Chapter 43: Beyond The Silence of Waiting

An abyss of anger was directed towards Great Red while the injured Keiji was hanging onto Ophis, fighting for his life. Concern filled him as much as the injuries that littered his body, his veins pulsing as even the golden planet of a pupil made Keiji look like a spec of dust, and he probably was dust when compared to Great Red's might.

'This isn't good,' Keiji thought nervously. 'Is he gonna try and kill us?' Keiji looked to see the glaring Ophis. 'Knowing Ophis, she just might attack him. And I don't think she can even beat him. After all, Great Red did boot her out of the Dimensional Gap.'

A gust of air blew enough hard to make Keiji's hair go super saiyan, with the long gap between the True Dragon's actions making Keiji's bone rattle against his skin.

What Keiji didn't expect to hear was the dragon god to declare, "I do what I do because I want to...nothing else~" 

Like the death of God and the Satans, Keiji felt like the whole world was breaking down. "What the fuck is going on?!" Keiji muttered, sounding genuinely distraught. "What's wrong with the sanity of the universe?!"

"Idiot," Ophis muttered, a deadpan expression on her face.

"Just... how?! Can someone tell me how the FUCK the strongest being in existence apparently watches that stupid show?!"

Keiji had more things to worry about as Great Red went on the move, surrounding them and a crimson aura shining out as the two of them found themselves atop of the Apocalypse Dragon; coincidentally, the horn was right there for something to hold on.

Whether it was because of it's size or the lengths of the infinity kaleidoscope, the movement was lazy as Great Red continued to torment Keiji by repeating the damn phrase like it's the latest popular song.

"Apart from the torture, what's happening right now?" Keiji asked Ophis, the Infinity Dragon being the closest in power to the almighty dragon.

Ophis huffed. "Baka Red is giving us a lift back to the Underworld, because he apparently is a fan," she explained, with Keiji half listening due to the fact his injuries were still there, blood loss confusing him from everything. "I still think you're a much better delinquent than the stupid big red lizard!" Ophis said, ignoring that lizard was an insult to all of them.

'I don't even know what's happening anymore,' Keiji thought. 

Something jolted him as his eyes were enlightened by the sight he was seeing. Aura was seeping through his armour, wounds becoming mere dreams, and the aura didn't stop there, with the energy source sinking deeper into him. "What's happening?" Keiji answered.

World-shaking roars came from Great Red, though the look on his face showed it was one of laughter, not anger of any kind. 

The blank-faced expression left Ophis as she stared at what was happening in awe. "Baka Red is giving you a small piece of his power," she explained, making Keiji's head turn back at the privilege that he was receiving, "because cool delinquents help each other," Ophis finished explaining, translating Great Red's roaring into edible words.

Keiji grimaced as he felt the tight grip on his arm from Ophis, the latter glaring down at her fellow dragon god. 

"You're not taking Keiji." Ophis then turned to Keiji. "I'll give you something even better," Ophis explained, her stoic expression making her words impossible to delve further into.

In the end, Keiji wouldn't even need to answer as a rip in reality, and soon everyone near the hotel in the Underworld were looking up in completely glorification at seeing the Dragon of Dragons emerge.

Rias and the others looked to have been preparing a ritual of some sorts, but they stopped, staring up in surprise. Soon, it changed into smiles of joy and relief as they witnessed Keiji's armoured form flying down with Ophis clinging to him, waving at the lot of them.

Descending down, Keiji turned to the fellow dragon of delinquency and gave a hesitant wave towards Great Red.

Like before, Great Red openly laughed and began to repeat the catchphrase, throwing everyone else into a loop of confusion as his form slowly began to decrease in size. The more informed members of the group staring longer at the mightiest being in existence casually there.

Keiji looked down to see Ophis' fist, except the third finger was proudly standing up and aimed at Great Red with full menace; the mighty middle finger unleashed!

" are you doing?"

"One of...your maids said...this is how you tell fuck off. 'Fuck off' that you really...don't like them, apparently."

