Part 7

Sky pov

I woke up because of banging somewhere in the house. I looked at my clock and saw that it was around 8 o’clock in the morning. I groaned. “Let’s go back to sleep” Layla said. I rolled my eyes, knowing we would not be able to sleep with all the noise. So, I climbed out of my bed, still dressed in pj’s, and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Our new home is a lot closer to our new main pack house and it is ʼn two story 5-bedroom house, with 5 bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, dining room and an office for my dad.

My parents downsized their house because it will basically just be them living in the house and me. My older siblings that are married got their own houses and Kia, Shaun, and Theo decided to live in the packhouse in their rooms, but all of them know that they are welcome in my parents’ home.

I would also go live in the pack house with my friends and my brothers, but you know, the whole family hates me, and I am a submissive omega story. That and I don’t feel safe when I know my cousins, who hate me, live in the packhouse. If you are unmated and you do not want to live with your parents you can request a room, but only if you are over 17 years old.

I walked downstairs to see everybody in the kitchen. Even my friends were there. “Morning” I said and walked towards the cupboard. I opened one and found plates. “Morning and the protein bars in two cupboards the left” Kia said. I smiled a little and open the right cupboard this time. I grabbed a bar and sat next to Sebastian who had his daughter on his lap.

“Morning, mi pequeña guerrera, how did you sleep” my father said. “Same old, same old” I replied. And before they could ask anything else I changed the topic. “Where are the girls and Rei” I asked while finishing my bar. “The girls are getting ready for the ball. “Jackson said while feeding Jake. “And Rei went to the bathroom” Al said. “It’s just after 8 o’clock in the morning, the ball starts at 6 in the evening, why” I asked looking at them. They all just laughed and shrugged. “That was really helpful” miss sassy pants decided to give her opinion.

Just then I heard footsteps and looked at the door. Rei walked in. “Morning Sky, your mother said you need to go get ready for the ball” he said. “No, it is just after 8 o’clock in the morning” I said while laying on my arms. “Well,” he started. “Your mother said that you have about 30 seconds to get your butt upstairs or she will burn he boxes with your clothes in it and buy you dresses to wear” he said. I look at him horrified. And I know my mother will do it because the thing about my mother is that she doesn’t makes threat, she makes promises.

“OH, that was about 20 seconds ago” he said while laughing. I jumped of my chair and ran past him upstairs while yelling “If anything happens to my clothes you will be sorry Rei.”

All I heard was laughter. I don’t care if they laugh at me because I will sacrifice anything to keep my comfy clothes and if that means that I must wear a dress, make up and do my hair, then I will do it, but don’t touch my comfy clothes. I ran up the stairs and towards my room. I opened my door and ran inside. “Don’t touch my comfy clothes” I yelled when I entered my mum’s room.

“Leave my comfy clothes alone, please mum, I am here” I said pleadingly to her. Everyone burst out laughing when I shouted that. “Good, now you get your butt over here young lady” my mother said to me. I walked further into my room, I saw all of my friends, the girls, in there with my mother. I guess my sister and sister-in-law are getting ready in another room. “Okay you girls need to get ready for the ball now” my mother said to us.

“Mum, why do we need to get ready now, there is still about 9 and a half hours left before we need to leave” I asked my mother with a sigh. “Because we need to be ready in time, and we still need to shower, shave, do our hair, make up and get dress” my mother replied. I sighed and went to sit on my bed. Now I remember why I don’t do these things in the morning; it takes so long.

The time it takes to do your hair and make-up, I can use that time to sleep a little longer. It takes away precious sleep time that I don’t want to give up to anything if it is not an emergency, and most of all, I am not a girly girl like most girls might be. But I will sometimes dress up but not in dresses just short and a shirt. That is also one more reason that most of my family hates me, because I am not a girly girl, and they want me to be a girly girl because they think submissive should be feminine and do feminine things.

Don’t get me wrong, you can be feminine and do things that are not feminine. And one of the other reasons is because I won’t marry an Alpha that they chose for me, because even though I am afraid of what my mate might do, I want to wait for my mate. The Alpha that they want to choose for me is an Alpha that will listen to them and that will put me in my place if I overstep, because I need an Alpha like that, is what they said.

