83. The Last Battle

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The astonishing power of Dragon Rage shattered the floating board and bombarded the water's surface like a missile. The entire swimming pool began to vibrate, forcing Ash and Violet, who were standing at a distance, to struggle to keep their balance.

The floating boards nearby were pushed away by the waves generated by the explosion, leaving the pool unsettled for quite some time. It wasn't until the light energy dissipated that the Axew fell from the sky onto a floating board.

After a while, the pool finally calmed down. Everyone looked toward it and saw fragments of the broken floating boards drifting in the water, along with Seaking, who was floating motionless.

At that moment, Seaking was already unconscious, bubbles escaping from its mouth. Seeing this, Daisy, the eldest of the Cerulean sisters, reacted with shock.

"How could this happen?!"

"Yeah! Ash has won the second match!" Misty, watching from the audience, stood up and cheered excitedly, completely caught up in the moment.

"Darn it, whose side is she on?" Lily, standing on the shore, said angrily.

Her little sister had actually sided with the kid challenging the gym, but there was no helping it—they hadn't exactly treated her well.

How could this happen... Violet couldn't believe she had lost so quickly, even faster than her sister had.

How could this be? Ash thought the same thing, stunned by what had just happened. To be honest, seeing this, he knew it wasn't that his Axew was too strong, but rather that their Pokémon were too weak.

Starting with Magikarp had been fine. No matter how strong Magikarp is, its power is limited, but Axew was much stronger than it. So, when it unleashed that Dragon Rage, Violet's Seaking couldn't withstand it.

Although Violet couldn't believe it, she still reluctantly recalled Seaking. They had truly neglected their Pokémon's training—an undeniable fact.

But Ash still found it hard to believe. Although their training had indeed been lacking, the strength of his Axew was also surprising.

Even though it was a powerful Dragon-type Pokémon, the fact that it could display such power before evolving was remarkable.

Also, the wild behavior it exhibited at Mt. Moon wasn't like Outrage or any known Ability, but it doubled its power without causing harm. It seemed that this shiny Pokémon was indeed different from others.

"Sister, let me take over!" Daisy said as she saw the situation unfold.

Now that her two younger sisters had lost, she was the only one left. Gym battles aren't best two out of three. As long as you have the skill, a 6V6 match can be won by a single Trainer.

Violet, disheartened, stepped off the kickboard as Daisy took her place, the strongest of the three Cerulean sisters.

At this moment, Daisy's expression turned serious. They had already lost badly, and though they hadn't shown much of a reaction, Ash's words had stung.

"Ash, you are indeed very powerful. I don't think we can defeat you, but for the sake of our Cerulean Gym's reputation, I still have to try."

Daisy knew she wasn't likely to win. She was the last one standing, while Ash still had three Pokémon.

And he hadn't even used Pikachu yet. If he had, their earlier losses would have been even more humiliating. But at this point, giving up would be even more embarrassing.

She had to give it her best shot.

"That's the spirit, otherwise, it would be too boring."

Ash listened to Daisy's words and could sense her shift in attitude. This was the allure of Pokémon battles—even for Trainers who weren't particularly passionate about battling, the intensity of the match could draw them in. Ash loved that feeling.

"Although I haven't seen it before, it looks like a Dragon-type that can use Dragon Rage, right? Go, Cloyster!"

Daisy focused on the battle ahead. The last Pokémon she sent out was Cloyster, the evolution of Shellder.

Cloyster's body is protected by a double shell, with an indestructible purple outer shell and a thinner silver inner shell inside.

This double-layered protection gives Cloyster an incredibly high defense. The outer shell is studded with sharp spikes, while the inner shell has a prominent silver spike on top, which serves as Cloyster's primary offensive weapon.

Cloyster's actual body, hidden inside, is a pitch-black sphere resembling a black pearl. It has a human-like expression, often appearing to smirk, earning it the nickname "Gastly with a shell" due to the resemblance (a playful comparison).

Cloyster is not only a Water-type Pokémon but also has Ice-type attributes.

Dragon-type Pokémon are known for their power and have relatively few weaknesses compared to other types. A pure Dragon-type like Axew has almost no weaknesses, except for the Fairy type and, of course, other Dragon-type moves. But what Dragon-types really fear is the Ice type.

That's why Daisy sent out Cloyster, with its Ice-type attribute, to counter Ash's Axew. Cloyster's strong defense would prevent it from being taken down as quickly as Violet's Seaking.

It seemed that when they took the time to calm down and strategize, they still had a fighting chance. Ash, who hadn't been taking the battle too seriously, now felt his competitive spirit ignite.

"Ash, I'm going for it! Cloyster, use Ice Shard!"

Daisy initiated the attack. Cloyster wasn't as mobile as other Pokémon, so it relied on long-distance attacks. She immediately launched one.

As soon as Cloyster heard the command, the sharp spike on its head began to condense cold air, forming a pale ice ball that was quickly launched toward Axew.

"Axew, dodge and attack with Scratch!"

Cloyster was also on a floating board, not in the water, which limited its movement. Ash, noticing this, decided not to play defensively like he did against Seaking but instead went on the offensive.

Axew leaped into the air, dodging Cloyster's Ice Shard. Its claws gleamed with white light as it descended, slashing at Cloyster with Scratch

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