Chapter 7: Scolding

After dinner, when Wu Tao asked the waiter where the Lin family was, Lin Yunhao and his party went straight to the Lin family.

After the message was passed and he learned that the visitors were from the Lin family, Lin Zhentian immediately took Lin Xiao out to greet Lin Yunhao and the others, and then respectfully invited them to go into the Lin family to rest.

In the Lin family hall, Lin Zhentian and Wu Tao sat at the top. Wu Tao wanted Lin Yunhao to sit there, but Lin Yunhao ignored him and found a seat to sit down. Seeing this, Wu Tao didn't say much.

Lin Zhentian and Wu Tao, two old friends, met again. Lin Zhentian was at the peak of his life, so naturally the two of them had a great conversation.

As for Lin Yunhao, he just sat aside and drank tea without interrupting.

Lin Yunhao didn't speak, and Wu Tao wouldn't bring the topic to him. Even though Lin Zhentian asked Wu Tao indirectly several times, Wu Tao just avoided the question.

However, because he was worried that Lin Zhentian might accidentally displease the master, Wu Tao secretly revealed some information - Lin Yunhao's identity was extremely high in the clan.

After receiving this news, Lin Zhentian stopped asking questions and instead kept talking about other things.

As the two chatted, they unknowingly talked about Lin Zhentian's grandson, Lin Dong.

I just heard Wu Tao say with emotion.

"My old friend, I heard people talking about your grandson on the road. He is really amazing. He is not even 20 years old, but he is already one of the most powerful people in the city. I think your wish will be fulfilled by your grandson in two years!"

"Haha, you are too kind, old friend. Dong'er has good talent, but he still lacks some experience."

Poor Lin Zhentian, he is already old and finally has the chance to meet with his old friends, but he still has to think about planning some opportunities for Lin Dong.

"Experience is something only the strong are qualified to have. For the weak, so-called experience is nothing but a way to die."

Wu Tao and Lin Zhentian were surprised to hear these words and looked up, only to see Lin Yunhao looking as usual, still sipping his tea.

"Young Patriarch is absolutely right!"

As soon as Wu Tao answered the words, he saw Lin Feng and others hurriedly walking in. However, as soon as Lin Feng and others came in, before they could say anything, they heard a cold snort. Lin Feng and others were immediately frightened and stood still, not daring to move at all.

This cold snort was naturally made by Lin Yunhao. From the expressions of Lin Feng and the others, it was known that these people probably looked down on the people from the branch family, and then went to provoke others but were taught a lesson by Lin Dong.

Lin Yunhao was still very positive about Lin Dong, the protagonist of the original novel. Although Lin Dong's eventual success as a famous martial ancestor was inseparable from the help of the ancestral stone and the heavenly demon marten, it did not mean that Lin Dong himself was bad.

Quite on the contrary, Lin Yunhao believed that even without the ancestral stone, Lin Dong still had the strength to allow Lin Zhentian to return to the inner clan, but it might not be as dazzling as in the original story.

Maybe Lin Dong's talent is not very strong, but his character and perseverance are definitely top-notch. And most importantly, Lin Dong is ruthless enough. He is ruthless to his enemies and even more ruthless to himself!

Not everyone has the courage to continue using the spiritual millstone in the ancestral stone after experiencing the feeling of having their spirit torn apart.

Otherwise, so many owners of the ancestral stone would not have died before becoming extremely powerful, eventually causing the ancestral stone to fall into Lin Dong's hands, and Lin Dong awakened the spirit of the ancestral stone.

But recognition is recognition, which does not mean that Lin Yunhao will flatter Lin Dong, always try to build a good relationship with Lin Dong, or go to great lengths to plan how to take away Lin Dong's opportunities.

As I said, instead of thinking about that, you might as well practice sword more.

Of course, Lin Yunhao was still quite interested in Zushi Linyu's unique power of purification, the power of balancing the eight ancestral talismans, and the practice method of the legendary ancestor of talismans.

Lin Yunhao was very curious about how much his swordsmanship differed from that of the strongest people in Tianxuan Continent.

And in Lin Yunhao's eyes, Lin Dong is just a fellow clan member. His relationship is not as good as Lin Feng's, but much better than an outsider.

Lin Yunhao was not angry at Lin Feng and the others for provoking Lin Dong at the moment, but at them for having no self-awareness.

"Humph, stand still. Is this what the elders usually teach you?"

Lin Yunhao snorted again, looking at Lin Feng and the others with an increasingly cold expression. If all the members of the Lin clan were like this in the future, would they really only be able to rely on a few top powerhouses to support the clan?

It should be understood that only when a family continues to produce geniuses among its descendants and generations work unremittingly can the family continue for tens of millions of years or even longer.

In Lin Yunhao's mind, genius is defined as someone who has strong character and perseverance, but these people...

"You can look down on the people from the branch family, but as a member of the inner family, show your superior strength."

"It's fine if you're not as strong as others. No one is born stronger than everyone else. If you know you're not strong enough, you should work hard to catch up with your opponent. But what about you? You're obviously not as strong as others, but you still think you're noble. You look down on others and even belittle and provoke them. Little do you know that in his eyes, you're just good-for-nothings who rely on their superior backgrounds."

Lin Yunhao became more and more angry when he saw this group of people who had no ambition and were overconfident but incompetent.

The Lin clan is the hard work of Lin Fan and Lin Mu. The two of them have devoted almost their entire lives to the clan. Lin Yunhao naturally does not want the Lin clan to decline in the future, not to mention that the Lin clan has a great favor to him. Although Lin Yunhao was not born in the Lin clan, he grew up in the Lin clan, and his cultivation along the way was also given by the Lin clan.

So no matter from which aspect, Lin Yunhao hopes that the Lin clan will become stronger. Although people like Lin Feng are not the top talents of the Lin clan, they are also the upper-middle generation of the younger generation of the Lin clan.

If there is a chance, Lin Yunhao would naturally like to teach them well, hoping that they can go further in the future and better support the Lin clan.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall was very depressing and Lin Yunhao seemed to have finished scolding, Wu Tao stepped out to smooth things over and give Lin Feng and the others a way out.

"Didn't you hear what the young clan leader said? Since you are not as strong as others, why don't you work hard on your training? What are you still standing here for? Go down and reflect on yourself."

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng and the others breathed a sigh of relief. After bowing to Lin Yunhao and Wu Tao, they left as if they were escaping.

After all, Lin Yunhao's aura was too powerful, and Lin Feng, the strongest among them, was only at the Xiaoyuandan realm. In just a short while, the clothes of Lin Feng and the others were already soaked. If they stayed any longer, their legs would probably be so weak that they wouldn't even be able to walk out normally.

After seeing the others leave, Lin Zhentian also stood up to apologize to Lin Yunhao. Lin Zhentian heard clearly how Wu Tao addressed Lin Yunhao, but he was afraid that the young patriarch would vent his anger on Lin Dong.

"I'm here to apologize to the young patriarch on behalf of Dong'er.

Dong'er was young and naive and accidentally provoked the young patriarch. I hope the young patriarch will forgive me."