Guess what I threw them with water and walked out of the room and told them that they could kiss my butt. They didn’t think it was very funny, but my siblings couldn’t keep their laughter in. “Okay first after your shower the girls can do your hair and then your make up before you get dress in your dress, there is a bathrobe in the bathroom for when you are done with your shower” my mother said to me.

I just nodded my head, no use in trying to change my mother’s mind, been there, done that. “Okay go and shower and do everything you need to do before getting ready before we start to dazzle you” Sammy said excitedly. I smile a little, my friends get so excited when they get you dazzled up because it is the only time, I let them make up me and boss me around. I then stood up and walked to my room and into my bathroom. “Do we really need to dress up” I asked Layla in my mind.

“Well do you want our mum to force us and take away our comfy clothes, because if that happens, I will blame you” Layla said. “Yeah, I know, but I am just so scared” I said to her. “I know you are scared Sky, but I have a really good feeling and have I ever let you down with my good feelings” Layla tells me. “No, you have not” I replied to her. “Then there you go, now get your butt into the shower so that we can look good for if we find our mate” she said. I laughed at her sassy words.

“Yeah, yeah, I am going” I replied. “Before I closed the bathroom door I heard, “Thank you girls for helping Sky and always being there for her when she needs you” my mom said. “It is our pleasure, Luna Silvia” they answered my mother. I smiled at that and closed the door. I then undressed myself and climbed into the shower. Now you might have some questions. Yes, everyone has their own mate or mates, but you don’t have to be with your mate or mates.

Yes, your mate or mates is your soulmate, but then you got some cases where someone doesn’t find their mate or mates, or their mate or mates are abusive, and they need to leave them or if their mate or mates died before they met them. So, we can actually be with anyone we want to be. Yes, if you’re not with your mate your wolf will feel lonely and incomplete and like he or she is missing someone, but over time your wolf will form a bond with the wolf of the person you love.

If you reject your mate, it will hurt a lot and you may die, that is why most people choose to end their mate bond on mutual terms and not to reject their mate. So, my family doesn’t want me to wait for my mate, they want to choose someone that they can control and that can control me. But my parents don’t agree with them and want me to mate with who I want as my mate. They said that to my family but as you may think, they don’t agree with my parents and said that they didn’t raise me right and that is why they want to get me a mate that can control me and set me on the right path. Yeah, right, they just want to control me because I am a submissive omega.

When I was done in the bathroom with my shower and everything else, I needed to do, I dried my hair off and then I dried myself off. I then put on my underwear and the bathrobe in the bathroom. “Do I really have to go” I asked Layla. “What is really wrong Sky” she asked me. “There is an 80% chance that we are meeting our mate tonight” I tell her. “And” she asked. “And I don’t know if I am ready o meet my mate, Lay.” “I know your want to meet him and everything, but I am just really scared, I can’t lose my friends or my family, I can’t put them in danger again” I said to her.

“Look Sky, if you are not ready to meet our mate that is fine, but please forget the past, all we can do know is learn from the past and make sure that it never happens again.” “I know you are scared to meet him because of what that PERSON did but remember what he did was not right and that not everybody is like him,” “Don’t let your fear of what happened with him control how you are feeling and the things that you do, because then it is like we are just stuck in the past all over again.” She spoke.

“I am also afraid that something might go wrong, but I trust that our mate will be different” she spoke softly. “I hope” she whispered after. “Sky” she said. “Do you trust me” she asked me. “Yes of course” I replied to Layla. “Then get your butt out of this bathroom and go get dressed to go to the ball, before I take over and do it myself” she spoke. I laughed. “Yes mam” I replied. She just huffed and rolled her eyes.

After I put everything on, I walked outside and into my bedroom. When I went into my room, I saw that most of the girls had already finished with their hair, make up and they all had bath ropes on, probable waiting until the last minute to put on their dresses, so they just sat in my room while the rest were still busy with make-up and hair.

“Okay, come and sit so that I can do your hair before they do your make up” Isabella said to me while pointing to the chair in front of her. I looked at her horrified. “Please don’t make me look ugly” I asked her with probably a scared look on my face. Everybody laughed. “We are just going to put black eyeshadow on you, and we are going to make your cheeks red with bright pink lipstick,” Emily said. “Oh, and we are going to give you an old woman hairstyle also.” Emma said. I was scared. I looked up at Isa. I think I am just going to stay here tonight…

I think Isa saw my face because she just laughed at that. “I won’t do what they said, I promise I will make you look beautiful” she replied with a giggle. “Fine but if you make me look ugly, I will hunt you” I said to her. I then walked and sat down where she showed me to sit.

