, stud!"

Gazing at his broad chest with her fingers, they crawled down slowly with artistic purpose. Each second wasted on not getting to the shaft was spent admiring the alpha animal of a body she was facing. It was to be expected of a youthful and mighty dragon.

Her satin-smooth skin was teasing his throbbing ache, the organ desperately twitching for action but Lyra was surprisingly sneaky as she continued to admire his body, her facial cheeks rubbing against the almighty abdominals.

"Time to get to the girth of it all," she spoke, finally easing her hands around his bulging erection and cupping it comfortably, her tongue already leaking drool over it.

Her cool approach to his cock sent heat through his body, the message explaining Lyra's desire for some young dragon dick, and Keiji was more than happy to oblige as he brought her head to a halt with his hands, and gazed down at her.

"Get to work."

The three words boosted her arousal as Lyra sloppily used her tongue, uncaring for what she was even doing but just making sure that the taste of his rod was in her mouth. Her tongue striking at every part of the skin of the shaft and the sacks that contained the magic milk.

Fiercely, Keiji couldn't take anymore as he prodded her mouth open with his fingers and allowed his cock to snap in. Once locked in, Keiji was making sure it didn't go out as he pistoned the length all into her mouth.

With the sudden stretching of the orifice, more drool escaped Lyra's mouth as her gagging noises made Keiji hiss. Her struggles turning him on, and making the rigid length boil with all the blood rushing down it.

'I can get used to this!' Lyra thought, digging her fingers being squashed by her cunt as something much bigger was soon to be delivered.

For now, Lyra just continued on with her job as her eyes dialled back and her lust was dialled up to 10 as the sound of her throat being worked was palpable, her whole body warm but naked as sweat was starting for form already.

Smacking and flapping took place as Keiji continued to use Lyra's mouth to warm up his cock, the bulking mass of masculinity gladly diving down and chilling in the fuck-face furnace as a smile of lust grew on his face.

"Wanna try and take it deeper?"

Lyra's eyes widened, along with her mouth. Grunts of both pain, pleasure and discomfort mixed into one as Keiji was too busy allowing his fingers to get lost and take hold of her hair as only his pleasure existed for him.

Meanwhile, Lyra was glad that she was getting more than she bargained for. Sure, Keiji was rough and way too big for anyone, but, honestly, she'd be a bit disappointed if he was lacking for the Red Dragon Emperor as well as being someone her son looked up to.

'Fuck, these fingers are already obsolete! I need it already!' Lyra thought, removing her drip and slickened fingers.

Seeing the shadow of the balls swinging, Lyra had an idea as she began to grip them and play with them, enjoying the skin as well as the swell of the sacks. A layer of lewdness bulking up, and putting on display just how magnificent the cock was.

Trickling down her mouth was something sweet and salty. It took awhile for her horny-possessed brain to realize it was the pre-cum. The only difference was that it was dripping! Not small droplets, but a whole condensed rainfall that just kept on coming. It started out small at first but the quantity just kept on rising and ravishing her insides.

Her laboured breaths boosted in need as Keiji began to move once again, his massive menace bullying her throat as the staff of life was, ironically, threatening to take her life by making Lyra recognize the importance of oxygen as she begged for it lewdly.

Luckily, oxygen would come eventually. It's just Lyra was now having to deal with the ordeal of Keiji's orgasm, which involved trying to swallow the ocean of cum raining down. The torrent load from the twitching titan was coming rapidly, with Lyra's fingers desperatly clinging against the sides of the cock and making sure to use it to hold her.

Keiji let himself go as bolts of baby batter fired off and he could only sigh in contentment at how happy it was to relive himself, especially with someone new. 'It's not like I'm getting tired of the girls, but sometimes new people can bring new fun to old things,' Keiji thought.

"Take your time," Keiji said, allowing Lyra time to clean herself up. The MILF making sure that not a single drop was lost to their surroundings as she clung to the cum. She'd rather sink in his cum than cum in the sink.

"Still hard?" Lyra commented, smiling at Keiji's nod as she laid down. Her head moved from side to side, in thought. "Do me right here! Right now! I'll be in your care!" Lyra said, uncaring for whatever he did as she just knew that she'd love it.