Keiji shook his head at the ludicrous of the situation. 'I need to have some words with Raynare and the rest about teaching random things to a world-ending dragon loli,' Keiji thought. 'Though it probably won't make a difference. Only two things can stop her,' Keiji summarised, shivering a bit at remembering the pure power of Great Red, and the potent poison of the Dragon Eater.

Once Keiji landed back to everyone, he was bombarded by the lot of them. Naturally, Rias was at the fore front of it all, hugging him without much care for Ophis. Her eyes tracked back hesitantly at Great Red vanishing back into the Gap. "What the hell was that?" she asked.

Keiji weakly shook his head. "Sometimes... life gets TOO fucking weird for even me to understand. And I don't think I'll ever know."


Night was irrelevant in the depths that Sirzechs and Ajuka found themselves in as they strolled towards the being on the macabre masmud. Lighting up their way into the continent coffin were armies of green gloomy torches, everything neatly arranged for the ruler of the Realm of the Dead.

Both Super-Devils looked to the staggering height of the skeleton, faint wisps showing in his empty sockets before brimming with beefy blue vitality. "Ah! The leaders of the bats parade by home! What can I help you with? Being a Trinity God is a busy endeavour, children."

"Why did you directly give your aid to the Khaos Bridage?" Sirzechs asked, the face of Lucifer stoic and creased with seriousness.

A hoarse laugh escaped the bones of Hades. "I did no such thing. Pluto and his followers did so out of their own volition and were killed because of it."

"While that's certainly the story that we were given after asking about the grim reaper army, we are not that stupid. As powerful and high-ranking as Pluto was, he had no way of accessing Cocytus, where Samael was sealed away, without the one in charge of the place's security knowing. That is you, Hades," Ajuka retorted, being the more political skilled one.

Despite the matter brought up, Hades showed not a single strand of worry or showing any signs of admitting anything. "If you have any certain proof of that, Beelzebub," Hades retorted, pointing his bony finger. "My subordinate, Pluto, is dead, courtesy of the White Dragon Emperor. Therefore, you have no way of verifying that he couldn't sneak in and do it by himself."

Sirzech's smooth skin was destroyed by the multitude of bumps spawning against his skin, fists tightly knotting against themselves. Although Hades was technically right, but the fact that Hades was directly responsible in aiding to try and killing his sister, that was the red line that the Crimson Lucifer wasn't going to accept.

"Hades... do you know why I'm the current leader of the devils, and why I hold the title of the Strongest One?" Sirzechs inquired, his irises morphing into a chalice of crimson.

Ajuka stepped back at his friend's ominous question, with the Beelzebub devil giving his friend the look, and the Lucifer devil giving the symbol, making Ajuka nod.

The surroundings began to cower in fear as Sirzechs' whole form begun to be robed in unbridled fury, his Power of Destruction completely covering him and making the body of Realm of the Dead freeze in forgiveness and fear.

Even the heel of Hades bent back when feeling the absurd power of the Crimson Satan, his clothes swaying in the presence of abnormal threat.

Impressively enough, the skeleton still laughed off the threat. "Impressive that you can command such power without a shred of divinity. You truly are a paragon among your kind, but don't think it will change the fact you have no proof," Hades responded.

"Who decided that?!"

The trio of super-beings turned at once to see Lucoa standing there, a deathly glare on her face and her heterochromia eyes sharp like glass. Befitting the faction she belonged to, Lucoa was wearing Aztec goddess clothes.

Being the less battle ready of the two, Ajuka was the first to announce himself. "I must say... it's a surprise for you to show yourself, Quetzalcoatl."

Sirzechs was still, his True Form's instability preventing him from even turning to his friend. "The former goddess has become a housemate of my dear sister recently. The thanks lies to Keiji, of course."

Hades' face was plummeted at seeing her. "Quetzalcoatl!" Hades snarled, not bothering to hide his disgust. "A fallen god such as yourself is not welcome in my domain."

"Shut up, you bag of bones!" Lucoa shot back brutally, making even Hades lose his tight grip on his staff. "The moment you actively lent your aid to someone trying to kill my mate and new family, you've already forced me to act."

Hades scoffed. "And what will you do, Quetzalcoatl?!"

