A Wonderful Time

Over the next few days, Kael and Mieza immersed themselves in the teachings and wisdom of Azarath and Seraphina. The fortress was a place of learning and growth, where the guardians of old shared their knowledge and experiences.

One afternoon, as they practiced the teleportation and duplication spells that Leor had taught them, Kael couldn't help but marvel at the seamless blend of power and technique. "These spells are incredible," he said, watching as Mieza successfully duplicated herself.

Mieza grinned, her duplicates fading away as she released the spell. "It's amazing how much we can learn from our parents. Their experiences are invaluable."

Azarath, observing from a distance, approached with a thoughtful expression. "You both have made remarkable progress. The skills you have acquired will serve you well in the battles to come."