Chapter 8

Extract from the -{ Tome of the 'Forgotten One' }- Divine scripture of the Church of the 'Forgotten One'.

"In the whispers of the abyss, behold the prophecy foretold, where the chains of falsehood bind mankind to the path of destruction. Heed the warning echoed in shadows, lest oblivion claim all." (The Abyssal Prophecy 3:1)


A sharp rap at the door jolted Asher from his meditation. "Are you up, kid?" The hunter's gravelly voice, devoid of emotion, filtered through the worn wood.

Asher remained motionless, his eyes fixed on the window. Sunlight streamed in, casting long shadows across the room. The air felt thick with unspoken tension.

Heavy footsteps approached, and Asher heard the hunter pause near the bathtub. The metallic scent of blood still lingered, a reminder of last night's ordeal. Asher's muscles ached, phantom pains echoing through his body.

A complex web of emotions churned within Asher. The excruciating pain he'd endured had left its mark, both physically and mentally. But amidst the fear and uncertainty, a seed of clarity had taken root. The hunter wasn't his friend – he was a business partner, cold and pragmatic.

Strangely, this realization brought a sense of comfort. Asher needed someone who would push him to his limits without hesitation. The entire situation felt meticulously crafted, as if orchestrated by an unseen hand.

"Good morning," Asher said, his voice steady as he turned to face the hunter. He stood, adopting a casual demeanor that belied the turmoil within.

The hunter's piercing gaze met Asher's, searching for any sign of weakness or resentment. A flicker of surprise crossed his weathered features, quickly replaced by a slight, knowing smile.

"Guess we're both on the same page, truly," the hunter mused. "But I have to say, I'm surprised. You don't hate me. A tough nut to crack, are we?"

Asher remained silent, letting his body language speak volumes. He stood tall, shoulders back, hands clasped behind him – an open invitation to whatever challenges lay ahead. It was a subtle provocation, daring the hunter not to go easy on him.

The air crackled with unspoken tension as the two sized each other up. Finally, the hunter broke the silence. "Meet me outside once you're done with breakfast." He turned on his heel and strode out, the floorboards creaking under his weight.

As Asher descended the stairs, the scent of cooking meat wafted from the kitchen. The huntress peeked out, her eyes bright with curiosity. "Oh, you're up. How are you feeling?"

Asher paused, considering the question. His body hummed with a newfound energy, despite the lingering soreness. "I feel great," he answered honestly.

The huntress's smile was warm, a stark contrast to her partner's stoic demeanor. "You must be hungry. We had a hunch you'd wake up today, so I made extra last night. There's plenty of leftover meat – you need it after being unconscious for a week."

Asher froze, the word 'week' echoing in his mind. "A WEEK?" he exclaimed, his voice cracking slightly.

The huntress nodded, turning back to tend a simmering pot. "Yeah. Don't worry, it's quite a normal timeframe for the body-reforming pill bath. Besides, all the spirit herbs were at their peak, so you can say everything went perfectly."

Asher's mind raced, trying to process this new information. The bath had a name – body-reforming pill bath. It involved spirit herbs. And it took an entire week to complete. Questions bubbled up, but he swallowed them down. Trust the process, he reminded himself. Answers would come with time.

Gratefully accepting the laden tray from the huntress, Asher settled at the dining table. The rich aroma of seasoned meat made his mouth water. He dug in with gusto, surprised by the intensity of his hunger. Each bite seemed to awaken his body further, reminding him of the week-long fast he'd unknowingly endured.

As he ate, Asher's mind wandered to the training ahead. Anticipation and trepidation mingled in his gut, but he pushed the feelings aside. He had chosen this path, and he would see it through.

The meal finished, Asher stepped outside to find the hunter waiting. Smoke curled lazily from his ever-present pipe, adding to the morning mist.

"We'll start by having you adjust to your body's new limits," the hunter stated, his tone brooking no argument.

Asher nodded, immediately launching into a series of stretches. His eyes widened in surprise at his newfound flexibility. Muscles that once protested now moved with fluid grace.

