Suravi and I at Pasupatinath

It was her birthday. She had turned into juicy seventeen from soft sixteen. That pleasant smell from her body, her hairstyle and small eyes were enough to bind me within her alike a prisoner. I had reached up to Pasupatinath holding her hands as a prisoner in her love.

As far as I remember, she had worn purple saree and golden blouse that day. I was feeling as if she was an actress of a classical movie and I was her mad lover. There was not such a huge crowd outside the entrance of Pasupatinath. We bought a small basket of worshipping items before entering from the gate.

The peripherals of temple was not crowded enough. We worshipped together and prayed the god for long lasting relationship and bright future. It was my prayer and I thought she also prayed for the same. But I was excited to know what she prayed for. Hence I asked her,"What did you pray for?" She produced a gentle smile on her face and said,"The prayer should not be disclosed, otherwise god won't fulfill the wish." We were roaming the broad peripherals of Pasupatinath holding hand in hand.

We reached the balcony opposite to the Pasupatinath. There were series of benches for the travellers. We took rest on the third bench facing towards the west door of Pasupatinath. Suravi supported her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I started to watch the people and monkeys.

After a while, Suravi lifted her head from my shoulder and started to gaze at the pyres burning at Aaryaghat. Noticing her act, I asked her,"What is the matter Suravi? What are you looking at and what are you thinking of?" She said,"We also have to be separated some day Ratis." She looked a bit serious. "It is a fact that everyone have to die someday but don't worry. The god will take us together as he knows how much we love each others." I said to convince her.

"Can you guess Ratis what I asked with the god?" Suravi said in a soft voice holding my hand a bit harder. "How could I guess, please say it yourself." I said with excitement. "Listen Ratis, I pleaded the god never to create break in between us. If he has to take anyone before, he might choose me first." She said and seemed a bit serious.

"Do not talk rubbish. There are thousands of miles to go together. There are several years to live together with you and there are thousands of sunrise to watch together with you. I said and gave her a tight hug. Suravi kept her head on my chest and I started to twirl her hair.

Suravi was smiling while we reached near the Guheyswori Temple. I was feeling romantic with her smile. This smile is god damn romantic. All others are only the thirst. It requires a huge effort to get out when you get lost in this romantic smile. It might be possible for a bird in cage to be freed and fly in the sky again, the fish stucked in the trap might detach itself and jump into the pool and swim again but a lover who has been lost in the romantic smile can never escape from that smile. I felt as if her smile was the Titanic and I was its single passenger.

After visiting the Kirateswor temple we were near the Gaurighat. Suravi used to love the golgappa crazily. I also used to love sour in foods. She noticed a sweet house beside the street and saw golgappa placed inside showcase. She forced me to take her to that sweet house. I took her inside. She then ordered for the golgappa. The waiter took a few minutes to catch her order. She started to watch the snaps I took from the morning with my digital camera. I started to stare at her supporting my chin with the right hand.

"Take your order mam." I got startled with the voice of waiter. Seeing golgappa on the plate Suravi became so excited that she started to eat them alone. After she finished eating half of them she looked at me and said,"Oh Ratis, I am so sorry. I forgot that I am with you. Whenever I get golgappa in front of me I forget everything and get lost. Will you try some of these?"

"It is okay. At first you eat how much you can. I don't find these like eating." I said. She insisted me to have few of them so I also ate few from the same plate. The juice of golgappa was awesome. That juice was awesome in the sense because it was the juice of love. And once we get in contact with the juice of love our senses turn into ashes. My all the five senses turned into ashes and smoke arose from my heart.

I was feeling as if my heart was pumping so hard alike the boiling water and Suravi was lifting it upwards to her lips keeping it in her palm and it was trying to kiss her lips. I came out from my dreams and said to Suravi,"Lets have momos." "Okay, make an order and order only one plate." She said. I made an order. The waiter didn't take too long to bring our order. We shared the momos from the same plate.

While eating momos Suravi said,"And Ratis, Did you say about our relationship to your parents?" Her question made me paused for a while. I closed my eyes and said,"No not clearly till date. But I guess they know I have a girlfriend."

She stopped eating and became a bit serious and looked into my eyes. Then she said,"I wanted to know if they will accept me or not?" "I think they will have no objection." I said. "It isn't what you think, I wanted to know if they will really accept me or not?" she said a bit louder. I remained silent.

"You have to tell about us to your parents." Suravi said. "Okay, I will talk to them about it tonight. And don't worry they will have no objection regarding our relationship." I said. "Hope so." she said. Then we remained silent for a while.

"Okay it's getting late. We have to go now. Lets go." Suravi said. "Okay let's go." I said and paid the bill. We then moved from there hired the bus and reached to Koteswor. I went upto her hostel along with her and left for home.