Chapter 49: Finally Fucking Finished [part 1 end]

Most humans wouldn't know that a mass supernatural war broke out all across the country to stop a mad monster's desire to cause destruction. The scale of all the difference races that took part to stop this was large, but it was a miraculous event that hadn't claimed as much lives as one would expect from the extent and the events brought about in the war. Most concerns that were brought up was repairing the damage across zones where intense battles took place, hypnotizing people who might have been exposed to the truth as well as having to fabricate reasons for what some of the humans witnessed; the fuck-everything-that's-not-Great Red- attack.

Having talked to some of the Greek gods before, Lucoa went to them to discuss about the deaths of Erebus and Tartarus; Nyx was certainly relieved she hadn't gotten out there to face the two strongest, and remaining, Super Devils. The Persian gods were too minor, so no one really cared or had anyone to go to in regards to Angra Mainyu's death.

With China having housed one of the more intense battles, Sun Wukong and Yu-Long had both intervened, explained and fixed up the situation at hand. Thanks to Yasaka and the many youkais in Kyoto, they were able to find plenty of Yojutsu users to help bring back some of the mountains.

Misla almost cried tears at seeing her precious baby boy all bruised and bloodied but couldn't help but fail to control her skin-splitting smile after hearing, from her niece, that Sairaorg was the one to defeat the legendary evil dragon Crom Cruach. The dragon's corpse being examined and checked for any curses. When asked what to do with the corpse, they gave it to Vali to Divide into nothingness.

Serafall congratulated her sister properly for working so hard, which Sona couldn't help but smile at, only to regret and remember she was dealing with the bubbly Leviathan Satan herself, leading to Sona being embarrassed by the former, with her begging and chanting for some fun time to together to celebrate.

Thankfully, the rest of her Peerage were there to save her from the humiliation as Ophis watched the scene while licking a triple scoop of cherry, chocolate, vanilla, mint and strawberry ice cream (provided by the three fallen angels); an impossibly balanced treat made possible thanks to the power of the Infinity Dragon God.

Ingvild and Elma were both hugged by Katerea, the Leviathan descendant impressed with their water abilities and probably whispering something private among them, something that definitely made Invgild and Elma's eyebrow pique at the thought.

Thanking their naturally superior physiology, the dragons recovered the quickest and some of them were helping around with the injured. Tohru initially refused but Azazel bribed her with a reward that she loved all too well, instantly charming the maid dragon to become a helper for everyone.

Resting up, Asia soon came to aid in healing. For severe injuries, such as the ones the cadres and archangels faced from Crom Cruach, those of the Phenex clan were using their Phoenix Tears to aid such dire need for help.

All in all, despite the war being over, there was still much more that needed to be done before everyone could rest for good.

Many days had past, and it was time for the involvement and rewards of the so-called heroes of the war. While the actions of everyone were acknowledged, it was undeniable that their were key players involved that really advanced the cause for victory further; therefore, it was only natural they were awarded, acclaimed, and recognized for their efforts.

Azazel took to telling the young lads and lasses the kind of stuff they had gotten into for their efforts. Surprisingly, everyone was actually listening to the twelve-winged fallen angel. Keiji was exhausted as all hell, eyes weakly crunched together and his form slouched. Vali leaning on the side of the wall. Sairaorg tweaking his right hand to check how it was.

They already knew that the high-ranking leaders were already going to be praised for their great efforts, and the power they possessed were known, so Keiji and his gang were giving a more grand ovation due to the youth and popularity they had; the stupid show (in Keiji's mind at least) certainly helped bolster it. 

"The lot of you who fought against Crom Cruach certainly have been getting special recognition for your efforts, more so since we've determined the full power of Crom Cruach."

Xenovia nodded. "There certainly have been a lot of people hounding us."

Azazel chuckled. "It's to be expected. After all, you're talking about a creature who managed to surpass both the Heavenly Dragons in their prime. I reckon he'd certainly put up a fight against Sirzechs or Ajuka."

"We were up against an opponent of that level!" Rias muttered.

Azazel nodded. "Sure were."

Sairaorg smiled. "Then temporarily losing my right hand is a small price to pay. We saved many lives, everyone!"

Vali huffed from the corner he was in. 'That's one powerful opponent crossed off the list. Still, I suppose this isn't too bad. There is still so much more out there,' Vali thought, looking to Rossweisse, and remembering her impressive skills.

'I'm so drained!'

"Of course, the legendary Red Dragon Emperor is certainly the talk across the supernatural. Defeating Rizevim, the infamous son of the original Lucifer, despite that pesky Sacred Gear Canceller and his soul-destroying powers. And we can't forget him using the power of Trihexa himself, something in contest with Great Red himself; a pair of Apocalyptic-level creatures. It's almost impossible you won, but you did what you had to."

"My pleasure," Keiji mumbled, still beyond tired after everything that had happened, and not fully recovered after his whole date with death itself.

Koneko bit into a snack. "Is there anything else? We've already been bombarded by the same things."

"Straight to the point, huh. Well, you've all been instantly promoted to High-class devils for your achievements," Azazel casually spoke.

Rias perked up. "That quick?!"

"Of course! You've practically helped save the world; it's the least they could do. Honestly, I'd have asked them to make you all Ultimate-class devils," Azazel said. "I mean, compared to what you all did, not much of a big jump to ask."

Vali chuckled. "Like I'd need such a thing."

"Good to see you are still the same stubborn Vali I know," Azazel commented. 

"I must say it is still a big jump. I'm used to being just a Knight piece, but, to think, I might actually be more than just a Knight in both Evil Piece and title is certainly something that hadn't crossed my mind."

"OH NO!" Gasper shouted. "I'm not ready to be that popular yet!"

Keiji weakly exhaled at Gasper's shyness coming into play. "Relax, Gasper. It doesn't mean you can't still hide away. Besides, your time-stop has improved; it's gone way beyond 10 seconds."

Gasper respired in peace. "My peace hasn't gone. Thank you."

"But what if some people find a vampire very cool, and so they decide to find him, which leads to them following after him. Especially if he gets his own title. You'll have devils flocking to you in no time," Akeno teased, making Gasper melt once again.

"You mean I still won't have my peace," Gasper fearfully spoke.

Valerie patted him on the back. "Don't worry. It's not guaranteed. Besides, I'm sure everyone's focus will be on the one who defeated Rizevim in the first place."

Gasper slouched happily once again, a smile on his face. "So my peace will be back, after all?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my God! Ow, fuck, I forgot!" Keiji muttered, still looking hungover.


"Moving on from that, with all of you being promoted to High-class devils, you've all gotten yourselves some fancy titles to your name now. Rias and Sona were already heiresses, so this doesn't mean much to them."

"Count Gaspy sounds nice," Koneko commented, with Valerie nodding in agreement.

Kuroka lounged against the couch. "Having a territory sure sounds nice."

"About that, it's not like everyone is going to get territories," Azazel spoke, making Kuroka's tails sag. "For example, those of Ravel's Peerage, they were only reincarnated a day before. It's unlikely that they'll be rewarded so early; Ingvild Leviathan is a special case, so they are still working on what to do with her situation."

Asia raised her hand. "In that case, who has been given territories?"

"Looking at this list: your friendly neighbour hood Red Dragon Emperor, Sairaorg, the Nemean Lion, Vali, and the rest of them turned out to be the dragons! Not too surprising given Tannin was given both; your achievements are just that great."

"There isn't a chance there are strong opponents in the territory. If there was, I'd maybe take up the opportunity," Vali spoke.

Azazel lounged back. "Maybe put it up for sale for someone powerful?" Azazel then looked to Keiji. "Or would you like to fight your rival again?"

Keiji's eyes fluttered open. "I'm too tired," he muttered.

"Not the type to celebrate your victory. Most people would be ecstatic for being responsible for something as big as saving the supernatural," Sairaorg said.

"He isn't the type to brag. He usually finds it too much of a pain," Rossweisse told Sairaorg, proudly nodding at the character of his rival.

Azazel clapped his hands. "Would love to stick around, but Shemhazai is probably going to come racing towards me like a maniac if I don't get back to work. Have fun getting hounded by the paparazzi."


Darkness cloaked the damp destination as Euclid's hair spiked wildly as he tried to move out of his chains, only to find it inefficacious. His face was scrunched up by the scourge of failure, his prickly porcelain face horribly mismatching his natural beauty.

"How could have this failed?! Damn those New Satans! That damned Sirzechs, he's nothing but a fake Lucifer! Those idiots! You had one job! One job, and you couldn't do a rat's job! Even Master Rizevim failed! It's that brat! That stupid fucking brat! The sight of that filthy, washed-up cretin they call Keiji! An obnoxious Sacred Gear user who is nothing! He should have died! I'll kill him!"

"Do not badmouth Keiji," Grayfia spoke, her voice carrying throughout the jail, and soon standing in the sight of her brother's trembling eyes.

Seeing his sister, in her maid outfit and looking at him with disapproval and pity, Euclid immediately strained against the bindings sealing his demonic power. He roared with his thrashing, but dropped in defeat.

"The pursuit of trying to escape those bindings is a Sisyphean task, brother."

Euclid raised his head to spit away from Grayfia. "Why didn't you kill me?! I don't want any commiserations from someone like you!"

Grayfia's face softened; it wasn't pleasant to hear her own brother to denote her as an other, but she accepted it. "I had no reason to. You weren't a threat anymore. Brother, you have no power left, no allies and the one you served his death; his followers have either faced the same fate, captured or scattered, and the Khaos Bridage is no more. It's all over, and you've already been sentenced for several centuries of imprisonment. It may be reduced depending on if you choose to collaborate and reveal any more of Rizevim's plans and secrets that he may have set up, but, in the end, it will depend on the higher-ups' decision, but it's no longer my problem. I just came down to say goodbye."

Euclid's face was hyper focused in hatred against Grayfia. There was a time he had cared for his once-beloved sister, but he could no longer care for her in any shape or form, instead looking away with a sharp turn; she was unbearable, irredeemable.