Lucoa smiled at the arrogance from the God of the Netherworld. "Indeed, I've already gotten a direct confession from another one of your strongest grim reapers, Orcus. He's already told me how you both lent Samael to the Hero faction and grim reapers, Pluto included, assisting the attack was dispatched by your orders!"

"This is nonsensical! Bring Orcus here!" Hades shouted.

Lucoa laughed at Hades trying to get himself out of the ditch he dug. "Do you really think anyone would be stupid enough to believe you?!" 

The Skeleton staff of Hades glew as Hades's gaze buried into Lucoa. "Quetzalcoatl! Do you so truly wish to face me in mortal combat?!" Hades furiously asked the busty goddess-dragon, threatening to crunch the staff with the vice-like grip. "You should know that I WILL kill you!" Hades promised.

"I don't care!" Lucoa replied back, a wild aura whiplashing and breaking things around her as her eyes trembled, threatening to explode her divinity. "Yes, it's true. Even if I were to use all my might, I would lose, but I'd be willing to destroy as much of this realm and damage you as much I can before going down. And if you will both have accepted your guilt and left yourself open for repercussions. I would die, yes...but HE? He would finish you off without breaking a sweat, and nobody, even those from your own Pantheon, would do anything to the Three Factions from it."

The ominous visage of Sirzechs caught Hades eye, the tension tempting him to make one foolish move, anything to allow for an excuse to lead him to extinction.

"Damn you, Quetzalcoatl..." Turning away, Hades strolled furiously back to his throne at the events almost lead to his existence being extinguished.

At last, Sirzechs stopped shaking as he exited his True Form, looking his normal self. "I thank you for the help, Quetzalcoatl," Sirzechs said with a smile.

Lucoa waved off the grateful devil. "Don't worry about it, Sirzechs. You should instead focus on contacting the Olympic Gods now, as Hades must face punishment for his actions!"

"On that note, I'm impressed that you managed to force Hades back into a corner like you did," Ajuka complimented her, his face showing mild surprise.

"Aside from being quite determined after the attack against my mate, I got lucky. Orcus appeared to have a certain, if a bit unique, request that I was more than willing to fulfill," Lucoa explained, leaving both Satans confused as they stalked Hades to keep an eye on the keeper of Samael as they waited for Zeus and the rest to be informed of Hades heinous crimes.


Water stained the red carpet into a lighter colouring as Keiji groaned from coming out of the shower, the windows steamy and his face showing signs of fatigue. All the events of what happened with Great Red over frying his brain. "I haven't been this confused since I fucked Gabriel. I honestly need to talk with Azazel about that show," Keiji grumbled.

Breaking Keiji's tired face was a unique sight on his bed. Naked and blushing burgundy was Le Fay: legs bent, knees forward, and buttocks resting on the heels. The back straight, and the hands are folded in the lap.

While Keiji briefly wondered why she was kneeling in the seiza position, his attention was brought to the red gift bow wrapped on her neck like a tie and a 'serious'-looking Ophis equally naked to her side.

"Okay, what is this supposed to be this time?" Keiji asked the obvious question, still tired and cautiously approaching the two of them.

Ophis turned to him, with Le Fay still burning up from the saucy scenario "I'm here to officially declare you my mate. And to prove I'm much better than that red fool, I am giving you some gifts for our union," she explained, with both the dragons looking to Le Fay.

Meanwhile, Keiji's brow was twitching and his cheeks spasming in confusion. "How did you come to such a thing, Ophis?" Keiji asked.

Seeing his baffled look, Ophis got to explaining: "I asked your Familiar what kind of gift would you like, and she answered that you enjoy having sex with beautiful women the most, so I brought Le Fay to be my gift, and I'm counting on it being to your liking."

Staring at the scarlet-skinned witch with elevated eyebrow, Le Fay looked up to meet her idol in the eye. "Well, I couldn't exactly say no to the Infinity Dragon," the Pendragon said, with Keiji nodding that she did have a point, "but I don't mind be-belonging to you. Kuroka wouldn't stop harassing me with how amazing her dear Delinquent Dragon was in bed and such. Just thinking about it... makes me act up..."

