Chapter 48: Zero Requiem; A Devil... A Dragon... part 2

Acknowledging his King's wishes, the limits were released with the chanting, an overflow of power surprising the dragons and everyone else as Breakdown the Beast was unleashed. The Regulus Rey Leather Rex Imperial Purpure enveloped the golden armour in a dazzling shade of purple., the titanic release of touki also dyed in the galaxy colour.

"Go!" he shouted out to Keiji, then taking towards Crom Cruach with the primal power of the King of the Jungle. Immediately, the difference was rung out for everyone as Sairaorg's charge towards the dragon resulted in his fist making the evil dragon's head snap upwards in a combination of pain, shock and joy.

Keiji nodded at the display, seeing that they were in safe hands. "Defeat him, Sairaorg!" With that final challenge on display from his rival, Sairaorg grinned as Keiji took off like a crimson car towards the final boss.

Sae stared at everyone pelting Crom Cruach with their strongest attacks. Her fist bound itself together as she slowly felt smaller and smaller in the grand scheme of the battle. "Should I even be here? I'm not even helping!"

Her concerns were overshadowed by the rising form of Jin. "I need your help, Sae," Jin told her, making the girl look at the reincarnated Longinus if he meant it. "In my current state, I'm unable to help further in this battle, but with the power of the Abyss Side... it just might be enough to tip the scales in our favour."

"Is this why you asked me to support you, even if I'm the weakest member of the Slash Dog team?" she inquired.

The wolf-man nodded to her. "I can no longer use that power without Tobio, but if it's you, Sae, who has been with me and my last master from the beginning, it may just be enough. The principle works similarly to how the Nemean Lion and his King both need each other to unleash their maximum power."

Closing her eyes, Sae looked back to everything happening around her as she sunk deeper into her psyche. Her friends came into her mind, comrades she could rely on... Tobio, the closest friend she ever had and someone she respected... finally, the sweet embrace of Keiji with her and the other team.

At last, her eyes awoke from their slumber. "I'll lend you all my power, Jin. Even if it means my life. Whatever helps brings the new tomorrow for everyone!" she declared, holding Jin and letting the shadows wash her body, consuming her.

Behowlest the slaying of thousands of mortals and principles

Besingest the slaying of tens of thousands of goblins and evil omens

Mine name, which reacheth unto the farthest abyss, tis the Imitation God begulling the Polar Night and the Midnight Sun.

Thou shalt be exterminated by our own jet black demonic blade

Thou art merely ephemeral, oh paranormal Creator God

"Perfectus Tenebrae Lykaon et Fortis Densus Laelaps!"

With the announcement of the Abyss Side of the Balance Breaker, a dark deluge—even one more fearsome than Gasper's usage of Balor's power—flooded the area and the new shadow beasts packed the area until it stood atop of Gasper.

"I'll help you," Sae and Jin spoke in unison, her form covered by the darkness provided as it covered mountains and grew to the side of it.

Both Longinus users nodded in understanding as they combined their amazingly compatible powers and let loose a veritable flood of shadow beasts and dogs wielding the burning blades of Ame-no-Ohabari. Like the skin of a hedgehog, it was all over Crom Cruach, and his genuine groans brought out hope among those watching the seemingly invulnerable individual feel droplets of defeat.

Howling at the agony, Crom Cruach still found his urges not dropping one bit. "Yes! This is it! A true fight should be to the very end with our lives on the line, no point in holding anything back!" 

Just as he praised them, Crom Cruach held the barbed blade and was ready to make a clean slate of blood and bodies.

Except a furious Fafnir crashed against his tail, reeling his head back, his face dined against the tail; his claws seeping in to help make sure his unpalatable meal didn't escape his grasp. Under the grip of the Golden Dragon, the treacherous tail fell limp as the cry of Crom Cruach was followed by a massive burst of aura.

"It's not like you to be so risky about your own safety, Fafnir! Where has this boldness been hiding?! I'd have fought you much sooner if that was the case!" Crom Cruach warned the fellow dragon, heavily focusing his power onto the single point and trying to pay Fafnir back for the broken tail, though he did consider it an honourable wound by the great Dragon King.

Crom Cruach's eyes narrowed at seeing Fafnir remain unscathed from his attack. A quick flame breath was unleashed against the inferior opponent, but Crom Cruach's eyes widened at seeing Fafnir relentless and not even having steaming scales, causing him to register the miniature form of Asia standing atop the Dragon King's head. 

Her Balance Breaker had mysteriously fused with her own set of the Red Dragon Armour, further advancing the absurd healing power to the extreme and cladding Asia in both grand gold and regal red. "I'm not going to let you hurt any of my family regardless of whatever happens to me!" Asia shouted out, nervously facing the disaster dragon but holding her will together.

"Admirable bravery, young one! But how long can you last against me?!" Crom Cruach posed ominously, blaring out his aura to boiling degrees and easily stopping the fire breaths against him. "I can see why you managed to tame Fafnir with such determination!" Crom Cruach spoke, feeling Fafnir grip him tighter at calling out his master; something that made Crom Cruach even more determined and eager to try and break free.

Sucking in his aura, Vali sprung into action. His vocal chords stretching out as he used the power of his Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive to the limit and shut down Crom Cruach's aura from existence, a small smirk on his face as Vali panted from the strain. "If you think your power alone will be enough to make us back down, you're overestimating yourself, Crom Cruach!"

"Then show me how wrong I am, Vali Lucifer and his allies!" Crom Cruach called out to them, spreading his wings against the force of Ilulu and Tohru, surprising them at the amount of force that Crom Cruach still had on display as his golden aura spread through his charcoal body and rapidly flew off into sparking meteors that required high-level evasion to stay safe from.

Xenovia clutched both Durandal and Excalibur as she carved up the falling boulders that came crashing down. "I'll make sure to take care of most of them, but I can't promise that some might not escape my reach. There's a lot of them!"

Holding Excalibur, she began to use the power of the Ruler. An orange aura came from Excalibur as all the comets were linked together by a glowing light, which Xenovia directed towards Crom Cruach.

Akeno used the Boost to argument her holy lightning dragon into a durable attack that sizzled and broke the falling earth into chunks of dirt, harmlessly floating before being drifted into the open air.


Still far behind him, Keiji took note of the chaos erupting as winds chased his back but it didn't stop him from flying fast in the air. "How's everyone doing so far, Sona?" he asked, whether it was a dire situation or not, Keiji steeled himself for what the result might be.

"Everyone is mostly doing fine. The forces in standby at Heaven and the Underworld are reporting no attacks and they should be joining the main fight soon as we are winning while keeping our losses low. Only the fight in China with the leaders seems to be escalating out of control, so I sent Team Vali and the original Sun Wukong and Yu Long out to go help prevent the collateral damage from spilling into the city. Some of the mountains have already vanished from how far things have gone out."

"That's good, then! I can focus on that bastard now that I don't have to be overly concerned with finishing the battle quick!"

"Keiji, you should probably wait!" Sona called out to him.

Keiji groaned. "Why should I, Sona?! Won't Rizevim try and move if he sees me coming towards him?! I can't let him go, not when I can reach him! He's too slippery to give up chase on him now, Sona!"

"That may be true, Keiji, but you might need support because we still aren't aware of Rizevim's powers. He was capable of killing Canis Lykaon's wielder so easily, which means he isn't someone to be trifled with."

"It doesn't matter, Sona! I'm just here to beat his ass regardless of what he does! It's the one thing I can do!" Keiji's eyes zoomed in at the target. "I see him, Sona! I'm engaging, stay safe!" he told her.

The shattering sigils rained glass around the Red Dragon Emperor as his twin demonic blades pulsed with the intent to kill; Keiji gave one final message to Sona that he wouldn't die to help ease her worries that tiny bit, and it left him with his complete focus directed to Rizevim.

Rizevim met Keiji's cold glare with a hot and cold reply, a mix of frowning and smirking. He turned his back away from his adversary. "I was hoping to just stand and watch Crom Cruach murder you all into a meat paste; it was going to be really, really, really, super-duper great!" he rambled, then sharply cutting in a circle, and meeting the Red Dragon Emperor. "But it's also very fitting, almost a gesture of kind kismet, that YOU, the greatest hurdle to my now ruined planned suffered! Therefore, you are going to become a corpse before my very own hands, so do try and entertain me while I enjoy making you suffer myself! You took everything from me!"

The cold threat only whistled Keiji's eyes multiple times. "I don't even know who you are! And what the hell are you going on about?!" Keiji asked angrily.

Rizevim's fingers spasmed as they soon were locked in and the sounds of straining spoke from his tightly knotted fists. "You... you filthy idiot! You don't know what you've done?! You really, really, really don't know what you've done!"

"That's why I asked the question, idiot!"

Rizevim giggled maniacally at the insult, straightening up. "Very well! Before I kill you, I'll delight your last request with an explanation! I may have been born as a descendant of Lucifer, like those other devils, but I didn't have an interest in such a thing like world domination or taking revenge for and with the other Satans. Very much so that I ignored that fun civil war that was had, and allowed those other fake devils to live!"

'He's speaking so much fucking shit right now,' Keiji thought, a feeling of caution preventing him from striking Rizevim instantly.

"My life was very much dull! I was an object that could think, trapped and lonely in suffering!" he proclaimed in a form of mock sadness. My lame line was followed by a long period of self indulgence, but I could never find that spark"—Rizevim clicked his fingers to make the point—"to fill me up! Until! One day, as I lazed about in the despair I had become so used to, my servant landed on a treasure mine of information! Ophis' powers! The Sephiroth Graal! Proof of another world! And Trihexa itself! All those ingredients finally awoke something in me: ambition! Dreams! At last, I found a purpose that I dedicated myself to. It was all set up for me! But then..." 

Rizevim cutting himself off suddenly made Keiji pause at the air. "And then what...?"