Keiji maneuvered himself and pushed her high-up legs apart, enjoying the bloom of her bud of baby batter acceptance. The dragon got in close and his pulsating manhood was strategically positioned between her legs, and Lyra slowly parted them so that the throbbing head of his erection could slowly pass along the sensitive valley of her womanly desires. She gently thrust her hips upward and found that by doing so, his hot flesh nestled in the warm, moist folds of the portal to her femininity. She continued in this sensual rhythm as her breathing became deeper and unsteady.

Feeling Lyra start to gyrate against him, Keiji began to follow further into fucking. Rocking and dominating each thrust she send back (which was impressive given the mating press position she was laid in) made emerging gasps come from Lyra as she tried to bring out words but oxygen was unfortunately more important.

'I want to release so badly!' Keiji thought, his legs shaking as he had to painfully hold back his early release, his tongue feeling the piercing force of his teeth as Keiji steeled himself and went in to go and blast her belly in a glaze of glory.

Irregular panting left Keiji as his legs anchored against the bed and his whole body contorted in a show of a neophyte doing ballet. His entire upper body continually flipping back and forth like a bobblehead as he fought not to blow right away with his short and shallow gasps.

"R...Release! I can take it! Now!" Lyra gasped out, completely falling back and almost lifeless as her uncooperative body was undergoing a revive from the ravishing, her throat working over time as the force of the fucking and the hot and moist echoes from Keiji's mouth silencing any noise that Lyra could have made.

Without anything holding him back, Keiji didn't need to be told twice as the rhythm that Keiji went at it was complete and utter domination; Lyra's head having to twirl from side to side as her head couldn't sink any further from the piles of pleasure she was receiving. The aching alpha getting close to his omega orgasm was something that her insides could feel as her legs wriggled against the demands his dick sent her vagina.

This time, Keiji was the one whose words were caught in his throat as his heaving was heavy like bellows as Keiji could no longer resist the increasing passion, Lyra wriggling against him, her sighs, her legs pulling him into her ever deeper. With one final thrust, he shuddered and exploded inside her. The molten member erupting inside and the warmth reached the darkest depths of her moist loins.

Lyra was dazed from the sensory overload but she managed a smile with the dragon hip-deep inside her. A few more hidden spasms made Lyra gasp as her cunt was still contracting against his hot distended flesh. "Yeah... Definitely... Your definitely the greatest..." she muttered, still unable to speak properly as sensual waves still gripped at her. 


After getting all cleaned up, Keiji sighed with a chuckle at the note with the woman's phone number and a 'call me~' line. Tucking it safely away because peace means baby-making time, and he greeted the others.

"Where were you, mister?" Rias asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I happened to meet an over enthusiastic fan of my show," Keiji mumbled, making the others laugh and potentially miss the fact Keiji came back from fucking a MILF.

Ordering all sorts of various cuisine, the group got to talking and relaxing. Unlike in Kyoto, less fighting over the food, like with Xenovia and Irina.

The group had happy talk over how the exams went, everyone's improvement with abilities and training, as well as what would be happening with the promotion from lower-class devil to middle-class devil.

Koneko stopped her fork, with everyone stopping once they felt a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. Hairs pricking up and everyone ready to activate their powers.

Ophis turned to the side. "This is the work of Dimension Lost. We've been transported to a separate dimension," she calmly spoke.

"Great! If the Dimension Lost is being used, it means he's here without a doubt!" Keiji cursed, already feeling the urge to rage quit.

The laughter of a Chinese prick echoed throughout the now deserted copy of the hotel. "You all have one single chance to surrender Ophis or you will all die."

A response came to Cao Cao, but the snorting didn't come from the Gremory group. To make things more surprising, Vali and his team had arrived, surprising both the Gremory group and what was remaining of Cao Cao and his squad.

"Your predictable as you are foolish, Cao Cao," Vali spoke.

Keiji frowned at the coincidence. "Did you use us has fucking bait?" Keiji questioned. "Right after dumping Ophis on us."

Vali shook his head. "Nothing like that. Azazel just asked us to keep an eye on Ophis if she, inevitably, walked out of your home despite being told not to do so," Vali explained.