Grayfia shook her head at her brother's defiance and started to slip away from his cell. "I wish things would have been different for you, brother... If it had been, then maybe you've had been invited to my wedding."

Record-scratching rattled Euclid's brain, and he roused up in complete shock. "WHAT?!"

Grayfia's smile turned demonic as she looked at her brother. "Yes, you heard that correctly. Indeed I'm getting married today!" she declared, spinning in place to show herself now wearing a dazzling (and slightly provocative) wedding dress. "How does it look?" Grayfia mockingly asked.

Euclid's face was mess of contractions as his brain was rattled with exhaustion, shock and fear at such a situation; such was his perplexing problem that Euclid didn't have time to outpour his hatred out.

"I'm going to enjoy taking it off later for my future husband," Grayfia whispered, fuelling the fire and further going the ultimate disrespect/despair route to her brother by magically removing the outer-part of her dress, showing off her wedding lingerie to him with a dirty, mocking look.

With a final wave, Grayfia's form vanished from the scene, and it left Euclid to explode into infernal fits, going rabid and failing to break his bindings once again. His roars of angers lost in the lonely cells that would become his new accommodation.


You won't find a church in the Underworld but the greatest ceremony hall is a fine replacement for perhaps one of the greatest evens in the last few centuries: a wedding... with a twist, it was a mass-wedding, if precision was the aim of the game.

The chain of moments that led to this event was simple. Keiji had, as one would expect, obtained a lot as a reward for his efforts. However, to him, it all felt too much, and Keiji didn't want to abuse all the power given to him. So when posed with the question of what he would want, a blank space would appear; he didn't know what he'd want!

Rias, however, happily offered to make a suggestion. It took a lot of long talks with the rest of his harem, but it all ended up with the power of permission. The permission for all of them to officially marry Keiji and become his wives. 

Usually, the amount and positions of many of them would have been a problem (several heiresses, leaders etc), but thanks to all the influence and hype Keiji had managed to get allowed for him to be a unanimous approval.

And, thus, it brought forth everyone present. Family, friends, and even random people from all factions had come to witness the heroic Delinquent Dragon have what probably was the greatest wedding in recorded history, not only for the sheer number of wives but by the sheer vanity/popularity of them. Four Pillar Houses' heiresses; Serafall Leviathan herself, the Leviathan Satan, the Archangel Gabriel; Grayfia Lucifuge, the Strongest Queen, a former deity in Lucoa, and even Ophis, the Infinity Dragon God.

Those invited to be the best men were Yuuto, Gasper, Genshirou, Sairaorg and even Vali was there. The latter in his sparkling suit and looking amused at the result of what his rival was doing. 'Honestly, he was this busy. I guess we really are opposites.'

'It's not so bad, Vali. You still have new heights to reach, after all. Were you not going to defeat Great Red?'

Vali smirked. 'I don't need reminding of that. Time to watch this humorous event unfold,' Vali told Albion, watching with a permanent grin on his face.

For the bridesmaids, and there was some surprise on Keiji's face at seeing them, but Aika, Murayama, Katase, Kiyome and the rest of the kendo girls were present. They had been told about the supernatural some time ago to be invited, and they readily agreed, even expressing interests in becoming devils soon.

The bell tolled, and the time had come. A myriad sea of colours swarmed as the girls, all swathed in different fine robes of fabric, came to greet their husband at once. The girls had plenty of different reaction. Those like Rias, Akeno, and Asia were both ecstatic and flooded with happiness. Sona and Seekvaira were embarrassed but joyous. Raynare's gang, Riser's former and Sona's Peerage were in the state of someone who couldn't believe their luck. The MILFs standing proudly next to their daughters; Griselda technically wasn't the blood mother of Xenovia, but it still qualified her as one.

Even in a blissful time like a wedding, Serafall still glared at Gabriel. 'I look much better than her in a wedding dress!'

Gabriel noted the stare, and only happily waved back to the Leviathan Satan, making a group of veins almost pop out her forehead. "It's lovely. Even my friend, Serafall, and everyone else, can join my beloved in holy marriage."

Ilulu's eyes sparkled at everything. "It's such a normal event... but it makes me feel so happy," she muttered.

Lucoa smiled, giving Ilulu a pat on the back. "I understand you well, Ilulu." Lucoa looked to the shining stars of the ceremony hall. "I haven't felt such joy since my fall from grace."

Maria's own happiness was shown through her fingers cradling her body, her lust thickly meddled into her own joy. 'I can't wait for what comes after the ceremony!'

While not too into the get-up of wearing a suit, Keiji persisted. He looked ahead to his harem all waiting for him, a small tug on his face that portrayed various feelings. 'I can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed at this, but it's also just unbelievable what has happened.'

His eyes tracked the army of brides and their wedding dresses, ranging from traditional ones to oriental ones (as was the case for Yasaka and Kunou).

'Less than a year ago, I'd have never imagined my life would spiral into this. Huh, I've really lucked out, haven't I?'

Keiji presented himself with a glistening smile, and they replied in back. With that minor greeting out of the way, the actual ceremony began.

Odin was the one to officiate the actual marriage. It took some time, which was only natural for the sheer size of things, but everyone was mostly happy. For just this once, Keiji sucked in the boredom at going through a long process and strained his facial features with his smile. Amid the moment, Michael gave his characteristic sincere smile, Azazel was making sexual innuendos with his hand but also happy that the Slash Dog girls were able to move on, Sirzechs was also crying in joy, proud of his little sister, and Baraquiel looked resigned but happy for Shuri and Akeno.

The end of the event was signalled with the thunderous applause and cheers from everyone, wishing the husband and brides a happy and long life.

Rather awkwardly, Sirzechs suddenly zoomed in front of Keiji. "This is such a great day! Hey, hey, Keiji! Now that this has happened, this means you can call me brother, right?! I'd love for someone as legendary as the Red Dragon Emperor to be able to call me that!"

Keiji felt pressured under the excited look of Sirzechs, arching his head back to ask for help from his two Gremory-Bael wives and the Queen of Sirzechs Peerage. Venelana chuckled while Rias and Grayfia shook their heads.

"Um, I'm not sure, isn't it a bit weird? Makes it sound incestuous, especially since I'm married to your sister and your mother."

Sirzechs had a downcast look on his face, making Keiji sigh, and Sirzechs soon sprinted in front of his sister. "Rias, won't you convince him to call me brother?!"

Rias looked to her mother for help, but she was still laughing; thankfully, Grayfia was there to stop Sirzechs' funky request, as she pulled on his ear. "A-aw, that hurts Grayfia," Sirzechs said, a slur to his sentence.

"I wish you'd behave more properly in front of everyone, Lord Lucifer. I may be Keiji's wife, but I'm still the Queen of your Peerage. Therefore, I must also discipline you when necessary. You can discuss this matter once the wedding and the honeymoon is over."

Sirzechs looked slightly dejected but nodded. "Of course! Still... I'm just so happy my little Rias has grown up! I'm so proud!" Sirzechs loudly blurted, drawing attention from the others, and making Keiji, Rias and Grayfia all shake their head in disappointment.


Night struck the sky, the scene set in a paradisiac deserted island; all prepared for the hero and his women to spend their weeks-long honeymoon. Smiles and smirks branded the new wives face (and the bridesmaids who were invited to tag along) in their wedding lingers. They were in an overly massive interconnected room with a titanic bed and several other bed couches all around.

Maria grinned as she took to the centre-stage. "Heya! I've got the perfect magic to help our new husband give us an unforgettable night!" Maria shouted, pooling out her magic powers and using her imagination.

"Guess I shouldn't be surprised," Keiji muttered.

"Maria!" Mio called out.

A neon purple sphere began to grow into a dome before expelling in a burst of fumes, glittering like fairies and stars. Soon, a noticeable difference was clear among everyone, something that got all the girls hot and bothered: dozens of Keiji's spawning onto the scene; instantly, the women around began to salivate and cheer.

"I... guess I should be surprised," Keiji replied, seeing the group of clones.

"HAVE FUN WITH OUR WEDDING NIGHT ORGY!" Maria screamed, immediately tackling a Keiji and stripping out of her already lewd lingerie for fun. 

Hooking onto any male that resembled their hunky hubby, everyone was soon dabbling in affectionate lovemaking. Sounds loud enough to be carried throughout the ocean waves, and flowing freely for the whole world to listen.

Rias, Sona, Seekvaira and Ravel were all gripped by the hips and felt the smelting length of Keiji seize their cores at once, a resounding groan flowing through and making their heads move right up to the sky after as they felt the length pumping right into them.

Their Peerages didn't have to wait for their turns to come as the summoned clones of Keiji each scooped up a girl for themselves and the moans would only increase from here on out, with the other waiting ladies being given their turns; a steady supply of their super stud to tend to them.

Rias shifted against Keiji's touch as she turned herself around, heaving breasts lounging against his overindulgent pectoral muscles. Moaning continuously, she managed to raise her arms against him and use her hands to admire his expository biceps. "I-I'm so happy," she breathed out in a sensual whisper, tempting Keiji and making him rock up harder into her so suddenly.

"I already know," Keiji whispered back to her, reaching to her insides with the same passion, lust and love she had grown so accustomed to; addicted might have been a more accurate word. It didn't matter, and they were both content with continuing on the night parade of orgasms.

Keiji smiled at seeing the shy face of Sona as she continued to struggle to keep her face still, constant ripples of delight controlling her motor functions and leaving her no choice but to accept her shamefully lewd face.

"You're pretty cute," Keiji muttered into her, making her face quake at the simple compliment. It wasn't anything special to get emotional for, yet it somehow managed to settle into the heart of Sona, making her legs tighten around his body.

"S-so are you," Sona weakly muttered, only to go back to crying in pleasure. Her insides gripping against his body as they both sang a song of sex; Sona's fists balling into each other while Keiji continued to embrace the Sitri heiress.