"I really need to get my Familiar and Kuroka to lower the lewdness," Keiji muttered, not wanting to have to deal with the sexual shenanigans they were bringing his way. After all, Keiji had gone through a thousand different things to drive him insane.

A bored bounce of his shoulders and Keiji went to accepting the gift. Leaning down, he captured the lips of Le Fay while she slowly began to shuffled out of the seiza as she let her fingers slip against his body and enjoy the difference in their physiques while Ophis silently watched in interest at what was unfolding in front of her.

Le fay gasped at feeling the way Keiji managed to hit every spot perfectly and get her vagina already leaking. Thanks to having already showered, as well as what Ophis had wrapped Le Fay in, no time was wasted on removing pesky things like clothes as the two of them continued to passionately enjoy each other on their tongues.

'His tongue and body are so warm,' Le Fay thought, gasping and becoming putty in his hands as Keiji's tongue was doing all sort of biking tricks and leaving the unexperienced Le Fay victim to domination.

Ophis cocked her head at seeing the bubble butt of Le Fay being slapped. 'Why is he slapping her? Perhaps she's done something naughty...' Ophis questioned, interested in seeing how things would play out.

Admiring the inflamed imprints all over Le Fay's creamy skin, self control was a harder topic to cover for Keiji as his sex began to grow with the strength of ages and Le Fay gasped in her kiss when she felt the axe of arousal teasing the downy mound.

The leaking lily wasn't immediately taken hostage by his heat as Keiji took moments to continue playing with Le Fay. Her bare breasts were next on his list as Le Fay's mouth was now under the domain of his draconic mouth extension.

'My mind is going blank. I thought Kuroka was exaggerating... but I didn't think it would be this good,' Le Fay thought to herself, hazy eyes as the horny heat rash was going beyond her face and spreading to the rest of her skin.

Having done this hundreds of time by now (which probably was close to accurate), Keiji began to flick at the pink-tipped pendants that proudly stood upon the free and firm throbbing breasts. The glistening of them making it gloriously stand out, and Keiji was going for gold and glory with them, intent on capturing them and ensuring to use them to the fullest.

Ophis mimicked Keiji's actions as she watched Le Fay squirm against the long and lean ropes of muscle that surrounded Keiji's fine-ass frame.

After having enough fun with them, Keiji departed from Le Fay's frame as he allowed her moment to relax. "You tired already?" Keiji asked.

A dazed Le Fay shook her head. "I'm not done yet. First, I'll show you what I've learned," Le Fay seductively promised, allowing herself to submit low enough and start wrapping her chest against his dick. "It's still growing," Le Fay muttered, getting ready to pleasure it with an armada of licks going at it.

While her breasts covered a fair portion from the base upwards, the supreme staff was still not fully covered, so Le Fay made sure to improvise by making sure that the titanic tip didn't get an ounce of air, fully choking and suffocating it. Some cracks in her lips allowed the liquid to trickle down.

Keiji smiled at seeing the fervour of how desperate Le Fay wanted the fucking, and he was happy to sit back and allow her to show her determination, as Keiji made no effort to help Le Fay as she continued to allow her mouth to be painted and forever reminded with the taste of his heat as her glistening skin made her that more aroused.

'Even though she's more of a magician, I'm impressed she's going as long as she is,' Keiji thought, well aware at how an untrained body usually meant quick releases and exhaustion capturing up. Sex is more exhausting than some people think.

Firmly, Keiji gasped at seeing the pouty plum seals against his cock. In an almost cute way, like someone caught taking a cookie, Le Fay was gasping and sucking against his cock as her saliva continued to coldly massage the mountain of meat. "Le Fay, do you want me to work out a bit?" Keiji asked, grinning.

Whether or not Le Fay nodded, it looked like the green light was given. And just like that, Le Fay was seeing lights as Keiji's body was switching from side to side while he gave off breathless urgent gasps out in response to feeling Le Fay suffocating on his shaft, making sure that Le Fay was getting the entire service if he was going to go this far.