"Okay, I can respect you for doing that, thanks," Keiji grumbled, still not entirely supporting Vali but respecting him for doing at least that. Last time they were used as bait, they had to solve everything themselves.

Cao Cao and Georg showed up as the group headed towards the nearest hallway to the outside, arrogance beaming on the holy spear user.

"Do you really think you'll be able to beat all of us by yourselves? Longinus or not, you're awfully arrogant, aren't you?" Rias said.

Cao Cao chuckled. "Even I couldn't do that, princess. That's why I figured I would bring some help," Cao Cao explained.

Like linking all the dots on a kids illustration game, a flare spread about as energy signatures they had never felt before began to appear around the hotel-dimension.

Vali looked to the nearest window as he saw an army of hooded figures, nothing else giving their features off due to how the robes perfectly covered them; sweat coming off his face as his blue eyes shook a bit. "This isn't good. We are surrounded by an army."

Lucoa's eyes snapped open. "Hades wants to be a massive nuisance this time!" she spat out, her aura cracking windows and making some of the group move back. "Don't underestimate them. Even the weakest ones have the power to easily take down most mid-class devils. And their death scythe can harvest ones lifespan with those cursed weapons."

"Not to sound too overconfident but we still do have the loli with the power to destroy the world with them. Even if she doesn't want to help, there's no way Cao Cao can just take her with them, even with such an army."

A dark upturn of Cao Cao's feature made Keiji stop. "That's exactly why we brought THIS!" he spoke, snapping his fingers.

Darkness and dread leaked out from the circle as the decrepit form of an abominable hybrid of a fallen angel and a dragon crawled out. The fanged upper-half of a fallen angel was contradicted by the lower body of an Asian Dragon.

"How horrible," Koneko muttered, legs shaking as her Senjutsu expertise was telling her this creature was something else. If the fact that it was crucified on a large cross with nails driven into various part of his body (arms, tail, wings, etc.) as well as several other restraints that had ancient letters written on them wasn't bad enough.

"It's eyes are bleeding," Gasper mentioned, feeling sickened, as he saw the bloodied blindfold that couldn't stop the constant leaking of ichor.

While the others were concerned, the dragons present felt something else. It was fear echoing in their veins, spreading like wildfire as their hearts thumped, like it wanted to escape the sight of the creature and crawl to safety.

"What the fuck is that thing?!" Keiji instantly shouted, unable to fully explain why his bones were feeling like jelly.

For once, Georg was now laughing along with Cao Cao. "This is the Dragon Eater, Samael. He is the living embodiment of the Biblical God's hatred for snakes and dragons, after all, he did tempt Adam and Eve with the apple. This fallen angel-dragon has a poison so strong, even Ophis and Great Red would be—

Ophis was lifted up by Keiji. "Sorry," he said, before YEETING the Infinity loli out of the nearest window and sending her towards all the grim reapers outside, a moment of confusion from her crashing about.

In an ironic twist, the grim reapers became the ones facing the hand of death as whenever someone tried getting close to peer down, they were vaporized.

Back in the hallway, everyone blinked at what just happened in those few seconds. From fear to confusion in a fish. Even Cao Cao didn't begin to attack as he could only stare at Keiji for what he just did.

The delinquent just shrugged. "What? The moment he started saying that was a legendary dragon-slaying angel or something, I figured that I had to get THE super-powerful dragon they clearly had brought that thing for out of its range, right?" he explained.

Cries of the damned vibrated as Cao Cao was frothing at the mouth at his plan being foiled from something so simple. "In that case, I can still use Samael to kill you!" he shouted.

"Fuck, I thought he was stupid," Keiji spoke, seeing Samael sprout his tentacles, the tension so thick that no hentai jokes could be made and they felt a wave of thick ice holding them down. The godly power of the dragon-fallen hybrid making everyone realize they are screwed as the heaviest hitters are the dragons, with the ultimate counter right there.

'I'm not dying here!' Vali thought. 'Not yet!' Vali reminded himself, remembering what he had trained so long for.

Although it seemed like the wrong time, the gentle symphony of Ingvild made everyone sigh in relief as Samael's tentacles stopped reaching forward. Like a video footage in reverse, Samael began to slowly retract himself.