"And then you ruined it, idiot! Foolish faker! My perfect plan was laid to waste by your worthless interference! I offered Ophis aid to help me build up resources and armies, especially with some of the devil Houses that served Lucifer; they served as the easiest to control! And even then, you've still crippled my servants and assets! However, everything else I had planned was ruined by your foolish meddling, brat! Every time! Every single time I had something set up, you slithered in and gobbled it away from me. I found that vampire brat, and struck a deal with him. I'd help him in his research, then he'd help me resurrect the beautiful evil dragons I was planning on adding to my magnificent military. The progress was coming! He had the Holy Grail right there, one of the key components of my dream. But you ruined it! You snuck into Romania, exposed that scummy vampire, and took off with my grail, thief! It got even worse! Without the grail, even my sweet Trihexa was taken away from me! If I couldn't have Trihexa, I figured I could use the power of Ophis to help me get what I want, but you ruined that plan again! I barely was able to extract as much of the Dragon Eater's poison as possible; you're lucky I'm killing you myself, but you will still suffer! You've ruined my plans of unleashing Trihexa into the world and invading the other world to show everyone what it means to be a True Devil! Selfish, false fool!"

"What kind of retarded goal is that?" Keiji replied, a admonishing expression as he looked at the Super Devil with confusion and disappointment. "That's not even evil as much as it is you just being a giant fuckhead. To be honest, I didn't even have any idea I was doing all of this to your plans, but I'd gladly do it again because you fucking sicken me. You're just an overpowered man- child with the mentality of a Saturday morning cartoon villain or something like that. Even Team Rocket do a better job than you."

Like a psychopath reaching 100% on his meter, everything snapped around Rizevim as his hatred scribbled his face into a mess of vicious veins burning daggers into Keiji, enough to have the latter's heel stagger and be stunned by the output; truly, the power of the man-child was on display, and it was enough to make Keiji drip.

"I'll show you well, fake devil and fake dragon, the true power of the Devil's Son!" Rizevim screeched out, swiping fast enough and barely allowing Keiji to escape with his life in tow.

Set on edge, Keiji quickly retreated back as he loaded his blaster from within the wings. The spiral beam racing towards the Super Devil, the wide beam overtaking his figure from the sheer size, who only grinned darkly as the energy blast shattered as soon as it made contact with him, dispersing shards of red and green.

Keiji stared at the event in concern, his eyes widening like saucers. 'He destroyed the attack... or was it something else? Could this have something to do with why Tobio and Irina's father was so easily killed by him?!'

"My power was completely nullified!" Ddraig told his host, the cogs clicking in.

Their moment of realization was overshadowed by Rizevim hunched back, fingers curtaining a side of his face, and the jerking of his body as his menacing echoes carried throughout the area. "My ultimate power is the Sacred Gear Canceller. My power as Lucifer's son allows me to reject the power of all of the God of the Bible's System's creations, so no matter how strong your Sacred Gear is, as long as it is a Sacred Gear, whether they be legendary dragons of gods, all of it is useless against me. Let me show you!"

Instinctively, Keiji moved back and put his guard up at seeing Rizevim disappear. The next moment had the devil-dragon screaming in pain as the feeling of Rizevim's fist grazing his armour was enough to shatter the arm part like it was sandpaper, an outpour and outcry of his ichor drenching the ground.

"A single hit means defeat. Without my powers aiding you, your level is only that of a stronger-than-average devil, while the spawn of Lucifer is a Super Devil in every sense: strength, raw power, and malice."

Battle hardened and adrenaline pumped, Keiji could view Rizevim's movements with more clarity. Using quick thinking, he stopped his demise with the usage of his demonic blades, holding his lifeline just that big longer as Keiji gritted his teeth against the naturally overwhelming strength of Rizevim.

"Tch!" Rizevim formed a blade of demonic power and pushed back against Keiji, lacking any signs of struggle or fatigue. "Looks like those swords apparently weren't originally part of your Sacred Gear, so lucky you that I can't cancel them! Let's see how long until you crack!"

Breaking into the ground, Keiji roared as he mustered his willpower against the demonic degenerate. 'He's insane!' Keiji thought. 'And really fucking strong! I'm going to have to try and distract him, or just hope that I don't get caught in an attack again!'

Rizevim laughed at seeing Keiji aim his leg to attack but his brow creased at seeing the attack break through the ground, stumbling Rizevim, and giving Keiji enough time to use his speed and make some distance. Giving that the Sacred Gear Canceller didn't work in the way of, say, an EMP wave, it still presented Keiji the ability to use his Sacred Gear

The demonic blade fluttered away from Rizevim, but with the magical motes around his palm, a large beam, far dwarfing the size of his Crimson Blaster, and forcing Keiji to race away from it. 'It's too fast! It'll catch up soon!'

Keiji summoned shards of ice that Rizevim quickly blocked with simple magic circle. "Is that the best you can do?!" he mocked, watching his beam casually run along the ground and .

A small red line seeped on his cheek, and a crimson blur jumping back from it. "It isn't, but you can keep thinking like that," Keiji remarked, holding Ascalon and slowly inching back as he anxiously awaited the next attack.

Keiji watched as Rizevim took the air, trying to calculate what tactic he'd pull next, only to nervously look at the revenge death ball of demonic power that Rizevim had charged up and threw; the force of wind on it alone creating loud noises that spanned the surrounding.

"Gotta go fast!" 

Following his words, Keiji rapidly made for safety as the inflated demonic sphere was hot on his heels. Flying upwards, a small smile came on his face, but soon morphed into concern as it followed through with him.

"Run, run, run! Run for your life, little faker!" Rizevim chanted, controlling the sphere and watching Keiji's blur around for any reprieve from the potent planet-shaped attack that continued gunning for his head.

'I could maybe use the Crimson Blaster to deal some damage or penetrate through the attack, but would it be worth it in the long run? He'll take no damage thanks to that broken ability of his! I may have mastered all the Illegal Move Triania techniques, but I'm concerned I'll end up draining away my energy long before I could make an impact. It doesn't help that the prick is still leagues above me in strength.'

Seeing the one to break all his plans fly around, Rizevim did enjoy the show, like a child would enjoy his favourite one. But his patience wore out soon, and Rizevim planned to get him good right away.

Relinquishing control over his attack, Rizevim immediately vanished from sight. While the chased took a dive, and looked back in surprise to see the attack didn't follow him. "Wait, if the attack didn't follow him?!"

Piecing the situation together, Keiji twirled in the air and struck with Ascalon. Just as he suspected, Rizevim was there, but the Super Devil was too fast for him and reached out to rip his throat out.

AIIP managed to nick Rizevim but it was too late as the moment his fingers touched the upgraded Scale Mail, Keiji's normal body was exposed, making his eyes flash urgently at the lack of protection.

"Chant and die, bitch!" Rizevim shouted, quickly loading a football-sized ball of demonic power and rapidly transmutating it into a fuck-everything-that-it-targets blast that enveloped the Red Dragon Emperor.

Smirking at the explosion, surprise caught the devil when he felt another graze on his cheek; specifically, the already punctured line of Ascalon's first attack had grown since the last time Keiji had gotten a chance to attack. Having come in contact

As for Keiji himself, steam fell off him and his face was red. The cracked armour slowly reforming as Ascalon retracted itself long before the armour fully repaired. "Fuck, you are a strong piece of shit. All of that for a drop of blood... not worth it."

Dozens of magical circles began to flood the reticent Rizevim, enough to make Keiji instantly prepare the boosters on his armour in case he had to run for his life. He had a bad feeling he was going to need it.

"DAMN YOU!" Rizevim cried out.

At his cue, a cataclysmic storm took place. Elementals of all type flooding the area, and brimming with demonic doses of power. Water shooting at speeds fast enough to slice the ground, digging right down to the earth and the water having a mind of its own to propel rocks up in the air; one of them smacking Keiji into the air. 

"I need to escape—!"

Keiji's declaration was met with the air currents giving him the middle finger as he struggled to pilot and use his wings as a heavy vortex kept him hostage and left him vulnerable to be smited by large bolts of lightning.

Despite successfully hitting his target, Rizevim's rampage continued on as he persistently flexed a tempest of elements that threatened everyone close; large swathes of flames that would be enough to keep a Satan-class devil at bay.

Having enough of being assaulted by the unnecessary baggage of boulders, Keiji resorted to the AIIP in his tail to deal with the random chunks being imported to his direction. While that was out of his hands, he focused on the next problem for him to solve.

Just before he could get on track, he groaned as hot geysers of boiling water assaulted him. Even with his Crimson Queen, it was treated like paper, and they soon began squirting around in complex directions, forcing the cornered warrior to ditch attack and continue to focus on defence.

'How long can I keep doing this?! Will he stop?! Should I stop?! I won't know for sure if he's going to stop, and I don't think I can hope for him to run out anytime soon. What do I do?! I can only repair the armour so long before I run out of energy.'

Crackling from above, cruel cremating catapults rained down incessantly. Preparing for trouble was always the task at end, but then it doubled, further forcing Keiji into a disadvantage as he swam in the cooking sweat the heat of boiling water and flaming stars created from the mad man.

Keiji reared his head back, took a heavy inhale, and abruptly exhaled a dense blast of cold air. Steam formed as Keiji released the blast while checking his directions and stopping surprise attacks from behind. Despite his efforts, the simple ice breath wasn't enough to stop the onslaught.

'If Rizevim is still focused on just destroying everything, then I can take this opportunity to boost myself. It's unlikely he can channel the Sacred Gear Canceller's power into his attacks; he'd have done that a long time ago. And if he does attack me when he sees my using Boost, then there's a good chance that this area of effect attack will stop.'

"BOOST! 20x"  

"Stop that noise!" Rizevim shouted out, discharging large blazes of flames and followed by the storming thunder trailing slowly to catch him off guard.

Transferring his power to his breath, Keiji released a howling glacier from his mouth. The result was enough to overpower the fireballs but it resulted in a wave of steam that blocked the path.

