Reason for Pa's refusal

"Oh, lazy ass, open the door fast." I got awaken by the knocking sound of the door and sharp voice of my mamma. I came to know that it was six o' clock of the evening as I turned my eyes to the clock on the wall. I got up from the bed quickly and replied my mamma in sharp voice. "Wait for a while. I had fallen asleep." Then, I opened the lock of the door.

Mamma entered inside the room and started to scold me. She said,"Should not you eat, donkey? Since morning, you are inside the room. Neither you are aware of breakfast nor lunch. And what about physical wastage? Do you piss and pee inside the room?" "Oh mamma, please stop shouting. I am feeling angry." I said. "With whom are you feeling angry? With me?" Mamma said. "No" I said. "Then with whom? with your Pa?" She asked. I didn't speak.

Mamma came closer to me and sat on the bed. She kept the bowl on the table and started to convince me. She said,"Look son, Your age is the problem. You have to control your emotions. Otherwise, you have to suffer a lot. Your Pa has also said so because he cares much more about you. This love suv is nothing. This is time to study hard and focus on your career. So, do not waste your time in unnecessary stuffs. I have fried noodles for you. Take your lunch."

"I don't want to eat." I said. "It won't work son. Do not show your anger towards food." Mamma said. "Okay, but please convince Pa." I said. "Okay, I will talk to him. But, you too know how hard it is to convince him. His anger is beyond your stubbornness." Mamma said. I said,"It is fine. But please talk to him once." "It is fine. I will talk to him. Watch Television. It is not good to sleep during dusk. And finish your lunch before it gets cold."Mamma said. "Okay mamma." I said. She left the room and I started to eat noodles.

Closing my eyes, I was singing along with the song tunning music channel in full volume. All of a sudden, I felt the entrance of Pa inside home. I muted the volume of television. Pa entered the washroom became fresh and entered the kitchen.

Pa spoke to mom, "Oh Ritey, do your son take meal?" Mamma said,"No, he hasn't taken meal. And why are you speaking so rudely? Can't you say our son instead of your son? Shall I prepare meal for you?" Pa made his eyes a bit larger and said,"If he was my son, he would have obeyed us. As if there are no brahmin girls, he is in love with girl from so called lower caste. Okay, prepare meal for me. I am feeling a bit hungry today."

"Let it be. He is still a kid. He will be convinced if we talk to him gently. I had tried to convince him during afternoon."Mamma said. "He is not a kid anymore. He would have become father of two kids if he had been married. And didn't you see how rudely he was speaking to me?" Pa said in a loud voice. Mamma said,"It is okay. You too became agressive instead of convincing him."

Pa said,"And what should I do instead of being agressive? It is not anything, your son's weapon is itching. If he really wants a wife I can make a line of hundreds of girls for him. Did we spend thousands of bucks to send him college for studies or to make girlfriend? Moreover, didn't he get any brahmin girls over there?" Pa said.

"It is all due to his age. I will convince him. Shall I add some Daal for you?" Mamma said taking out a spoonful of Daal from the cooker. "Umm, put a spoonful of Daal and some pickle too." Pa said and became busy eating the meal. Conversation between husband and wife paused for a while.

Breaking the silence, Mamma said,"Panditji ! please listen. During afternoon, Ratis was saying me to talk to you about this. He wanted me to convince you. But I don't think I should convince you, should I?" "I have already given my decision regarding the matter. No means no." Pa said. Mamma said in a soft voice,"I can understand. But Ratis is too crazy regarding her. I don't think it will be a huge problem. If the girl is better they will study together and will settle in the town after they become independent. Don't you think in such way?"

"Have you turned to insane? See, I am follower of communism. But it doesn't mean that I can accept a girl from so called lower caste as my daughter in law. Look, be serious. Think about future. By god, if tommorrow we are compelled to accept her who will respect me? If I wasn't Pandit by profession, I wouldn't have become an obstacle. And did you forget about Sitaram's Son?"Pa said.

After listening to Pa, Mamma couldn't produce a word. I too couldn't do anything beside remaining silent. I left the living room and entered my own room. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. I started to think about Sitaram Uncle.