
As Arden processed the information about the Skill, a sudden sense of danger surged through him. He instantly whirled around.

'Wait... What... Huh?!'

Before he could fully comprehend, a dagger hurtled toward him with blinding speed. The air rippled around it, a testament to the immense force propelling it.


The dagger accelerated, closing in on Arden with terrifying velocity. His instincts kicked in, and he quickly regained his composure.

In an instant, he ducked as the dagger sliced through the air above him, a gust of wind trailing in its wake.


The dagger struck the ground with a resounding crash, sending sparks flying.

In that same instant...

"Ahhh, run!!" A woman's terrified scream pierced the air as she bolted.

"Who are those people?!"

"They'll kill us!!"

Panic spread like wildfire among the crowd. Mothers clutched their children as they fled, while others dashed into stores, slamming doors shut behind them. The street descended into chaos, people colliding with one another in their desperation to escape. No one dared to retaliate with Magic; the attackers were unknown, and survival was their only concern.

Arden's eyes darted around frantically, searching for the source of the dagger. He knew—he had been targeted.

"Did Ryker's guards discover I killed him? Or maybe Donald's? No... they would've confronted me openly," Arden muttered under his breath. "They wouldn't attack like this, risking innocent lives."

Realization dawned—these weren't Ryker's or Donald's men.

"Then who is it?" Arden murmured.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted three figures advancing toward him. His heart pounded as recognition struck.

"Aren't they...?"

The trio wore black cloaks with hoods pulled low over their faces, concealing their identities. But Arden could never forget them—they were the ones...

"The ones who killed the former owner of this body..." Arden whispered, a chill running down his spine.

They had murdered the previous Arden without explanation, and now, they were back to finish the job. Their every step, the ominous aura they exuded, screamed one word...


Without hesitation, Arden turned and bolted.


He took off at breakneck speed, not daring to look back. The street was deserted, allowing him to sprint unimpeded.

Seeing him flee, the three figures immediately gave chase.

Arden pushed himself harder, his mind racing with thoughts. 'The guards can't be far... If I reach them, these three might back off. But where are they?'

A frown creased his brow, but he kept running. 'Talking to them isn't an option. They don't look like the type to negotiate.'

He had no choice but to keep running and hope to find the guards.

"Tch..." Arden clicked his tongue in frustration as he noticed the figures closing the distance. But he still had a card to play.

'Who would've thought I'd need to use my new Skill so soon?' Arden thought grimly.

Focusing, he activated the "Sprint" Skill.

[Sprint has been activated.]

[Ability Energy: 20/25.]

A surge of energy coursed through him, like a shot of adrenaline, and he felt his speed double.

[Your speed has been doubled.]

The system confirmed it.

In that same moment, Arden abruptly halted, crouching low.

He shifted his right leg back, bent his left knee forward, and with a deep breath, he launched himself forward.


He kicked off the ground with explosive force, a wild gust of wind erupting behind him.

The wind whipped past his face as he hurtled forward, his speed now incredible. He was a blur, cutting through the air like a blade.

But the three pursuers were relentless. They continued their silent chase, undeterred by anything else. Arden was their sole target.


As Arden sprinted, he sensed another projectile whizzing toward him. Instantly, he veered to the right, narrowly evading it.


Another dagger struck the ground, sparks flying once more. Before Arden could catch his breath, two more daggers hurtled toward him, aiming for his head.

He ducked under the first, then twisted his body to the left, narrowly dodging the second. The blade grazed his cheek, drawing blood.

"Tch... I still have some time before the Sprint Skill runs out. I have to reach them."

Arden glanced over his shoulder. The figures were closing in, their daggers ready to strike again.

"Shit," Arden muttered, facing forward again. "They'll catch up soon."

His teeth clenched, and he pushed himself to the limit. He could feel it—if they caught him, he'd regret it.

[Quest: Successfully escape from the pursuers.]

[This Quest is related to the Revenge Goal.]

[Reward: 200 Revenge Points (Bonus will be included)]

"A Quest?" Arden muttered, bewildered.

The Quest being tied to the Revenge Goal was another surprise. How was that possible when these people had a grudge against the former Arden, not him?

"For them to attack so openly... What did I do to them?" Arden wondered aloud.

Or rather, what had the former Arden done to make himself such a target?

Suddenly, he squinted, spotting the guards in the distance. They were still far off, but he was certain he could reach them.

He was already closing the gap. The adrenaline coursing through him pushed his speed even further.

But then...

He heard something that made his blood run cold.