Crackling caught Keiji's attention as he backed up and sighed in small relief at seeing the snail-paced lightning racing to get towards him.

Holes appeared in the smoke as Keiji was on alert and switched to using his demonic blades to parry the attacks, though each of them carried enough weight for him to be pushed back by it. The rate they fired at was not an impossible task, and with the additional support of AIIP, he soon deflected the majority of them.

"He's still firing, but they aren't proper. I think I'm safe for this one. Just need to keep doing the work and—"

Pain pulsated as a single finger flick from the suddenly arrived Rizevim broke Keiji, and sent him flying into the ground. A crimson carcass of his Scale Mail crashing along with him as Rizevim laughed at his adversary's status.

"Face down with another devil beating you. Is it Wednesday already?!" Rizevim cackled out, charging up another attack.

'W-what the fuck is he talking about?' Keiji thought, immediately spilling blood all over his battered body. 'Shit! Just that one attack, and he's made a mess of me! A fucking finger flick, too!'

His attention was brought to more pressing matter as a demonic meteor came in packs and hunted after him. "Oh, shit, motherfucker!" Keiji blurted out, blood trailing his lips. "Sorry, Ddraig. I'm going to need you to kick in hard for this."

"That's my duty!"

Quickly suiting up for an unpleasant day out in the field, Keiji utilized the his strongest ranged attack and sent it towards the demise. Against the magic bombs, Keiji struggled as the blast was being prolonged. "Ddraig... you know what to do."

Rizevim's features scrunched at hearing the popular word ringing over and over again, making him charge through his own attack to deal with the boy; his aura protecting him. He stopped at seeing that Keiji was using the force of the Crimson Blaster to rush himself away, all the while giving the middle finger to Rizevim.

However, the pure-blooded devil only smiled as he appeared right in front of Keiji, who had just finished defeating the demonic attack sent his wave. Explosions flashed, along with Keiji's own life, as Rizevim's fist inched closer to Keiji.

A stroke of quick thinking turned into a miracle as the demonic blade's tip collided with Rizevim's fist, a discord of demonic power and sending the devil sprawling back in confusion, as he cuddled his own fist.

"W-what was that?" Keiji muttered.

"That's what I would like to know. To think someone like you would be gifted such mana sensitive weapons. They've just spared your ungrateful life, but I'll make sure that doesn't happen again!"

Further fighting was paused as the world caved in from Crom Cruach's roar, the area visibly twitching. Rizevim smirked at his bodyguard's fearsome power while Keiji shook at the threat displayed.

"Crom Cruach will soon kill all your friends. Abandoning them to their deaths was such a foolish mistake for you to make, so you can try and finish this quickly, but you won't be able to beat me with my cute little Sacred Gear Canceller."

A bolt of blood left Keiji's lips as he gave a hollow, pitying stare to Rizevim. "You're wrong about that, Rizevim... They don't need me, because they are plenty strong on their own, all of them are going all out against you and this stupid dream you think you can accomplish."


Somewhere deep in the Underworld, and tending to the wounded, Venelana looked up for a moment and clenched her fists. 'Please come back safely, Rias... Keiji... All of you can do it.'

Misla held her head in pain as she tried her best to whisper a prayer of all things, everything for the son she cared and cherished. 

"Stop, Misla. You don't have to go that far. Have faith in them, and they will provide it!" Layla spoke, making the Bael reluctantly nod.

Venelana smiled. "Alright, let's get back to healing. We can smile after everything is over.


"As long as there is someone out there doing their best for everyone, they will answer in kind and provide the solutions to those wishes."

Thought the quote was far from the battlefield, it resonated in the hearts of many. Sairaorg high in the air, with his wings burning with the Touki of his ultimate armour. Everyone else looked to be looking worse wear and Crom Cruach still held himself strong, though he was bleeding and cracks among his charcoal body.

Deep crimson layers were splattered among the majority of them as everyone was running and going red at the heat of the moment, panting the only way to respire properly, and bodies slowly being blacked by the numbness that came with it; a silent grasp.

Rias blanched at seeing more fissures appear in her armour. "The gift is already disappearing. It's only natural..." she muttered.

The Bael heir roared to the heavens and came down like a meteor of death, with Crom Cruach's boisterous laughing spurring him forward to meet the Regulus user in a final clash to determine everything. 

"This will be the very last strike! Do well to give everything, Sairaorg Bael!" Crom Cruach ordered, a behemoth blast driving upwards like a railgun and far surpassing the size of a building.

Vali's vocal chords were more prominent than the pain busting through his body as he overrode his Divine Dividing to their utmost limits, ignoring the shedding of his Scale Mail and pouring his demonic heritage into his soul, giving more than he was capable of and rapidly draining him of his demonic energy reserves.

Despite the massive dip in power, thanks to Vali's vigorous efforts, the building-sized blast still engulfed Sairaorg and began biting into the armour, Regulus' cries mixing with his own banged up bellowing; his eyes slowly fluttering against the storm.

The image of his mother brightening up his mind was enough to make his eyes claw out and his screaming to mimic that of the King of the Jungle.


On that cue, the cacophony of "TRANSFER!" broke out throughout the air, their bodies dropping and collapsing among the cracked red ruins, and a jade empire of Boosts—accumulated through all the gruelling battling—surrounded Sairaorg as his aura began inflating to an absurd degree that soon dwarfed Crom Cruach's own attack.

Too weak to say anything else, they all mentally praised Sairaorg to continue, and Crom Cruach's eyes widened at seeing the massive red and golden lion tearing through his weakened breath.

Genshirou, Gasper and Sae gave a synchronized scream as they all pooled their efforts in fully holding Crom Cruach down as much as possible. The tendrils of Vritra thickening and absorbing more power to empower the very tendrils holding Crom Cruach back. Crom Cruach was too focused on his current breath attack to stop the depleting of his energy and the darkness powers of Balor and the constant slashing chipped at him just that bit more.

The prolonged power was sustained for a short time, with their Balance Breakers shattering at the strain provided. Even with the unfortunate circumstance, the powers persisted with all the energy they could go on with only embers of power. Crom Cruach weaving against the mausoleum of darkness.

His freedom was short lasting as all the dragons swarm in, eager to take a bite. His howling pierced their ears but they didn't let the sonic-boom based (accidental) attack stop them from holding Crom Cruach as much as possible.

"THIS WON'T BE ENOUGH!" Crom Cruach shouted, expending his aura as a vicious repellant that packed enough force to send his own kind flocking back, and the others, who were drained and fatigued, were picked up by the hurricane and tossed away.

Crom Cruach's focus was too late for him to do anything as Sairaorg clashed with his head and gave a roar of "NEMEAN LION KING FIST!" and it left the whole world tripping on itself as the thunderous force, aking to a comet crashing from the heavens, struck the aura of the evil dragon and shattered it; everything had opened up to be taken.

Defeat dawning on the strongest evil dragon only made his face go crescent. "It truly was the best fight of my life..."

Right as the final moments were said, the curtain came on Crom Cruach's life, and Sairaorg's fist tore through the skull in a shore of gore that reduced Crom Cruach's head to a glorified meat paste, and then epically exploding with a seismic shake.

Everyone weakly and slowly threw themselves to the sight, nervously waiting for the smoke to clear and reveal the truth. A puddle of blood was where Sairaorg's butt naked body was as he raised the ruptured and ruined right fist in the air; Regulus laying by his side and unconscious. "V-victory... The rest is up... to... Keiji..."

His head dropping down, everyone looked at each other with weak smiles as they vanquished the strongest foe. 

Rias tried moving towards Keiji's direction but dropped down. Akeno picked her up. "Rias... we all need to rest. I get it's important to help him, but you need to remember that we are all too tired to even reach his location."

The King weakly nodded. "G-got it."

Xenovia carried the tired Asia on her back. "Get as much rest as possible, Asia. This will all be over by the time everything ends."

Koneko and Kuroka both fell flat against the floor as they both looked to each other and held their hands, a small smile on their face. "I think I've had enough."

"Same, nya."

Lucoa's attire was ripped in several places as Tohru, Ilulu and Kanna all slumped by her side. All of them back in human form but looking the best out of the others.

"Even as a goddess dragon, that one took a toll. I've never been more glad that our dragon scales provides us with resistance."

"I'm going to need a new maid outfit," Tohru muttered, while Kanna and Ilulu had each other's back and quietly recovered.

Vali looked down at the drained Rossweisse. "You weren't half bad. I've got you on my fighters' list once this is all over. If my rival can't do it, then I'll do it," Vali said, only to drop suddenly and start snoring.

'He's tenacious,' Albion thought with a small chuckle. 'Now how are you and your partner doing, Ddraig?'


Freezing at the sight, Rizevim's brain spun around as he looked at Crom Cruach's corpse, jaw smacking back and forth. "T-that's ridiculous! That's impossible! It's unfeasible! How could a bunch of weaklings defeated Crom Cruach, especially that useless grandson!" Rizevim snarled.

In anger, Rizevim used his rapid pace to knee Keiji back, breaking his armour, and unleashing a powerful blast of demonic energy, with Keiji's revived armour breaking up. Slightly less peeved, Rizevim's entire body respired as he had to think about what to do now. 

However, a blur of blades clobbered him in the face, making him drop back and bleed. Rizevim bore his teeth at Keiji.

"It's that horrible attitude of yours! Thinking you're superior to everyone, and dismissing anyone you deem inferior. It's why all your plans have failed!" Keiji shouted out to him, raising his aura to a new standard that made Rizevim look in surprise.

Visages of the beings at the top materialized like spectres, a sight Keiji grasped with his peripheral vision. "It's ready!" Keiji declared.

"Ready?! What the fuck is ready?! I haven't even gotten to kill you get! Damn... Why? Why can you still get up!? Why are you able to resist me!?"

Keiji's grin sent shivers down Rizevim's spine, his confidence beyond insane. "Just barely, who knows? But it should be enough to turn this battle! It's about damn time, so remember this. Now it's MY turn, Rizevim Livan Lucifer!

