Chapter 20: The Man Who Never Thought TO BE King


Yet another rebellion had been put down, this one thought had not been started with the aim of ending his reign on the Iron Throne, a duty he had never truly wanted or wished for, that had always been meant for Maegon and then when Maegon died, for Aegor and Aelix, never him. He had learnt from an early age though that any lord who dared rebel against their liege without just cause must be taught a sharp lesson and so that was what had happened. House Redwyne and the Lords of the Shield Islands had been foolish enough to rebel, and now Houses Serry, Hewett and Chester were all extinct, their lords burnt on the Mander by Orys and his families dragons, House Redwyne was extinct in the male line with Vickon Greyjoy's nephew Arys Greyjoy marrying Desmera Redwyne and becoming Lord of the Arbor. It was this piece of news that had been giving Orys headaches for the past three moons since the rebellion had been ended and the new year had been welcomed in, with Lord Tyrell adamant that the Ironborn had been given too much land and too much power for their efforts, and that they would try and rebel and restore their power to what it had been before the conquest.

Lord Dermont Tyrell had fought valiantly during the second Tarling War, but his bravery had cost him the use of his legs, and so the crippled lord of Highgarden had become very prickly and nagging without the use of his legs. And as such he considered the giving of the Arbor and the Shield Islands to the Ironborn, a long standing enemy something of worry, which was why he had sent his brother Ser Garlan Tyrell to court to once more plead his case. "Your Grace, surely you cannot be serious enough to allow Vickon Greyjoy to have dominion over the Arbor and the Shield Islands? The Ironborn have traditionally always been the enemies of the Reach, seeking to conquer and rape and pillage in lands not their own. Even your own great grandsire knew that the Ironborn were a threat that needed to be negated."

Orys sighed, he was sat on the Iron Throne, the seat his father, his grandfather and great grandfather had all sat on, with the crown that Balerion had made for him that long ago day on Dragonstone, that some said marked him as a figure from legend resting atop his head. "Ser Garlan, I understand your concerns, I have heard them many a time from both your brother and my councillors, but my decision still stands. Vickon Greyjoy was given the Arbor and the Shield Islands as a reward for his bravery and service in crushing the Redwyne Rebellion. He has the lord paramount ship over those islands; his nephew is the lord of the arbor. I have his sworn word that he will not try to extend his power further into the Reach, he knows what the consequences will be should he try to." Orys knew that was not the answer that Ser Garlan wanted to hear, but it was the truth, and it was not one that Orys was about to go back on.

"But Your Grace, how do you know that you can trust him? The Greyjoys are about as trustworthy as Harren the Black was before them. The man's own grandfather would have raided the Riverlands had it not been for the threat of Balerion the Black Dread coming to burn down the halls of Pyke. I say this is a mistake and the arbor and the Shield Islands should be given to men of trusted loyalty." Ser Garlan says, his face puffing up with the indignation he voices.

Orys feels his grip on the throne tighten as his mind drifts away from King's Landing to Dragonstone, where the Black Dread begins to stir with the anger of this flower protesting the wisdom of the dragon. He blinks rapidly trying to quell the anger building in him that would signal the change in him. And he looks at Ser Garlan steadily before replying. " House Greyjoy have been admiral Lords of the Iron Islands, they have kept the King's Peace for 88 years on the Iron Islands. As I said before, they have been given the lands they have for their bravery in answering the call to arms, whilst Highgarden floundered about its brother in law the grape rebelling. Tell me Ser Garlan what is there stopping me from removing House Tyrell from Highgarden and giving it to House Florent, whose lord keeps on reminding me that they have a superior claim through the female line than any other house in the Reach to the seat of the Gardener Kings?"

Ser Garlan is stunned into silence by this, as is most of the court present, Orys knows, he knows that perhaps he is being a bit harsh with his words, considering Lord Jasper Florent was a former traitor, but then again once the Dread has woken it is hard for him to keep a firm control over his emotions at all times. Eventually Ser Garlan speaks and his tone is so shaky, Orys knows that his eyes must be black, as black as the Dread's. "I meant no offence Your Grace. I merely meant to point out the facts as we all know them to be. But if you are certain Vickon Greyjoy will stick to his word, then that shall be good enough for Highgarden and for the rest of the Reach."

Orys nods. "Very well then. Now if there is anything more for the court to discuss I believe we are done."

