An Era Of Power & Prosperity

Kael and Mieza stepped back into Vasperia, their hearts light and spirits high. The vibrant realm welcomed them with open arms, its beauty a comforting reminder of all they had fought for. As they walked through the familiar streets, hand in hand, they were greeted by smiles and nods of respect from the people. The realm was at peace, and its inhabitants thrived under the guardians' vigilant watch.

Kron was waiting for them at the grand hall, his face breaking into a wide grin as he saw them. "Welcome back, you two," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "I trust your journey was enlightening?"

"It was more than that," Kael replied, clapping Kron on the shoulder. "Thank you for keeping things in order while we were away."

Kron shrugged modestly. "It was nothing. You two deserve some time to yourselves."