Chapter 7

Extract from the -{ Tome of Light }- the divine scripture of the Church of Light.

"In the whispers of eternity, behold the unfolding prophecy of my ascendance. As the ages pass like fleeting shadows, I shall transcend all limits and become the ultimate creator, weaving the fabric of reality with my divine hands." (The Prophecy of the One - 5:1)


The acrid scent of medicinal herbs filled the air as the hunter crouched beside Asher's bed. With a swift motion, he yanked back the sweat-soaked sheets, revealing the boy's skin—an angry tapestry of inflamed red, each pore screaming in silent agony.

"Now that we're on the same page," the hunter's gruff voice cut through the heavy atmosphere, "I'll prepare a medicinal bath to accelerate your healing. I won't sugarcoat it—it'll be excruciating. But once it's over, your body will be as good as new. Then we can move straight to the advanced exercises."

Asher's throat felt like sandpaper. He debated whether to respond, his head sinking deeper into the pillow as if it could swallow him whole. Finally, he managed to croak out a single word: "Understood."

The hunter's lips twitched, perhaps in approval, perhaps in amusement. He raised his hand, and suddenly, the ring adorning his finger pulsed with an otherworldly light. Asher's eyes widened as a steaming bowl of porridge materialized out of thin air, defying everything he thought he knew about reality.

"Eat," the hunter commanded, thrusting the bowl towards Asher. "You'll need every ounce of strength you can muster. I'll go prepare the bath. Be ready when I return."

As the hunter turned to leave, Asher's gaze remained fixed on the mysterious ring. His mind raced with questions, but before he could voice any of them, the door slammed shut, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the daunting task of consuming the porridge.

Each spoonful was a battle against his own body. The warm gruel slid down his throat, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. By the time he finished, exhaustion threatened to overtake him once more.

The door burst open without warning, startling Asher from his stupor. The hunter strode in, his presence filling the small room. With another flash of his ring, a steel bathtub materialized in the corner, its sudden appearance making Asher question his own sanity.

A new figure entered—the huntress. In her hand, she clutched a bottle that seemed to pulse with the same energy as the hunter's ring. Without a word, she tipped the bottle over the tub. A stream of viscous green liquid poured forth, defying the laws of physics as it flowed endlessly until the tub was full.

The hunter reached into his ring once more, producing a handful of blood-red crystals. He tossed them into the bath, and instantly, the liquid began to bubble and hiss, tendrils of steam rising ominously into the air.

"It's ready," the hunter announced, his tone brooking no argument. "Get in."

Asher's body protested as he pushed himself upright. The porridge had given him a modicum of strength, but it felt woefully inadequate for the task ahead. Using the wall for support, he took a shaky step forward.

His leg buckled beneath him, sending him crashing to the floor. The impact sent shockwaves of pain through his body, and he tasted copper as blood filled his mouth.

The hunter observed impassively, but Asher caught a flicker of concern in the huntress's eyes.

"Are you certain the boy can endure this?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The hunter's response was immediate and unwavering. "He will. I've seen his kind before—men driven by an insatiable hunger to transcend their limitations, no matter the cost."

With a grunt, the hunter hoisted Asher up as if he weighed no more than a feather. The world spun around Asher, his vision blurring as consciousness threatened to slip away.

In one fluid motion, the hunter deposited Asher into the bubbling tub. The moment his skin made contact with the scalding liquid, Asher's world exploded into white-hot agony. Every nerve ending screamed in protest, his body instinctively thrashing to escape the torment.

His hands clawed desperately at the tub's edges, legs kicking furiously, but the hunter's iron grip held him fast. "Don't fight it, kid!" the hunter bellowed over Asher's anguished cries. "I know it's hell, but you must endure!"

Water sloshed violently over the tub's rim as Asher continued his frantic struggle. The huntress, unable to bear the sight any longer, shoved the hunter aside. She grasped Asher's face between her hands, forcing him to meet her gaze.

"STOP!" she commanded, her voice cutting through his panic like a knife. "Listen to me, Asher!"

For a moment, the world stood still. Asher's blood-red eyes, wild with pain, locked onto hers. A flicker of clarity broke through the haze of agony.