"You're fucking kidding me, no way!" Georg stuttered, seeing Samael sinking back where he came from and a more relaxed look on its face than ever before.

Ingvild stopped singing after her job was done, a happy face plastered on. She pointed to the side of her head as Nereid Kyrie's glow dissipated. "That was still a dragon," she muttered.

4,000 years of Chinese rage erupted from Cao Cao's vocal chords as he immediately went to go into Balance Breakers while the grim reapers swarmed through the walls. Whether they came to help or to escape Ophis was unknown, though.

Soon, the hall was flooded with messy fighting. Despite the number disadvantage, the advantage was still heavily on the Gremory and Vali group as the combined support of Valerie's and Ingvild's Longinus were helping while Ophis alone was disintegrating people.

"You can't take my power... but I can take your life," Ophis stated, a hand forward and soon the grim reapers became grim reminders to the others around. "You skeletons are annoying," she muttered.

Bikou grinned as he continued to whip his staff around and knock out dozens of the grim reapers, along with the addition of his Senjutsu abilities allowing him to defeat them. "You'll have to do more than that! I'd rather fight with Tannin!"

"Take that!" Le Fay shouted, several magical circles unloading behind her and sending a salvo of different element attacks. "Don't underestimate me!"

Vali blasted a group of grim reapers with ease but one of them stopped his attack and flung it towards Le Fay, the blade of Caliburn preventing Le Fay from sustaining damage.

"I trust this one is yours, Vali," Arthur said, with his leader nodding. 'I hope there will be someone worthy of testing Caliburn on.'

Vali grinned at the grim reaper in front of him. While dressed in the black robe, Vali noted not only the ornaments around it but the macabre cloak it was; not unlike the cult-like robes the low-tier grim reapers wore. Most notably, his appearance was that of a jester of death.

"Will you try and entertain me?!" Vali asked, noting the bleak abyss decorating the scythe. Deteriorating hands and tentacles that looked as if they where freshly cut off the flesh of a person of a corpse is wrapped all around his dark scythe.

The high-tier grim reaper laughed. "Such an arrogant blinded bat. Nice to meet you. I am Pluto, an Ultimate class grim reaper serving under Lord Hades."

"Ultimate, you say?! Then I'll have no need to hold back!" Vali shouted, several alabaster scales covering him as a blinding light startled the group around, even those far from it were in awe at the pale morning star.

I, who is about to awaken,

Am the White Dragon Emperor who will take the law down to the darkness.

I walk the road of domination with infinite destruction and by piercing through the imaginary dream.

I shall become a pure Emperor of White Dragon

And I shall have you obey the silvery-white illusions and the perfect evil ways!

After which, Divine Dividing announced, " Juggernaut Over Drive! "

Pluto grunted at the new form. "And? Is this supposed to be your way of trying to become similar to your rival? I see losing to him must have really made your mentality weak," Pluto sarcastically remarked.

"It's nothing like that. This is my new form: Emprieo Juggernaut Overdrive! You bear some truth in your statement. After seeing my rival solve his issue to the Juggernaut Drive with his Crimson Queen, I obtained this my own way, by sealing the consciousness of all the previous users with my own power!" Vali replied, sweeping in to get closer to Pluto

"Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?" Pluto arrogantly spoke, flexing his death scythe.

Vali huffed. "I can destroy you without even getting close to you," Vali spoke.

A crack in the ground formed as Pluto removed his scythe from it. "Oh-ho! Then let me see you do it!" Pluto said, reeling closer to reap him. "It'll be fun when I have the soul of a descendant of Lucifer. You'll be able to say hello to the failure that was the first Lucifer!"

Similar to Ophis, one hand was struck out. "Compression Divider!"

Pluto's laughter was cut short, and so was everything else. Suddenly, the claws of death was gripping the mighty as Pluto found himself losing himself and everything. The other grim reapers looked in fear at seeing their superior slowly being cut down to nothing.

"How do you like it, huh?! Now you can feel the same way your victims do when you cut their lifespans!" Vali shouted with a grin, sweat falling down his face as his hand started twitching from how long he was using it.