When I sat down, she started to do my hair. I sat nervously and waited while she was doing my hair. They didn’t put a mirror in front of me because they said, and I quote, we want to show you your whole look at once. I played on my phone while she was busy with my hair. All I know is that I felt pulling and warm air on my head. This took about an hour and a half.

“Okay I am done with your hair” Isa said to me. I was starting to stand up before Chloe stopped me. “It is our turn to do your make up” Chloe said to me. I sighed, really doing my hair already took about an hour and a half and now I still need to get my make up done.

I sat back down and just nodded my head. I promise you they almost took 50 minutes to get my make up done. Like whom has more than an hour to spare to do your make up and hair in the morning, not me, that’s for sure. “Okay we are done, you can now open your eyes and go and look in the mirror” Lilac said to me. I opened my eyes and looked at my friends, they all had excided faces, and they all were holding hands, like they were hoping that I would like what they did to me.

I then stood up and walked to the mirror in my room. When I stood in front of the mirror I gasped. I was stunned. I did double and a triplet check in the mirror to make sure that the person that I see in the mirror is me and not someone else. My friends and family really did a good job. “What do you think, did we make you look ugly” Sammy asked. I laughed a little. “No, you did not” I replied with a smile on my face.

“Thank you, girls,” I said to them. “It’s our pleasure” Chloe said. Everyone was smiling. “Okay now who is ready to get their nails done” Lilac asked. I looked at her if she is crazy. “Sky is first” Emma said. “No” I stated firmly. “Come on, I will just put some nail polish on your nails” Lilac said. “No” I said again. “Please” Chloe pleaded with Lilac. I tried, I really tried to stick to my no. “Fine” I sighed. “Softy” Layla scoffed in my mind. “Well, you try to say no to them” I sassed at her. She just ignored me. “Exactly” I said to her. Everybody did their nails. This took about 3 hours to do because we also ate some snacks in between everything. After everybody nails were done my mother said, “Okay now everybody go and put on your dresses so that we go finish up.”

I just sat on my bed. “Sky go and put on your dress, it is in the closet, we leave in about an hour and a half” Isa said while shooing me to my closet. I smiled at them. “Shoo go and put your dress on before your mum comes back in here” Sammy said. I then walked to the closet. Everybody left to put their dresses on. When I was in the closet, it was empty, well almost.

I still didn’t have much time to pack everything out, some of my clothes are already in my closet but not everything. I then changed into my dress and put on my shoes. When I finished getting dress I stayed in the closet for a little while longer to calm my nerves. “We will be alright, Sky” Layla said. “I know that, but I am still nervous” I replied to her. “Come on let’s get out of this closet and get our butt to the ball” she said happily.

I smiled at that and walked out of the closet. When I walked out of the closet, I heard gasps going around the room. I look up and I see my friends, my sister, and my sister-in-law in the room all looking at me. “What, do I look that ugly in this dress” I asked them nervously. “No, you look beautiful, little one” my sister said while smiling at me. “Thank you, guys, you guys also look beautiful” I replied. “But can one of you maybe zip me up” I asked them. They all laughed at that.

Emma then walked over to me and zipped up the dress. “There you go, all done” she said while walking in the front of me. Just then my mother walked into the room. She smiled and looked at all of us. She was also already dressed. “You girls look beautiful” she said to us. “You also look beautiful, Luna” Chloe said. She smiled. “How many times did I tell you girls that you don’t have to call me Luna” she said to them. “Sorry Aunty S” then said.

“Now that’s better” she replied. “Okay I just have to say, Sky if you were my mate, I would lock you up in a glass case away from everyone else and where nobody would ever see you” Isa said to me. “Well then I am glad that you are not my mate, no offence” I said. “None taken” she said. We then heard a knock on the door. “Girls are you done; we have to get going soon” Shaun said outside the door. “We will be down soon” my mother replied. “Okay girls let’s get going then” she said to us.