Ability Energy

"The worst might happen...?" Arden muttered, his brow furrowed with concern as he pondered the system's alarming words.

[Yes, it'll cause chaos... chaos that even the kings of numerous kingdoms won't be able to control.]

"That bad?" Arden asked, now even more cautious about this mysterious Ability Energy. The idea that an energy source could unleash such havoc seemed bizarre.

"But how can an energy that's been in this world cause chaos?" he questioned, trying to understand the gravity of the situation.

[There are many reasons, Host.]

[The inhabitants of this world already have Mana within their bodies. If they attempt to absorb Ability Energy, it will disrupt the Mana, and you don't want to know the result.]

"Death?" Arden guessed, trying to grasp the seriousness. "What else could happen?"

[It's more than just death, Host.]

[First, there will be a rampage, then death will follow. But the rampage itself will be utter chaos.]

"I see..." Arden muttered, sensing the weight of the system's warning. The potential for widespread destruction was more frightening than he had initially thought.

"If it's this dangerous, how am I able to use this Ability Energy?" he asked, curious about his unique situation.

[That's where the advantage lies. Humans without Mana present in their bodies, such as those born without a Mana Core or those whose Mana Core is broken, can use Ability Energy.]

[There will be no clash, allowing smooth absorption.]

"I see..." Arden nodded, realizing that his lack of Mana actually presented an opportunity to harness a different kind of power.

He couldn't help but wonder why Ability Energy had not been discovered before Mana, given its potential.

[Mana is the dominant energy because it spreads out easily and can be sensed quickly. Ability Energy, though present, is more hidden.]

[Once people sensed Mana, they assumed it was the only energy source and began absorbing it.]

Arden recalled his lessons from when he was still a prince. Mana had been a pivotal force in saving humanity from past disasters, a fact ingrained in the world's history.

"So, I can actually use this Ability Energy," he mused, a slight smile forming on his lips.

[Yes, and it has many advantages that might surprise you.]

"Advantages? Tell me more," Arden requested, eager to learn.

[First, the power of skills will increase when using Ability Energy. Skills powered by Mana won't be as strong.]

"Hmm, so if I used Mana for the Lightning Spear Skill, it wouldn't have been as strong as when I used Ability Energy," Arden reflected. "That's a significant advantage."

[Also, Ability Energy can be used more fluently in its raw form.]

Mana could be used in its raw form, but it was challenging and required great control. According to the system, Ability Energy was more manageable in this regard.

Arden felt a growing interest in exploring this new energy source.

[There are many other advantages, and it has more uses than Mana.]

The system's description almost made it sound like it was advertising a product, causing Arden to chuckle lightly.

"So, I need to start absorbing Ability Energy," he concluded. "But don't I need a core for that? Like a Mana Core, but for Ability Energy?"

[You already have an Ability Core. You didn't notice it because it's not in your chest. It's located in your... heart.]

"My heart?" Arden was taken aback, not expecting this revelation.

[Yes, don't worry. There's a reason it's there. Ability Energy has many uses.]

"Hmm..." Arden pondered. Having the core in his heart might provide certain advantages, but it also meant he wouldn't easily sense it as he could a Mana Core.

"Okay, I'll take a bath, change, and start absorbing Ability Energy."

Arden was eager to grow stronger. He also needed to hunt beasts, a daunting task for someone inexperienced like him. And then there were his Revenge Points; he was curious to see what he could acquire from the system store to aid his endeavors.

With a sigh, Arden got up and walked toward the door, ready to leave the room. But then...

*Knock* *Knock*

A knock at the door was followed by a soft voice. "Uhm... I brought a towel for you."

Arden recognized the voice—it was the inn owner's daughter.

"Oh, okay," Arden responded, opening the door to reveal the girl. She stood there with a gentle smile, holding a brown towel.

"Here you go," she said, handing him the towel. He accepted it with a nod of thanks, and she left, closing the door behind her.

Arden turned back and noticed a small door at the edge of the room, realizing it led to the bathroom.

Without delay, he entered to freshen up. As he stripped off his clothes, he couldn't help but notice how much he stank.

'It's been a while since I had a bath...' Arden thought, but now he had the chance.

A few minutes later, Arden emerged, feeling refreshed and content. "Who knew a bath could be so satisfying?" he muttered to himself, enjoying the sensation of cleanliness.

He had only a towel on, as his clothes were too filthy to wear again. "I need to get some new clothes..." he noted, though that could wait for now.

Arden sat down on the bed, a grin spreading across his face as he focused on the system screen.

"It's time to get something good from the system shop... something to help me hunt beasts," he murmured, eager to see what options were available to him.