Far out, beyond the scope anyone could have seen, the Infinity Dragon stopped, causing confusion among those by her. A small smirk hit her face. "My mate is finally using my gift..."

"The Crimson Red Dragon dwelling within me, awaken from your dominance."

"The Crimson Heavenly Dragon I possess within me, rise up to become a King and roar."

"The jet-black God of Infinity."

"The glorious God of Dreams."

"Watch over the [true] forbidden existence we shall become that transcends the boundaries."

"Thou shall dance within our [perfected] radiant inferno!"

Both Keiji and Ophis chanting was the magical act for the cheating amount of power being put on display, a beacon of red, black and emerald spiralling out for everyone to watch; enough to even shake Rizevim like he had seen a ghost. The Scale Mail metamorphizing into something futuristic with the garish appearance; four wings now present.

"Dragon ∞ Full-Drive!" Ddraig announced.

Rizevim almost tripped on his own backpedalling as his body quaked with each passing moment of seeing the new form. "What kind of a joke is this, this kind of thing? You've already reached this stage, yet you were still able to evolve! This is absurd! There's no way a fake like you should have been able to use Ophis' power! Of all the things!"

Keiji ignored the rambling devil as he moved his body and marvelled at the new form, a beaming grin sharp enough to separate his face.

"I can feel it!" Ddraig screamed in joy in Keiji's head. "My power! All of it! It's back again and without limits! The raw energy of Ophis coursing through us has made it even stronger than ever!"

'Then let's try this out!'

Darting forward at insane speeds, Rizevim's whole body twisted concavely as Keiji rammed his fist into the villain's stomach. "PENETRATE!"

It took a moment for the actual pain to settle in, and when it did, Rizevim shot up from the crater he was dumped in and looked in shock, blood on his face. "H-how?! HOW CAN THIS BE?! My Sacred Gear Canceller should have made your power moot!"

"Then you've had the misfortune of making me and my partner your enemy. My Penetrate ability, which the God of the Bible sealed when making me into a Sacred Gear, is the ultimate anti-defence power. No matter what shields you bring, they'll fall down against my might!"

Keiji walked up to Rizevim, power increasing with each step. "Now how do you like an even fight, Rizevim?!" Keiji asked with a crazed twist on his face, pulling out his AIIP, Ascalon, and one half of his demonic blade.

Rizevim quickly flew back and proceeded to launch a volley of demonic blasts, thick enough and shaped like discs. "Die! Die! Die!"

Keiji simply brandished his aura and moved through the attacks, appearing in front of Rizevim, and squashing his nose with a hammer of a blow, a resounding clap of air as Rizevim screamed through the air.

His flying was interrupted as a kick to his stomach sent him super sonic racing all the way to hell, but Keiji was kind enough to save him from falling, and as the claws of the Diabolos Dragon dug into Rizevim's skin, the primal power of the dragon was known to the puny devil as Keiji repeatedly slammed Rizevim back and forth against the floor, widening the cracks and slowly digging deeper into the Underworld.

Amidst all the pain Rizevim was feeling, his anger kept on rising, especially with Keiji's psychotic laugh as he continued to lay Rizevim to waste, almost literally, and it kept on going till the point Rizevim was sure it was the next day.

Next up on the list, Keiji utilized the devil like he was a hoe, ripping through the ground as he smashed his face into the rubble and roared maniacally at delivering justice to Rizevim. Gripping his windpipe, Keiji looked at Rizevim, who managed to throw a hit but his fingers were crushed as the power of Penetrate covered Keiji. "That's a lot of damage," he said, his helmet briefly coming off to stare into Rizevim's hazel orbs, "HOW ABOUT A LITTLE MORE?!"

Glowing red, a vicious beam broke out and struck Rizevim far and wide away. The force of it strong enough to pressure Rizevim, who frantically tried pushing it back with his power as much as possible. "D-dammit all! What nonsense is this?!"

"It's the real deal!" Keiji said, using his Penetrate to knock it in hard against Rizevim's back, audible snapping of cartilage as Keiji finished off the attack with a widening blast of dragon and demonic power that sandwiched Rizevim in between it; who, miraculously, was still surviving and expanding his aura as much as possible.

Rizevim screamed curses of all kind as he continued to raise his power and show that he really was a Super Devil, something not to be trifled with. "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, BASTARD!"

"Yeah, yeah, keep talking. Ddraig!"

"BOOST! 25x" 


"YES!" Keiji shouted, a magical circle appearing in front of him, and Keiji exhaled into it. An island of fire, lightning and wind denotating Rizevim and his hellish howling was muted by the scorching of the area.

Thanks to the intense attack, a large amount of smoke was built up in the area, leaving a moment of rest for Rizevim.

However, it was all ended short, as he put his guard to stop Keiji's attack but the force behind it was enough to break it and send him spiralling out of control. Righting himself, he was immediately met with a sledgehammer attack. Despite the pain rumbling in him, Rizevim managed to control his momentum, and he flicked his fingers, causing a pillar of frost to shoot towards Keiji.

"Useless!" Keiji muttered, seeing the ice attack, and surfing right behind Rizevim and bitch slapping him into his own ice attack, breaking it. "Let me warm you up!" he shouted, Boosting himself up, and unleashing a literal river of flames that forced Rizevim to create a bubble with his demonic power, saving his hide.

Rizevim grunted as he was kicked in the face by Keiji. Scrambling to his feet, and almost tripping right away, Rizevim charged and threw rapid punches. Each blow deflected, and the resulting ones decreased in form, with Keiji taking advantage as he parried Rizevim's demonic energy blade and twisted his arm, which he then used to drag him down and say hello with his knee, and then Keiji showed some acrobatic skill by fully stretching his leg and dislocating Rizevim's jaw. What proceeded was a one leg show beatdown as Keiji moved from each section of Rizevim's body and began to fracture every possible bone like a stack of bricks at a dojo; head, cheek, neck, clavicle, serratus anterior, hip bone, gluetus medius, tensor fasciae latae, rectus femoris, vastus lateralus, tibalis enterior, exterior digitorum longus. The cherry on top was the kick to the sternum, which turned Rizevim into a human washing machine with the posture that he was speeding back at.

Hands out and Boosting, a large lance of lightning pierced Rizevim's stomach (he was too distracted to put up his aura) and detonated with a frantic flashbang, leaving him coughing up blood and grasping his stomach; the wound already sealed, and leaving a lightning-shaped mark.

Keiji pursued the target once again but stopped at seeing Rizevim double. The confusion increased with each second having Rizevim multiply like bacteria, the lookalikes being perfect in wavelength aura as soon Keiji was surrounded by a theatre of Rizevims', unable to discern which was the real deal.

To make matters harder, the whole lot of them began spamming different elemental attacks all at once. Icebergs infused with the shocking effect of lightning, dark golems of earth, and flames maturing into infernos with the power of the wind.

'All of these magical circles make it impossible for me to tell if it's just Rizevim spreading his demonic power or if these are all clones! I guess I have one way to solve this,' Keiji thought, smashing the ground and causing the debris to explode up and shake Rizevim's whole centre of focus.

Rizevim nervously awaited the silence as the difference in power forced him not to act recklessly, although he couldn't stop thinking about smashing Keiji's face in and parading his dead body around. "Where did he go—?!"

The green glow was the calm before the storm as Ascalon's Boosted blade extended out and a great whirlwind was unleashed, shooting stars of heat expelled, as all the illusions of Rizevim were ended and a caterwaul went off.

Keiji looked at Rizevim's gashing wound as he limped, his arm hanging by a pink thread, and bloody profusely escaping the husk of a body. 'Worked like a charm, just like that time in Romania. Huh, it's when I found out about this bastard, too.'

A small vial had its contents emptied as Rizevim soon recovered with zero injuries on him. "Good as new. How do you like me now?!" Rizevim shouted, chucking the Phoenix Tears bottle away.

"Dead," Keiji commented, appearing in front of him but ducking early and assuming a scorpion position as a Boosted AIIP cut right into the skin of his hand and followed rapidly underneath and scored right into his leg.

Rizevim's cry of pain was stopped as Keiji punched through the ice shield he displayed and dug his fist right into his stomach and knocked him back, which was soon followed by a barrage of combination of arm and leg punches; vital areas attacked, everything infused with the power of Penetrate, and a final violent voltage attack. 

Water and ice shards fell of Rizevim's skin as he wiped the blood off his face. 'He made a skin of ice to negate the damage. It's strong, too.'

"How the hell did you bypass my Mirror Mountain technique?!" Rizevim shouted.

'Or maybe not.' Keiji sighed at Rizevim. "And you really think I'm going to answer such an obvious question? You should be more concerned with the lightning that's about to strike you."

Rizevim looked up to the sky, and was instantly met with the force of a compressor smacking his jaw into infancy, which made the Lucifer devil cry out in anguish and hold the jaw. Keiji cut at Rizevim, lightning imbued on his blade, and making Rizevim bit his tongue in anger and annoyance at the pain seeping at this body.

A strong kick made Keiji's body shift back, but it was soon wrapped in the thralls of his Scale Mail tail and AIIP was there to cut into his leg. It began spinning into the flesh, making a doughnut shape and beginning to spread.

Furious, Rizevim forced Keiji to stagger by unleashing a point-blank blast of demonic wind and ice that freed Rizevim from the torment. He covered his leg in layers of ice to help numb the flared wound.

"That does it!"

Rizevim began to roar out to the high heavens and hell as his power began to bottle up and alter his surroundings. His eyes burning bronze, hands splayed out, and great flashes of light. Dark matter began to swirl around the already titanic spheres that formed from his attack. "LET'S SEE HOW YOU DEAL WITH THIS ONE, FAKER!" he shrilled out, imbuing his soul-destroying Lucifer power into his natural demonic power.