The huntress's voice softened, but her words carried the weight of hard-earned wisdom. "Yes, this pain is beyond imagining. But I promise you, it pales in comparison to the agony of watching those you love perish before your eyes, knowing you lacked the power to save them. Unlike this torment, that pain never fades. Choose your path wisely, Asher."

A war raged behind Asher's eyes as her words sank in. Memories of his loved ones flashed through his mind—laughter shared over breakfast, playful arguments with friends, stolen glances at his crush, the comforting chaos of city streets, squabbles with his sister over ice cream, the warmth of family dinners. The thought of losing it all, of being powerless to protect it, steeled his resolve.

With trembling hands, Asher reached up and gently removed the huntress's grip from his face. Their eyes met one last time, a silent understanding passing between them. Then, taking a deep, shuddering breath, he allowed himself to sink beneath the surface of the bubbling liquid.

The world went silent, save for the muffled sounds of his own heartbeat. The pain was all-encompassing, threatening to shatter his very being. Yet, Asher remained still, surrendering himself to the agony.

As his consciousness began to slip away, a faint chime echoed in his mind—system prompts, he realized dimly. But he was beyond comprehension now, drifting into a void where past and present blurred together.

Time lost all meaning. Asher floated in a liminal space between agony and oblivion, clinging to memories of home like a lifeline. He made a silent vow to endure whatever trials lay ahead, to grow strong enough to protect the life he loved.

An eternity passed, or perhaps only moments. Suddenly, an primal urge surged through Asher's body. His lungs burned, demanding air. With a violent splash, he burst through the surface of the now blood-red liquid, gasping and coughing as he gulped down precious oxygen.

As his senses slowly returned, Asher became aware of the profound changes in his body. The searing pain that had consumed him was gone, replaced by a strange sense of vitality. The once-scalding bath now felt pleasantly warm, the herbs within merely tickling his skin.

Cautiously, he flexed his muscles, marveling at how light and responsive his body felt. It was as if he had been reborn, shed of all impurities and weakness.

Standing on shaky legs, Asher emerged from the tub, water cascading off his newly defined physique. He caught his reflection in a nearby mirror and barely recognized himself. His face had gained a sharper definition, dark eyes brighter and more intense. Even his hair seemed more vibrant, though it had grown longer during his ordeal.

A cool breeze from the open window sent a shiver down his spine, reminding Asher of his nakedness. He found his clothes, now clean and dry, neatly folded by the bed alongside his untouched backpack.

As he dressed, Asher's mind raced with questions about the mysterious bath and its effects. He approached the window, gazing out at the night sky. The moon hung low on the horizon, hinting at the approaching dawn.

With a deep breath, Asher closed his eyes, focusing inward to check for any messages from the system he might have missed during his ordeal. A flood of notifications filled his mind, each one a testament to the profound changes his body and mind had undergone:

[Physical limits surpassed: Heat resistance increased, Endurance +1] 

[Mental limits surpassed: Shock resistance increased, Mind +1] 

[Mental limits surpassed: Faint resistance increased, Mind +1] 

[The Alchemy bath has increased your body muscle density and removed impurities: Strength +1 ]

[The Alchemy bath has increased your body flexibility and removed impurities: Dexterity +1] 

[The Alchemy bath has increased your bone density and removed impurities: Strength +1] 

[The Alchemy bath has reshaped and purified your body. You have gained an additional +1 to all stats.]

[Your body has digested the poison: Poison resistance increased. Vitality +1 ]

[The Alchemy bath has cleansed the body of impurities: Rate of regeneration and recovery increased. Endurance +1]

Asher's mind reeled as he processed the implications of these changes. He flexed his hand, marveling at the newfound strength coursing through his veins. Whatever trials lay ahead, he felt more prepared to face them.

As the first rays of dawn began to paint the sky, Asher turned from the window, his gaze falling on the now-empty tub. The memory of the excruciating pain lingered, but so did the huntress's words. He had made his choice, taken the first step on a path that promised both great power and great danger.

With renewed determination, Asher prepared himself for whatever challenges the hunter and huntress had in store for him next. The world he once knew felt like a distant dream, but the promise of protecting it fueled his resolve. As a new day dawned, Asher stood ready to embrace his transformation and the uncertain future that awaited him.