Meanwhile, Le Fay was feeling ill-prepared as the sensation overriding her nervous system was something that Kuroka hadn't warned her back. Maybe it was her fault for not expecting the insane, but Le Fay was burning this lesson into her memory as she made sure to prepare herself for next time. On that, Le Fay didn't need to remind herself. It had become synonymous with her.

Fast and hard came Keiji's thrusts, his breath, as well as his erection. The load from the shaft pumping out and spraying her insides, with Ophis catching sight of Le Fay's gullet being expanded against the greatness of the girth as it continued to shower semen to the pits of her belly, piling up into it overwhelmed her.

Ophis lent a finger to the edge of her loop as she peered over in curiosity at the sight. She had seen it once before when Keiji was fucking with Rias, but he did it elsewhere, so her brain took it as new info. 

"T-take me," Le Fay muttered, not wanting to waste anymore time. Her creamy skin was dazed and decorated with actual cum cream as her inability to speak anymore was directly explained to Keiji through her greedy chomping down of the throat-pie.

Gazing down at her shining soaked flaps, Keiji nodded earnestly as he pressed the tip against the folds and teased it, warming her up and waiting for Le Fay to snap, which she did by her impatient pestering.

Finally being accepted, Keiji allowed himself to sink against her. Immediately, questions of regret and disbelief filled Le Fay as her body was slowly being filled. The pain was enough to make her claw at the bed covers and shake against the air like she was possessed.

While Le Fay might have been shuddering against his touch and titan, the will in her womanly body was enough for her to raise her hips slightly to further drive his swollen saber in her hot, wet sheathe. 'Kuroka wasn't lying at all!' she thought, ripping the sheets from the tucked corners of the bed as her back slammed against it.

Seeing her determination was enough to boost Keiji's eagerness further as the rising passion emanated from both of them, sweat as the by-product and proof, as Keiji's hot and moist breath was ejected every naughty, nude nanosecond spent with the Pendragon magician, enjoying how she wriggled against his body with his energetic Excalibur piercing her cervix over and over again, content on staying there.

Naked flesh against naked flesh, body to body. The touching every time Le Fay brought herself into him, while Keiji lowered himself into her sparked their bodies to coo and beg for the other's warmth as the increase in pace from the perfect penetration was pulling the both of them together for a mighty release together. "Yes... yes... Keiji... Oh... Oh... I can feel... feel! I feel it coming!" the witch cried out.

No response was given to Le Fay but Keiji began to wrap her slim frame against the hard slab of his belly as Ophis watched the way Keiji's butt tightened up as Keiji continued to rocket into Le Fay, nothing stopping him as the full power mating press had the both of them at their wits' end, desire blooming and the nude nuclear factory going into critical overload.

Broken back, fully arched into anarchy, Keiji took a look to the heavens as he roared out his release. The declaration followed gave with a rumbling, and soon it was the swelling of her belly, as the apex of Le Fay's legs were being invaded by the semen soldiers, a salvo of baby batter being thrown into the mix and the combination of his lewd launcher was enough to cause a wildfire in her womb as Le Fay's face contorted into sorts of depravity, marking every single moment of euphoria being pumped into her at once.

Fully aware and not in a cum coma like Le Fay was, Keiji unravelled himself from her creamed cunt as he turned to Ophis, but it didn't even take a second for her to take top mountain and to have herself slipping against his length. Due to cumming and already being lubed from the blowjob before, Ophis dropped right on without a problem.

The Infinity Dragon gave a bit of a twitch turn as she looked down to see her belly tight like a drum against the beating beef, thunder pulsating around the rod of nature as Ophis mewled at the feeling inside her.

For so long, she had known the struggles of being bored. It wasn't a new thing to her, almost a natural occurrence for the long-lived creature she was. The only thing that had given her any interest was being able to pull one over the True Dragon, and reclaim the silence. To her, Ophis believed that was the only thing that could return her to the comfortable life she enjoyed.

However, the perforation of her pussy was like a tube of transmutation, completely flipping Ophis' world view. Even just the comfortable bed was a pleasure that had completely eclipsed her for eons.

