Chapter 21: Blue Smoke

Daven Blackrush

The words echo around the small council chamber, stirring multiple emotions amongst those gathered in the chamber. Master of Laws Queen Rhaena looks angry and ready to fight, master of whispers Larys Strong seemed worried, master of coin Lyman Beesbury also looked worried, Grand Maester Justin seemed concerned, master of ships Vickon Greyjoy seemed ready for a fight as well, Ser Addison Hill Lord Commander of the Kingsguard remains stony faced and Daven's oldest friend and his king Orys Targaryen sits there still as tone his eyes black as night. The Queen is the first to break the silence. "Does the letter say whether my daughter and her children still live?" Daven knows Rhaena never approved of the marriage to Tommem Lannister even if she knows of the political validity of it.

"It only mentions that the Princess and her daughters are well. It makes no mention of Lord Gerion or his father Lord Tommem." Grand Maester Justin replies tiredly, for the first time since Daven has known the man he seems tired.

"Of course they would not mention Lord Gerion or Lord Tommem, the key to finding out whether or not they are alive will be hidden behind the words on the letter." Daven states.

Rhaena looks at him then and says "What do you mean by that Daven?"

Daven takes a deep breath before he speaks. "I mean that the fact that the maester of Casterly Rock writes that Princess Eleana and her daughters are okay, means that he is trying to reassure us that he is doing all he can do ensure their safety. The fact that Tommem and Gerion have not been mentioned suggests that he had no time to mention their survival, it is likely Tommem will be forced to call the Westerlords to arms now to fight for the Tarlings."

He sees the expressions of all those present apart from Orys fall, and he knows what Rhaena is about say before she does. "I knew it was a bad idea to betroth Eleana to that Lion brat. The lions caused father nothing but trouble and now they have my daughter and my granddaughters, we know now that Tommem Lannister is in a compromising position. It is likely his bitch of a mother allowed the rock to open and for Lannisport to fall."

"I can send word to Maron and have him assemble the Iron Fleet and attack Lannisport and burn the ships the Tarlings came to Lannisport on. That way when the men attack, the Tarlings will have nowhere to go." Vickon Greyjoy says.

"The ships would burn. The Tarlings have their dragons with them, and it would only serve to have my daughter and grandchildren killed. So no I do not wish for you to call for the Iron Fleet Lord Vickon, though I thank you for the suggestion." Queen Rhaena replies icily.

Daven decides to speak next so as to prevent another argument from erupting, and to try and get Orys to speak to discuss the plans they had thought of long ago. "Lord Larys how many dragons do your sources say the Tarlings have with them, and how many men did they bring with them from across the narrow sea?"

All eyes turn to look at Lord Larys Strong, the young heir to Harrenhal, not truly young he is the same age as Daven and Orys and yet he is a youngster to court politics, though his network has grown since his initial time. The man speaks confidently when he says "my sources say that the Tarlings have brought with them some 15,000 men with them all of them part of Laecareys Targaryen's mercenary company the White Dragons. With the strength of the west behind them, for it is likely that Maegor Targaryen will force Tommem Lannister to call the whole of the Western forces they will have some 60,000 men. Dragons they have five, the largest of which is the pretender's dragon Tyraxes, a battle hardened dragon who has fought in the Disputed Lands and even so far as Slaver's Bay. The other dragons the Tarlings have are smaller but more agile."

Daven nods then asks "And what of Laecareys himself, is he one of the dragon riders?" He knew that if Larys answered in the affirmative then this war would become that much trickier, for though they had Vhagar and Vermithor, Laecareys Targaryen was an experienced battle commander who had grown up learning about the arts of dragon warfare and no doubt would know all or more of the tricks about it than even Orys did.

Daven breathes a sigh of relief when Larys answers "No my lord, he does not. Laecareys it seems prefers to lead from the ground. I expect that his nephew will be leading from the aerial front."

"That is all well and good but how are we to plan for this war? Laecareys is not a green boy and neither will Maegor be one, in fact they are both battle hardened men, one of whom rides a dragon. How are we to plan for this war and the destruction that it will reap on the kingdom?" Rhaena asks looking intently at Orys, whom Daven notes has not once looked up from the point on the table that he is staring at, though his hands are clenched tightly.

"Plans will be devised and action shall be taken Your Grace. We have beaten the Tarlings twice before, we shall beat them once again." Daven says in order to soothe Rhaena and make it clear to the other members of the council that the session is drawing toward a close as Orys seems not willing to speak.

Thankfully all of them seem to take the hint, and get up to leave, Daven is just about to ask Grand Maester Justin to send ravens out to Lords Stark, Tully Arryn and Tyrell when Orys speaks, his voice sounding rough and animalistic, a clear sign that the Dread has won the battle to control his emotions. "Sit down, all of you. We are not done yet." Those who had gotten up sit down again, and Daven notes that they all seem scared and surprised by the tone of the king's voice, even Rhaena does. Orys looks up and Daven sees with some horror that his friend's eyes are completely black irises and pupils; there is some sort of deep anger now present in place of his friend's usual clam exterior. "They hold my daughter and my grandchildren, and we know not whether Tommem Lannister lives, and whom it was that allowed Lannisport to burn or whom it was that allowed them get into the Sunset Sea. Vickon I want you to send a raven to your brother and tell him his king wants answers, I want to know who it was that allowed a fleet that big to escape his notice, and his son's. I want answers or Maron will learn to fear me and mine. Larys I want your little birds in the Rock to take note of the comings and goings of the Tarlings I want details on everything, and I want someone to kill the damned fool Laecareys before he sets foot on Westerosi soil. Grand Maester send the ravens to Lords Stark, Tully, Arryn, Tyrell and Baratheon and tell them to call their banners, anyone who fights for the Tarlings will die. I will free my daughter and I will burn the Tarlings to the ground. Now everyone apart from Rhaena and Daven leave now."

