98. Assist MVP Rockets

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"How come?!"

A.J. stared at the scene with a surprised expression. With such a net, it seemed impossible for his Sandshrew to break free. But soon, A.J. realized the problem.

Not long after the battle ended, my Sandshrew was blamed and whipped by me before it had a chance to rest. Already injured, it was punished again and then ran out to find me, so it didn't have much time to recover.

Now, with its performance declining, it had no strength left to escape the net. Thinking of this, A.J. blamed himself even more. If it wasn't for him, Sandshrew wouldn't be in this situation.

For a moment, A.J. stood frozen. If he thought like this, he felt even more unqualified to be Sandshrew's trainer. He stopped and lowered his head unconsciously, as if unsure of what to do next.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!"

Suddenly, a voice rang out, and a yellow flash appeared—it was Pikachu! As Pikachu's tail swung, a metallic luster gleamed.

With a swift motion, Pikachu's Iron Tail sliced through the rope connecting the net to the bazooka in Forrest's hand. The dragging of Sandshrew immediately stopped, and Ash rushed over with Brock and Misty.

Ash and Brock quickly positioned themselves in front of Team Rocket, while Misty looked towards A.J. and Sandshrew, observing the scene.

"Hey! What are you doing? Something happened to your Sandshrew, why are you just standing there?"

"I... I'm no longer qualified to be its trainer," A.J. mumbled, his head still bowed in disappointment, his voice devoid of any fighting spirit.

"You..." Misty was anxious, unsure of what to do next.

"It's you again? Aren't you tired of this?" Ash glared at the two Rockets. They had just been defeated in Cerulean City and now were back to cause more trouble. These two were like unshakeable cockroaches, but maybe that's why they managed to follow him through the entire series!

"Darn brat, here to ruin our plans again! This time, we'll catch Pikachu too!" Seeing Ash and the others, Team Rocket's expressions changed, but instead of fear, they grew more excited.

James discarded the bazooka in his hand and pulled out a new one from seemingly nowhere. Ash often wondered how they managed that—maybe some kind of storage ring?


Without hesitation, James pulled the trigger, releasing a large net towards Ash and his friends. But Brock was ready and immediately threw out a Poké Ball.

"Go, Onix!"

The Poké Ball opened, and with a flash of light, a massive figure emerged. The net expanded but was stopped by the huge body of Onix.

The net failed to catch Pikachu and instead ensnared Onix. As the rope tightened, there was no movement—the massive Onix couldn't be budged.

"Darn it, James! We want Pikachu, what are you doing?" Jessie snapped at James, angry at the turn of events.

"It's not my fault! That Onix is too big of an obstacle."

James tried to aim at Pikachu again, but Onix's size blocked his view entirely.

"Stop arguing, the twerp's attacking, Meowth!" Meowth chimed in, alerting them. The two turned just in time to see Pikachu charging at them.

"Pikachu, use Thunder Shock!"


Pikachu darted up Onix's body, then leaped high into the air, releasing a powerful Discharge toward Team Rocket. The high-voltage electricity struck them instantly.

"Mommy!!" The trio was stunned by the electric shock, and smoke began to rise from the bazooka in James' hand.

Bang! Bang!

The bazooka detonated from the electrical surge, causing a powerful explosion that sent Team Rocket blasting off into the sky. Ash watched the scene, thinking to himself that he had always thought the anime exaggerated these moments, but he never imagined they could really be sent flying like that.

Meanwhile, Sandshrew broke free from the net, and on the other side, A.J. remained frozen in place. Misty helped untie Sandshrew, and once freed, Sandshrew cautiously walked over to A.J., tugging on his pants and looking up at him, but A.J. still didn't respond.

"Go ahead! I..."

"You're worse than I imagined. It's a good thing you haven't started traveling. People like you, who give up after a little setback, will only make their Pokémon suffer," Ash said flatly.

Hearing Ash's words, A.J. kept his head down, but his body trembled slightly.

"Forget it, let's go!" Seeing A.J.'s indifferent demeanor, Ash shook his head helplessly, preparing to leave.


"I'm sorry, Sandshrew! I'm so sorry!!" A.J. suddenly lost control of his emotions. He squatted down and hugged Sandshrew tightly at his feet, crying bitterly.

Sandshrew hugged A.J. back just as tightly. Despite everything, the bond between them was still strong. No matter what training methods a Trainer uses, as long as they care for their Pokémon with all their heart, that bond remains. Although A.J. was usually very strict, he genuinely cared about his Pokémon, and they had grown accustomed to his tough love.

Training hard was always about becoming stronger, and his Pokémon willingly went along with it. Today's outburst happened because A.J. lost his focus after his winning streak goal was broken, causing him to punish Sandshrew without considering its injury. But Sandshrew didn't blame him, just like the saying goes: "One is willing to fight, and the other is willing to suffer." 

The three friends stood by, watching A.J. hug his Pokémon and cry. The sight was genuinely touching.

"Thank you! I gave up after just one failure. I really am not a qualified trainer. I don't know how I can ever repay you."

Back at the private gym, A.J.'s Pokémon surrounded him the moment they saw him return, showing their concern and care. A.J. was deeply moved by their affection.

At the same time, he expressed his gratitude to Ash and the others. Without their intervention, he might never have found the strength to move forward, and his Sandshrew might have been taken away by Team Rocket.

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