Some grim reapers tried to interfere but a wave of poison halted them. A familiar black-haired cat girl began to use her Senjutsu and hack away at the grim reapers, using their own scythes. "Have fun, nya."

Vali grinned as, with one final shout, Pluto was erased and Vali fell down to the ground soon after. Sweat trailing his whole figure. "I still need to improve it. In terms of battle usage, it lacks in comparison to my rival."

"Always the battle maniac!" Bikou said, laughing. "Just got done here. I expected more. Lucky you, fighting someone so strong."

Vali scoffed. "Whatever, help me up. The battle was too short to be called a fight." Vali then checked his rival's energy signature. 'How will you fight, my rival?'

Cao Cao grunted as he tried to catch Keiji in his Cardinal Crimson Queen form but the speed of Welsh Sonic Boost Knight was far beyond anything possible as red blurs left Cao Cao suffering with bloody bruises.

"I'll hold him!" Georg shouted, summoning his Dimension Lost but gritting his teeth as Keiji continued to glide past it.

"Wait your turn, side bitch!" Keiji shouted.

Georg stopped controlling his Longinus for a moment at the comment. "The fuck you say to me, you little shit!" Georg angrily shouted.

"Don't get distracted—!"

Cao Cao's warning only made it to Georg as Keiji came crashing onto the True Longinus wielder with the speed of his Welsh Sonic Boost Knight and the force of his Welsh Dragonic Rook, sending Cao Cao bruised and battered among some rubble.

Bloodlust glinted as Georg quickly pulled his Dimension Lost up but the force of it was too much that the ground below gave in and this distracted Georg enough to make him falter and send him back. The Dimension Lost being the only thing saving him from death.

"Your both disappointing," Keiji remarked. "Recently, I fought a man much greater than both of you put together. He has a soul much worthier of being called a hero than the both of you will ever will!"

Cao Cao swore death through his glare, angry adrenaline holding him in place. "Consequences be damned! You're gone, and here's your going away present!"

"No, you fucking don't!" Keiji shouted, not dumb enough to give the enemy the chance to unleash his bullshit. Especially because it almost cost him last time.

Keiji unleashed a torrent of draconic blasts against Georg's Dimension Lost, the descendant of Faust screaming. "Do it, Cao Cao!"

O Spear. The true Holy Spear which pierces through God.

Suck the ambition of the King of Domination sleeping within me and pierce through the gap of blessing and destruction.

You. Announce the will, and turn into a glow.


Blue beams gathered in worship as Cao Cao's spear lit up. All the fighting, the power, coming together in unity and a desire for the destruction of a dragon. What seemed like impossible was a reality as the wrath of God in all it's fury came on Keiji like a meteor-arrow, easily shattering the armour and erupting the dragon-devil into the ceiling of the dimension, a shower of blood pouring from his mouth under the helmet as the entire fake dimension cracked, everyone freezing in shock and trembling at the attack displayed.

"Keiji!" the group of girls shouted out, but they could do nothing due to the abundance of grim reapers present.

Yuuto roared as mountains of blade impaled the grim reapers. "Get out of my way!" he shouted, swiftly cutting through hordes with unbridled fury.

Confidently, Cao Cao looked down at the broken body of the one he hated. "Georg, get ready to escape. I'll finish the Red Dragon Emperor before we go," he stated, using his orb to help fly after him.

"This is too cramped!" Ilulu shouted, spewing flames.

Tohru crunched the skull of one and began to beat another grim reaper to death using the body of another. "I'm getting really angry!"

Kanna's eyes went blank with an extreme appetite for destruction. "Let's destroy them all! I'm going to show you why dragons have always been feared!" Kanna shouted.

Together, the three of them went full dragon mode as they started to slaughter everyone in droves. Everything was like ants as the reapers met a fate worse than death.

"Rias! If we don't escape now, we might fall into the Dimensional Gap and die!" Sona shouted.

Rias shook her head. "No! We are not leaving Keiji!"

"You can get Keiji out from the outside using the connection to your pieces! He will never forgive them if anyone dies because of him!" Sona told her, making the heiress grit her teeth, looking at the non-combatants, and ordering a retreat.

