Arden vs Donald [Part 2]

**BOOM** **BOOM** **BOOM**

Arden dashed towards another tree, which was instantly blasted into pieces by Fireballs.

"Ugh… Stay in one place!" Donald exclaimed as he tried to direct his Fireballs to hit Arden.

"Then make me stay in one place…" Arden spoke for the first time since encountering Donald here.

"Huh? Wait… he's actually right," Donald muttered. "He hasn't used magic at all, probably because he doesn't have enough mana. That actually gives me the advantage," Donald reasoned, laughing at the realization.

"You made the wrong decision," Donald said as he suddenly stretched out his left hand.

Instantly, an axe even larger than his usual one appeared in his left hand, this one made entirely of fire.

Without warning, Donald dashed towards Arden with intense speed, his fiery axes ready to strike.

"Exactly what I wanted," Arden muttered.

As soon as Donald got close, he made an abrupt stop, and before Arden could react…


Donald suddenly launched his Fire Axe at Arden with immense force. The axe moved like a blur, reaching Arden in an instant.

"Huh?" Arden's eyes widened, and then…


A dust cloud erupted, blocking Donald's view.

"Haha, I told you, didn't I? I told you I'd kill you!" Donald laughed as he watched the dust cloud settle.

Finally, after a few seconds, the dust cleared, and Donald was ready to see Arden's burnt body.


"H… How did you…?"

Arden was still standing, though there were scorch marks on his body. Most importantly, he was uninjured.

"How are you uninjured?!" Donald asked, frustration lacing his voice.

Arden had been quick enough to anticipate Donald's move, raising his dagger just in time to protect himself from the Fire Axe.

Yes, he successfully blocked it, but at a price.

Arden stared at his dagger, now riddled with numerous cracks and on the verge of shattering.

"Shit…" he couldn't help but curse.

"Tell me! How did you su—"

Before Donald could finish his question, Arden suddenly launched himself towards him.

It was so sudden that Donald couldn't react in time. *No… He won't be able to harm me; his dagger is already in bad shape,* Donald thought.

Even so, Donald was quick enough to raise his axe, ready to block the dagger.


As expected, he successfully blocked Arden's dagger, which shattered on the spot.

"Hahaha, I to—"

Once again, before Donald could finish speaking, he suddenly saw something he never expected.

[Lightning Spear.]


A spear made of lightning suddenly appeared in Arden's right hand.

He was standing right in front of Donald, and that could only mean one thing…

Donald wouldn't be able to dodge.

His eyes widened in shock, and he began to tremble. "I-is… th-that…"

Donald found it hard to speak as Arden gazed at him intensely, heightening Donald's fear.

"W… Wait, we can talk this out… How many coins do yo—"

"Shut up," Arden interrupted.

Donald instantly fell silent, trembling in fear. He knew that one wrong move could lead to his death. From the looks of things, this person wouldn't hesitate to pierce him with that Lightning Spear.

Suddenly, Arden let go of him, surprising Donald.

"Huh?" Donald muttered when Arden released him.

*Or maybe he wasn't sent to kill me? Then why was he fighting me?* he thought.

"Go…" Arden said.

"Huh? I should… go?" Donald asked.

"Oh, you want to stay?" Arden glared at Donald.

"Oh, no, no. I'll go," Donald replied, waving his hands frantically, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Without wasting time, Donald turned back and began walking towards the entrance of the forest where his carriage was. *Ahh, I survived this!*

A smile was etched on his face as he continued walking without looking back. He just didn't want to see that guy again.

But then…

**Rustle** **Rustle**

He suddenly heard sounds coming from behind him. He turned back instantly but didn't expect what happened next.


Like a blur, the Lightning Spear moved towards his heart, piercing it deeply.

Just like it had happened with Ryker, Donald fell to the ground with a thud, unable to scream due to the electrocution.

His mouth and eyes were wide open, frozen in an expression of shock.

Arden gazed at him coldly, his expression unwavering. "Die…"

He twisted the Lightning Spear already embedded in Donald's heart, driving it deeper, adding more force and pain.

The last thing Donald saw were Arden's eyes, which seemed to glow red, before everything went black.

He was… dead.

As Donald died, Arden deactivated the Lightning Spear skill and stared at Donald's lifeless body.

"Mission complete…" he muttered before looking ahead, ready to leave the forest.


Brad and Guff, the twins, were at the entrance of the carriage, waiting for Donald.

"You shouldn't have told him about his hair; you know he wouldn't listen," Guff said.

"Tch... I hate to admit it, but you're right," Brad said.

Before Guff could say anything, they suddenly spotted a carriage that was heading towards them.

The carriage drew their attention, because it also had a symbol of a blazing sun, meaning it was also for the Ainsley Household.

Finally, the carriage reached them, and a guard with short black hair came out. He had a big build, and was also dressed in the same kind of armour like Guff and Brad, and he also had a long sword with him.

"Greetings," he began, "Baron Ainsley sent me here to escort Sir Donald back. He said he wants to speak with him urgently," the guard said.

"I see... Okay, I'll call him," Brad said as he nodded at Guff and the other guard, before entering the forest.

Brad kept walking forward, hoping to see signs of battle, to be able to track Donald.

After some minutes, he finally saw something on the ground in the distance.

Instantly, he rushed towards it, but as he got closer, he suddenly realized something.

"Wait... Don't tell me..."