99. Can't escape the fate of getting lost

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"Don't take it to heart. If you want to show your gratitude, could you give me one of these?" Ash asked with a smile.

He then walked over and picked up a Pokémon enhancer that A.J. had made himself. It was essentially a weight, used by all the Pokémon in A.J.'s gym. His training methods were actually very scientific, and the enhancer was well-crafted. If a Pokémon used it, it could indeed improve their physical fitness.

"That? Sure, it's no problem. It doesn't take long to make one. You can take as many as you want."

Seeing that Ash was interested, A.J. didn't hesitate. In fact, he was quite pleased, as it showed that Ash respected his training methods.

"I just need one."

Ash only took a single enhancer. A.J.'s craftsmanship was impressive—this device could be adjusted to fit Pokémon of various sizes. Most Pokémon could use it, as long as they were of a similar build. However, it wouldn't be very effective on large Pokémon like Onix or Gyarados, as their strength was already immense.

But for smaller Pokémon, like Pikachu , who were roughly the same size as A.J.'s Sandshrew, the enhancer could produce excellent results.

Although Ash only took one, knowing that he couldn't carry too many, he appreciated A.J.'s enthusiasm. He didn't want to ask for more than he needed.

"So, what's your plan now? Are you going to keep battling here?" Misty asked after Ash accepted the enhancer.

"No, Ash is right. Focusing solely on achieving 100 consecutive victories would make it hard for me to accept failure. I've decided to leave here and travel, challenging gyms wherever I go!"

After some thought, A.J. had made up his mind. Although he had been training his Pokémon diligently and growing stronger with every challenge, meeting Ash had opened his eyes. There were many other trainers like Ash out there, and the idea of seeing more of the world appealed to him.

"Ash, I hope we meet again at the League. I won't lose to you next time!"

A.J. extended his hand to Ash, knowing that Ash, too, aimed to compete in the Pokémon League.

"Okay! Let's have a showdown then!"

Ash responded enthusiastically, but a thought crossed his mind—he didn't recall seeing A.J. at the Indigo Plateau Conference. He wondered if something had happened along the way.

"Then, we'll take our leave." The group stepped outside A.J.'s private gym, and A.J. locked it up. The win streak counter remained on its previous number.

A.J. decided not to reset it, using the number as a reminder that he had lost here. But now, he could accept that defeat with a clear mind.

"Yeah! I'm ready to go. See you again when I have the chance!" A.J. bid farewell to the three of them, and they all left the gym, heading off in different directions.

"Before I knew it, we've got another rival!" Brock said, watching A.J. disappear into the distance. He then turned to Ash with a grin.

"Yeah! That's the best part about traveling. Let's keep going!" Ash replied, picking up the pace.

"Wait up, Ash!" Misty called out, quickly chasing after him.

After leaving A.J.'s private gym, the group continued their journey. Along the way, they encountered several challengers, and Ash defeated them all without exception.

Though A.J. didn't achieve his goal of 100 consecutive victories, it seemed he was well on his way to reaching it soon.

As night fell, the group decided to camp out in the field. After dinner, Ash resumed training with his Pokémon. Pikachu continued to hone its Electro Ball, and Ash used the Pokémon enhancer on his team. The results were promising. Ash had been training his Pokémon rigorously, but unlike in the anime, Pikachu wasn't worn out or curled up into a ball from the weight.

After training late into the night, Ash returned his Pokémon to their Poké Balls to rest. Everyone's moves had improved, especially Pikachu's Iron Tail, which seemed on track to be perfected before they reached Vermilion City.

The next morning, after Ash finished his early training session, the group packed up and set off again. Before long, they found themselves entering another forest.

"What's going on? Ever since we came in, there's been fog everywhere," Ash remarked, noticing the dense fog that surrounded them. The forest path was hard to navigate, and the thick fog made it even harder to find their way.

"Yeah! Even the map isn't much help right now. Looks like we're lost," Brock admitted, glancing at the map. Although the route was clear on paper, the surroundings made it impossible to determine the correct path.

"It's common to get lost when traveling. Let's just take our time and find our way. We're not in a rush," Ash said, trying to stay positive.

"Well, in that case, it's exactly three o'clock!" Brock announced after checking the time, then put away the map and his backpack.

"What's so special about three o'clock?" Misty asked, curious.

"Three o'clock is snack time! I love a good cup of coffee brewed with my bent-pipe coffee maker. Since you're still kids, you can have tea," Brock said, digging through his backpack.

In no time, he had set up tables, chairs, benches, a coffee machine, and snacks. The setup was so elaborate that it left Ash and Misty wiping their foreheads in disbelief. Brock certainly had a knack for living in style, even out in the wilderness.

"You sound like you're way older than us, but if we're talking snacks, I'd love some apple tea!" Ash said with a grin.

"No problem, especially with the fresh spring water from Mt. Moon. But can you help me gather some firewood first?" Brock replied, already brewing the tea.

"Sure! I'll go with Misty to find some," Ash agreed. Given the thick fog, taking a break seemed like a good idea to let it clear up a bit.

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