For Vasperia

The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos and destruction as the Old Gods unleashed their fury. Their tridents crackled with elemental energy, and their laughter echoed ominously as they focused their combined attacks on Kael.

"You dare stand against us?" Umbra snarled, his form cloaked in shadow. "We shall show you the true meaning of power!"

With a wave of his trident, Umbra sent tendrils of darkness and ether magic lashing out towards Kael, but Kael stood firm, his eyes burning crimson with determination.

"Is that all you got?" Kael shouted defiantly, his voice ringing out over the din of battle. "I thought you'd be more formidable!"

Ignis, transformed into his human form, stepped forward, flames dancing around his hands. "You are but a mortal, Kael," he sneered. "You cannot hope to stand against us."

Beside him, Aquara raised her trident, summoning a torrent of water and ice that surged towards Kael, aiming to engulf him. "Prepare to die!" she cried.

Terron and Voltina joined the assault, Terron causing the ground to quake beneath Kael's feet, while Voltina called down lightning from the heavens.

"Aeolus, now!" Umbra commanded, and the god of air, in his human guise, summoned a mighty gale, adding to the combined elemental onslaught.

Kael was surrounded, their attacks converging on him with deadly precision. He braced himself, but even his immense power could not deflect all their blows. Desperately, he fought back, dodging and parrying as best he could.

"Kael!" Meiza screamed, seeing her friend and leader besieged. She rushed to his aid, her hands glowing with arcane energy. But just as she reached him, Voltina struck her with a bolt of lightning, sending her sprawling to the ground, unconscious.

"No!" Kael roared, his fury giving him strength. "You will pay for that!"

With a deep breath, Kael began to recite the ancient spell, calling upon the demons to aid him. "Domine Inferni, audite vocem meam.

Adveni, legio tenebrarum, ex profundo Tartaro.

Per sanguinem et flammam, vinculum antiquum renasci.

Obedite mandatis meis, ad omnem voluntatem meam. By the blood of my ancestors and the power within me, I summon the legions of the infernal!"

As he spoke, a portal opened, and from it poured a horde of demons, their eyes blazing with malevolent energy. They descended upon the battlefield, clashing with the creatures summoned by the Old Gods. The air was filled with the sounds of combat as the demons overwhelmed the gods' monstrous minions.

With the demons holding the line, Kael pulled out the scepter, its obsidian surface gleaming with otherworldly power. He raised it high and slammed it into the ground. The impact sent a shockwave through the earth, and Kael recited another spell, his voice resonating with authority.

"Porta clausurae, revela te.

Per virtutem arcanae, aperi ianuam inter mundus. In carcerem aeternum, iter pandatur. Ingredior ad tenebras, viae prohibitae manifestentur. By the power of the ancients, I open the prison world and bind these gods forever!"

The ground trembled and a vortex of light and shadow opened, drawing the Old Gods towards it. Their powers waned as the scepter drained their elemental abilities.

"Who are you?" Umbra shouted, his face a mask of shock and fury. "How can you wield such power?"

Kael met his gaze, his eyes blazing with determination. "I am Kael, grandson of Aamon, the primordial demon who imprisoned you, and son of Leor, a powerful guardian. Your reign of terror ends here!"

The Old Gods were astounded, their arrogance shattered as the prison world began to pull them in as the scepter drained their powers. One by one, they were sucked into the vortex, their defiance turning to desperation.

"This cannot be!" Ignis roared as he was dragged into the void.

Aquara struggled, her eyes wide with fear. "Impossible! No!!!"

As the prison world's pull grew stronger, Voltina fought with all her might. "I will not be imprisoned again!" she screamed, her voice filled with venomous rage.

In a final act of desperation, Voltina threw her trident at Kael and It struck him in the chest.