
Arden entered the inn, greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of Adventurers. The clatter of dishes and the murmur of conversations filled the air as they ate, drank, and shared tales of their exploits in the tavern below. The smell of roasted meat and ale wafted through the room, reminding Arden of his own hunger, but he pushed it aside for now.

"Oh, welcome," the innkeeper called out warmly, her hands full with a tray of steaming food. Her eyes briefly met Arden's, her face etched with the practiced smile of someone who'd seen countless Adventurers come and go.

Arden gave a slight nod in acknowledgment, his mind already elsewhere. He crossed the tavern floor and climbed the creaky wooden stairs to the second floor where his room awaited. He stepped inside, the wooden door closing behind him with a soft click, and immediately locked it.

"Ahh, today was kinda fruitful," he muttered to himself as he began to pull off his bloodstained tunic. "At least killing beasts is no longer a new thing to me."

His hand dipped into his pocket, retrieving the Adventurer's Card he had received from the Guild. He studied it for a moment, then decided to store it in his inventory, a safe place where he wouldn't have to worry about misplacing it.

"System, show me the quest again," Arden commanded as he sat down on the bed, his voice firm with anticipation.

The familiar blue screen of the System appeared in front of him, displaying the details of the quest he had received earlier:

[Quest: Kill Baron Ainsley's Son, Donald.]

[Donald, alongside Ryker, were the first set of people to hurt you. Revenge must be served.]

[Rewards: New Skill, 50 Revenge Points.]

Arden's lips curled into a dark grin. "I was just thinking about who my next target would be, and the system just provided an answer in the form of a quest."

The memory of Donald and Ryker surfaced in his mind—two of the instigators who had started the chain of bullying and humiliation that others quickly joined. They were the ones who had stripped him of his dignity, the ones who had shown him just how cruel the world could be.

"Well, at this point, I've already made up my mind," Arden muttered, his voice cold and resolute. "The price for what they all did will be... death."

He leaned back against the bed's wooden headboard, contemplating the details of the quest. "Coincidentally, tomorrow is the day he usually goes out to hunt beasts... Perfect."

Everything was aligning perfectly. He would strike when Donald least expected it, out in the wilderness where the law was as wild as the beasts that roamed there. The reward was good—a new skill and 50 Revenge Points. But more than that, it was the satisfaction of seeing justice served, by his own hands.

However, there was still one more task to accomplish before he rested. Arden stood up from the bed, his muscles already aching from the day's exertions, and assumed a push-up position on the floor.

[Yes, now, just like you did last time, drown out every other sound, and focus on sensing the Ability Energy in the air.]

The System's instructions rang in his mind, and he closed his eyes, shutting out the dim light of the room and the distant noise from the tavern below. He had done this before, but every time required complete focus. The key was not to think about sensing the Ability Energy, but simply to do it.

Arden emptied his mind, letting the world fade away until it was just him and the faint, almost imperceptible sensation of energy in the air. He breathed deeply, steadying his heartbeat, and gradually, he began to feel it—the subtle currents of Ability Energy swirling around him, like an invisible wind.

Minutes passed, though it felt like hours, and then, just as before, he found himself in that dark space. A void, where the only thing that existed was the bluish, gaseous substance—Ability Energy—surrounding him in all directions.

"I'm back here, huh?" Arden muttered to himself, his voice echoing strangely in the vast emptiness.

But this time, there was a difference. His body remained in the push-up position, just as it had been in his room. This was not merely a mental projection; it was as if his consciousness and body were simultaneously present in both the physical world and this energy-filled void.

The System had already explained the process before he entered this space, so he knew what to do. Arden reached out mentally, commanding the Ability Energy around him to move. Unlike the first time, when he had sent the energy toward the distant light—the Core of his Ability—this time he directed it toward his body.

As the energy moved closer, it began to seep into his muscles, traveling along his limbs and torso before ultimately converging at his Ability Core, located in his heart. The effect was instantaneous. His muscles tensed, tightened, and strengthened as the energy passed through them, enhancing his physical capabilities.

But Arden didn't stop there. As the energy infused his body, he began doing push-ups, slowly at first, then faster, increasing the intensity. Each push-up drew more Ability Energy into his muscles, compounding the strengthening effect. This was the method the System had recommended—a way to train his body and increase his strength by harnessing the energy directly through his muscles before it reached his Core.

"There's no doubt that I'll meet stronger opponents very soon, especially with this path I've chosen. I have to be prepared to face them..."

His thoughts echoed in the void as he continued his training, the energy coursing through him with every push-up. Time seemed to lose meaning in this space; minutes felt like hours, and hours like days. But Arden kept going, driven by the knowledge that with each repetition, he was growing stronger.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Arden's eyes snapped open as he collapsed onto the floor of his room. Sweat poured from his body, drenching the wooden boards beneath him. His chest heaved as he gasped for air, every muscle in his body screaming in pain.

"Ahh, training for long is really tiring..." he muttered, his voice weak but filled with a sense of accomplishment.

Even when he felt like he had reached his limit, he hadn't stopped absorbing Ability Energy. He had pushed himself to the brink, continuing the push-ups until his body could take no more. Eventually, he had left the dark space when he felt like his body was about to explode from the overwhelming energy.

Arden struggled to stand, every movement a battle against the fatigue that weighed him down. "Ugh..." he groaned as he finally managed to rise from the floor and sit on the bed. His muscles ached, but there was also a new strength there, a newfound power that hadn't existed before.

He clenched his fists, flexing his arms experimentally. "I've gotten stronger."

A grin spread across his face, despite the lingering pain. His time spent training in that mysterious space had been worth every moment of agony. He was certain that he was stronger than before, more prepared for the challenges ahead.

As if to confirm his thoughts, the System screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations, Host. You have successfully.....]