The System


[Initializing system…]

[Scanning Host]


[Detected that host has defied fate]

[Congratulations host, you've become a @€&#%?*!]

[Host authority too low]

[Continue scanning…]

[Error… Detected anomaly in host's soul.]

[The anomaly grants the host the status of a limit breaker]

[Calculating reward…]

[Error… Hosts feat is too grand for the system, requesting higher authority]

[Higher authority granted temporarily, calculating again…]

[Error… Hosts feat is too great for current authority, requesting higher authority]

[Higher authority granted temporarily, calculating again…]

[Error… host's feat surpasses the system limit]

[Granting highest possible reward]

[Congratulations Host, you've been rewarded with Talent: Unlimited Comprehension, Grade: @€&#%?*!]

[Error… Talent level surpasses grade of system]

[Congratulations for awakening successfully, Host]

‚What the hell just happened? Did i just awaken my system?'

‚Seems like it. But what were all these error messages and censored words? Is this normal?'

‚In the memories I gained you were simply supposed to have the screen pop up in front of your face as soon as you turn 16. If never heard of anyone getting an error message when activating their system. I've even got 6.'

,I guess it's best I just check out my stats for now. How do I even view my status screen?'


[Market] [Chat] [Status Screen] [Friend List] [Faction]

‚Wow there are so many different options. The faction function is greyed out at the moment though. Probably because I've not joined any organization.'

‚Most of these are pretty self explanatory, I might check out the market later but for now I'm just gonna focus on my status. Does the system also work if I don't say these names out loud but only think about them?'

,Status Screen'

[Host: Kael ?]

,Well thinking about it, I've never really had a last name, after all I was an orphan in my last life and I don't really want to take on the one of this body. I guess I'm just Kael once again'

[Realm: Body Refinement, Brain hardening completion]


[Estimated Combat Strength: Muscle hardening completion]

[Cultivation Techniques: None]

[Combat Techniques: None]

[Bloodline: None

Constitution: None

Soul: ??? ( @€&#%?*!)]


Cultivation Talent: None (No meridians - artificial)

Body Refinement: A - Grade

Soul Cultivation: @€&#%?*! - Grade

Comprehension: Infinite Comprehension, @€&#%?*!-Grade]

[Affinities: None]

[Special Talents:

Alchemy: B-Grade

@€&#%?*!: Gradeless]

An overwhelming amount of information was suddenly displayed before Kael's eyes on a blue Status Screen.

‚Okay let's just go through this one step at a time'

‚For some reason I seem to be in the body refinement realm. But this doesn't make any sense. Except for some races with high grade bloodlines or extremely talented geniuses, most people should start out as a mortal. But I already finished the hardening part of body refinement.'

Body refinement is the first realm of cultivation. It is divided into 8 minor realms. Namely body hardening, iron body, bronze-, silver-, gold-, platinum-, diamond-, and jade body. Though the most talented humans on earth can only reach Silver refinement.

In each minor realm you have to first temper your skin. Afterwards you need to temper your blood, organs, bones, muscles and brain. You also need to do it in this exact order since, if you were to first temper your muscles before your bones, they would simply break under the strain.

Theoretically you only need to complete the hardening stage to break through. This is necessary since your body isn't able to hold spiritual energy otherwise. But it is generally advices to go as far as you can inside every realm to lay a solid foundation for the future.

‚Normally you would need to consume medicine and pills to refine your body in the body hardening stage, but from the memories I gained my predecessor never seemed to have taken any medicines.'

‚How did he die from heart failure if my has already tempered it's organs?'

'Let's just continue going over the next aspects. Why is my estimated combat strength one minor realm lower than my actual realm? Am I that weak? It's probably because of my lack of fighting experience and techniques.'

,My bloodline and physique also seem to make sense. Having a special physique is extremely rare and I can't remember the parents of this body having a special bloodline'

‚The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is my soul. why are there question marks for the name and why is the grade censored?'

‚I wonder if this system can react to questions'

‚System, what does the question mark behind my soul mean and why can't I see its grade?'

[The system is unable to identify the hosts soul since it was never seen before and is a type of anomaly]

[The grade of the hosts soul is outside of your authority which is why it's censored]

[Do you want to give your soul type a name?]

‚No, I don't, obviously. I don't even know its abilities or attributes. How would i name it.'

‚But a soul with a quality outside of my authority seems to be a good thing. Since I can even see A-grade talent I'm sure that it's at least above that.'

‚Even though my soul seems to be of a pretty good quality, why do I have no cultivation talent?'

‚Does this mean I can only ever reach the body refinement realm? But this makes no sense, why would I have no cultivation talent if I have such a high talent in body refinement and even a special soul'

‚A-Grade body refinement talent is at the top of this world. It means that I even have the potential to reach Silver refinement.'

‚Even the least talented people have at least F-Grade potential how could i have none?'

‚System why do I have no cultivation talent?'

[The host has no meridians in his body, meaning that he can't effectively use spiritual energy and therefore can't break through to the energy refinement realm]

‚How can i not have any meridians?'

[There are signs of extraction left in the hosts body. It seems like someone else extracted your meridians in the past]

,Who would do that to me? I don't even have contact with other people!'

„How am I going to cultivate in the future?"

‚Okay let's slow down, afterall I still have A-Grade body refinement potential and unknown grade potential in soul refinement.'

‚There might be some medicines out there that can replace stolen meridians. If some higher ups of earth realize my potential they might be willing to give them to me'

‚All hope is not lost.'

‚I still have an unknown grade comprehension. Considering that the system had to ask for higher authority two times before granting me the reward it is most likely unimaginably valuable.'

,I also have B-Grade Alchemy talent. If I combine that with my high grade comprehension I might even be able to come up with a solution myself.'

‚There is also that other special talent that lies outside my authority. Maybe it can help me regain my cultivation ability as well.'

‚Considering that I'm a reincarnated person, I'm pretty sure that I can figure something out. I mean I've never heard of a reincarnated who stayed as a cripple his whole life.'

‚I guess the first thing to consider now is how I can reach the highest possible grade in the body refinement realm.'