The Battle II

The laughter of the Old Gods echoed across the battlefield, their voices filled with malice as they brandished their tridents, each pulsating with elemental power.

"Behold the might of the Old Gods!" Umbra, the god of darkness and ether, roared, his voice booming like thunder as shadows danced around him.

"With the power of fire at my command, none can stand against me!" Ignis, the fiery god, bellowed, flames swirling around his form as he unleashed his fury upon the army.

Aquara, the goddess of water, her voice like the crashing waves, conjured torrents of water to engulf their enemies, drowning them in a sea of destruction.

Terron, the earth god, shook the very ground beneath their feet, causing earthquakes to rip through the battlefield, swallowing soldiers whole.

Voltina, mistress of lightning, sent bolts of electricity crackling through the air, striking down any who dared to oppose her with deadly precision.

And Aeolus, the god of air, his laughter carried on the wind as he summoned tempests to tear through the ranks of the army, scattering them like leaves in a storm.

The combined might of the Old Gods was overwhelming, their elemental powers wreaking havoc upon the battlefield as they laid waste to everything in their path.

But amidst the chaos and destruction, Kael stood firm, his resolve unyielding as he rallied his troops to stand against the onslaught.

"We cannot falter now!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the din of battle. "We must hold fast and fight with all our strength! For Vasperia!"

With renewed determination, the army of Vasperia pushed forward, their weapons raised high as they clashed against the forces of darkness.

The battle raged on, each side locked in a struggle for supremacy as the very fate of Vasperia hung in the balance. But even in the face of overwhelming odds, Kael and his comrades fought on, their spirits unbroken as they stood united against the forces of evil.