Chapter 8: First Meeting with Lin Dong

"Apologize? What crime has he committed? Teaching the weak a lesson is the right of the strong. We can only blame Lin Feng and the others for not being as skilled as them."

Lin Yunhao's calm tone made Lin Zhentian feel a little scared.

Seeing Lin Zhentian's uneasy and cautious look, Lin Yunhao knew that his knocking had worked.

The inner clan can be tolerant and generous, because the target is the people of the branch family, after all, they are also the same clan, and it is not the people of the branch family who actively and wantonly challenge the authority of the inner clan. However, the inner clan must have the deterrence of the inner clan, and let the branch family know that the majesty of the inner clan cannot be challenged.

"Don't worry, I'm not an unreasonable person, and the clan will not take the path of self-destruction."

Lin Yunhao put down the teacup in his hand and gently stroked the sword in his hand. Lin Dong, the future Martial Ancestor, is a good subject for sword-testing, but unfortunately he is still too immature.

"As long as he is a genius, a genius of our Lin clan, the clan will not be stingy with resources. After all, resources are originally used to cultivate outstanding clan members. Of course, the premise is that he can prove that he is worthy."

Just when Lin Zhentian was a little confused, Wu Tao beside him reminded him in time.

"Old friend, why don't you call your grandson over here and let the young patriarch take a look. If he can catch the young patriarch's eye, we will naturally let him come along on this trip."

"Oh, okay."

Lin Zhentian nodded when he heard this, and asked someone to call Lin Dong.

After the messenger left, Lin Yunhao remained silent, just gently stroking the nameless ancient sword in his hand. Since he didn't speak, Lin Zhentian didn't dare to speak either, after all, this master was "moody".

However, the four people standing behind Lin Yunhao, namely Lin Chen, Lin Keer, Lin Xue and Lin Hong, were somewhat curious about who this Lin Dong was and how he could arouse the curiosity of big brother Lin Yunhao.

So, for a while, no one spoke in the hall and the atmosphere seemed a little depressing.

It was not until Lin Dong's arrival that the dullness was broken.

When Lin Dong's figure appeared at the entrance of the hall, he immediately attracted the attention of almost everyone in the hall.

The person who came in was a handsome young man of about sixteen or seventeen years old, but he was quite thin. However, what really impressed people was his pair of fearless and determined eyes, as if in the eyes of the young man, no difficulty could defeat him.

When almost everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Dong, Lin Dong was also looking at this group of people from the inner clan.

There was a group of six people. An old man was sitting next to Grandpa. A young man in green clothes was sitting on the right side below him, stroking the sword in his hand. Behind the young man were two men and two women standing in a row.

Among the four people behind him, the one that attracted Lin Dong's attention the most was a woman holding an ice-blue sword.

The woman was wearing a white dress and had a pretty face. What was quite surprising was that she had a pair of double pupils with blue light flowing around the edges of her pupils, which looked extremely weird.

Of course, Lin Dong was not the kind of person who thought with his lower body. What really caught Lin Dong's attention was the sword in the woman's hand. There was a kind of spirituality on the sword, which should be the legendary magical treasure.

"Little Yuan Dan realm, three-seal talisman master, you are Lin Dong?"

Lin Yunhao did not look up, as if the sword in his hand was more attractive.

After hearing what Lin Yunhao said, Lin Dong was somewhat shocked. How did this person know his strength?

At the same time, Lin Dong was also calling out to Xiao Diao anxiously in his heart. The person in front of him was indeed a little weird, and Lin Dong felt more at ease with Xiao Diao around.

"Xiao Diao, stop pretending to be dead. Can you find out more about the person in front of you?"

In the past, Xiao Diao would only show up when Lin Dong called him for a long time. But for the first time, he answered Lin Dong's questions in a timely manner.

"Lin Dong, although I don't know why such a person would appear in your small Great Yan Dynasty, I would like to remind you that you'd better not provoke this person. He is not something we can deal with at the moment."