Seekvaira grinned as her green aura surrounded the both of them, making some of the others perk up at what she was doing. "D-do you like it?!" she stuttered out, throwing her head back as she felt the pulsing manhood speed up in a matter of seconds. "I'm using my Time power, so you can just spend as much time as you want deep in me!" Seekvaira purred, her slender fingers draping against his cheek.

In response, Keiji caught her nipples and pursued them however he pleased. The result was enough to send Seekvaira out of sync, her Time power slightly unstable as her mind could only pay attention to the pleasure installed in her. "If you can last that long," Keiji responded back lustfully, wrapping her closer into him.

Ravel lounged on the bed as she looked to her lover with star-crossed eyes, breaths blowing out heavily she'd would have most likely created gusts of air in the cold. Instead, they reached out to the dragon-devil that continued to mate her.

"N-never end it!" Ravel grasped out, feeling her heavily-developed chest swing about in agreement, rapidly nodding and Keiji following through by slapping himself deeper into her.

"I wasn't planning on doing it!" Keiji's words were slow and accompanied with several trusts, each one completely bottoming out Ravel and refilling her with the pleasure of his aching rod, as it continued to twitch and rock her.

Akeno laid on her stomach, chest firmly stopping her face from meeting the sheets, but it didn't matter as Keiji worked his hands against her back, massaging the soft skin, but it contrasted with the sensual skin-slapping sex that was given Akeno her dirty face.

The bedsheets were wrapped against her nails as she had no shame in publicly showing her lust, not that there was any shame in her surrounding. "You're gonna break my back if you keep at it, why don't you enjoy my wings instead?!"

On cue, her fallen angel and devils wings popped out. A shrill scream soon followed as Keiji gripped the pinions and used them as his safety handle to continue allowing Akeno to ride her favourite rollercoaster as much as she wanted. 

'It's pretty soft,' Keiji thought, squeezing down harder against the jutting out tools from her back, yet ignoring the potential pain it would cause Akeno. 'Eh, she's probably getting off on it! It's not hurting anyone.' 

Tsubaki's fingers flew by fast against her holes as she laid on her knees, head knocking back and forth, her nose fully inhaling the scent of Keiji's musk. The potent perfume already turning her serious personality to her secret personal nympho persona she held.

Going fast enough into her pussy, Tsubaki started to slurp more perversely against his heated staff. 'I need it so badly! In my mouth! My pussy! My ass!' The usual, respected vice-president thoughts completely subverted into a needy lady in heat.

Koneko grinned as she gripped Keiji's thighs and began to stroke his dick with her back, eagerly tempting Keiji's length and grinning as she saw the lewd liquid begin leaking rapidly, trickling down and allowing her movements to be more smoother. "You like that, Keiji?!" Koneko asked in a more seductive tone, a stark contrast to her usual monotone voice.

"Not as much as you are gonna love it," Keiji countered back, reaching around and sending a finger into her cunt, withdrawing back and showing Koneko her own body was reacting more than his. "Aren't you soaked?"

Koneko only increased her assjob in response to the challenge, trying to see if she could go beyond her husband's standards of her.

Momo gently inched herself deeper against Keiji as he played and placed a gentle stream of kisses around her neck while she directed his hands to completely cover her at any second. "Thank you for doing things my way."

"You're just doing what you want to do, and I'm doing what I want to do," Keiji muttered back, making her smile and leading the two of them to start slipping an exchange of tongues back and forth.

Yubelluna smirked at feeling the weight of Keiji's balls knock up against her as she continued to roll her hands against her breasts, smiling at delight at seeing it stimulate her husband's hard-on. "Even with the size of my tits, I still can't take you all myself! As expected of my King!" Yubelluna spoke.

Keiji just continued to look lustfully towards the Queen down below him, his hormones making him trace and track the sight of her front globes happily jumping for him. 'Gosh, I'd love to see her get glazed!'

Mio blushed but still smiled as she laid sideways, Keiji letting his cannon slap into her as he held onto her fat tits. The way his hands scrunched at the doughy piles at her chest stimulated Mio's whole body, her red hair shaking back and forth as her whole senses were possessed by the power he had.

"You've really got soft skin, especially when compared to the others. Nice," Keiji offhandedly commented, unintentionally being the reason why Mio suddenly gripped harder against his still-advancing shaft.

Mio managed to bring her hand back and swooped Keiji in to make out with her, something he eagerly did, as well as allowing him greater access to his core. His penetration progress dramatically increasing, further heating up the Queen of Seekvaira. 

"You're... so... shy... and... cute..." Maria moaned out slowly, each word being exaggerated due to the fact that she was casually coming off from constantly deepthroating him.

The shorter Seekvaira Peerage member laughed at Mio's shyness, though she was promptly silenced again as Keiji gripped her face and began to face-fuck her, already aware that this was definitely turning her on.

The hitting of the bedsheets made Keiji look, and very much so, Maria drenched them from pure arousal alone. It definitely didn't slow her down; in fact, she probably doubled her speed from the feeling. 'She truly is a succubus.'

"Thank you for giving me this chance, I'm still just a simple Bishop," Mihae muttered, still smiling at the chance she was being given.

Keiji strolled down Mihae's body like an art exhibition, kissing or licking any part of her body that she desired. Inevitably, and eventually, Keiji was breathing against Mihae. He only tilted her head to ask her that question; are you sure about this?

With a breathless order, Keiji chowed down on Mihae. Her eyes threatening to explode out of her as she felt the way his tongue stroked against her so accurately. Realizing that he hadn't even fully gone down on her, Mihae felt a mine of lust be set off. 'There's still so much to come!'

Reya's head was leaned back, her neck hyper extended, and relaxing her upper esophageal sphincter. With the preparations set, everything soon fell into place. By everything, it was Keiji's womb-wrecker, obviously.

The weight of his testicles overpowered Reya's chest but she gripped onto his lithe legs for support, magically ignoring her gag reflex as much as possible, and only focusing on throating his tree trunk of a dick as much as she could. 

'Didn't take her to be the type of that girl, but it's always fun to be surprised like this,' Keiji thought, pleased with the tightness of her throat.

'I fucked up...' Reya's thoughts only coherent because they were in her mind; any attempt at a vocal translation would be messy.

Smiling like the sunshine in July, Asia offered herself in a make-shift, upside down crab; her arms and legs both stretched out to be embraced, which is what Keiji did, smiling all the while he met with her.

"Are you ready?" Asia asked.

Keiji, without aid from his hands, laid his dick to rest at her soaked cunt. "Shouldn't you be asking that yourself?" he replied back.

Asia didn't get to respond as her vocals were converted into moaning, all with the single, simple swift stroke of Keiji's stirring sex. It was hot, quick, but the effect was just as strong as ever; almost taking her back to her first time ever.

Bright sparks flashed in both their eyes, hearts, and loins. Despite the supposed purity of Asia, she lacked any refined sight of a holy woman. Instead, she fully devoted herself to be the lover of the dominating dragon-devil she had grown to love with enough affection to almost make it confused with worship.

Each muscle warm and hot as they both gave into each other, slapping the bare minimum required as the former nun found her place snuggling into Keiji. 'It's an infinitely better dream,' Asia thought.

"This will help increase my chances of having a baby?" Xenovia questioned, no signs of scepticism lurking about; only her usual blunt inquisitive nature.

"Definitely," Keiji spoke to her. 'We do a little trolling.'

Fully accepting, Xenovia gripped his shoulders and wrapped herself against the nadir of his spine. "You can go as hard as you want, so long as you give me plenty to help give me what I've desired."

No words were needed anymore from the two of them, only grunts and delights, as Keiji attacked against her guarded place. Resistance was transparent, allowing Keiji to get to business right away into her, something Xenovia helped spur on by the death-like grip she was putting onto him; her desire of being a motherhood reigning heavy in her mind, and now was the best chance she was going to have in order to see it through.

Just thinking about it alone made her muscles flex as hard as possible, the surprising strength added towards them gave pause to Keiji's swollen hotness, enough so that—many thanks to his sheer size—it blocked him from finishing his whole journey right away. "You're playing hard to get, aren't you?! Hammer time, then, Xenovia!"

Seeing the small biting of Keiji's lip was the last clear thing Xenovia remembered as it was now Keiji's turn to trap Xenovia in the intensity of his cage. What followed after was a beatdown of Xenovia's pussy, her hole gaping greatly from the force exerted.

The light blue-haired Knight of Seekvaira smiled as she continued to challenge herself by taking her husband's hunk spunk shooter towards the pucker hole. It was something that was already difficult, but even harder (no pun intended) when Yuki had to deal with arguably the world record cock size to face it.

Nevertheless, and with a minor straining against her face, Yuki continued forward... probably until her ass was destroyed. "I... I can do this!" Yuki growled out.

"No need to be uptight. Try loosening up a bit," Keiji spoke to Yuki, having her in the doggy style position and helping slowly contain the length. "I'll try my best not to break you."

Yuki nodded, continuing on with her womanly warrior path... of sex. Her moans were more heavy and pronounced, compared to the light but rapid gasps of delight the other girls released.

Whether to speed things up a bit, or just a general growth in lust, Keiji decided to take matters in his own hand. Gripping her butt, which made Yuki audibly groan at the effect, Keiji moved into her at once.

"My butt is my... weak point!"

Keiji nodded at that information. "So we can make this go faster! Thanks, Yuki!" Keiji casually spoke, only to brutally bash into her backside with enough force to most likely send her spine out of her mouth.

All the while, Yuki was holding onto dear life and hoping she survived the onslaught. 'My weak spot... So rough... I can't break!' Yuki told herself, though she could feel herself quickly losing control of the pleasure circulating in her body.

Yuki felt a new force of pleasure, related to her, rush in. It was her own sister, who promptly surprised her with a lewd make out. Their type of sexual breathes were opposed, making the taboo clash all the more exciting.

"Sister," Kurumi slurred out, her speech impediment situation becoming clear once she saw Keiji railing into her sister's pussy with the same terminal velocity that her ass was currently becoming atomized at.

