First month at Linclon college

It was the last Monday of Shrawan. Ratis woke up early at dawn. He entered washroom, became fresh and entered the temple. Then he poured water over Shivalinga, worshipped for a while and ended his prayers with Aarati. He took a quite long to worship that day. Perhaps, because it was Monday. Then he left the temple after putting tika on his forehead and entered the kitchen. He had his breakfast and moved to his own room.

Wearing new clothes, carrying new bag, keeping new pen and notebooks inside the same new bag teen Ratis reached the new college with glow in face and agility in soul. He climbed the staircase and reached the third floor. He entered the classroom and sat at the corner of bench lying at second row and first column.

New place, there was no one whom I knew from beginning. Hence, it was quite uncomfortable for me to adjust myself there. But I was forward in making friends. Few boys started entering the class. Some of them introduced themselves to me whereas some didn't find interest on me.

Two boys with long nose came and shared the same bench where I was sitting. "I am Avishek Poudel and I am form Okhaldhunga." One of those hero spoke with a smile on his face. "I am Shivam Ranabhat." Another handsome said introducing himself to us. "I am Ratis Ghimire." I said giving my introduction to them. We had normal conversation that day, about course of studies, books etc. After the class was over, I returned to home.

We started sharing other personal stuffs among us gradually. Everything including studies, friendship and lectures were running in a sequence. As a week had passed, Lecturers too became familiar about my level of intelligence and potential. Other students in the class were also being aware of it.

I used to reach college earlier and used to go to the library. Then I used to take books and study them. Facing towards the girls in the library, I used to feel them staring at me. They used to give sweet smile when I used to turn towards them. I also used to reply them with a pleasant smile.

We three friends used to sit on the first bench. Three girls named Suravi, Susmita and Mamata used to sit on the second bench just behind us respectively from the corner. I had noticed Suravi during orientation programme. She seemed quite innocent and she was wheatish white. Susmita was a bit fat and Mamata had a bit black complexion.

I don't know how my body structure seemed towards other. But, I was sure that I too was handsome those days. There is a saying in Nepali language,"Even a fox seems handsome during its teen." Hence, I was also handsome as I was in my teenage. Also, Simran had given love letter to me while we were at grade nine but I was not addicted towards love those days. Hence, I took that letter and went through the literature written in english.

I do not remember everything these days but I won't forget a line till my death. "I feel butterflies inside my belly while you stare at me with your small eyes and pleasant smile on face." "I liked your writings. Please take it and keep it with yourself." I said and returned the letter towards her. Since that day, she stopped talking with me and I never said her anything.

Perhaps, I used to stare with my small eyes at all the girls in classroom. And perhaps, my eyes were magical those days when I was a school kid. That magic of eyes spread over the Linclon college too. But that time, that magic ruined myself. It drowned me away with itself completely.

Poudel sir used to teach us Physics. I can't forget him even I wish to do so. I was quite close with him. He had expected much more from my side. I was forward in every class. I had set an example for other students in the class.

Life was moving smoothly in order. Suddenly a coincident occurred. Suravi used to sit just behind me. She used to ask about the queries related to the subject matter of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. I without hesitation used to solve her queries. Her "thank you so much" along with the sweet smile was my only interest. As it used to generate some wonderful electric vibration inside my heart. We came closer gradually. But I didn't want that day to come in my life as I didn't want to be closer with her. Within a short span of time, we became good friends.

Being closer with her I hadn't maintain distance with friends. But I made her join our groups. A month and a couple of months passed. Our friendship couldn't limit within college compound. We were bonded emotionally. She was staying at the Selina Girls Hostel situated few hundred meters away from the college. I used to go with her upto the gate of her hostel. Then only I used to return home.

She was the most beautiful girl within the college. Hence, all the boys used to follow her with their eyes. But they could do nothing except staring at us as I was a tough guy in the college. I was a Rowdy in an angle. Hence, no one could do anything. I cannot explain how she used to feel but I used to enjoy a lot being with her, talking to her and eating together with her.

We exchanged our contact number. 'Mero mobile', Ncell these days used to give free call service those days. I don't know either I wisely used that service or misused but we used to have long conversation in phone at nights and whole day during holidays.

I can't state whether it was just an attraction or what but it became a coincidence for me. An unsual coincidence, a historical event. I will write everything but slowly and gradually.

I used to care her more than necessity. That day lecturer of mathematics was absent. Hence, we got a leisure period after tiffin break. Till date, we had already started having lunch together in the Canteen. We used to share our bills. That day we both had ordered vegetable momos. Friendship had been turned such deep that she had left to eat chicken momos and adapted with vegetable momos for my comfort. Perhaps, she had left chicken as I was pure vegeterian and she also wanted to be vegeterian afterwards.

"Ratis, I have to tell you something." Suravi said with a soft voice while having momos. "Oh, please tell me. What is the matter?" I said looking at her and ate a ball of momo. "Let it be. I will talk to you later." She said and smiled. She wanted to say something but she was not able to tell hence I said to her. "Okay, say it later."

Tiffin break was about to end. Next period was leisure hence we had came late at canteen and were taking time to have our tiffin. After eating last ball of momos, Suravi wiped her lips with napkin paper. Then she said gently,"Ratis, please listen. Will you be my best friend?" Meanwhile, I was stretching my backbone. She was looking towards me. I matched my eyes with her eyes for a while and smiled. Then I said to her,"We have already become best friends." "Really?" she asked with joy for guarantee of my reply. "Yes dear yes, we are best friends." I said and cleared her doubt. We were friends from beginning but after then we became best friend formally. But this 'best friends' could not be limited within best friends.