Keiji brought himself upwards as he gripped her chin and crashed his lips against her. Ophis hummed into the surprise kiss, curiosity bubbling inside her as Keiji hungrily meshed his lips against her smaller ones, the soft smack of their lips ringing in her ears. Her head cocked slightly and tentatively as returned the kiss; the experience foreign but infinitely interesting to the Dragon God in that moment.

"What is that?" Ophis muttered, intrigued by the sensation taking her body over.

Keiji chuckled at how her infinite power didn't match her wisdom. "We call it a kiss. But it's not even a fraction of the joy of sex," Keiji told her, gripping her and plummeting inside her, the pipe tightly closing and hugging his hot iron.

Arousal awakening in her petite frame, Ophis showcased her power by completely nailing her gravity-controlling hips into Keiji, forcing him down and only the height difference allowing him to buck and hold her as Keiji's hissing contrasted Ophis' mild mewling moans.

"This feeling... I like it..." Ophis mentioned, looking into the lustful eyes of Keiji and shooting a similar one back as her body continued to fall under the influence of a drug known as dragon dick. So preoccupied with her pleasure, the Infinity Dragon God hadn't even realized the last she had smiled as such (when Keiji wasn't introduced to her) was when she saw Great Red and threatened to reclaim her silence once again.

Speaking of silence, Ophis was once again too trapped in her newly found desires to realize that the absence of silence had posed no problem to her own existence. Instead, she revelled and was actively making it a challenge to get her mate to emit as much noise as possible. 

Similar to Lucoa and Gabriel, Keiji could feel himself bending back in pleasure and almost submission as he felt the way Ophis gripped onto him. 'I know I shouldn't expect anything less but this is really fucking good for someone who's an amateur!'

Ophis peered down with both curiosity and a smirk at seeing Keiji's chest rapidly flex back and forth at the same rate as his own heated heart, two fire crackers of a shot going off as Ophis's lips curled against her teeth from the stinging of her skin. "I like it... Do it again... mate..."

Keiji followed suit as he made sure to release his frustrations against her butt, whether it be squeezing the doughy dump-truck of the Infinity dragon or just slapping it until it turned her cheeks cherry.

Due to the sensual waves of joy trailing her vagina and veins, Ophis took notice of the twitching form of Le Fay. A smirk came on her face as her aura began to coat her and Keiji looked to see Ophis changing from a pocket pussy to an Akeno-curved beauty.

"I shouldn't be surprised," Keiji moaned out, admiring just how much she had developed and changed when compared to her normal form.

Her hips gained a distinct curve and her body an hourglass figure, her face filled out and became heart-shaped, she grew in height enough to not get the FBI called on the Red Dragon Emperor. Naturally, the deepest development were her breasts; morphing from A-cups and transforming into large, plump ones that heaved with her deep breaths. 

Ophis wiggled against the engorged flesh, each corner of her body being touched by the cock and the dick was making sure Ophis was feeling every single spring of pleasure spur up inside her. "I notice that plenty of your mates have large chests! Will you want me to stay like this?" Ophis asked, gripping his arms and clenching them tightly enough to rip them off if he resisted as the bed continued to creak against the force of their fornication.

Keiji nodded as his hot breath sprayed against the pale, glistening, voluptuous, throbbing breasts; Ophis hissed against this, her excitement transforming into lust at a rapid rate as Keiji ravished it with his mouth.

Sucking tightly on it, both of them mad eye contact before, in the eyes of Keiji, their staring contest disappeared as Ophis found herself madly in love with the fiery brand of his flesh. "This is enjoyable... my mate... Continue on...!"

With his experience, Keiji captured the female dragon's delectable protuberances atop the beautifully formed, burgeoning, naked, creamy breasts. Instantly, the difference seem to hit Keiji as he closed his eyes and both his mind and his self sunk into temptation against the glory and juiciness of Ophis.

Meanwhile, a sudden shudder spread throughout Ophis, wildfire signals burning through her veins and pulsating all over her body as the indescribable sensation that took her body hostage was a hypnotic mixture of pain, pleasure, and something even better that had no name - it was like her telos had been reached at last, and with her innate power, Ophis felt confidence swell up inside her. "I can't... My body...!"