Hearing Xiao Diao being so serious, Lin Dong felt a little heavy-hearted. This was the first time that Xiao Diao told him that even if the two of them joined forces, they would not be able to deal with it.

"He's very strong?"

"Very strong? Tsk, for characters like this, I, Master Diao, could crush a large number of them with just one finger. But now... all of you in this hall are not enough for me to kill with one sword."

"Little Marten, can't we join forces?"

Xiao Diao's words made Lin Dong's heart sink to the bottom, but he still asked without giving up. After all, the feeling of having one's life and death in the hands of others was really disgusting, especially when the atmosphere in the hall was so depressing.

"Join hands? Well, maybe I have to let him use one more sword. After all, I have to kill you first before I can kill Master Diao, right?"

In the face of this powerful and invincible person who might be his enemy, Xiao Diao actually had time to show off, which made Lin Dong a little amused. However, after Xiao Diao's performance, Lin Dong felt a little relieved.

Yes, if this person really had hostility and wanted to attack them, Lin Dong would be powerless to resist. If he stretched his head out, he would be struck by a sword; if he withdrew his head, he would also be struck by a sword. In this case, there was nothing to be afraid of.

When a person dies, birds fly up to the sky; he will live forever.

After figuring it out, Lin Dong became curious about Lin Yunhao's strength, and what the strength of the man named Lin Langtian was.

"If even he is so strong, then Lin Langtian, who is known as the Lin family's number one genius, must be even stronger? Then two years later..."

Lin Dong felt humiliated at the thought that he could not avenge his father. He clenched his hands into fists unconsciously, and veins bulged on his arms.

"Lin Dong, what are you thinking about? Although I don't know why Lin Langtian is called the number one genius of the Lin clan, but if we really compare him, Lin Langtian is not even worthy of carrying the shoes of this person in front of him."

After Xiao Diao saw that Lin Dong was in a strange state, he quickly spoke up.

"This person is a monster who is invincible in the East Profound Region, or even the entire Tianxuan Continent. At least, Master Diao, I can't beat him at the same level."

"He's that strong?"

"That's why Master Diao couldn't understand why such a monster would appear in a small Great Yan Dynasty. You know, with his talent, it's enough to make the Wheel-turning Realm masters fight for him."

After he finished speaking, Xiao Diao saw that Lin Dong was a little depressed and seemed to be somewhat hit, so he immediately changed the topic and praised him.

"Of course, Lin Dong, don't underestimate yourself. Although you are not as talented as him, your character, perseverance and resilience are the best I have ever seen in my life. In addition, you have me and this mysterious stone talisman to help you. If you can get another ancestral talisman, it is possible for you to break through to the Wheel-turning Realm in the future."

Yes, I have Xiaoyou and the mysterious stone talisman to help me, so I may not be worse than him in the future. However, it seems that after this trip to the ancient tomb, Dahuang County will also be on the agenda.

As he thought about it, Lin Dong's face showed confidence again. Maybe, I am not as good as you now, but as long as you give me time, I will definitely surpass you.

While Lin Dong was communicating with the little marten in his body, Lin Yunhao once again raised his teacup and sipped the tea slowly. He looked so leisurely and relaxed, as if he was not in a hurry to get Lin Dong's answer.

With Lin Yunhao's mental power as an intermediate talisman master, coupled with his keen insight as a sword cultivator, he could vaguely sense that there was something strange inside Lin Dong's body. This situation was similar to the feeling Lin Langtian gave him, except that it was a little more obscure.

Lin Yunhao, who was familiar with the plot, knew very well that Lin Dong must be communicating with the Heavenly Demon Marten in the Ancestral Stone. In contrast, Lin Yunhao was not in a hurry and waited patiently, while some thoughts became active.

The Heavenly Demon Marten Royal Family is the top bloodline in the demon beast world. This Heavenly Demon Marten has reached the perfect state of the Profound Death Realm at its peak. It is the one that Lin Yunhao has encountered so far with the highest understanding of the Dao and the strongest at its peak. If he could fight it...