Face-to-face, Kurumi and Yuki dabbled in pleasing each other while they were respectively done in a separate hole each, though it didn't stop the ever increasing wave of pleasure they felt in the moment.

Happily, they allowed Keiji to both do the two of them as they studied each other's face and neck with crazed passion.

Karlamine made sure that she covered every single square inch of the illegal sized length, the precum it created being used to give the silver lance a shiny sheen to it. Her dutiful smile present of Karlamine's face. "Am I working hard enough, Sir?!"

The authoritative noun used struck the bell in Keiji, for one reason or another. A smile came across his face as he stroked Karlamine's light brown hair. "Very much so."

Those words were enough to make Karlamine's face brighten up as she gazed down at the missile, gladly making her arms turn into a blur in an attempt to extract Keiji's seed.

Spitting silk dripped all over Karlamine's body as her green eyes shone with a hypnotic glow at the load left all over her. "Amazing..." she muttered, using her tongue to get what was close.

"That's not even an appetizer," Keiji teased, making Karlamine positive tingle at the future events that laid ahead.

Tomoe toured Keiji's shaft with the same lust and love that she held for it the first time. Her brown eye shining at the saliva that coated it. While her hand focused its efforts on coaxing the cock, Tomoe paid special attention to the heavy filled sacks that were filled with all the goody gooey treats.

The veins across the vaginal-splitter was something that Tomoe continually came back to and admired, as if it was one of the Wonders of the World. 'It's so hard, but so nice to touch,' Tomoe mindlessly muttered mentally.

Quickly after, Tomoe was hit with the slippery surprise. Her eyes met with a blizzard of baby batter, forcing her to close her eyes and not be blinded, as she mindless slurped and licked it all up. "All done!"

"I haven't even ejaculated yet," Keiji muttered, striking both fear and lust into Tomoe at the statement. "Still think you're up for it."

Tomoe quickly blinked, then showed her determined look on her face. Gripping the swelling shaft, Tomoe made sure to let her tongue lounge before rising up, moving to the tip, and even giving it a small tease. "Of course!"

Rossweisse gave any control she had to Keiji as she was gripped by her meaty thighs, legs raised high and anchored, as she felt his serpent rummaging around her insides. Delight marking her face, stretching out her features.

"Your penis feels extra special today, darling!" Rossweisse commented, looking back and happily smiling back at Keiji. who flashed a cheeky smirk back.

"Don't worry about that. Just let me guide you," Keiji joked, making Rossweisse remember her small slipup during her first time.

The passion of her pussy and power of his penis reached all across her body, even making her tiny backdoor hole start to shake up and get into the mood. 'Maybe I could even allow him to do me there... Rias looked like she had the time of her life when she showed it to me.'

Tsubasa grunted as she took the time to enjoy Keiji's long, large lewd loin. The feeling of being stretched out to her limits, yet containing the elements of freedom spurred her on to bounce harder; face flushed with both exertion and lust.

"I love being a Rook! I can work as hard as I want, and you can do the same!" Tsubasa mentioned, her tomboy face looking slightly more feminine from her expression.

With Keiji laying on his back, Tsubasa was allowed to do all the work she wanted. It had been strenuous enough to already bring her to a slippery slope of sweat, but that was just quite the thing she liked in such a thing, whether it be fight or exercise. 

"Only question is if you can fully take all of me!" Keiji replied back, gripping her gluteal folds and widening them out. Once accomplished, Tsubasa's work load was decreased, but at the cost of everything else; Keiji's level of expertise far outclassing Tsubasa, which soon brought her into a world of more moans than groans.

'He may have gotten the upper hand on me, but I'll just have to work harder! H-he's doing me a favour!' Tsubasa told herself, not letting up one bit and carrying on as she always had.

Zest was all about head down, back out, and she showed it through comforting her Master's meat (specifically the lower levels) with her breasts as she continued the rest of her ministrations along the spire remaining hanging out by allowing her mouth to be bruised.

Over and over did Zest feel the knocking at the back of her throat, but she ignored it and only focused on pleasuring her Master as much as she could. A solemn vow she had made to herself after her night in paradise back at Agares.

"Is it good, Master?!" Zest asked in the most distorted way possible, for obvious reasons. Despite no vocal explanation given, a positive response was given as Keiji's hips moved back more strongly against her.

Happy, Zest continued to feel the wrath of the weighted appendage, purposefully sucking in a way to let rippling vibrating effects cover the length. "Carry on like that, Zest! I'm going to get too rough, give me a signal if it's too much!"

Zest smirked but nodded as she found Keiji's cum cannon aiming further down than what her position allowed. In order to make it work, Keiji had to force Zest down and start rampantly face-fucking her while she sucked and continued her paizuri.

'I love it, my Master!' Zest only thought.

The second Knight of the former Phenex Peerage was casually less refined, less knightly in the face of her situation. Instead, she happily licked against his balls while fingering her ass. A pained expression on her face when dealing with the harder hole to break.

"Does this feel good, my Master?! I'm just a Knight for your needs; a sheathe for you to put your throbbing... thick.. deadly... large... blade!" Each of Siris' words were helped on by intense smooching, stretching out her sentence.

Keiji only let out sighs of relief as he played with the thin ponytails around her head. 'I'm going to have fun with these when the time comes!' Keiji swore to himself menacingly, awaiting the chance to surprise Siris.

Ruroko was carried up to his chest by Keiji, with the former allowing the latter to hold her up completely and not even bothering to wrap her arms and secure herself. Only draping them to the side of his ribs and continuing forward.

A niche sense of excitement came to Ruroko from the position; she could slip at any moment, anything could happen to stop the moment, yet Keiji was consistently relentless in giving her to the desire she held. 

Seeing and feeling Keiji against her made her smile, soon laughing after. "You're so strong!" Ruroko happily stated, focusing her internal muscles to create a more sexual struggle.

Perhaps the most greedy, depraved sight came from one Chisato Hasegawa, having multiple Keiji's to service her desire. Both her pussy and ass was taken, each hand used to stroke the thick trunk at her side, and finished off with one to pleasure with her mouth.

'Nice to see that I created plenty of clones for this, especially after finding out about her little fetish,' Maria thought on the side, quickly focusing her attention on the Keiji breeding her.

"This feels like something Maria would have wanted," Keiji responded, promptly dealing with Chisato in the lustful manner that she loved.

She only laughed as she stopped licking against the tip of one Keiji. "Sometimes the nerdy looking ones are the most dirty!" she advised him, now focusing on smooching the tip and continuing to pleasure the length.

Aika popped up in mind. 'Yep, she's right about that,' Keiji thought, gasping soon after at Chisato's erratic full forced blowjob.

Isabela was gripped at both breasts and butt, contently resigning against Keiji as she could only moan against the effect he had on her. "Y-you're teasing me so much, Master," Isabela whispered, the Rook unable to handle the offset onslaught.

Keiji only continued to rub himself against her dripping clit, still focusing on taking his time and enjoying Isabela. Something just made him want to be patient with this, not rush in. "Soon," he huskily whispered back into her ear.

Hope filled Isabela at feeling the helmet of the head begin to knock on her door, the patience partially paying off, but Isabela still felt that emptiness poke at her. She resolved herself to just continue holding out a bit longer.

In contrast, the rutting of Keiji's hips met against the sore hips of Xuelan. Her thighs baked from the pressing pressure of Keiji's large hands, easily clawing at her heavy thighs and using them as he saw fit.

'He's even more beastly than before. I don't even think calling him a normal devil will count at this point!'

The word Super Devil sprung up in her mind. Thinking to the level she was at, compared to Keiji, it just brought a truck load of lust to well up inside her. She was being given the chance to bare the child of someone who far surpassed her. Although she wasn't overly interested in giving birth, the sudden thought was an appealing one.

Filled with new desire, Xuelan stopped weakly accepting things, and eagerly pushed back as much as possible. The sudden revolution making Keiji smile. "You can have your way with me, but I'm not allowing you to do everything so easily! I still am a Rook!"

"I'm glad we've got a chance to do this," Bennia spoke, jerking the cock thicker than her own arm without any sign of fear.

The slit spilt some semen, already enough to trickle down Bennia's arm and allow her to use it to lubricate the rigid part of him. "You're thinking about licking it, aren't you?" Keiji asked.

Bennia happily nodded. "Of course! It's even more perfect than I imagined!" Bennia replied back, her tongue pushed to the side as she eagerly swiped her hand harder and faster against the strained sword; thick to the point it was planking on its own.

Stroking the scythe long enough, and a reward was given. Bennia found her face tingling, body a mess, and lust spiked at the lot of cream she was blessed with. Casually gathering it up, and stuffing it in her mouth, she gulped and showed her clean teeth. "That was fun! I wanna do it again!"

Ni and Li laid against each other; the red-haired sibling holding the top mountain. They both had a dick to themselves. Li was lustfully pleasuring and devouring the length presented to her, while Ni found herself impaled with joy, eagerly moving against her sister's body and the log presented to her.

The two of them didn't last long except the overwhelming lust and talent that the clones had on them, bringing them both to be a sloppy mess in a manner of minutes. Luckily, Keiji was still solid and sturdy.

Switching scenarios, Li was now the one feeling her cunt being stretched out. Ni enjoyed the taste of her sister's juices and the cum-covered length in her mouth. 'It's almost like honey,' Ni mindlessly noted.

Li sucked against her sister's neck, her hot breath teasing Ni's body further. Li only thought it fair, given that Ni was a lucky one, and having both his cum and her juices painting her mouth.

Mira drunkenly smiled as her lip curved against her sexually stretched out face, already leaking plenty as the sturdy rod rearranged her insides. Dizzying delight spiralled throughout her whole body, making her own hands lose balance and drop her. It only worsened, or one could say improved, her condition as Keiji fell further into her with this.

