First cultivation

,So what do I do now? Do I just start cultivating or what?'

In the body refinement realm you need medicine and body training to finish the first stage of body hardening.

Since your body is able to handle spiritual energy after finishing the stage, the first step is to begin sensing said energy.

If you've successfully sensed spiritual energy already, you can start attracting it towards your body and absorbing it. To reach further stages in the body refinement realm you will have to circulate this energy through your skin, blood, organs, bones, muscles and brain.

This way they continuously harden due to having a high amount of energy infused into them.

To further accelerate this process you can also take pills and medicines. This is not necessary but can help you reach further heights and speed up the process. But taking too much medicine with a low quality can build up impurities inside of your body.

‚I guess the first step would be to sense spiritual energy and attract it towards my body.'

‚After that I can consider if I should cultivate on my own first or buy some pills if I'm really slow.'

‚According to my memories it is optimal to sit cross legged during this process. Though other poses work as well this was found to be the most optimal.'

Following the images in his memory Kael sat on the floor and crossed his legs, with his arms resting on his knees and his thumb and middle finger touching.

Closing his eyes, he tries to empty his mind, concentrating solely on his surroundings and trying to feel a kind of energy in the air.

Suprisingly, after just 30 seconds he succeeded already. He could now feel a lot of blue dots floating in the air around him.

If he concentrates a bit more, he can even attract those particles towards his body and absorb them with a surprising speed.

‚What is going on? Even the most heavenly geniuses with B or even A level talent are supposed to take at least a day to start feeling spiritual energy in the air.'

‚And that's only the time needed for feeling it. Attracting spiritual energy, especially as fast and smoothly as I did is supposed to take at least a week!'

‚This speed probably comes from my unknown soul or comprehension, or maybe even my unknown special talent. Even though I don't really know how strong a gradeless talent could actually be.'

,Since I found out that I can already absorb spiritual energy, I now need a manual to train my body.'

‚Just blindly channeling spiritual energy into your body could do more harm than good. Such a high amount of energy is hard to withstand for my body so I need to know which parts to train at what time and where I should apply how much spiritual energy.'

,But where do they even sell body refinement techniques?'

‚Wait isn't there the market option in the system? I guess I could obtain one there.'

‚System open the market!'

Afterwards a few options popped up in front of Kael.

[Regional Market] [Global Market] … [Universal Market]

Everything except for regional and global market was greyed out though. It seems like he needs to get stronger to access those options.

‚Since I need the best technique for the smallest price I can get, I guess it's best to have a large amount of different offers.'

‚The global market it is then.'

[Welcome to the Global Market]

[Here you can gain any good you desire. The system will always guarantee that you actually get the item you pay for. No fake goods here]

‚Well that's convenient. I guess I won't have to worry about getting scammed.'

[Do you want to use your real name or a nickname?]

‚Why not use a nickname. I don't want to draw any attention to myself when using the market. After all staying anonymous is one of the benefits of the system market, why not use it.'

[Enter nickname please]

‚Hmm I've always been shit at making up names. Maybe something relating to me?'

„Confused Reincarnator"

,Idk sounds kind of cringe but I'll still go with it.'

[Weapons] [Techniques] [Spiritual Items] [Mission Hub] [Information]

‚Show me body refinement techniques suitable for the body refinement stage'

Kael had to specify this since you can still refine your body even after you have entered the later stages.

[Human body refinement manual]

[Mortal Grade]

[A body refinement techniques used by almost all humans.]

‚Huh seems like there are not as many different ones as I had thought.'

‚But it makes sense, in the body refinement stage there is no difference between how you temper your body since it's the same for everyone. There aren't any attributes or affinities that are important in this stage. It's just about hardening the body.'

‚System how much does this manual cost?'

[Price: None]

[This item is provided to every citizen of green planet free of charge, to ensure the smooth developement of the overall strength]

‚Yeah that makes sense, you wouldn't want to have a bunch of people who can't even train only because they're broke.'

‚Lets just try this!'

After buying the manual in the system market, a small amount of information is transmitted directly into Kael's had. Even though this hurt a bit, it doesn't faze him much since he is already used to it. What is the amount of words in a mortal grade technique compared to 16 years of memories.

,The manual describes how I need to absorb and circulate the energy through my body up to the jade grade'

‚Wait a second what is the jade grade? I thought the highest possible realm you could reach was Silver refinement!'

‚Seems like this manual was not created by the humans on this planet but instead acquired somewhere else'

‚Anyways this seems kind of easy, let's just start out'

In this way Kael started to absorb spiritual energy instantly. What he didn't know was that most people with A-Grade comprehension would take about 5 days or even more to familiarize themselves with the technique.

If you're not completely sure that you can follow the description 100% you might end up crippling yourself.

In this manner Kael cultivated until the end of the day which is pretty long considering that it was only 1 am when he started.


„The feeling of getting stronger is definitely exhilarating"

‚I have already finished refining my bones in the iron refinement stage'

‚But i guess that's normal since I still have A grade talent in body refining. No one on this planet should be faster than me. Well except if they take pills maybe which I can't afford'

‚I guess I should rest for now. Tomorrow I will go out and see if I can somehow make some money to further increase my cultivation speed.'

‚But first I'm gonna sleep'