Seeing his opponent take their time in charging their power, Keiji decided to do the same thing. 'He won't risk firing it so early, so I've got plenty of time to follow suit. DDRAIG!'

"BOOST! 50x"

Four wings... Four cannons. The signature power of the Red Dragon Emperor turned the charging outlets into a frantic loop of frenzy as the power soon splashed out in a red and black wave that not even Keiji could handle without shaking and breaking back from the pure power delivered.

"INFINITY BLASTER!" Ddraig called out.

Clashing against each other, building-sized sparks rocketed in salvo waves as the two of them continued to push their attacks against the other, the mountain of power illustrated as clear as day for kilometers. 

Of course only one winner came out, and it was Keiji, as Rizevim's screams and his body was snuffed out by the attack engulfing him all in one. The aftermath strong enough to blow Keiji back against the train trails he had made from firing off the very attack responsible.

As the attack slowly died down, Keiji's shoulders slowly skipped as he soaked in the might of his attack; the battlefield warped against its draconic power. "It's very exhausting, though. Ddraig, how much do I have left in the gas?"

"Not much. With the amount of power that the attack just consumed, and with your current state, we can't maintain Ophis' power for much longer after that."

Burned and barging, Rizevim emerged with a scream as he slammed a demonic blade into Keiji's chest, making him stagger; the Son of Lucifer burned up. "I'm not dying, because you'll be a corpse before the same happens to me!" Rizevim hissed out.

Annoyed at the persistence and that Rizevim could still go on while taking the Infinity Blaster, a faint feeling of unfairness brought about Keiji's rage as he firmly caged Rizevim's trachea mercilessly and smashed his face against Rizevim over and over and over and over again.

Bottled up lines sprawled across Rizevim's arms as he gripped Keiji and flung him back, adding a kick to send Keiji with a broken guard, but the latter recovered quickly and clashed with his fists, pounds of air exploding between the two of them.

"Don't run! Don't fucking run, bastard!" Keiji shouted, performing multiple overhead kicks in rapid succession, each burying the ground, and Rizevim quick to uplift pillars of mud to ease every lung which got faster and reached further.

After enough lunges, the mud pillars couldn't support Rizevim and he was forced to put his own body on the line as he put both hands up to stop his head being cracked open like a coconut crab, the force traversing all over his body and sending the ground to the core of the earth, with Rizevim using the sudden cracking from below as a chance to escape out.

Keiji quickly followed after but a rain of fire and ice made him prop Ascalon and cut away, only to be met with Rizevim punching him, parrying his kick, sweeping his legs, and attacking but recieving a kick in compensation back from Keiji.

'He's still as strong as ever, and Ophis' power is limited. Doesn't help he had a spare Phoenix Tears on him. It might be a tense one but I think I can win this battle of attrition,' Keiji thought, looking at Rizevim's shaking knee.

In a crescent style fashion, Rizevim's knee rose up before whipping with the speed of invisibility, and created a powerful gust that, surprisingly, blew Keiji off his guard, and allowed Rizevim to get the upper hand in combat as his first punch quickly turned into holding Keiji's face and presenting it to the ground.

His kick was caught by Keiji's hand, and threw him out wide like a tennis ball. Having recovered, Keiji rushed forward with his fist and Rizevim blocked it, only to feel the pain of the holy sword cutting across his face, which he promptly solved by forcing Keiji's hands up. "Your swords can't bent, can they?!"

Rizevim's mockery and ignorance was rewarded with AIIP ripping at his side. Were it not for Rizevim's capabilities and battle heightened senses, he wouldn't have quickly maneuvered out the blade's way and survived bifrucation. It still left a bright gash against his skin; most of his clothes singed by this point, and only his posh dark upper body shirt and slacks were still remaining in decent condition.

"You're really an idiot, aren't you?" Keiji told Rizevim, the latter's mouth ready to get annoyed, but being silenced by a bitch slap to the face that sent him flying back. 

Boosting his speed, Keiji appeared in front of Rizevim, who attacked, but Keiji was already behind him and kicked him in the back, continuing his attack into a rising knee and choking Rizevim before kneeing his back repeatedly. Flipping him around like a fool, he covered his fist in lightning and Penetrate and delivered a right harsh welt that cracked several teeth of Rizevim's and broke his jaw, fixed it back, and then broke it again.

Having taken enough pain from Keiji, Rizevim's senses didn't dull one bit and he instead released a unique brand of lightning that managed to capture Keiji in a state of paralysis that made him let go of Rizevim, the both of them soon falling into the ground, though Keiji's was much more dignified.

"W-what was that?! Felt like some sort of dragon slaying magic," Keiji muttered.

"That's exactly it. I'm unsure how he was able to do such a thing, but it makes sense for Rizevim to possess such an esoteric ability."

Rizevim giggled as he climbed from the grave of gravel. "Do you like it? One of the perks of having an alliance with the cool chaotic evil gods is the epic abilities that come with it. Thanks to my deal with Angra Mainyu, I was able to obtain such an ability. In exchange, I could help him get his creation, Aži Dahāka, back to him."

"And you really think that's going to happen?" Keiji responded. "Having that dragon slayer magic doesn't guarantee you anything, now that I know you have it. Even if you sneakily try to use it, I've got Ddraig to support me."

Rizevim spat. "Ah, shut up before I kill you. I won't even need to fulfil such a bargain in the first place, because I'm sure that fake Lucifer, fake Beelzebub, and those other boring leaders will take care of things. It's a shame, it'd be cool to see all that destruction! China going off into destruction! It'll be just like that Mao man! He'd be much better as a devil, especially compared to all you fakers."

"For how much you've beaten, you still talk a lot of bullshit."

"Listen up, boy. Devils are beings that have to be evil, wicked, brutal, bad, scum, wrong, brute, and vicious. Copying what's done by a hero? Hero? That is something that a "justice" would do. You know, beings like humans and angels? And what are we? You do know we are "evil" and "bad" existences? Then isn't it obvious what we have to do?"

Keiji shook his head. "No wonder you are this pathetic," Keiji replied, Rizevim's claws digging into his palms' epidermis. "If your focusing your life on such an outdated view, then I can't even think of you as anything less than pathetic."

"Then what do you do?!" Rizevim shouted.

"I do what I want..." Keiji stopped as he felt like he'd be crossing a barrier. 'Shit, do I really say this?! I'm not sure if I'm even going to recover.'

"HA! You really don't have anything to say?! I know mine was better!"

Keiji blasted Rizevim with lightning but he dodged it. "Shut up, you and your fucking annoying voice! What are you?! Fine, you want me to tell you! I'll tell you! I DO WHAT I WANT BECAUSE I WANT TO... NOTHING ELSE!" Keiji shouted, his teeth grinding against each other. 

Rizevim blinked at the random outburst. "Then you're doing it all wrong. Unless you really want to be a devil, then you need to stop doing such heroic nonsense! Get a bit of hedonism down you! I could teach you!"

"Like I'm supposed to trust the person who wants me dead for ruining his plans. Besides, I'm really resentful against you now for what you've done, so this little playing around is over soon!"

They both charged, fists locking against each other. Exhaustion clearly kicking in as neither one showed to be more overpowering. The deadlock was cracked as Rizevim kneed Keiji's jaw, his smile was short and sweet, slowly turning sour as the force of Keiji's chin alone started pressing down on him. "W-what?! N-no! Stop it!"

"You've got it!" Keiji responded, a sudden pour of power induced in his body as Rizevim's knuckles clicked in a sadistic symphony conducted by Keiji as he kneed Rizevim and then did a backflip kick. Just before Rizevim got out of his range, Keiji infused Penetrate into all blades and delivered a triade of cuts on Rizevim.

Charging right after, Keiji's head slipped from Rizevim's kick, but he found himself ensared in a cage of lightning. The voltage infected the two of them but the effects of the dragon slaying magic held Keiji back.

"For good measure!" Rizevim froze the arms and legs as he begain to wail on Keiji with the anger of a mother, just whacking in an endless loop. Flames, bolts of lightning, heavily focused water blasts, sharp gusts of winds; all of it dragon slayer related.

His combo was broken as Ascalon spoiled his abdominal muscles. Pain coming in, followed by more as Keiji kicked him with enough force to dispel his dragon slaying lightning cage, and then followed by Keiji cupping his hands and sending Rizevim crashing into the floor. "Okay, time for some revenge!"

Two dragon magic circles appeared from above, and dragon-shaped fire rained down with serpentine gales that combined together to create the flaming dragons from hell to rain down on Rizevim.

Shortly after, Rizevim emerged out of the hell hole with cracks of ice coming off his body. "Faker!" he shouted, swinging his fist, but Keiji grabbing the fist, punching the arm and kicking him down into the ground again.

"You sure are persistent," Keiji spat out, receiving a punch in a face, but dishing out two chest punches, hitting Rizevim's ribs until they snapped with over ten kicks, and dodging a straight kick from Rizevim, only to be met with a rim blade of ice skates.

Rizevim's laughter was paid back in full as AIIP cut into his legs and the real Ascalon broke into his calvicle, making him hurry back as he released a powerful area of effect blast of wind that threw Keiji back.

Keiji got his breath back as Rizevim cried over his condition. "Partner..." Ddraig muttered to him.

"W-what is it, Ddraig? Am I running out of time now? That won't be good."

"My true name is Y Ddraig Goch," he admitted, making Keiji pause at the sudden revelation that he was giving him; it felt like something akin to a break up.

For an added amount of surprise, Rizevim was still kicking as he unleashed a scissor kick that Keiji blocked, only to have Rizevim twist and hit him, making him stumble, but eagerly return the favour with rapid kicks slowly building up his body, so when Rizevim brought his guard up against the inevitable high kick, pain gripped his knee, where Keiji had transported his kick to, followed by a final palm forward and lightning ripping into Rizevim.

"What's with the suddenness of this, Ddraig?"

"You'll need to know it if you want to use my strongest power. The very one that defined me as the Red Dragon Emperor!"