"Have you been practicing?! You're holding it in so better," Keiji casually commented, not paying attention to the fact that she probably couldn't even mutter a word because of the pleasure handed to her.

Mira's face was splayed to the side, and she could do nothing but weakly nod and mumble as her cheeks clapped and her mind was getting closer to snapping.

Shuriya's body backed up when she felt the slap against her butt, and soon the promised length presented itself to the Pawn. Her senses all heightening at the moment of truth arriving ever so closer.

Her legs locked against his waist and Keiji held her arms back. The frisky balancing position she was in commenced as she felt the miniscule fabric grip around her body, almost in a binding way, but it mattered not as she found her womanhood being blessed with the blunt weapon she feared and loved.

"Most of us are naked, yet you still have your clothes on. You have a fetish? Gotta say, it hits," Keiji mentioned, filling up Shuriya right after with both love and lust; she found it nice that it got a positive remark out of him.

It took awhile for Shuriya to realize something important when it came to the position she was in. Her own endurance dictated how long she could hold it. And while Keiji did most of the work, her legs felt the acidic feeling build up. It made her gulp, and also somehow intrigued her. 'Maybe I'll see how long I can go like it!'

Celis smiled in anticipation as she slowly dragged both holes agonizingly slow against Keiji's cock, having to put effort in trying to subdue it down. However, it kept coming back up and solid, making it so that every attempt that Celis made to grind against it would result in her getting a couple pat on the backs.

"Why not just put it in right away?" Keiji asked. "I can tell how much you need it."

Celis weakly nodded. "Because... I still have to exercise self control, and it's a test to myself. When I'm your wife, I'll have to make sure I don't go cock-crazy without you, wherever you go!"

Dragging it out for a bit longer, Celis completely flipped and immediately went to riding on him aggressively. Her ponytail swinging in tandem with her body, which she promptly swung in a cyclone fashion.

Celis carefully inching herself down rather than take all of it took a tremendous show of hidden willpower from both Keiji and Celis. For Keiji, he badly wanted to breed her senseless; grip her chest, suck on it, and continue to mate with her nonstop. For Celis, her furnace felt like it was on fire for not nipping her lust in the bud right away but only adding fuel to the fire; out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Marion and Burent, the two dressed maids, worked together for this effort. The both of them grinded their asses against the throbbing length, smiling at the syrup dripping out and drenching their bottoms. Thanks to the clapping of their developed butts, the sticky sauce started flying everywhere and reach further across their bodies.

That wasn't the only thing they had to deal with. Each maid was given a dick to service, mindlessly and gleefully taking it into their mouths. By this point, they had managed to reach around the halfway point before the challenging cock started to become more of an oral ordeal for them.

'I can't let Master down!' Marion told herself as she started tugging at his balls, trying to drain him quicker.

Burent, on the other hand, utilized her other double pair of assets to try and coax the crazy sized cock to release further. 'His nuts are slapping against my breasts! I love nestling them!'

Tendou and Keiji both moved their hands through each other's hair as they continued to make out with each other. Neither of them fully moving with the speed that many others were going out, but it was simple and passionate.

"Do you want to go fast?" Tendou asked him, smiling as they met together.

Keiji gave her a small teaser by giving one strong stroke into her. "Only if you think you can handle it," he replied back, giving her a small kiss on the forehead, to which Tendou resumed their previous activities again with increased incentive.

"Thank you for agreeing to do this," Kisaragi told him, her fingers running down her body as Keiji stroked his cock out for her.

Keiji shrugged. "It's what you want, so I'll give it. Besides, I'm sure this isn't the only thing we'll be doing," Keiji lustfully promised her, his tone becoming more restless.

Kisaragi took that as a good sign, which did come. It cloaked her body in pillars of porcelain that left her with shocked eyes. 

Taking off her soaked glasses, Kisaragi lewdly drove her tongue around it and wiped it all clean. "There, I can see much better, and I see a cock I want to know better," she sensually spoke, stroking the heavy hose. "You don't mind, do you?"

Keiji grinned. "This is where the fun begins."

Nogami giggled as she played with the spear, letting it touch her body but not going far. Sort of like she was testing it out, small gasps at poking her breasts and making it move with her hand.

Soon, she felt the slippery substance begin to run out of the slit. "I'll save it from drowning," she sarcastically joked, rolling her tongue mainly around the tip and continuing on at the positive reception she garnered. 

To her surprise, she found that her tongue rolling around wasn't enough. "Looks like you'll need more effort to help stop it. How about this?!" Keiji gripped her, laying his hands into her hairband, and ramming it inside her. "If you ever want to tap out, just give me a shout."

'I don't think I'd want to!' Nogami thought, savouring the sweet taste and scent.

Sonozaki was laid on the ground with her legs spread wide out, her trained muscles being teased by the fingers of Keiji. "You've got nice, long legs, you know. Want me to put them to good use?" Keiji asked, his tip already knocking on her damp door several times already.

"Y-yes," she weakly breathed, feeling her stimulation begin to burn her.

Like a true hero would, Keiji saved her from the distress, and smacked her open. Her smile quickly morphed into something more perverse but it still held the sight of love in it. 

'He's been hiding such a dangerous weapon in his pants alone!' Sonozaki could only think of Keiji and kendo-related terms.

Inui's cheeks bulged as her hair split on the side was used as handlebars to allow Keiji to give Inui the full individual experience. It was at her own request that she suggested such a thing; though, Aika probably corrupted her beforehand.

She still smiled, though the length distorted her face, making it harder to distinguish how she really felt. Her throat had already been expanded like a time lapse of muscle growth. 'He's probably trying to impregnate me from the other end! How naughty!' she dumbly thought.

The speed at which Keiji went at made him slightly mess up, with his grip on Inui's hair breaking off and whacking all over her. "You alright?" Keiji asked, only to feel Inui grip his hands and place it on her hair again.

"Again!" she slobbered out, the words incoherent, but the meaning clear. Happiness coming to her once again as she felt it rampage inside her.


Kadoya bit her lips, drool slipping from her mouth, and back arching as Keiji gripped her by her hair and rode her into seven different realms of pleasure, which also helped show off her fairly nice ass.

"Do you like having your hair pulled?" Keiji asked, a mix of dirty talk but curiosity. 

Kadoya couldn't necessarily nod due to her hair being pulled, something Keiji really didn't pay attention to in his sexual state. Seeing her just continuing to moan, Keiji shrugged and only worked harder into her, not realizing he was responsible for Kadoya unable to access any proper thoughts.

'I'll have to make my hair longer for him, so he can do it even harder!' Kadoya told herself, having forgotten the question but also partially remembering it in her own filthy way.


Similar to Sonozaki, Tsugami found her legs to be the target of lust for Keiji as he sat on the bed but draped her on the floor; her legs being the only thing he held up. "I'm ready!" she told him.

Keiji only responded with, "Are you sure about that?!"

It only took a few minutes for the answer to come into mind. No, no she was not ready for it. Although it didn't stop Tsugami from holding on and determined to continue on with the procedure.

Kido held her arms out to be held by Keiji while they prepared to continue with each other: Kido opening up her legs and positioning herself, making sure she sat on Keiji lap, as well as watching his bulge twitch in the open environment.

"This is all for me?" she muttered.

"If you can handle it," Keiji replied.

Kido only beamed back to Keiji as she took more of an initiative than before, cooing softly at feeling herself being opened up so widely, and it was only the tip to begin. Everything else was going to be more intense from here on out.

'I might not be able to do kendo anymore, but I'm willing to take that risk!' Kido told herself, quickly trying to shut off any intense pain that would stifle her and only focusing on filling herself as much as possible before her maximum limit hit.


Hidari smiled as Keiji tickled her breasts while she felt him eat her out. 'I thought I'd warm myself up with some foreplay, but he's making it feel as good as sex!' Hidari thought, trying to stifle her moans, so as to not appear weak.

Her willpower was unneeded, and soon she found herself loudly proclaiming and gasping at his skill. 'I think she might be sensitive,' Keiji thought, a miniscule mental smirk. 'Let's test that theory out!'

Hidari's breasts were seized up violently, his fingers quickly pulling and pinching them to leave red welts around it. Like a series of dominoes falling at once, Hidari quickly climaxed all over his face.

"S-sorry about that," Hidari muttered.

Keiji only smiled at Hidari, reaching forward and embracing her in a kiss. 'Maybe I should try this stuff more often.'

Hino opted for a similar fun with Inui. This time, Hino was fully lying down and allowing Keiji to casually make a mess of her; Hino's own words.

So, being the man of his word, Keiji continued to thrust into her mouth with reckless abandon. He was opposite from her, which meant that Hino was free to touch her body and not be restrained by his weight on her.

Hino took the time to drive herself insane with additional doses of pleasure, fingering her clitoris and rubbing the areolas until they became erect enough to cut through diamond.

Katase and Murayama opted to kiss each other while they had a Keiji to themselves, gripping their shoulders and casually punching their womb with each spring release of the aroused flesh, powerful pistoling that made their whole body shake.

"Want to see who can make Keiji cum first?" Murayama asked.

Katase smirked. "You're on!" she declared, switching from passive mode to aggressive mode, and Murayama doing the same.

Aika would have laughed at their situation had she not been in one herself, albeit of her own choosing. Currently being spit roasted, Aika's body could only shiver at the fact that she was able to do something like this.

'It's straight out of some erotic novel!' Aika mused to herself, unconcerned with the pain she was feeling as she was aware of the pleasure that would arise from it, and everything would be better again.

Her nose drank in the scent, while awaiting the drink that would soon come to her. Just thinking about it was enough to get her pussy squirting, which she did.

'Funny.. Those who wear glasses seem to be kinky at times,' Keiji thought, though he mainly focused on Chisato and Aika at this.

Keiji twirled the curly spiral hair of Kiyome as he used it as his only method of getting around, his face permanently glued to her breasts and rapidly switching from one to the other as he rifled his potent phallus in and out of her.

"You're such a beast, Keiji!" Kiyomi stuttered out, only seeing him smile and suck harder on her breasts. 

