Part 8

Sky pov

I sighed. “You guys go first; I will be down in a little bit” I said to them. “You okay” my sister asked. “Yeah, I am just taking a breather” I said to them. They nodded their heads and then they walked out of the room. I then walked to the front of the mirror in the room at looked at myself again. I can’t believe that it was me in the mirror. “Sky what’s wrong” Layla asked. “His words are stuck in my head” I replied. “Hey, you are not ugly, and you are worth it” Layla said. I just sighed and sat on my bed.

I probably have been in my room for a long time, because I saw my father walked into the room. He looked at me when he walked into the room. “Wow, you look beautiful mi pequeña guerrera (my little warrior)” my father said to me. “Thanks dad” I said sadly. “Cheer up” Layla said in my mind. “What’s wrong mi pequeña guerrera” he asked me. I looked at him and he probably so the worry or sadness on my face. He walked to the bed and sat down on it. I pulled me into his side and gave me a hug and that is where I stayed.

We stayed quiet for a little longer. “Daddy I am scared” I tell my father. I turned to face my father when he was quiet. I could see the shock of my dad’s face. I know why my dad was shocked, because if I feel sad, scared, shocked or any emotion that is not happy, angry, or excited, I don’t usually show or tell anyone that I feel it. He then smiled a little and gave me a side hug.

He pulled me to his side for a little before letting go of me. “Why are you scared mi pequeña guerrera” my father asked me. I looked at the floor before answering my father. “I am scared for if I meet my mate, what if my mate is the same as our family or if he is the same as that PERSON, what if he doesn’t like the way I act and wants to change me just like them” I said.

“What if he doesn’t like me just the way I am, what if he likes the way I dress now and how I look tonight and wants me to always dress like this.” I feel tears in my eyes. “I can’t do that, I can’t wear dresses everyday or do my hair and make up every day, maybe I should just stay here and not go anymore because what if my mate is like HIM” I said.

I was starting to cry a little and I started to have a panic attack. My father kept holding my hand squeezing my hand a little ever now and then. “My love, do you know why I call you mi pequeña guerrera (my little warrior)” my father asked me. I shook my head no. From when a few years ago, my father started to call me mi pequeña guerrera. I never knew why but I just thought that it was a nick name.

“Because you fought, you fought hard, you fought against that PERSON, you fought against your bad habits, you fought to escape and you did escape, you won the fight, Sky” my father said. I started crying harder. “He is right Sky, we fought, and we won against that PERSON” Layla said, agreeing with my father. “You are my little warrior, my little fighter, because even in bad times and in your worse days, you kept fighting, you never gave up, you kept going, your mate won’t be like him, he will like you just the way you are and he won’t care if you don’t want to wear dresses, he will want you to be happy just the way you are, don’t worry about the family me and your mother will handle them, you just be happy with your mate or who ever you want to be with” he said to me.

I smiled at him. “Your father is right; I have a good feeling and I promise you I think that our mate will accept us” Layla said. “And if your mate doesn’t accept you, or wants you to change, then me and your brothers will sort him out” my father said. I laughed at that. I don’t take it lightly because I know that they will do it. “And just to add, if he messes with us, we can also sort him out” Layla said.

“Yeah, yeah Layla” I said to her while smiling. “And I promise you somewhere deep inside the family’s heart I think that they might love you, but the family just don’t know how to show or how to tell you, they don’t do good with change and I think because of that they hurt you” my father said. I smiled at him and gave my father a big hug. “Thank you, daddy,” I said to him. “Pleasure mi pequeña guerrera” he said. “Do you feel better now, can we go now” he asked me. “Let’s get the show on the road” I said to my father while standing up.

He laughs at me. He also stands up. “Then let’s get you downstairs to show them how beautiful you look” my father said. After that we then walked out of the room and downstairs to where everyone was. When we entered the living room, I promise you almost all of the guys were shocked. I forgot about all of my worries and about everything else.

“Wow pequeño (little one), you look beautiful “my oldest brother Sebastian said. “Yeah, I agree with Bastian, you look so beautiful, are you sure you don’t want to wear a dress everyday” Jack, my brother-in-law said. We all laughed at him. “No, it is only for special occasions, and do you want to tell me I don’t look beautiful everyday “I asked him back.

