A Visit To Mieza's Parents

After several days filled with catching up, training, and joyous moments, it was time for Kael and Mieza to bid farewell to Kael's parents. The time spent together had been invaluable, not only for the heartfelt conversations but also for the practical training sessions Leor had conducted.

In the serene garden, Leor and Shania stood with Kael and Mieza, the sun casting a warm glow over them. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of chirping birds provided a tranquil background.

Leor embraced Kael, a proud smile on his face. "Remember the teleportation and duplication spells I've taught you," he said, his voice filled with encouragement. "They will serve you well in times of need."

Kael nodded, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Father. Your guidance means everything to me."

Turning to Mieza, Leor's expression softened. "You have great potential, Mieza. Use these new skills wisely."