"Aren't you supposed to be a beast tamer?" Keiji joked with her, sucking on her breasts and finally allowing himself to partially detach himself from swiping her hair.

Kiyomi pouted. "That's because you're an untameable beast! Everyone knows you don't mess with dragons!" Kiyomi replied back, cooing in delight as she felt Keiji rock harder into her.

'That's probably the dragon in me getting excited by her point,' Keiji thought to himself, enjoying the small sudden speed attack he dished out to Kiyomi, her drenched cunt allowing Keiji's katana to slide in cleanly.

Ilulu mewled as her Master continued to pound into her, not losing a single stroke of speed or strength, he was like a lightning bruiser. Her meaty thighs were grounded into handlebars for him to breed her better.

"You're dripping, Ilulu," Keiji mentioned. "With such an oily pussy, you'll have me knocking at your womb in no time!"

Ilulu only smiled back as she smooched with her Master. "T-that's the plan! I'm the best Familiar ever!" she lewdly blurted out, making Keiji chuckle at her.

The shortstack Familiar found her chest being grappled by two people. She looked to find it was Battina, Rias Familiar, and one of her Master's clones.

Additional pleasure awoke in both of them. Ilulu's body shook but her breasts were caught in place, making it pull and bounce whenever Keiji pumped into her, further adding to her enjoyment. And any hot-blooded young dragon devil would enjoy the sight, which was evident in the prominent powerup of the phallus.

"Aren't you Rias' Familiar?" Keiji asked Battina, bashing her brains out with his cock and leaving her with a permanent ahegao etched into her face.

Her body was highly receptive to the length that dominated her Master multiple times, and she remembered the taste and the effect it carried onto her all those times back when they were training for Rias' first Rating Game.

"And aren't you above Rias?! T-the way... I see it... I'm also yours!" Battina shrieked out, muffling her moans by releasing them onto Ilulu's gravity-defying breasts whilst Keiji shrugged and continued fucking her silly while also biting onto Ilulu's milk jugs.

The gentle tug of Battina. The animalistic rampage from Keiji. These feelings mixed well together to bring Ilulu in a state of delirium. The penis pressing into Ilulu with enough force to make her back explode into rapid twerking motion, which only served to make her milk his dick; her own body going beyond Ilulu's district of pleasure and demanding the definition of pleasure with the mighty source of heat that Keiji possessed. 

With a protruding tongue, rolling eyes, and a reddened face, both Battina and Ilulu screamed out in celebratory degeneracy. Wombs jampacked with the life-giving syrup they both depended on for survival; a new section of macronutrients opening up.

Lined up with a Keiji for each of them was Ile, Nel, Koneko, Genbu, Ophis, Maria, Mittelt, and Kanna.

In a perfectly timed show of synchronizing sex, the eight girls had their cunts connected to the dream pipeline. A chorus of high-pitched moans from the shorter members of the harem being bred.

Due to being siblings, Ile and Nel were kept close to each other. "I think he's already at my womb, sis!" Ile cried out, feeling the rapid pounding slowly meet her body at a level that was probably unhealthy.

Nel wasn't fairing much better, her tiny body all but hanging by the large length provided. Too weak to even bring her head up, Nel witnessed the distended belly that she was being gifted with. 'It turns me on so much!' Nel admitted to herself, unable to cough out her desire outward so reminding herself of the obvious.

Both Ile and Nel grabbed one hand and clutched it tight, like a pair of magical girls. This led to Keiji doing the same thing with the girls and grabbing them by the hands, helping the thrusting ability even more.

Thanks to the tightness of them, they were both well-fed inside them. Their wombs welled up with the white water, enough for them, yet more still came out. This shock caused the both of them to orgasm practically at the same time, something which made Keiji look to his other clone to see if he had a similar result; good twins.

With a final wedge out of them, the two twins felt their cunts explode wide open, wasting precious seed. Weak bodies filled with strong determination led to the two of them getting into a sixty-nine position to try and clean each off.

Kanna found herself surprisingly easy to be tamed in this position. She couldn't exactly pinpoint the reason, but her sense of self left the window, and she felt like she was nothing more than a pocket pussy to be used.

"Make sure to give me enough to make me grow taller!" Kanna gritted out, eyes narrowed heavily but unable to make eye contact due to the position.

Keiji followed through with his request, burning calories at the speed of sound and his hips fading like participles with the speed he was going at. Spreading her small but plump cheeks and watching her thighs was enough to allow Keiji's precious cum gush into her womb at once, an almost cute dragon roar from Kanna.

Koneko, Genbu and Maria were all mashed together as each of their tight pussies were drilled. The three of them organized in such a way that they could have a three-way kiss or alternate between who was closest to the other.

Maria giggled, being the first one responsible for the three-way kiss. Koneko and Genbu decided to go with it, interested in going for new experiences. It worked out in their favour as the steamy sight prompted Keiji to move harder into all of them.

Feeling the poke at their belly, they began to alternate. Whether it be Koneko kissing Genbu, Genbu kissing Maria, Koneko kissing Maria, and so on. It was a messy affair of the appendages ranging from the top to the bottom.

'Such a shame I can't get closer to Koneko or Genbu while they get fucked. I'd love to tease them and that massive penis so badly!' Maria thought, her lustful thoughts translating into a level of tightness that caught Keiji by surprise.

Genbu gasped as she wrapped her hands back to make necklace around Keiji. "You really do take the Red Dragon Emperor of Domination title seriously?!" Genbu gasped out, too busy trying to breathe and cool down against the molten member burning her insides up with the speed and size it went at.

Koneko was the most well off in the group, easily turning back and able to smile back at Keiji, who returned the cheeky countenance, then leaned in to kiss her. Accepting it, their humping movements were certainly memorized.

Being this close to Koneko spurred Keiji to rampage into her prone bone style, soon making Koneko falter against the technique. 'Even with all my experience... He still finds a way to surprise me!' Koneko thought in delight, not all concerned she had more to do.

When Keiji finished unloading in Koneko, Genbu, and Maria, the loud audible noise making Keiji smile in relief while the others mindlessly muttered in joy at the sensation; their eggs cooked in the warmth of his sperm.

Taking the sight to advice, the clones of Keiji ramped up their effort into both Ophis and Mittelt, the two pocket pussies with a heaven and hell difference of strength both submitting to the Red Dragon Emperor.

"I'm surprised you aren't going into your mature form," Keiji said to Ophis.

Ophis' eyes were a million miles away with her star-glazed look, only meeting Keiji's thrusts back into her. "This is good... fine... I like this form... and you love it," Ophis replied back.

Keiji shrugged, putting her glutes open, from which he moved faster into her. Her arching back was born from the wild rocking of his hips, their skin turning, tightening and rubbing frantically as they continued on.

Chained claws prevented Mittelt from moving as Keiji bucked against the fallen angel beneath him, her midget form overwhelmed and flattened. "Please," Mittelt started in a drunk tone, "play with my mouth!"

While the idea was very lewd, and the webs of drool in her mouth certainly showed how filthy Mittelt's mind was, Keiji had a better idea of what to do for Mittelt. Instead of kissing her, he stuck a few fingers in there and allowed her to lewdly suck in his fingers with her mouth while she got dicked down.

"How's this?!" Keiji asked, also curious, given this was something he hadn't tried before.

"Even better!" Mittelt's words were more confusing and unclear than any ahegao speech his other girls did, but he took that as a good sign, and continued to lay into her with a very fierce paroxysm.

Keiji's sinewy of length expended more energy against the natural tightness of the more petite members of the harem, but it only added to his experience when dealing with their holes. In a manner of minutes, no matter the tightness, Keiji's rhythm hadn't slowed down one bit while hammering both Ophis and Mittelt.

The head-shaking, bed-creaking sex that Ophis was receiving managed to stun her. After all, her main experience with sex—her first time with Keiji—wasn't as intense as her current situation. Despite this, Ophis showed no qualms about the sex shock and only continued to await her mate's seed to spread inside her.

Desperate for the fiery culmination to take place, Ophis and Mittelt both abandoned themselves in the tempest of pleasure brewing. Their dizzying, erotic release was overpowered by Keiji's frenzy of simultaneous explosions. Losing control of his cervical spear, Keiji grumbled in agonizing gasps while Mittelt and Ophis were expelling moist, quickened gasps of air against the lewd lava liquid pouring into them; the cocks being the locks to keep the overflow from spilling. 

Raynare and Kalawarner had protruding tongues as they continued to lift their breasts up against the pillar, eyes drawn upwards like devout prayers. Their bodies throbbed as they both felt a thrill of pleasure shoot against their body when faced with worshipping their favourite thing since being reformed (which was quite a while ago).

They both pouted at Jeanne, the devil, taking turns and bobbing her head up and down his meat whenever she could. Her efforts were segmented into progress, making sure that each part of him was fully coaxed in her own mouth lube juices. 'So yummy!' Jeanne happily thought, her jolly smile amusing to see.

'We've known Master Keiji longer than this devil yet she gets to suck him off! I'll just have to show why fallen angels are better!' Raynare thought, loins begging for fulfilment.

Kalawarner advanced her efforts to bring out about Keiji's release, bashing her bountiful breasts against firm flesh while also making sure to hypnotically shake her butt back and forth.

She moaned with a smile when she felt Keiji slap it. "You did that on purpose, Kalawarner," he commented, leaving his hand to rest and grind her butt into shape.

Kalawarner winked. "Only for you."

Raynare nodded at the idea, soon doing the same thing, too. Just with Kalawarner, the magic happened and Raynare also felt her lover's hand messing with her plump rear.

Jeanne pouted. "Unfair."

"Tough luck, devil. Fallen angels are better; it's that simple," Raynare said, making sure to puff up her breasts as she did so, and Kalawarner chimed in a similar way.

Jeanne licked against a thick vein. "I bet I can fuck Keiji better than the two of you!"

"Let's test it out, then!" Keiji spoke.