Feeling the flood of power and information injected into his veins, Keiji's face brandished a devilish smirk as he reared his head back, throwing it out, and his mouth ready to eject the calamitous crimson attack that built up. "BLAZING INFERNO OF SCORCHING FLAMES!" Ddraig announced.

The bloody stream of crimson flames set the world ablaze as the vicious veritable flood of fire consumed the environment and Rizevim. Even the hellish imagery of hell couldn't match the charcoaled country as Rizevim begged for mercy with the flames eating away at his body, never stopping.

Keiji moved back from the blinding brightness. "It's over," he muttered, watching the scorched sight.

A faint glow of extensive demonic power flashed against the radiant release of flames. "WHY WON'T THE FLAMES GO OUT?!" Rizevim cried out, a first scream to show genuine fear for the first time.

"They're Ddraig's true power, the ultimate flames that can incinerate anything until nothing remains. Once they are on, they are never going out... gods... buddhas... everything will be burnt down to the very soul and not even atoms will remain; I can see why the God of the Bible sealed such a dangerous thing."


"Son of Lucifer. You think you are a worthy enemy to be able to survive my flames? Even the God of the Bible feared the very embodiment of power - DRAGONS! If you were my rival, Albion, you would have been able to save yourself from this fate."

Darkness began to overcome Rizevim, clothes already atomized, and a bald scalp. Despite this, a weak demented grim fell on his flaming face. "I see... so I just have to become something above even the Heavenly Dragons to live!"

A chilling aura came from Rizevim as he summoned a magic circle, revealing a humanoid construct of a mess, the pure destructive aura allowing it to chill inside the flames as if it was a sauna.

"What the hell is that?! I need to kill it!" Keiji stated, but stopped. 'Wait, I don't think I'm immune to Ddraig's flames! I guess I'll have to go distance and Boost up if I even want to have a chance to destroy that monstrosity!'

However, as he prepared his attack, Rizevim reached out and began to absorb the transmuted thing into his body. Sounds of skin slapping and snapping back into pain as the flaring of his energy began to become an all-consuming darkness, slowly shedding the flames and their principles to nothing. Each passing moment that the flames died down from their glory into embers, his body bulged, broke and twisted into something, his blackened flesh engorging in a sadistic seldom manner that made Keiji's body shift back, his focus snapping and dispering his power; a very shitty situation.

The lone hazel orb of Rizevim honed on his nemesis with instability. "I... I was planning on using this vessel for Ophis' power once it was stolen with the help of Samael, but because THAT failed, I had to improvise! My powers weren't enough to break the thousand fucking seals the God of the Bible placed on the Beast of the Apocalypse, but I did manage to break enough to extract some of it's power; my trump card to kill Sirzechs and the other leaders, but YOU'VE ruined everything again." A hoarse roar left his throat. "But no matter. It's perfectly fitting too, because what fate is better for the Son of Lucifer than to become a monster that brings out the Apocalypse itself!"

With a final dying howl, his body bursted from the inside, as the shedding of skin revealed the new form of Rizevim, multiple tail-looking appendages sprouting from around the serratus muscles and backs, which turned out to be arms; dark veins like those of a plant running around them and prevalent in stature, as thick as arms themselves. His form was hunched and hairy like that of a primate; his teeth overflowed to the point they collided and trapped itself, some even tickling the sharp spike of a chin. His chunky legs ended with goat hooves with feathers decorating the location where greaves would be situated, and flaming wheels decorated the soles of his feet. The standard location for his arms metamorphized to undergo the same look as a primate, with elongated nails and draconic scales. The two new pairs of arms were bigger than his whole body and cracked in a manner like charcoal; as a matter of fact, they were only in the shape of arms but more of a hideous chimera abomination than anything else. A pair of heavy wings with black points marked the flying apparatus. At the centre of his face, the piggy-like protrusion of a stout drooped down enough to touch the peak of his mouth. Satanic scars ran all over his face as vacant punctures in his head similar to that of a conch shell was soon filled in by the swirling bones that pointed downwards, like a goat's head appendages; the top horns were onyx and burgundy, featuring small horns coming out of it and almost shaped out into the form of a halo. The bulging neck hosted seven mini heads which were topped with coronets. The silver mane of Rizevim was dyed with trails of darkness and his thick thighs trembled with the weight of his own, with his green and red eyes taking a slit hazel mark.

The air burned amidst the red smoke protruding off Rizevim's Pseudo-Trihexa form, his very existence spelling an unstoppable doom. Dark drooling seared the floor below as the Apocalyptic abomination sauntered.

Keiji coated himself in his own aura to prevent himself from being thrown into the wind. "Okay, what in the hellish fuck is going on?!" 

"He's lost his mind. He was willing to burn his own body and soul to become an avatar of Trihexa. With the amount of power he has gained from fusing some of Trihexa's power against his own Lucifer heritage, Rizevim's power could easily make a whole country crumble!" a baffled Ddraig warned.

Snarling like a mindless monster, which wasn't too far off, he gazed at Keiji as an orb with a ration of 8:2 began to form; particles rushing into it but never increasing the size. Just barely, and only just, did Keiji manage to doge the attack as it instantly crushed anything around it and detonated it, the shockwaves hitting his back, making the Red Dragon Emperor turn in horror at seeing the nuclear bomb go off.

"Well... shit fucking shit..."

Nerves on the line, Keiji dodged Rizevim's punch, an air pocket explosion tunnelling into the earth and shaking the area itself. Now it was two layers of shit fucking shit for Keiji as the new form of Rizevim madly rushed to charge at him.


Keiji's fist nudged Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's cheek, which was enough to make Keiji quickly fall back into place. 'Good news: his Sacred Gear Canceller hasn't evolved to a point that it negates my Penetrate. The bad news: this prick is infinitely more powerful than before and is actually really fucking pissed!'

Raising Ascalon at an angle, Keiji bolted ahead and tried shredding Rizevim's form with a storm of strikes, though the piercing power of Ascalon proved to be ineffective against the obsidian streams of thickness that bulged out of Rizevim-666.

Roaring, and giving Keiji enough time to focus on his enemy's move, Demi-Trihexa Rizevim moved his hands at an erratic level, missing plenty of opportunities to go for Keiji and breaking the surface with each stretch of him. 

'Is this a ploy, or has the power overwhelmed his ability to think?' Keiji thought, backflipping and nicking at Demi-Trihexa Rizevim; once again, the effect very minimal, if effective at all.

A lost chapter of words spilled out of Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's mouth, almost making Keiji pause to try and decipher the message laid out, but he instead flung himself back and avoid the four arms trying to turn him into meat paste.

Making some distance between his enemy, and looking through the silver maze, Keiji noticed a creepy-crawly countenance from Demi-Trihexa Rizevim. 'Now I'm wondering if he's in control or not. He's certainly got the ingenuity of that bastard, but I can't help but feel like power of that level has probably long corrupted him. Doesn't help he's an old man with the mentality of a kid with an eighth grade syndrome.'

The thread of tension was ever so close to ripping as Keiji began to overthink what Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's next move might be. Each nerve flickering light lightning and his handling of Ascalon was rougher because of it.

Suddenly, Demi-Trihexa Rizevim made a lunge for it, his butterfly-pack arms grinding the ground into dust with his berserker charger. Concern met Keiji as he tried to think of the first course of action to go for.

With his mind met up, Keiji slid to the side and hacked at the side, quickly moving back and surviving the thralls of the two left sided arms. Seeing him safe, Keiji continued to move in all sorts of locations around Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's, but always making sure to safely back up and not get greedy with his hits; slow and steady.

'Ddraig! Get on it!'


Locked in combat, the two ideologies clashed in the form of the Son of Lucifer and Avatar for Trihexa versus the Delinquent Dragon. Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's attacks were fast but predictable, allowing for Keiji to capitalize on the mistake and pressure Demi-Trihexa Rizevim as much as he could, seceretly hoping that this wouldn't turn into a disaster.

However, just because things go well at one point, it's not a guarantee that the road ahead will function the same. Anomalies do exist, problems will occur, and it came in the form of Keiji barely missing a ride to get sent flying into orbit and the afterlife.

'He's adapting!' Keiji thought, jumping back and awaiting for Ddraig to continue going on. 

The four arms' fingers took the shape of a mouth, which soon moulded into several dragon-headed fireballs that began firing off. Quickly taking flight, surprise and urgency hit Keiji as he dodged the upwards volley of discharge, only to find it falling downward onto him. Not wanting to take the chance to see how powerful they are, Keiji darted off and checked how close they were to hitting them.

'I can out speed them, but I won't be getting anywhere. Plus, I need to make sure the dickhead doesn't end up doing something in the meantime to screw me over.'

Just as he mentioned that, a glacier galaxy slammed onto Keiji and trapped him onto the floor. Adding insult to the injury, the flaming missiles bombarded him as they helped prevent any dodgy movements to escape the prison. For the final sault in the wound came the laughter of Demi-Trihexa Rizevim as he began to scale the iceberg. Howling, the same 8:2 ratio energy attack took place.

'Ddraig! I need you to transfer it now! I don't want us to die!'


Holding some hope it would work, Keiji roared as he pushed himself against the galactic glacier and finally moved his trademark weapon. Ascalon's blade burned with the power of a majestic emerald as a shamrock skyscraper slice razed the iceberg on top of him and finished everything with the cringing cry of Demi-Trihexa Rizevim.

Shoving the last icicle off of him, Keiji smiled at seeing his cut having left a nasty enough gash that it was a miracle that Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's body hadn't fallen off like a slice of bread. Only the top arm of his butterfly pack of arms was left, with his unnormal-normal left hand also surviving the attack.

"Better not waste any time!" Keiji spoke, grabbing a large leftover icicle to continue his assault.