“No, you look beautiful everyday but today you look dazzling” he said. I laughed. “I know, I know, but no I am not wearing a dress for a really long time after this” I replied. This is what I love about my family and friends, we can laugh and joke about everything. “Okay is everyone done getting ready and have everything that you need” my mother “Yeah we have everything” Emily said. “Oh, and good think you guys put waterproof make up on Sky” Emma said. Everybody looked at me and I know they knew I was crying upstairs just now.

“Okay then let’s go” my mother said. We all nodded our heads in agreement. “Okay so is everyone ready to go then and go to the ball” my father said. “Nope” I replied. “Okay except for Sky is everyone else ready for the ball and ready to go” my father asked again. “Why can’t I answer” I asked my father. “Because you won’t ever be ready” Theo said. I sighed because he is right. “Yes, we are ready” everyone else said.

“Let’s get this new chapter of our lives on the road” Kia said. “I agree” Emma said. “Mommy go” Bella asked Emma. “We are going to go now” Sebastian answered his daughter. Then everyone walked out of the house and went to the two limos outside the house. When we got outside, my friends parents were waiting outside. “Wow you all look so beautiful” Uncle Wade said to us.

“Thanks Dad” Rei replied. “When did you guys arrive” Lilac asked her parents. “A few minutes ago” Auntie Tanya said, while giving her daughter a hug. “Okay let’s get in the limos and get going” my mother said. My parents and my friends parents climbed into the first limo, while me, my friends and my siblings, their mates and children climbed into the second limo. When everyone was in the limos, we were off to the new chapter of our lives. While driving to the royal place everyone made jokes and tried to think up what our lives would be like now.

I also spoke with them but during the last bit of the ride I kept quiet and kept looking out of the window. When we arrived at the royal place after about 40 minutes, I was already over tonight. At the palace they only hold events, they don’t actually stay here, as far as I know they have their own pack house and house where they stay at. When the limos stopped, I looked out of the window, and I was amazed at what I saw.

“This place is so huge and beautiful” Layla said. “Yeah, I agree, but there are a lot of people here” I replied to her. “We will be fine and remember I told you I have a good feeling about tonight so just push through tonight” Layla said calmly to me. “Okay, but if I get too nervous, I am running out of here” I replied. “That’s fine, but just stay for a little bit” Layla said. I then look around the outside of the palace. “We have to show our family that we are not afraid of them, and we won’t submit to their wishes” she said. I laughed at her words. “True” I replied.

The place was so beautiful and big. We all then climbed out of the limos. When I was outside, I looked around and I was in awe. Everything was so perfect, down until the last detail was perfect and everything was in its rightful place. I was so scared, but I didn’t want to show it. They had enough worries; they don’t need to worry about me having panic attacks, so I took a few deep breathes to calm my nervous a little.

While looking around we saw that there were already a lot of people. They were standing outside waiting for people or standing in the line to get inside. A lot of the girls and some of the guys looked very good in what they were wearing. Then you look at some of the other girls and you could immediately see that they were trying too hard to impress somebody tonight. And I can guess who they are aiming for tonight. “Me to” Layla said while scoffing at some of the dresses. I giggled at her antics.

Who other than the next in line Alpha King, and his friends. “Ding Ding” Layla replied sarcastically. But what I heard from my friends, because I don’t listen to news or anything, that some of his friends already found their mates and that he does not want anyone else that is not his mate, and that at any event that they are at, that it is so hard to get close to them or speak to them. So, I don’t know how they are going to get their attention tonight, because there is a section crossed off where the alpha king and his family and close friends will sit, and no one is allowed in there if they are not invited to sit by them or speak to them.

So good luck to them to get close to them to try and make them believe that they are their mates. Before we started to walk one of my brothers grabbed my arm. “Are you okay little sis” Shaun asked me, while looking at my face. One thing I figured out, is that my family and friends learnt to read my face even if I show no emotion, they know if I am close to a panic attack or when I am going to have a nervous breakdown. “I smiled at him.

“No, how about I stay with the cars and wait for you guys here, while you go inside and see if you can find your mates” I said nervously. And I was just about to turn back around and go to the limos.