After aeons, her awakening into arousal paralysed her as her intimate insides were being ravaged by the girthy grandeur of Keiji's virile masculinity, her delicate pussy shrinking and renewed eagerness fulfilling her purpose and actions.

"Oh... FUCK!" Keiji shouted out, his mouth drooling and going back to milking out the mommy milkers Ophis had on her. 

Combined with everything hitting her at once, as well as the heated stimulation of his breath, Ophis found herself giving into it. Her bruised thighs from all the gripping didn't bother her as the vigour from which her vagina ate at the stirring manhood was giving Keiji the moment of his life as the sugary seed was being hungrily devoured by Ophis, making sure that she was coaxing out every last drop of warmth she could, even if the dick went dry.

Gasps ripped out of Ophis oesophagus as she muttered for Keiji to go harder, her mate responding as he continued to nurse his lust and continue feeding himself breasts to the point he could be called the Boob Dragon Emperor. The slapping of his heavy balls ringing in Ophis' head as an exciting moment was spurring up - she just had to wait for it.

Coiling tightly against it, Ophis let herself give into the pleasure and her throat was bruised from the dragon shout as the constant clapping of her cervix and her desire to milk her mate was maddening. Ultimate power did nothing for her inexperience as the ocean of carnal delight that was rubbing her insides made her skin scorch and her blossoming breast buds were already at the mercy of Keiji.

Finally, the kingdom came. Clawing against his chest and his skin, Keiji was too hooked onto her heavy breasts to care about anything. A rush of adrenaline filling him when his cum left him as Ophis rode out against the endless injection of an orgasm, grinding and gyrating never-ending as her burning passion for Keiji shone harder than any star or sun could.

Like a Big Bang, everything went and nothing was left as the two of them were left in a state of white-out, unable to comprehend or think about what happened.

"Let's have some more... I want more... my mate," Ophis purred.

Truly losing track of time, Keiji could barely escape the bed as he whimpered from the stamina steal. 'I feel more exhausted than if I fucked my whole harem in one go,' he thought, looking at Ophis and then Le Fay; the both of them naked, sleeping and snuggling on his sides with satisfied smiles.

Even Ophis had an uncharacteristically big smile on she face. "It was... tiring... but worth it. This life is not bad..."


'I come from the noble House of Lucifuge, the right hand clan that served the House of Lucifer since time immemorial. After the Old Satan Faction were defeated, we went into hiding. My heart still stings from that betrayal, but I must focus on my lord's desires. I had hoped he would be much better after I had brought him the news of Ophis' powers, the Holy Grail and Trihexa. All that planning would have brought the joy to my lord... but I fear what is happening.'

The man's thoughts ended as his handsome features were ruined by the fear on his face. The youthful handsome male had silver hair tied in a braided hairstyle. He wears a silver robe with detailed accessories.


Massive meteors of demonic powers rained down. "My Lord, please calm yourself! Although it is not my place to order you! I still serve you!"

"I can't calm myself, Euclid!" the man snarled, his back turned to the Lucifuge servant.

The master of Euclid was a middle-aged man in his 40's with dark silver hair and hazel eyes, two thick silver locks framing down and reaching below his clavicle. Some bangs rested at the middle of his forehead but they were more framed to the right of him. He wore armoured pauldrons highlighted silver with golden accents to it. An incomplete cuirass in the form of a shield heart covering his chest. He wore ornate white robes with blue and gold drapes; a split black and silver cloak around that. Underneath, his black pants were visible, with a golden buckle shaped that resembled the infinity shape.

"All my plans have being ruined one after another by imbeciles that don't know what being a TRUE devil is about! Even obtaining the power of Ophis was denied to me! I deserve it! I know I fucking do!" he shouted, stamping the ground.

Euclid shivered at the eyes of his lord; many a times he had seen the predatory gaze, but it was now the sign of someone with nothing to lose. 

"I don't care... I honestly don't fucking care anymore! I'm done with waiting! It's simple!" he proclaimed, madly chuckling as his aura flared, making Euclid's hair start flipping out. "I'll just destroy and kill as many of them as I can, even if I have to do it with my own two hands!"