He was, however, not in time as Demi-Trihexa Rizevim lent him a hand and chucked his own severed arm into him. The propulsion breaking the lifted up icicle and smacking Keiji with enough force to completely break any hope of him correcting himself. Even if he did, the assault didn't stop there because as soon as Keiji crashed into a rock formation, Keiji struggled out of the hole made and looked to see the charging form of Demi-Trihexa Rizevim coming right at him with his own fist.


To add to the situation, Keiji was also assaulted by a large sun-screen of heat that blasted him as Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's fist smacked him away and watched as Keiji was caught up in the infernally-charged ignition of the attack.

Not having enough destruction in his diet of disaster, Demi-Trihexa Rizevim began to unleash widespread destruction as the air turned dark and the madness continued to burn the ground into the bowels of the Underworld.

With the power of Trihexa having it's moment, the small psyche of Rizevim himself remembered the humiliation and the suffering he had been giving, as his whole form was because his plans had been grabbed by filthy claws and crumbled up. His whole life's purpose crumpled into a messy moment of rampage.

This led to Demi-Trihexa Rizevim galloping forward to the location he had blasted with his fire breath. Due to the uncut edges, thanks to his destructive powers tilting the terrain, Demi-Trihexa Rizevim had to hop around the area as he scoured where the bastard (in his own mind) was by investigating the shards of ice and where his own body parts were.

Patience was zero with Demi-Trihexa Rizevim as he lost control and violently rampaged around and threw his weight on anything, hoping to get a lucky break. If he could talk, he'd probably ramble on about how fate was unfair to him and monologue the universe's collaborative effort to shine misfortune on him.

Cutting in, Keiji freed himself from hiding in one of Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's severed arms and spread his blade against the wound. Demi-Trihexa Rizevim tried to crush him early but Ascalon pinned the arm there. Sealing him for the moment, Keiji utilized the twin demonic blades and unleashed a furious flurry falchion combo, and to prevent himself from being blown to smithereens, Keiji dug AIIP into the ground and moved back, which he also used to fling himself and press down against the eyes and drag his blades down.

Shortly after, Keiji retreated and grabbed Ascalon. He traced back slowly but kept his guard in check as Keiji proceeded to respire in short bursts, not wanting to be caught lacking when Demi-Trihexa Rizevim made his next move.

His surprise was caught as Demi-Trihexa Rizevim was twitching, but not in the aggressive way, almost like something was occurring. Unsure of whether it was beneficial or a middle finger to him, Keiji made sure to continue trailing back and watching out for any surprise attacks that might occur; his eye moving towards the severed arms, in case they magically turned into rocket launchers and charged at him.

Instead, Keiji had his jaw open at seeing blood paint the floor and Demi-Trihexa Rizevim panting with more urgency as him as his body was repaired back to normal. "What... the... fuck... ?!" Keiji muttered, eyes trembling at seeing all his efforts flushed down the drain. "Ddraig... on a scale of 1 to 10, how fucked am I?"

"666," Ddraig dryly responded.

Demi-Trihexa Rizevim was the first to move, reeling his fists back, and launching all six appendages forward, with Keiji being caught up in the rumble exchange but his armour allowing him to bypass any substantial damage and for him to hack at the arm with no progress visible.

The boosters on Keiji began to light up along with the jade lights from the Boosting as Keiji spun around Demi-Trihexa Rizevim, in an attempt to try and confuse the beast. Impatiently, Demi-Trihexa Rizevim unleashed all his arms and Keiji rose above the challenge. However, he wasn't out of it, as the two regular irregular arms reached out and Keiji pushed back against it with a Boosted Ascalon shedding some of the skin. 

Everything wasn't done yet as the butterfly arms reached out and Keiji utilized his tail blade to try and stop it, but the sound of metal snapping filled him with dread, and made Keiji quickly blast himself back. Once landed, he turned to see that AIIP was broken. "Fucking shit! At least it didn't happen to Ascalon, but that's still a really annoying issue!"

"Get out of there! There's no way you can beat that monster alone and the amount of Boosting you have done is taking a toll on you."

"You have about a minute or two left before the armour reverts!" Belzard warned him.

"Keiji! You'll die in an instant against that thing without Ophis' power."

Keiji clicked his teeth. "I can't do that! By the time anyone arrives to help me against this thing, it could have destroyed all of Japan. Hell, I could be first depending on how things go! I'm not sure how much of Rizevim is in there, but he could still target me!"

Demi-Trihexa Rizevim roared as a volley of flaming beams sprawled around the place and Keiji was running for his life against the thing. 'Even a fraction of his power is absurd! No wonder the real deal is on the same level as Ophis and Great Red!'

Ducking under an attack, and barely blocking the other one without dying right away, an idea popped up into Keiji's mind. "If Ophis' power is running out, why don't we use Great Red's power instead?!"

"It won't work. Your body has barely gotten used to temporarily using Ophis' power. If you try and go this far, not even the grail fragment will keep you together. You'll die instantly before you have the chance."

Frustrated but still thinking, Keiji continued to retreat back to avoid being squashed to death by Demi-Trihexa Rizevim. "Any ideas, Keiji?! Come on! Think, think! Should I use another Infinity Blaster and hope for the best?!" Keiji spoke to himself, nervousness almost making him buckle as he side stepped Demi-Trihexa Rizevim and hacked at him, finishing with a knee, and immediately setting off to distance himself.

"Will that even work?" Elsha asked him.

Keiji shot out shields of ice to mitigate any damage that was coming from the downpour of fire and sulphur, bolts of lightning mixed in just to make things harder. "Maybe if I Boost it, but I'd definitely Reset afterwards. Even dodging is getting tiring!"

"Is there truly no way for you to access Great Red's power, Keiji?! I cannot help you in the ways I wish I could but your death is the one thing we must avoid. You bring hope to the future and the name of the Red Dragon Emperor." 

Elsha was biting her nails as she continued to watch Keiji survive the elemental storm. "I can't think of anything, and asking Keiji to hold on doesn't sound like it'll work forever."

"Unless there was a way to channel Great Red's power without using his own body then it could be used. I would posit we could do it, but I don't think it'd work with us. It'd require someone you are compatible with; a source that is intrinsically connected to you and your power!"

Keiji froze as a lone option flooded in among the other possible candidates. His hope pushed up and it allowed him to comfortably dodge Demi-Trihexa Rizevim, the possibility of winning allowing him to push himself beyond what he might have been capable of.

'There's only person I can think of. If I have to give an appropriate name, they really have been my most loyal helper. It's a final gamble, so I might as well do this!'

Demi-Trihexa Rizevim roared as Keiji zoom kicked his two normal arms, and made him stumble, allowing for Keiji to slip in behind and stab the twin demonic blades into his hooves, the weaker flesh unable to stop it from perforating. While Keiji slipped underneath Demi-Trihexa Rizevim, he used his tail to pluck the blades out and deliver cross slashes at the back.

In an attempt to stop him from doing more damage, Demi-Trihexa Rizevim used his additional arms to try and crack Keiji, but Keiji predicted this move and slipped right down between Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's legs, and made him clap his own back in. The force against the newly regenerated body halted it enough for Keiji to smack Ascalon against the weaker hooves and rise up whilst dealing damage all the same, topping it with a Boosted Penetrate punch that sent Demi-Trihexa Rizevim back, but for final insurance, Keiji grabbed him by his goat legs and begun to swing him around before chucking him back.

Soon after, Keiji dropped in exhaustion but he raised his one hand up. "ILULU!" 


Back at the other battlefield where Crom Cruach's corpse still towered over the lot of them, they had gotten some time to recover from the fight, more or less all of them recovering the ability to stand up.

Most of the dragons took sight of the sight with mixed levels of trepidation. Vali's face was focused on the ominous powers ahead while he helped the barely conscious Sairaorg and Regulus up. "Tch, what is going on there?! The powers here are probably stronger than even Crom Cruach's."

"He'll be fine," Sairaorg muttered, relying on Vali to keep him straight.

"White Dragon Emperor. Put my Master on top of me to rest. I'll be just fine; my recovery abilities are ahead of Lord Sairaorg's, especially since he's never had to exert himself this much."

Vali just dropped him without putting any form of argument but continued to look ahead at the island of flames and ash. 'What is that bastard even doing to get such strength?! He better die!'

"Sona! Sona!" Rias called out but recieved no answer, making the crimson princess sigh as she wiped the blood and sweat. "I can't contact, Sona. Is it because of the vast power there?"

Rias almost dropped right away but Akeno was there to support her. "Easy there, Rias. I'm just as concerned as you but calm down. You're supposed to be the King of the Gremory Peerage."

Akeno's words made Rias light up as she smiled. "Thanks, Akeno."

Ilulu helped Kanna stand up but froze during her support as her eyes widened, making Kanna look at her. "Ilulu?"

"Master is calling me," she whispered, walking forward and catching everyone's attention. "I'm going to help!" Ilulu declared, her visage vanishing into the beacon of light for a Familiar summon.

"Ilulu, stop!" Tohru shouted, clutching her her arm.

The Gremory Peerage did a collective grasp of their fists over their chests as they looked into the distance, prayers of hope to both Ilulu and Keiji, while the rest looked over at the fight they could not interfere in.


A bulb of brightness sparkled with opaqueness before breaking into the fabric of reality. Ilulu immediately took to Keiji's side, her body sweating up and down as her pink orbs shook and glistened at seeing the new armour her Master was clad in.

Right after that small happy moment, Ilulu felt her instincts turn dark and her eyes looked to the monster of menacing macabre. Her body twitching and her movement backwards as the roaring monster that was Demi-Trihexa Rizevim had its' eyes set on the targets.

Her Master's soothing hand landed on her head, making her look up to him with the same awe when they first met, but a sense of loyalty instead of lust. "Ilulu... do you trust me?"

Ilulu's face softened at the question, it was something she didn't think that needed to be explained. Yet the question hit the core of her being. "With my life, Master!" Ilulu replied with that toothy grin which was the first of many smiles she gave Keiji.