Without waiting for further instruction, Asher took off at a light jog. The difference was immediately apparent. Each movement felt effortless, as if the very air buoyed him up. His energy reserves seemed to have doubled overnight.

Emboldened, Asher broke into a full run. The sudden burst of speed nearly sent him sprawling, but his enhanced reflexes allowed him to recover quickly. The forest blurred around him as he ran, his feet barely seeming to touch the ground.

Ten minutes passed in a flash. Asher felt the first hints of fatigue, but it was different from before. His body whispered that if he found the right rhythm, he could maintain this pace for far longer.

But Asher wasn't interested in pacing himself. He pushed harder, reveling in the newfound power coursing through his veins. The burn in his muscles was addictive, a tangible sign of his transformation.

After twenty-five minutes of all-out effort, Asher finally felt his limit approaching. His legs grew heavy, his lungs working overtime. He slowed to a stop, dropping to the ground with a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration.

To his amazement, even as he gasped for air, Asher realized his body wasn't in agony. His muscles were tired, yes, but there was none of the searing pain he'd come to expect from such exertion. With a bit of rest, he felt certain he could go again.

"Amazing, isn't it?" The hunter's voice came from nowhere, startling Asher. The man stood nearby, having appeared silently.

Before Asher could respond, the hunter continued, his voice taking on a harder edge. "Yet let me tell you something. You're not even at the starting point of the true staircase of strength."

In a blink, the hunter vanished, reappearing atop a stack of logs several yards away. "So never get arrogant about your progress."

Asher's elation deflated like a punctured balloon. The display of speed and power left him speechless, a stark reminder of how far he had to go. 'So this is the level of a player on the big stage,' he thought, a mixture of awe and determination settling in his chest.

Shaking off his fatigue, Asher rose to his feet. There was still much to do before the sun set, and he was determined to make every moment count.

The day passed in a blur of physical exertion. Asher pushed himself to the limit, exploring the capabilities of his transformed body. By the time the sun kissed the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant hues of orange and pink, Asher felt a deep sense of accomplishment mingled with bone-deep weariness.

The hunter approached as Asher sat on the ground, catching his breath after a final run. "It seems that the investment of the pill bath was worth it," he remarked. "The results are satisfactory."

Asher bit back a retort, remembering the hunter's earlier display of power. 'Satisfactory' suddenly seemed like high praise.

"Starting tomorrow at sunrise, you'll be accompanying me in doing the exercises I do to keep my body in prime state," the hunter continued. "Afterward, we'll be doing combat training. You'll then end the day with the rest of the basic training sets."

Asher's body protested at the mere thought of such a grueling regimen, but he steeled his resolve. This was what he had signed up for.

"You can take the rest of the day off," the hunter concluded, disappearing into the woods without another word.

After a much-needed bath, Asher found himself outside once more, watching the sky darken. Stars began to twinkle overhead, a celestial tapestry so different from the polluted skies of his home.

Dinner brought an unexpected moment of levity as Asher and the hunter engaged in an impromptu eating contest. Though the hunter emerged victorious, Asher's competitive spirit was kindled. One day, he vowed silently, he'd wipe that smug smile off the hunter's face.

Later, as Asher lay in bed, his gaze fixed on the moon hanging low in the night sky, his thoughts turned to his family. Worry gnawed at him as he imagined their distress over his disappearance. He sent up a silent prayer that the mysterious 'integration' wouldn't harm them.

Pushing aside these melancholy thoughts, Asher focused on reviewing his training. With his enhanced body, he'd become acutely aware of inefficiencies in his movements. His mind raced, visualizing improved techniques with startling clarity.

So engrossed was he in this mental exercise that Asher barely noticed the growing pressure in his head. It built slowly, a dull ache transforming into a sharp, insistent pain.

Just as the discomfort reached its peak, a system message flashed across his mind:

[Mental limits surpassed Intelligence +1]

Asher blinked in surprise, the headache receding as quickly as it had come. A small smile played across his lips as he drifted off to sleep, wondering what new challenges tomorrow would bring.