'Just one more thing!' Rias thought, activating her armour, and ramming right into Georg, completely knocking him out. "That was for getting in my love's way!" she said, then walking away after the rest.

Cao Cao landed on the roof of the hotel, dismissing the orb, as the target of his humiliation laying in a puddle of his own blood was enough to give Cao Cao a euphoric eye, like that of opium overdosing. "Finally, revenge is at hand!" Cao Cao said, raising his spear high. "You may have ruined all my plans, taken most of my members, and even clearly turned Jeanne against me, but none of that will matter once you are dead!"

His body stiffened at the burning sensation as he looked to see a demonic sword sticking out of his back. Keiji was half-kneeling, his grinning face not being obscured as he made sure to let Cao Cao soak in his shit-eating grin. "How do you like my new sword? Yeah, Jeanne did tell me a lot! Like how you lower your guard whenever you think you've beaten a foe."

Like being cut away from the cloth of God, Cao Cao began choking and coughing up blood as he let go of the True Longinus. "H-how?" he gasped out.

"Don't get me wrong! That attack really fucking hurt. It's just a lot of my training has been in my Triania forms every day, fighting against several strong dragons at the same time. That attack you almost killed me with before? Yeah, it didn't even do half the damage it should have with my improved Crimson Queen."

Plunging to the ground, Cao Cao bellowed at the injustice and his failures. Desperately, his hands fiddled and found a certain arrow, making Keiji's eyes widen. Just one impression from before made him already sure that the substance covering that arrow was from the legendary Dragon Eater.

Madly, Cao Cao lunged at him, but he was swatted away with the turn of his armour's tail. In an event that many wouldn't have predicted, Cao Cao was sent rolling off the roof and his body crumpled in a disfigured hunched mass as bones were facing the wrong way and blood was coming out of places it shouldn't have come out of.

Keiji perspired in a way that configured confusion at what happened. "I wonder if in his death-throes, he forgot he was just a simple human without his spear and fancy orbs?" Keiji muttered.

On that cue, limitations hit his armour as it cracked and Keiji was hunching as his whole body cried in agony, but Keiji didn't allow any tears but only groans of a hard-fought battle. "That shit did a number on me! The power of God"—Keiji groaned at the headache that came from accidentally using God's name in such a way, making him go pseudo-berserk—"fuck, I didn't mean that! I'm glad your dead, and I fucked your daughter!" Keiji groaned, before slowly composing himself with heavy heaves. "Okay, I shouldn't have gone too far."

Motes of light came off the True Longinus, Keiji watching the spear disappearing, all but confirming Cao Cao's death for Keiji.

Like slowly unreeling a nail out of a plank, Keiji struggled to stand tall as everything around him was beginning to break. "I need to get out of here," he stated the obvious.

Luckily for him, Keiji was being supported by Ophis. Although she didn't reach close to his body, her strength was still enough to help Keiji stand up. "Are you alright, Red Dragon Emperor?" she asked

Keiji nodded before doing a double-take. "What the hell are you doing here?" he asked.

"I went to take you back because if anything happened to you then being at the house wouldn't be fun anymore. Besides, I think I'll make you my first mate ever, so dying before it is made official is bothersome."

Keiji stared down at Ophis with a look of confusion and his face frozen, dumbfounded by her actions. However, he didn't have much time to think as absolute anarchy began to ensue. "Crap baskets! The dimension is collapsing around us!" he swore, putting the helmet back on and grabbing Ophis.

Suddenly, they found themselves losing ground as their forms floated aroudn the Dimensional Gap. A world that looked to have every colour filtered through a kaleidoscope and formed into a never-ending map around them.

"Partner!" Ddraig called out.

"Ddraig! At least I can still talk to you."

"As am I. It's important to tell you this as you aren't feeling it yet, but with the state your armour is in, it will collapse soon and you'll need to get out or your body may disintegrate because of the void."

Uncharacteristically, Ophis began to growl in annoyance, teeth bared and clinging tightly to Keiji, who was perplexed at why she was staring at nothing.

Only for a portal to open up within the Gap just at their side and Keiji's eyes splitting his face at a familiar and titanic form emerging.

"Baka Red," Ophis growled.