84. The Last Battle

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"Cloyster, use Withdraw!" 

As soon as Axew charged forward, Daisy reacted swiftly, issuing the command. Cloyster quickly withdrew into its shell, and a burst of light surrounded its body.

Withdraw is a Water-type move, but it's unique because even non-Water-type Pokémon can learn it. This move not only helps resist the opponent's attack but also increases the user's defense. Cloyster's defense is already formidable, but with the bonus from Withdraw, it becomes even stronger.

Bang! Bang!

Axew slashed at Cloyster's shell with its claws but winced as pain shot through them. Instead of causing any damage, Axew was bounced back by the impact, landing on a floating platform behind it.

"This is tricky! Axew, use Dragon Dance!" 

Axew let out a loud cry as soon as it touched the ground. A wave of icy blue energy surged through its body, boosting both its attack and speed.

As the light from both Pokémon faded, Cloyster's shell opened again, revealing a confident smirk.

"Cloyster, use Ice Beam!"

Daisy quickly launched her next attack. Cloyster released a beam of blue and white energy from above its head, crackling like lightning and glowing with an icy light as it whipped toward Axew.

"Get out of the way!" Ash shouted to Axew as soon as he saw the attack.

Axew immediately leaped to the side, moving much faster than before.

Dragon Dance is an extremely powerful move for Dragon-type Pokémon. It boosts both attack power and speed, making it a staple in competitive battles.

"You can't escape! Cloyster, don't let it get away—just hit it once!" Daisy commanded, knowing that a single hit from Cloyster's Ice Beam could deal massive damage to Axew, potentially turning the battle in her favor.

Cloyster, determined, adjusted the angle of its Ice Beam, the chilling light sweeping across the battlefield in pursuit of Axew. The frigid air was so intense that the water's surface froze instantly, showcasing the power of the attack.

Axew managed to evade, landing on another floating platform, but the Ice Beam relentlessly followed.

"Axew, use Dragon Dance again!" Ash called out, his voice steady.

Axew roared as it glowed once more, further boosting its attack power and speed. But just as the light dimmed, the Ice Beam closed in again.

"Dodge it!"

With Ash's order, Axew narrowly evaded the freezing light and leaped to another floating platform. As soon as it landed, Ash commanded another Dragon Dance.

With each Dragon Dance, Axew's attack power and speed increased, stacking the buffs. By now, Axew had three layers of boosts, making it much faster than Cloyster's Ice Beam could track.

In the audience...

"What's Ash doing? He's just dodging back and forth without counterattacking. If he keeps this up, he'll lose once the platforms are destroyed," Misty remarked, concerned as she watched the battle unfold. Cloyster's relentless Ice Beam was gradually taking out the floating platforms one by one. If Ash continued to avoid the attacks without retaliating, Axew would soon run out of places to stand and would be left vulnerable to Cloyster.

"It's not that simple!" Brock interjected. "Up close, Cloyster uses its shell to defend, and from a distance, it counters with Ice Beam."

Brock squinted as he studied the scene. "It's really difficult to break through Cloyster's defense. I don't know what Ash is planning." Though it seemed like Ash was focusing solely on speed to avoid attacks, Brock couldn't help but feel that there was more to Ash's strategy. The constant use of Dragon Dance was puzzling—if Axew's attack power had increased so much, why hadn't Ash ordered an attack yet? The situation seemed straightforward, but Brock suspected that Ash was setting up for something big.

Could it be that Ash was concerned that even with the boosted attack power, Axew's strikes wouldn't be enough to penetrate Cloyster's defenses? Brock couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Ash's strategy. Despite appearing to be at a disadvantage, Ash's calm demeanor suggested he had something planned, and Brock was eager to see it unfold.

"This is your last foothold. There's nowhere left to run," Daisy said with a confident smile as Cloyster's Ice Beam closed in on Axew, who had landed on the final floating platform.

But Ash remained composed. As the Ice Beam neared, he gave his command. "Axew, jump up to avoid it and use Dragon Dance!"

Axew leaped into the air, executing Dragon Dance for the fourth time, stacking yet another boost. With four layers of buffs, Axew was nearing its peak potential. Normally, once a move like this is stacked three times, it gains a significant power boost. With four stacks, Axew was almost at its full strength.

"Now's our chance! Cloyster, use Ice Shard!" Daisy saw the opportunity and quickly ordered the attack. She was confident that Axew, without the ability to move mid-air like Magikarp, wouldn't be able to dodge.

Cloyster launched Ice Shard, sending blue-white ice projectiles streaking into the air, aimed directly at Axew.

"Not being able to move doesn't mean Axew can't fight back! Axew, use Dragon Rage!" Ash called out, his voice filled with confidence.

In response, Axew opened its mouth, gathering blue energy before unleashing a powerful Dragon Rage. The attack collided with Cloyster's Ice Shards, creating a massive explosion mid-air. Smoke filled the battlefield, making it difficult to see the outcome.

Undeterred, Daisy remarked, "Even so, once Axew falls into the water, it'll be all over. Cloyster will have the advantage."

"Is that so?" Ash replied, his smile widening as he watched the smoke clear, knowing the battle was far from over.

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