Seeing the reassuring look that his Familiar gave, Keiji smiled under his armour as he turned to stare death to the bastard using Trihexa's power, another sphere charging up and Ilulu tensing at the sight of it.

"We're taking him down now!" Keiji shotued as his armour began to glow up. "DO IT!" he ordered Ddraig.

"I hope you know what you are doing, Keiji," Ddraig muttered as he followed through with the request.

Flashing for the grand finale, a massive wave of power began to break out into the whole world from Keiji's armour. "APOCALYPSE ANSWERARMS!" 


Calling a power of the Dream stirred the fabrics of reality. The abyss of every colour had the Apocalypse Dragon turning around it but only for him to stop.

The Glorious Red God of Dreams's face spread open to point upwards as he turned to the side of the colourful kaleidoscope world, spreading the sharp pillars that lined up the inside of his titanic mouth.

After that, the Dragon of Dreams continued on about his carefee life as a biker gang delinquent. "I do what I want because I want to... nothing else~!"


Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's attack shot forward, the seeking purpose to end it all shining through this attack - bigger than all the one's he had released. Everything came to an end as it crashed against a domain expansion of energy that acted as a barrier and stopped the attack, making Demi-Trihexa Rizevim roar out at being denied.

To make matters worse for the mindless devil beast, his personal ball of death was reflected back against him and exploded on him; truly, his already injured body couldn't tank the attack, and howled at the damage taken.

Shaking his head, Demi-Trihexa Rizevim used his bestial eyes to look at what turn of events made his victory suddenly fade from fiction. The bleak, dry multicoloured eyes widened at seeing what had emerged. 

Though Demi-Trihexa Rizevim wasn't aware, Keiji could tell that the current manifestation of Ilulu's true dragon form was easily double, perhaps even more than that, the size when she first displayed it. The difference was the plated ropes of crimson glowing armour, making her look like a robot from the future. An additional pair of futruistic dragon-esque wings appeared around the extended length of Ilulu's current form, with the usual dark horns having a golden tint to it and lined up with jade jewels. On her head, Keiji was standing, the wings of his very own armour seemingly fused with Ilulu's horns to create a psuedo throne-command console hybrid.

Ilulu roared out, her voice echoing and the matching the level of Ddraig's announcements within Keiji's mind. "I feel stronger than ever before, Master! Like I could take on the whole world!" Ilulu declared in a tone of confidence rather than arrogance.

"This power won't even last for even half a minute, so you need to end this NOW!" Ddraig warned, knowing that this was the last chance to deal out some real damage and win this battle. Everything was coming down to a moment of a minute.

Demi-Trihexa Rizevim roared incoherently as he swamped through the the hazardous ruins and charged against the barrier, all arms wildly whacking at the impervious construct in order to reach his target. Desperate and irrational, it was all that Demi-Trihexa Rizevim could do, the once upturned maw dropping at a possible defeat.

"ANSWER!" Ilulu said, hearing Keiji's screams of rage and frustration that had been constantly building up over every moment of the battle, even before Keiji fought against Rizevim and his new form.

Two Apocalpyse Ascalons' arrived in response and massacred Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's extra arms like he was a measly chimera experiment, blood booming out of the empty stumps, and making the monster rave around in agony.

Despite it, the regenerative power of Demi-Trihexa Rizevim suddenly bolstered and his arms came back and was ready to fight back, the charcoal contraptions burning with the might of magma.

Ilulu growled with some blood in her murder stream as she pushed back against the monster arms with Apocalypse Ascalon hammering the other Apocalypse Ascalon and overpowering the four arms attempt to stop her, a river of blood as the almighty aura blades split the sandpaper arms.

"We have to end it all in one swing attack! GIVE IT YOUR ALL, ILULU!" Keiji shouted.

Illu didn't need to be told anymore. "YES, MY MASTER! I'll show this freak the true power of our Master-Familiar bond!" Ilulu bellowed for heaven and hell to hear as the grand gates of her mouth opened and another cannon emerged from it, reminiscent of Keiji's Longinus Smasher technique. The entire blaster glowed while the destructive cannons of the wings were as radiant as the Sun. Throughout the entire attack, the powers of the Dream and the Infinity continued to gather up.

"ANSWER! 100x"

The power of Destruction versus the powers of Infinity and the Dream.

Crashing against the other as concepts, the two combatants gave everything to the cause of their attacks, cosmic clashes of Biblicial end times as the flood of power dwarfed any disaster that could plague the supernatural world. Demi-Trihexa Rizevim's Dominus Orbis Interitus against the Revelation All-Range Blaster.

Even the attacks meeting each other to decide the conviction of the other was a sign akin to the end of everything as the unimaginable power pushed everything—even the ruling forces of gravity and physics concepts—out of its path and raced towards raining on top of everything. Any sounds were consumed by the revelational attacks hitting againt each other.

The winner was decided the moment the two attacks met. The beast was trampled over by the overarching principles of the endless ambition of the Dream and Infinity, annihilating the demonic avatar of destruction and sending it a nice farewell with faraway fireworks that coiled around the whole Earth for everyone; ordinary people of Japan looking up in awe at the perfect phenomena on display, stripping the night sky and replacing it with the radiance of the day. Heaven fell in shock at the staggering surprise of the beam giving it a heads up and ascending into the atmosphere, fading away and cutting out like it was never there; a Dream only brought about by a chance of Infinity.

Oxygen was snuffed out by the blackened earth that Keiji and Ilulu were left on, mountains and valleys of smokes reaching out in tower formations that touched the ceiling of the earth. Faintly did Keiji and Ilulu's wheeze against the haphzardous surroundings.

"When did we become Dragon Ball characters?" Keiji muttered as he took in the split sky, some smoke still preseent. "L... Let's hope that did it..."

Ddraig's booming laughter almost broke the other two's eardrums, which were already bruised from the quaking of the two omnipotent attacks clashing earlier. "There's no trace of Rizevim or of Trihexa's power left! That attack disintergrated him beyond the point of absolute annihilation! YOU'VE WON!"

His muscles creased as they formed a victory look on Keiji's face, ease settling in. "FULL RESET!" With the magical words and the battle over, his armour and Ilulu's transformed apperance shattered into nothingness as they both fell to the ground seemingly unconscious.


Closest to the sight, and several minutes after everything had been settled, Rias and the rest were half-running and half-jumping to the area. "How long will it take for backup to come pick Keiji and Ilulu up?" Akeno asked.

"I'm mobilizing everyone as fast as I can but that impossible wave of power released in that area is making it hard, especially because of all the damage control we've had to deploy all over the country to make sure that the giant beam that most definitely crossed over the heavens was, in fact, a beam of death and to blame it on a natural disaster."

"Have you tried contacting Keiji?" Rossweisse asked.

"I've already tried that," Seekvaira said to Rossweisse, making the others heart sink. "Every attempt I make has ended up in failure."

"Something's coming!" Vali shouted, making everyone stop and get a front row view as the entierety of every single sand dune existing rained down on them and with enough wind to make Fujin jealous.

Luckily they had recovered enough demonic magic to stop the sand storm from brushing them aside, especially as Xenovia utilized the ability of the Ruler from Excalibur and Vali's large reserves allowed him to use Divide here and there.

Landing at the crash site, everyone almost fell down in relief at seeing Keiji and Ilulu having gone through a universal marathon but still holding strong and smiling with the latter barely gripping at Keiji to stay standing.

Ilulu gave a floppy peace sign. "We killed the fucker..."

Keiji sighed as he turned to Vali first. "Sorry about stealing your kill, Vali."

Vali snorted. "I won't mind it this time," he mumbled.

The emotionally charged King of the Gremory Peerage cried, leading the charge as they rushed to the two of them as fast as their bodies could carry them, a whole marching army ringing in Keiji and Ilulu's ears.


Residues of world-breaking energy traced the sunset sight of China and some of its fallen mountains. Sirzechs exhaled as he cancelled his true form.

The deep breath of Beelzebub made him turn. "It seems we've won. Not just here, but we've gotten confirmation that Keiji has defeated Rizevim."

Sirzechs smiled as he looked at the ruins in the battle and Tartarus' corpse lying behind him. The Greek Primordial God of the Abyss having scored some damage on Sirzechs; his armoured pauldrons shattered and his upper body attire in tattered rags as blood dried up against him.

Ajuka allowed his stoic face to crack a positive look as he turned to the other leaders. Odin was geared up in his divine Norse armour, no damage taken and Gungnir still in pristine condition. Yasaka's attire was cut up, showing her bean boob bag, and her hair ornaments were shattered, letting her hair flow but she paid it no mind.

'That Red Dragon Emperor sure is a lucky one,' Odin thought with a chuckle, looking at Yasaka, who turned back.

"Is something the matter, Lord Odin?" Yasaka questioned.

Odin laughed. "Hardly. I only think about the time of the youth," he muttered.

"Being old sure isn't as fun as being young," Azazel chimed in, flexing his arm and smirking. His battle wounds ended with his upper body attire turning into a spagetti-thin toga and most of his lower body ragged and ripped, only reaching a bit over the thighs.

Michael chuckled. "You may have a point, but it's nice that we can help offer your strength so that the youth does not have to become adults so soon," Michael said. "Isn't that right, sister Gabriel?"

Gabriel smiled as her body glowed, removing her scantily-clad black and gold armour. "Yes, brother Michael. To know that we've helped move this world by doing our bit is enough to make my heart move. It's a shame I wasn't there to witness my beloved help stop Rizevim, but he's done enough as it is. I'll allow him to recover before I visit him."

'Looks like Serafall won't have to worry about Gabriel hounding him before her," Sirzechs, Ajuka, Azazel and Odin thought.

Ajuka took a seat on the zenith of a mountain. In the distance he was facing, Keiji was being moved on a stretcher, unconscious but with a smile, and his hands still holding Ilulu, who was also being carried away with him.

"In a way, it's all thanks to this world's very own Delinquent Dragon..." Ajuka mumbled.