68. Pikachu VS Axew

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I saw that the Axew was even angrier when it rushed out of the Poké Ball, roaring as it charged towards Pikachu.

It extended its sharp claws, slashing through the air towards Pikachu, leaving claw marks in its wake.

Ash remained calm and continued to give Pikachu commands.

"Pikachu, dodge it!"

Pikachu quickly reacted to the Axew's attack, jumping backward just in time. Axew's claws struck the ground hard, creating a loud bang and kicking up a cloud of dust.

The dust enveloped Axew, but as Pikachu landed, a figure suddenly leaped out of the cloud. Axew, with its teeth flashing silver, lunged at Pikachu.

"We can't lose in a head-to-head match! Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

Seeing the situation, Ash gave the order, and Pikachu immediately synced with him. Axew, without hesitation, charged forward recklessly.

Pikachu crouched low, his tail glowing with a metallic sheen. Just as Axew jumped, Pikachu ducked down, allowing Axew to soar over him.


Pikachu took the opportunity to spring up, swinging his Iron Tail upward and striking Axew's abdomen.


Axew let out a low cry, its red eyes widening in shock as it was launched into the sky by the powerful hit. Ash saw the opening and quickly followed up.

"Pikachu, use Thunder Shock!!"


Pikachu clenched his fists, looked up at the airborne Axew, and unleashed a strong current of electricity. The golden bolts surged into the sky, striking Axew before it could react.

Axew wailed in the air, its cry of pain echoing in everyone's ears. After a moment, the electricity dissipated, but Axew was still surrounded by sparks as it plummeted from the sky.

Seeing this, Ash retrieved a Poké Ball and hurled it towards the falling Axew.

As Axew hit the ground, the Poké Ball made contact, opened up, and pulled Axew back inside.

The Poké Ball then dropped to the ground, shaking as everyone watched with bated breath.

Their concerns weren't just for the Meteorite of the Moonstone, but also for Axew's condition.


But things didn't go as planned. The Poké Ball burst open again, bouncing back into Ash's hand as Axew reappeared. Its scarlet eyes were still locked onto Ash and Pikachu, filled with fierce determination.


This time, though, Axew didn't attack immediately. Although its eyes remained fierce, it looked exhausted, its body covered in scars.

"Even now, do you still want to keep fighting?" Ash frowned slightly, not because he doubted his ability to catch it, but because he was worried that continuing the battle would only worsen Axew's injuries.


Seeing this, Pikachu took up his fighting stance again, the electric sacs on his cheeks sparking. Ash observed Axew's condition, ready to give the next order.

But then, there was a low moan, followed by a soft call. Hearing the sound, the Clefairy in Misty's arms let out a soft Growl.

"What's the matter?" Misty asked, lowering her head to check on Clefairy after hearing the sound.

Just then, a pink mist filled the air, bringing with it a sweet fragrance that had a refreshing effect, causing the tense atmosphere to ease unconsciously.

Pikachu, who had been full of fighting spirit, trembled slightly, and his face immediately showed an expression of contentment. The others also noticed the pleasant aroma.

Suddenly, Clefairy broke free from Misty's arms and fell to the ground, still moaning softly.

"Clefairy! Clefairy!!"

A chorus of Growls echoed around the Meteorite pit, as one pink figure after another appeared—Clefairy, Cleffa, and Clefable.

Some of the Clefairy were surrounded by a pink glow, making it clear that the sweet scent in the air was their doing.

"So that's it, it's Aromatherapy from the Clefairy and the others!" Brock observed the scene and quickly understood what was happening.

As someone aspiring to be a Pokémon Breeder, Brock was well-acquainted with the skills and habits of Pokémon. Many breeders dream of having a Pokémon that can use Aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is widely used in Pokémon Centers across many regions. This skill can remove status conditions from other Pokémon, and the sweet scent can help Pokémon relax, easing their anxiety and tension.

With so many Clefairy using Aromatherapy at once, the effect was immense. Looking at the battlefield, Ash saw that Axew's body was trembling slightly.

The anger inside Axew seemed to be resisting the Aromatherapy, as its body shook and its eyes still glowed red.

Seeing this, Ash put away the Poké Ball and walked over to Pikachu. "Pikachu?"

Pikachu let out a worried Growl, and both Brock and Misty called out at the same time.


"It's okay!" Ash replied, as he walked towards Axew step by step. Axew remained on guard, taking a few hesitant steps back as Ash approached, but Ash continued forward.

Affected by the Aromatherapy, Axew's hind legs began to give way. Seeing this, Ash crouched down in front of it, and under the brim of his hat, a red light flashed in his eyes.

Amid the pink mist of Aromatherapy, the glow wasn't very noticeable. Ash slowly extended his hand and placed it on Axew's head, and Axew instinctively tried to pull away.

But as soon as Ash's hand touched it, Axew felt its body stop resisting.

The moment Ash made contact with Axew, he felt a force impacting his mind, a wave of uneasiness and anger surging within him.

Ash realized that these were Axew's current emotions. Its rage had been simmering for a long time, and Ash could feel the uneasiness from being captured and the anger from being mistreated by poachers.

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