Orys sees his Uncle Prince Jaehaerys, stand in front of the throne bowing once before he speaks. "There is Your Grace. Lord Tommem Lannister has come to discuss issues with you."

Orys is intrigued, he remembers Tommem Lannister, the lad had been a young boy when the last Tarling War had broken out, no more than eight or nine, a hostage for his mother and bannermen's good behaviour. Now he was seventeen and the Lord of Casterly Rock in his own right. "What does he wish to discuss?" Orys asks wondering what it could be.

"It would be best if the rest of court was dismissed first Your Grace." Jaehaerys says softly to Orys, causing something akin to panic to stir inside of him.

"Very well then. Lords and Ladies you are dismissed from court. Return in two weeks time." Orys says loudly, all the while feeling the tension building up inside of him as well as feeling the Dread fully wakening.

Once the lords and ladies of the court have gone apart from uncle Jaehaerys, Rhaena and Daven as well as four knights of the Kingsguard, Orys sits atop the Iron Throne waiting for Tommem Lannister to come into the throne room. When he does, he comes dressed in the crimson of House Lannister, a tall and strapping lad, with the blonde hair and green eyes that seem to be the hallmark of his house; he walks with a swagger, a young man who feels as if he rules the world. He bows before the Iron Throne, and says strongly "Your Grace."

Orys is silent for a moment before he replies. "Rise Lord Tommem. And say what brings you to court."

There is silence and then Tommem Lannister speaks. "I wish to seek your approval for a marriage Your Grace."

"A marriage?" Orys asks curiously. "Why would you need my approval for a marriage? You are a grown man now Lord Tommem."

"If I am to wed one of the blood, I require your permission Your Grace." Tommem Lannister replies, and Orys feels his stomach clench.

"A marriage to whom?" Rhaena asks. "And to what end?"

Orys can feel the hot fire burning within him, signalling that his two dragons are fighting for control over his emotions; he is silent for a long time waiting for someone to speak, for anyone to speak.

It is Tommem Lannister who speaks once more. "To Princess Eleana Your Grace."

At that Orys can hear the roaring of Balerion in Dragonstone, and the roar of disapproval from Vermithor echoes in his ears; it seems the others in the hall hear it as well for they all look to the windows in fear. "Eleana is eight years old Tommem. She is too young to marry now." Orys says fighting to remain calm.

"A betrothal then. I am in no rush to wed. Once the Princess has flowered we could marry." Tommem replies, a slow smile spreading across his face.

"Why do you wish to wed the Princess Lannister? What do you want from my daughter?" Rhaena asks.

Lannister makes a show of looking hurt by the underlying accusation in Orys' wife's words, though Orys knows that tactic, he likely learnt it from his mother."Nothing Your Grace. I simply wish to wed the Princess and become part of the family that looked after me for so long."

Orys is about to reply when Jaehaerys speaks, acting as the oldest in the room and the wisest perhaps. "We shall call the council to discuss the merits of this suggestion, and come back with an answer for you Lord Tommem."

Lannister bows his head and then leaves the hall escorted by Ser Rupert Condon of the Kingsguard. Once he is out of the room, Orys sags on the throne, the weight of fighting the fire building in him exhausting him. Rhaena rushes up the steps towards him and cradles his face in her hands, so that when he opens his eyes he sees violet eyes staring at him, and in her irises he can see that his eyes have turned black.

"That is a very clever ploy by the Lannisters, getting Tommem to ask for a betrothal between him and the Princess." Orys hears his friend Daven say.

"I like it not. It is clearly a move made by his whore of a mother, to try and make Eleana a hostage should the Tarlings invade once more." Rhaena replies fiercely, now moved to stand to his right hand side her hand resting firmly on his shoulder.

"It could make sense to have the two of them betrothed to one another." Jaehaerys says. "Should the Tarlings invade, Lannister would be forced to fight for us, as his wife would be the King's own daughter."

"Or he might wish to wed her in the hopes that the West will rally more firmly should Orys name Eleana his heir." Daven says

The discussion reigns long into the night, with both Jaehaerys and Daven arguing back and forth about the relative merits and demerits of betrothing Eleana to Tommem Lannister, with Rhaena occasionally speaking up to voice her complete displeasure at the whole scenario. Orys remains silent for the whole discussion, deciding to listen to the words bandied back and forth, and trying to repress the image he has of his brother's mangled corpse, where Tommem Lannister's uncle had hacked off Aelix's head. Betrothing his sweet Eleana to Tommem Lannister whilst a prudent move is one that Orys does not wish to have to make, if he is to name Eleana his heir that would mean a Lannister sitting on the throne once he dies, and that is something he will not allow, not after what that family did to his family.