Soon, each girl felt a muscular chest appear behind them. One by one, the each of them were taking and found themselves in an endurance test against each other. The catch: Keiji was fucking them as hard as he could.

Now the girls weren't poor in stamina, nor in experienced. But the full course sexual expertise of Keiji was certainly a lot to handle, so they were moaning almost the first instant the cock came into them.

Keiji couldn't blame the bouncing girls. After all, the rate at which Keiji was going at was probably stronger and faster than any car engine possible. Breasts swung so much they began to ache, lounges promptly dropping in illustrations of lust, eyes traversed the stars sensually, and a cherry bomb welt covered their face as they continued to feel Keiji use them in everyway.

Raynare was gripped tightly across the breasts and fucked accordingly so. Her wings had spawned from the intense pressure. When Keiji saw those, he immediately had her shrieking hoarsely from the sensitivity of them.

On her knees, Kalawarner was having her hair used as training ropes. They flew about in Keiji's hand but he still kept a tight enough grip on them that he was able to direct Kalawarner to his whim, and his will sent her flying back and forth against his cunt-cracker, dripping liquid all over the place at the rate he was going at. The cock drunk Kalawarner was slowly losing her grip on the bedsheets as Keiji continued in.

Jeanne was still pretty new to having the physiology of the devil, but she was receiving an early limited edition show of the joys. Her body ached against his, her short, quick gasps were only her method to get barely enough oxygen to continue enjoying the feeling. She was sure that she would pass out at this point, yet her mind was so numb she couldn't even say it. It was more that she could feel it on a biological level.

Whether mind broken or not, it didn't matter to Keiji as their pitiful lung-wrenching orgasms couldn't match the amount he had to illustrate. Each girl felt the weight of his semen tug down on their bodies, draining them of any other thought that didn't remotely relate the titanium-hard titan releasing horny hurricanes of delirious delight into them.

All their brains had been over fuck-fried with the effort displayed into them, leaving the question of who could fuck Keiji better unresolved.

Meanwhile, the two female members of Sairaorg's Peerage were both having their own fun. Coriana was going face-first into Keiji's balls, smooching and slobbering all over them as the overhead missile slowly heated up against her ministrations.

On the other hand, Kuisha had already warmed up Keiji enough that she was now promptly being hammered against the wall while she looked down at her lover in amazement and lust; her eyes travelling further down enough to get a good look of the grand prier opening her up at each moment.

"I've got all the abilities of a Rook, Knight and Bishop! Be as rough as you want with me," Kuisha told him, tilting her neck down and engaging in a scorching connection of lips.

As for Coriana, she was now mouth open and sucking. Her efforts were a sloppy toppy mess that involved Coriana desperate to make him drench her mouth in his juice of grandeur. Desperation for a gooey throatpie driving her determination and eagerness up by each second, like an oven temperature slowly being heated and raised further.

Her hand gripped the base as she continued on downwards, no hesitation in her stride but full on confidence as her throat was bruised and used at a lightning pace, her jaw being whacked at by the two-fold attack of his wild, free nuts drooping about. 'These thick veins... So full of cum... I might have breathing problems by the end of this!' For some reason or another, that was an exciting thought to her.

Keiji winced at feeling the tingling sensation spring up into his testicles, veins vibrating rapidly and actually adding to Kuisha's kinky pleasure. "Yep, it's coming soon!" Keiji admitted to her, panting and shoving himself deeper without slowing down for a moment.

Just hearing about the news put Kuisha on high alert. Her eyes wide open, tongue out and mind constantly awaiting for the eruption to come. Her brows furrowed at no signal, even though this was only one second after Keiji made that announcement.

Disappointed at the release not arriving, she was completely surprised when it shot up inside her body, a flaming spread of semen coursing through and conquering all in sight. Even the white blood cells would have found themselves completely cloaked in cum at this rate. Keiji's one eyes closed while Kuisha's eyes took a trip to the back of her skull.

At Coriana's part, her eyes were bulging and throat was gargling as the ultimate throatpie was seemingly too much for her. Eventually, she was coughing it out but she still maintained the will to place her mouth against his cock and slurp up the released residue of his release while pleasuring him.

Cum stained parts of her shoulder, some of it sitting nicely on her clavicle like a piece of a puzzle fit in. "I think... I'll try... using my pussy..." Coriana breathed out.

Coriana turned around to see a dripping Kuisha from behind her get down on her knees and open her mouth wide with her hands about, like she was going to receive a blessing... well, that wasn't inaccurate. 

Seeing this, Coriana then grappled onto Keiji. Once on tight, she gripped the thick hardness and let out a slow moan from feeling the hard helmet easily give her a pseudo orgasm. "This thing just might send me to heaven."

Kuisha's ponytail was treated almost like a tassel, bunched up and used by Keiji as she continued to suck on his cock, her cheeks fattening and her face flush and full. 

An eager look was on her face as she collected the dripping semen , combined with her juices, and made sure to lube the dick from when she would take it further. 'I will completely do it! I'll do what Coriana couldn't do!'

Coriana mewled as Keiji started sucking on her breast. While he may have done a child-like thing, there was nothing child friendly about the way he went about it. Coriana could have sworn it was like he was trying to rip the areola off with how hard he was was pulling at it.

"Your breasts are pretty soft," Keiji mentioned, though a bit unclear, Coriana got the picture and smiled at the appreciation of it; it wasn't as big as some of the other girls, so there was always the small amount of doubt.

Jade eyes stood out as Kuisha felt Keiji's lust take a turn to domination. His normal passive play taking a more active status, leaving Kuisha a mess and unable to follow up as her heart raced at the intensity of things. 'Am I going to get enough oxygen?!'

The intoxicating musk delivered straight into her body, wrapping around the mind, and slowly convinced Kuisha it was an unnecessary question. With that silly rhetorical question out of the way, Kuisha was able to get back to doing what was most important: showing her husband a good time and loving him.

Coriana could feel herself slowly starting to lose herself in the moment, her fingers slipping off Keiji, even whilst they were sunk fairly close and deep into him; it was like a butterfingers curse had gotten to her.

Giving up, she weakly offered her other breast to Keiji's face while he continued on the marshmallow milk bags that he loved a lot. All the while smashing Coriana's cunt, and making her vulva burn up in lust, making it drip degenerately.

Kuisha's eyes were dilating at this point but she had done it! Whether she knew it or not, Kuisha had reached the end line and gotten all the hard work done. Now all she had to do was accept her prize, or what could be referred to as the final challenge, which houses the reward.

The shivering inhales was all the confirmation, but Kuisha didn't hear it anyway. So too late she was to realize the ambrosia flowing into her mouth. The force of it, however, woke up Kuisha and her eyes widened at the intensity of it. Her plump lips parted but struggling to keep it there, only her lust and reward kept her in place.

Miraculously, Kuisha managed to do it. She soon dropped but Keiji was there to keep her stable. "Good job there."

The time had come, with both Keiji and Coriana both aware of the nuclear meltdown of their cores. In that moment, they cried out to each other; now, both in a kiss. Their heated juices met in a match that Keiji demolished her in. Her fluids lost in the cum calamity unleashed, enough to make Keiji's leg rapidly shake without control.

It took some time for the both of them to settle down, but it now ended with two fucked-silly members of Keiji's harem... oh, and they were members of Sairaorg's Peerage. 

Sae, Shigune, Natsume and Lavinia were all together as a group. They were both riding a Keiji in a group.

Sae rested her head against his shoulder while she allowed Keiji to rock his hips into her, a strong sense of connection flowing through with every blow, and it only intensified further with each passing moment.

Despite the sheer size, Sae wasn't too drunk on pleasure. Yes, against the very anarchist lewd atmosphere, Sae felt her heart blossom. The pain from everything before slowly melting away as she embraced Keiji.

"Is this good enough for you?" Keiji asked, smiling as he felt Sae's response from the way she touched his shiny skin.

Shigune wasn't in the mood for chat, too busy devouring Keiji's mouth with her thirsty mouth and letting him rock her core with every shot into her. The thick leg continued to stir up Shigune's stomach but she paid it no mind.

'Why is he so appealing?! Attractive! I want to devour him!' she thought, whether it was the fact that she possessed the Fiend of Gluttony was not confirmed but she sure was making it proud.

Natsume happily bounced with a crossed eye expression, having already squirted multiple times against his cock, and the fluids dripping down and minorly cooling down his body at the cool feeling.

"Talk about enthusiastic," Keiji muttered, delighting in the softness of her fat ass, rubbing it around and around the world; a small slap was placed against it to test her reaction.

Natsume's response to such a kind gesture was to freeze up against his dick, the walls to her womb firmly sticking close together, which involved trying to trap Keiji's inhumane friend int her walls. "So naughty! But I love it, Delinquent Dragon!"

Lavinia fully collapsed her breasts against Keiji's face, swallowing his face while, and she continued to ride against him. She was aware he was strong enough to survive without oxygen, so some boobs wouldn't pose any problem to him, would they?

"At least you are living up to my expectations!" Lavinia spoke, chuckling in lust as she continued to slip up and down against the strained rod. The Longinus user made sure to wrap her arms around the hunky horizon to secure her dominion of big breasts and to further allow Keiji's face to bathe in them.

Each girls progressively felt a progressive increase in length, width, power, speed and passion as the moments went on. Some like Shigune and Sae were more perceptive to it, while those like Natsume and Shigune were barely challenged, and responded by also increasing the level of intensity they had.

At the end of the day, there was only one true dominant person in town. And it soon came to fruition as the limits of their womanhood and experience would soon reach a point, whilst Keiji exceeded the threshold and moved it higher with him.

It was a game changer to all the girls. His special gift soon brought further pleasure into the girls, far greater than their first time in the hot springs.

Sae closed her eyes, pleasuring sending her senses all over the place. Energy zig-zagging all over the place and the full power penis blows sent right into her womb made her resign. The sudden tightness that followed it through brought a sizzle into Keiji's spine, making his slit open up and began to set fire to her womanhood. A hot coating around her eggs, making Sae give one final coo of joy before settling down easily.

