Third Step Rank 1 Ability User

The inn owner waved at Arden as she watched him leave the tavern with steady steps.

"He doesn't come to the tavern even though he stays in the inn.... Maybe he's not just interested," she muttered as she walked towards a table with a tray of food on her hands.

Meanwhile, Arden had already exited the inn, and was instantly greeted by the warmth of the sun. As usual, people were walking about, carrying out their daily activities. Well, Arden had an activity he also had to carry out.

'If I remember correctly, today is the day he usually goes to the forest to hunt beasts... He told me that himself,' Arden thought as he turned his head towards the direction of the east gate.

'I'm sure it's not too early... It'll be better if I get there before him.'

With that thought, Arden started walking towards the direction of the east gate, and after some minutes, he finally arrived.

Just like yesterday, he saw other Adventurers coming from behind. Some were in groups while some were alone, but he wasn't concerned about that, because he knew that they wouldn't enter the same part of the forest.

As expected, the gate was closed, and the guard was the only person who could open it. Arden turned his head and spotted the guard at the corner, though he was already standing up.

Immediately the guard stood up, he rushed towards Arden with a grin on his face. "You want to hunt some beasts again, huh?"

"Hmm? Isn't that clear enough?" Arden asked, with an expression that said "why else would I be here?"

A slight frown appeared on the guard's face for a second as he glared at Arden.

"You know, I'm the one in charge here, so I have every right to ask the questions I want," the guard said as he gritted his teeth in anger.

Arden wanted to reply him, but he thought about it, and realized that it wouldn't be worth it. Moreover, he had something to do, so there was no need to get into an argument with a corrupt guard.

Dipping his hand into his pocket, and bringing out a card, he looked at the guard, before speaking. "This is my Adventurer's Card."

The guard stared at Arden for some seconds, before looking at the card with squinted eyes.

"So, you decided to get one, huh? I see...." The guard muttered.

Since Arden now had an Adventurer's Card, there was no way he would be able to get 5 bronze coins from him. At this point, he had no other choice than to let Arden go.

The guard clicked his tongue in annoyance. "And I thought I had found the person who would be my daily source of 5 bronze coins.... Tch."

With no other choice, he walked towards the gate under Arden's intense gaze as he opened the gate, allowing him to pass.

He had verified that the Adventurer's Card was real, so there was nothing he could do again to get some coins from Arden.

"Hmph, I hope you don't return," the guard muttered, before turning to face the other Adventurers who had already reached the gate.

Meanwhile, Arden had entered the familiar meadow terrain. It was just as beautiful as he saw it before, with the cool breeze making the short grasses sway. Though, he wasn't focused on it right now.

As he continued walking towards the forest, he reduced his pace and spoke to the system telepathically. "System, show me my information."


[Name: Arden Nightshade]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Human]

[Revenge Points: 0]

[Rank: Third Step Rank 1 Ability User]

[Combat Power: 25]

[Ability Energy: 25]

[Skills: Lightning Spear]

[Current Quests: Kill Baron Ainsley's son, Donald]

[Equipments: Enchanted Cloak, Enchanted Mask]

[End of Information]

Arden stared at the system screen as he continued walking towards the forest.

The information was exactly as it was last time, well, except three things.

"I'm now a Third Step Rank 1 Ability User," Arden muttered. Though, he had already seen it last night, he was still glad that his training was worth it.

Secondly, his Combat Power increased, and thirdly, his Ability Energy increased. The increase was due to him becoming a Third Step Rank 1 Ability User.

Though, something about it was still surprising. The first time, when he Ranked Up to Second Step Rank 1 Ability User, his Combat Power and Ability Energy increased by 5, bringing them to 15. But now, after Ranking Up, his Combat Power and Ability Energy increased by 10 this time, instead of the expected 5.

According to the system, it was like that for the Rank 1. Apparently, the rate of increase in Combat Power and Ability Energy will be high when he's still in Rank 1, but after getting to Rank 2, growth will become slower.

Though, as far as he was using Ability Energy and not Mana, then his growth wouldn't decrease to a surprising level.... That was among the advantages of Ability Energy.

"Now that my Combat Power is 25, I wonder how long it'll take me to kill these wolves.... It must have decreased," Arden muttered as he got closer to the forest.

He looked back, and just like he expected, the other Adventurers were already entering different parts of the forest.

With that, Arden entered the forest, feeling the cool breeze rustling through the trees. The canopy of leaves shielded him from the sun, though sunlight still managed to peek through the small gaps.

Arden was contemplating if he should hunt some beasts, but that wasn't the main reason he was here. Moreover, if he decided to hunt beasts, there was a possibility that he wouldn't see Donald, so had to be on the lookout.

Standing not too far from the entrance of the forest, Arden stared at the east gate that was at the distance, looking if he would see his target..... Well, he wasn't disappointed.

The east gate suddenly opened, and a luxurious carriage emerged. It bore the symbol of a blazing sun.

Some other Adventurers who were exiting stood at attention, and as soon as the carriage reached where they were standing, they lowered their heads till it passed.

A grin suddenly appeared on Arden's face as he noticed the symbol on the carriage. "Just like I thought.... He's here."

What even everything better was the fact that the carriage was heading towards his direction.

"It's time....Time to exert revenge...."