Once the first rays of the dawn begin to appear through the windows of the throne room, and the people left in the throne room begin to tire, Orys speaks. "We shall agree to have Tommem and Eleana betrothed to one another, though Lannister shall stay in King's Landing, to better get to know Eleana, and once she has flowered then we shall decided what happens with their betrothal." He can see Rhaena about to protest and one look at her and she silences. "Now, get some rest. We shall inform Lannister of this tomorrow."

With that the meeting comes to an end, and the next day early during the small council meeting the idea it put forward to the council with all agreeing to its prudence, and the necessity of making sure that one of the key supporters of the Tarlings is tied up with bonds to the throne. In the afternoon Tommem Lannister is told of the decision of the king as is Eleana, the two meet rather briefly, and as far as Orys can tell the meeting goes well, though he still dislikes the idea of sending his daughter off to Casterly Rock and so far from home.

With that done, the realm settles back into a time of piece, steps are taken to secure Vickon Greyjoy's hold over the Arbor and the Shield Islands, as mentioned in the court session Greyjoy's nephew Arys marries Desmera Redwyne in a very public ceremony in the Starry Sept in Oldtown with the whole of the Reach in attendance, and Orys publicly confirms him as Lord of the Arbor and subject to the rule of Pyke on the sixth day of the third moon in 88 A.L. The issue of who gains the lordship over the Shield Islands is a prickly one, eventually it is decided that the second sons of Lords Harlaw, Blacktyde and Orkmont shall marry the heirs of the respective islands left without male heirs after the fighting. Highgarden grumbles but they dare not act on their grumbling with Orys in control of three of the largest dragons to set foot on Westeros.

In the early moons of 89 A.L. Orys's sister Daenys, she who had said she would never marry after Aelix was killed, weds Ser Gormund Hightower heir to Oldtown, a wedding done to keep the Citadel and the Hightowers happy as well as to make sure that there are eyes and ears close to the Starry Sept to ensure that no makings of the Faith Militant are heard again in Westeros. The wedding results in the birth of twin sons for Daenys in late 89 A.L. sons she names Baelon and Maegon.

In 90 A.L. Orys convenes a great council to formally declare the succession, at the insistence of Jaehaerys to ensure that none of the Great Lords think to press a claim through one of his children. The council meets in Harrenhal that imposing fortress where the Strongs now hold power, the lords paramount and their leading bannermen come to Harrenhal to discuss the matter. Orys and Jaehaerys arrive at Harrenhal on the backs of their impressive dragons Vermithor the Bronze Fury and Quicksilver respectively. Orys is the first to speak. "My lords, I thank you for coming here to Harrenhal to solve this matter of succession. As you all know my eldest daughter Eleana is betrothed to Tommem Lannister the Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. My other daughter Baela is currently not betrothed nor is my son Baelor. I would hear your views as to whom should inherit the throne once I have died."

As expected Tommem Lannister is the first to speak. "My lords, Your Grace, though I am betrothed to Princess Eleana, and therefore what I say next may be considered biased, I believe that Princess Eleana should be named King Orys's heir, if not for the fact that she is a smart and clever girl, then because she is the eldest child."

Lord Desmond Arryn snorts; the man had lost three of his sons to the second Tarling War and as such has harboured a hatred of the Lannisters for a very long time. "Of course you would say that Lannister. You are young, but all lions are power hungry, why should you not wish for your betrothed to sit the Iron Throne if it means that one day one of your lion brats can sit it."

Lannister bristles with indignation. "My children will be of the blood Lord Arryn. And they shall be raised to be honourable and just, just like their grandfather. They will make fit kings and queens for Westeros."

Arryn snorts once more and says "Well of course you would say that. And if His Grace was not so concerned with making sure you did not rebel once those bastard Tarlings invade once more, then I am sure he would never have agreed to the match."