Shigune soon found herself being the one who was filled up as her body felt itself drown in the quicksand cum that transported into her body. 'He's opening up my womb walls far apart from cumming alone!' 

The thought brought her to such an amazing realization. Shigune wasn't sure if she was the first person to orgasm over a thought while getting close to orgasming but it didn't matter because Shigune fully accepted the moment and cried out into Keiji's mouth, the vibrations making Keiji kiss back harder, add more kinkiness to it.

Natsume squeezed harder against Keiji, admiring the taut muscles, while she found herself constantly squirting against him. The sheer amount adding more fuel to the fire, slowly bringing Keiji to his own release from Natsume's own naughty centre solidifying against him.

All odds came in at once as Keiji gave her a hug of her own, as well as a gift money couldn't buy. Her wombs coated in his sperm and fully intent on making her a mommy. Natsume laughed as it happened. "I'm going to be the Delinquent Dragon's mother! I can't wait to be on the show!" Natsume blurted out, briefly squirting a fair amount before being outdone.

Lavinia soon found out what it was like to wield true fire as her ovaries were set ablaze with Keiji's own lustful liquid. The warming in her belly tingled her in a way that she wouldn't have expected. "I feel like it's tempting me... to be a mommy... to give birth to the child that you want to lay in here!"

Keiji didn't make any attempt to help her out with an answer she might have wanted. He only continued doing what Lavinia wanted, along with the other girls. A fun night of breeding and a journey of fun.

Gabriel and Serafall were both pressing their breasts against each other, a Keiji behind them and breeding them good. Whilst both had moans, the two of them were still strong enough to look at each other. That was where the differenced ended; Gabriel had a joyful look at Serafall, while the latter still had the strength to give a dirty scowl at the former, who was too pure-hearted to even notice such a thing.

mind, then breaking back to reality and smirking with a smile she had never done before. "Then what are you waiting for?!" she purred.

Back to the battle between Serafall and Gabriel, things were heating up to a grand finale as the both of them were at the mercy of Keiji. By this point, Gabriel had hooked both arms, around Keiji's armpits, and onto the toned road of muscles, thick trap muscles was where her fingertips resided. Serafall had both her arms pulled back by Keiji while he continued to give her the 5 Gum experience. Hearts in their eyes, wombs begging for cum, and completely forgetting what the real purpose of everything was, things were looking pretty good.

Serafall and Gabriel finally got vocal again after the final few thrusts into them completely cracked their core into fully submitting. The deep seeded desire for womanhood finally blooming like a patient rose, everything topped off when the seed of life flashed and splashed in their wombs with frenetic fervour. 

Keiji groaned amidst the two powerful women's' roars of ravishing fulfilment. Soldiers of semen marching forth and gunning for the fertile fortress ahead, clambering around for a chance to enter the secret garden. The load, as usual, did happen to spill out and with the way the girls had shook and grinded their bodies let to Keiji letting it out on their backs and butt.

'I've reached my summum bonum,' Gabriel happily thought, rubbing her belly.

Serafall mumbled as she rested up. 'I win!' she weakly told herself.

"Guess there's not a winner," Keiji muttered.

It was then the time for Grayfia to get her go-go gooey treat, and she got it good. The staff of life unloaded the entire bar of power and resources, all directing the milk money right into Grayfia's sex state. But more kept on coming. It wasn't generous tips, but Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos type injections of goods that continued to fill Grayfia way past the point of accompolishment.

The percentage was breaking the 100% mark, leaving Grayfia's eyes to snap wider in disbelief at the level. The desire to breed her breaking the natural laws of the world, as Keiji calmly continued to empty himself into Grayfia. "I was serious about breeding you," he pointed out, and then continued to set out on his job.

A few moments later, and Grayfia being a mess was a statement of injustice. It didn't matter to her as she happily danced in Keiji's gift. "Thank you... my husband!" Grayfia also rubbed her belly while holding an ahegao face. 

The pure-blooded vampire and two dhampirs all had their own personal Keiji to get drunk on both his semen... and his bloody. Keiji was at the wall, allowing the girls complete access to his tensed landscape of a chest and a way to wrap their arms around his shoulders while they bounced and bit into him.

As of the moment, the three of them were all in bliss at the moment. Their legs mechanically snapping around his waist, arms were thin but secure like the innate power of a spiderweb, and their cunts filled with their favourite impaling apparatus; it was one stake they definitely didn't mind penetrating them.

"I thought I'd have adapted to it at this point, but you still show me you have so much to learn. Is that you, or should I thank the Grail for what it's doing?" Valerie cheekily asked.

A kinky kiss was all she got before Keiji left his neck bare. "You'll have to just see it for yourself," Keiji replied, making sure to spread open his fingers as wide as possible and allowing him to get ready to fully hold Valerie for himself.

Nanao and Elmenhilde were already digging into Keiji's neck, their prickly pincers seizing the skin and searching for blood. The moment they caught even a whiff of it, and the period in which they actually felt it reach into their mouths, a euphoric feeling spread way too early into sex for the two of them.

It didn't take long for the non-Longinus dhampir and the pure-blooded vampire to be acting all thirsty as they felt the searing stabs against their wombs from Keiji's dragon dick, devilishly distending their bellies with the sore sabre of his.

Elmenhilde was the first to croak, orgasm after orgasm from drinking his blood, coupled with her already being lacking in sexual experience, she was already out like a light. Her face drooping down and resting on his pectoral muscles.

"Sorry for not being able to go for longer! I'm not really outstanding wife material!" Nanao breathed out, fresh crimson swimming in her teeth but still smiling in a cute fashion.

Keiji's blood reigned down below as he continued to bring Nanao that sense of pleasure from their first time. Memories flowed through at that moment, enough to bring Nanao to a screeching halt, her senses blaring as blood and drill mixed into a crimson cage; full of lustful strands.

With the final representative of the vampires, Valerie put up a good battle. Not immediately swooping in for his blood but allowing for Keiji and her to mingle together comfortably, passionate thrusts against each other continuing on and on.

Though her instincts couldn't be ignored, especially in an intimate setting that they found themselves in. Therefore, when the time came, Valerie snuck her fangs into Keiji's neck, surprisingly injecting him with a dose of endorphins at the feeling. 'That felt so good?! Was it cause of the Grail?!'

'I can see why the others forfeited so quickly when tasting his blood,' Valerie noted, looking at the exhausted Nanao and Elmenhilde, both weakly sucking the lewd length of Keiji.

Both of them met together in eyes, primate instincts from their physiology coming out and leading to a sloppy exchange of neck massages, sloppy kisses, and intense baby-making activities.

Sure enough, it was enough to bring both of them to a state of frenzied panting. Their fluids mixing as they stared each other. "I think I can go a few more," Valerie spoke, a golden glow from her Grail.

Tohru growled like a true dragon as she felt Keiji grip her pristine tail, the surprising smoothness of her scales being pleasant for Keiji, who commanded Tohru's whole body while he laid himself into her.

"I demand ferocity! I demand everything from you, my mate!" Tohru cried out, unleashing her draconic claws and sharp teeth in need.

"Careful! What! You! Wish! For!" Keiji shouted out, each word delivered with a fresh slice of ass slap, powerful enough to send her one cheek roaring, then passing on the same rumbling, rumbling condition back into it.

Watching the sight helped push Keiji on to do it again and again. At one point, he switched the hand he was using to grip Tohru's tail while also alternating the hand he used to slap her. The obsession got to the point that Keiji was basically playing with a watered down version of Newton's cradle (also caused Newton's balls).

Tohru could only mumble in heavy groans, like a cave troll, as she mindlessly craved more but lacked the means to do so. The only thing Tohru was aware of was how much she was being fucked silly, and she was glad that her mate was showing his true authenticity of being a true dragon.

Convulsing against Tohru, Keiji's last few moments were a bit undefined but he continued with his tail trapping business and rocketed into Tohru with enough power that he was genuinely confused when the bed hadn't broken yet.

A chorus of climaxes and Tohru was down, stars spinning around her head as she laid there, ass still up and oozing cum. Her eyes widened at feeling Keiji lay his cock against the Hershey highway; never mind the red hoof of his handprints.

Elma's eyes widened at seeing Tohru get fucked so easily. Keiji's hands brought her back to reality as she laid on her side, but with Keiji behind her and gripping around her leg while Elma got to handle her own thunder thigh.

Without further ado, Elma found her wet entrance splash liquid prematurely from feeling the fiery brander enter into her body. She immediately tensed up, something Keiji could feel from the way her muscles reacted against his. "A squirter, eh?" Keiji joked.

Elma blushed but Keiji reassured that it wasn't anything bad. He found it quite neat, making her nod back and continue on. "I know I'm a dragon, but I hope things could be a bit peaceful," Elma commented.

Something lit the fuse in Keiji; his evil doppelganger whispering the endless possibilities that could be done. Going for his good old instincts, Keiji said, "It'll be over quickly," and rammed his thick truck-sized bed-breaker tool right into Elma at once, immediately making her cunt cry out from, choke his dick and gush with enough fluids to rival an orgasm of his.

The sudden impact into her womb definitely sent her into dreamland, but she was quickly pulled back into reality by the close proximity of Keiji and his sweat-drenched form rubbing into her, slightly cooling her on the outside; it was the exact opposite in the beginning. "Y-you're so big! I think you grew!'

Creaking under the fantastical fucking, the bed was the least of their worries as Keiji continued to passionately mate with Elma. Although he might have been more horny, Elma was the louder of the two as she faced the full force of the scorching spire in her paradisiacal place. Due to the intensity, this led to a problem where grasping Elma's ankle wasn't enough. Therefore, he shoved her handle on her own thick thigh and took control of it. With this, Keiji was able to easily capture her into his continuous stream of heavy hip hacking activities whenever Elma slipped from his grasp.

[part 1 end]