Kael Reborn

In the depths of the tomb where Kael had been laid to rest, a transformation began. With his human side perished, only his demonic heritage remained. The air around his lifeless body crackled with latent energy, the essence of his demonic lineage stirring back to life.

Kael's body, once still and cold, started to pulse with an eerie, dark energy. His eyes snapped open, glowing with a fierce, demonic light. His human form had died, but his true demonic nature surged forth, transforming him into something far more powerful—a full-blooded demon prince.

Rising to his feet, Kael felt an overwhelming surge of strength. Black, leathery wings unfurled from his back, and his senses sharpened, attuned to both the mortal and demonic realms. He looked at his hands, now clawed and brimming with dark energy, and felt an incredible power coursing through him.