Orys feels the old anger well up inside of him at those words, but Jaehaerys speaks in a measured tone. "We are not here to argue like little children my lords. We are here to discuss the issue of the succession as it currently stands. Should Princess Eleana remain the King's heir then it is likely that her children will bear the name Lannister, instead of Targaryen, thus changing the royal family. Whereas should Prince Baelor be named heir, then the Targaryen name shall continue."

Old one handed Jorah Stark speaks then, his gruff voice silencing the murmuring that had begun one Jaehaerys had finished speaking. "The dragons built the throne, the Targaryen dynasty has sat on the Iron Throne for nearly hundred years, and there is no need for the change now. I say Prince Baelor should be named heir and have done with it." His bannermen, Lords Manderly, Dustin, Bolton and Umber all voice their agreement.

Lord Robin Tully, old and wizened speaks as well. "What Lord Stark says is true. In Andal custom the first born son always comes before the daughter, it is only if there is no son that the daughter inherits. And given whom Princess Eleana is betrothed to and the reputation that man's family has developed as of late, I would vote for Prince Baelor to be named heir." His bannermen Lord Mallister, Lord Blackwood and Lord Strong all voice their agreement.

Orys turns his attention to Lord Desmond Arryn, expecting the man to agree with Lords Tully and Stark, instead what he says surprises and dismays Orys in equal measure. "I know what Andal custom dictates, but in Dorne and even in some places in the north, as I am sure Lord Stark knows, the firstborn child inherits, though should circumstances dictate that would not be suitable then, the next best candidate inherits. As such I vote for Princess Baela to succeed King Orys." His bannermen Lord Royce, Lord Waynwood and Lord Corbray agree though Ser Gowen Templeton dissents instead naming his support for Princess Eleana.

So far the decision stands at nine for Baelor, four for Baela and four for Eleana. Though Orys has the final say in whom will be named the heir to his kingdom, the decision amongst the Lord Paramounts now rests on nineteen year old Boremund Baratheon, the lad is tall and strong with the thick black hair and blue eyes typical to all of his bloodline. He speaks slowly, and calmly. "I vote for Prince Baelor to be named as heir to the King. It is only right, he is the first born son and therefore should succeed his father as king." Lord Grandison, Lord Cafferen and Lord Dondarrion all agree with him.

Jaehaerys then speaks. "I agree with what Lord Stark and Tully said, Prince Baelor would be the right choice for heir to the throne."

Orys then speaks, and it is with a heavy heart that he says "Very well it is decided then. My son Baelor shall be named my heir, and shall become king upon my death."

Two years after the Great Council of 90 A.L., Orys gives his daughter away and watches as Tommem Lannister removes the black and red Targaryen cloak from her shoulders and drapes her in Lannister crimson. At the feast that night Orys is quiet and brooding, wondering as he always has been what the Lannisters true motives are for this wedding. Genna Lannister, Tommem's mother glitters and shines during the feast, and once or twice Orys sees her speaking with Jaehaerys about something or the other, though Orys knows his uncle has never bedded a woman since Aunt Alysanne died. As the feast draws to a close, Grand Maester Justin whispers in Orys ear about the birth of two more dragons a female dragon with red and black wings and scales, and a dragon of pure gold.

Nine moons after the wedding of his eldest daughter, a raven comes from the Rock informing them that Eleana has given birth to a baby girl whom she has named Visenya after her grandmother. Nine moons after that another girl is born to her, this daughter named Rhaenys. A son is born to her finally in the early days of 94 A.L. and is named Gerion.

Rhaena gives birth to her and Orys's second son in the middle months of 94 A.L. and they name their boy Jacaerys. He is a healthy babe, with a good appetite though he seems to be a quiet babe hardly crying, though Orys knows this not for he spends most of his time engrossed in small council meetings, naming Daven his hand, what with Jaehaerys suddenly taken ill. There is some small outcry that Daven is named as temporary hand though it is quiet, as all expect Prince Jaehaerys to recover from his illness, though when it lasts for two years, and ends with him coughing up his own blood one night, it comes as a relief when Prince Jaehaerys the Wise, dies in 96 A.L. his dragon Quicksilver roaring her grief, his eldest grandson Viserys becomes Lord of the Dragon Marches.

A moon after Jaehaerys' ashes have been interred in the crypt in Dragonstone, news comes from Casterly Rock, the castle has been taken. The Tarlings have landed with all of their dragons; war has begun once more…