The sound of scraping and screeching fills the air as the members of the small council not wanted get up and leave the chamber with a bow to the King and Queen, Ser Addison stays on though as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Once the door has closed for good, Rhaena gets up and sits herself down in Orys' lap a rare show of public emotion done in a private moment, Daven watches as she whispers soothing words into her husband's ear, words meant to calm the beast inside of him, and he aches for Daenaerys, aches for her arms, her lips, her voice. He pushes the ache away from his mind and coughs slightly, once Orys and Rhaena are both looking at him he speaks. "What shall we do for the battle plans then Your Graces?"

Orys' eyes are now bronze, showing that it is Vermithor who has control over his personality now. And his tone sounds much sharper than when he spoke first during the council meeting. "The Tarlings will want to take Riverrun. Laecareys will advise Maegor to take Riverrun and get the Riverlands onside. Lord Robin will know that, and he will have to defend his border on the Golden Tooth, though he will not be able to hold against the dragons. Quicksilver is still too fresh from the loss of uncle Jaehaerys to be trusted with going to aid Lord Robin, and Viserys and his dragon are too young and untested to be relied upon. I would send word to Driftmark and ask Rhaenys to come and assist but she is with child now, and I will not drag her away from her children. I do not wish to do this to you my friend, but would Daenaerys be able to go and fly forth to defend the Golden Tooth passageway against the Tarlings and their dragons?"

Daven hesitates not sure what to say, he knows Daenaerys was angry that she was not allowed to fight in the Redwyne rebellion, but now, now when she is fit and healthy again, but when they know not what the Tarlings or their dragons are capable of? He is not sure, and though he hates himself for thinking this he says. "Whilst I understand why it is necessary for us to send a dragon rider out to protect the pathway, we know not how these dragons that the Tarlings have are shaped nor what they are capable of. When Daemon landed he had five dragons with him, but they were different dragons, more akin to what one would have found in the wild, and as such they were unused to combat, these dragons Maegor has will be more used to combat, though to what extent I am not sure. Surely it would be best if we waited and saw what the Tarlings and their dragons are capable of before we send out our own dragons?"

"You would keep our best weapon against the Tarlings back, so as to see what they are capable of and then as a result sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives, and perhaps keep this war going on for longer than necessary?" Ser Addison asks his voice laced with disgust

"He makes a valid suggestion though Ser Addison," Rhaena says still perched on Orys' lap, her fingers playing with her husband's hair. "We know not what these dragons are capable of, and though it pains me to admit it, it would be better if we allowed Lord Robin and his men the chance to bleed the Tarling forces first before we unleash our best weapon."

"Laecareys will not allow the dragons to be used at the beginning. He will want to see whether or not we will take the dragon route first, before he allows Maegor to use them. That was what father would have done." Orys says.

There is a silence for a long moment before Daven speaks once more. "So we will allow Lord Robin to call his banners and face the Tarling force no matter if they send their dragons out in full force?"

Ser Addison looks disgusted with what he has just said but Orys merely nods, and Rhaena says "Aye."

And so that night the ravens are sent out and Westeros prepares for war once more. The reports come in thick and fast, Lord Jorah Stark old and grizzled though he is sends word from Moat Cailin two moons after the ravens were first sent out, he is heading towards the Twins with some 25,000 men. Lord Desmond Arryn also old and grizzled sends word from the Gates of the Moon at roughly the same time saying he is marching with 30,000 men toward the Riverlands to assist Lord Robin Tully. Lord Boremund Baratheon faces difficulties, his lords are divided, some are still direct adherents to the Faith of the Seven and have never been comfortable with the change to the faith of the Old Gods, and so battles are being fought in the Stormlands at Grassy Vale and Blueburn. Lord Tyrell faces similar problems, those houses angered by the decision to give the Arbor and Shield Islands to the Ironborn have mustered under Lord Jasper Florent's banner and are causing havoc throughout the Reach. Lord Larys reports of divisions within the Riverlands, Lords Darry, Goodbrook, Ryger and Mooton have allied together under the Tarling cause and have amassed a reasonable host and have marched for Riverrun, with the Tarling host closing in.

It is after they receive news of Lord Robin's death at the Battle of High Heart on the third day of the third month 97 A.L. that the Tarlings finally unleash their full strength, 15,000 men from the White Dragons descend from the Golden Tooth and overwhelm the new Lord of Riverrun Hoster Tully defeating his host and capturing him, leading to the taking of Riverrun. Two moons later, Larys reports that Boremund Baratheon has beaten a hasty retreat back to Storm's End, after winning two battles at Grassy Vale, he lost a major battle at Blueburn and was hounded back to his mighty fortress by a host of some 10,000 men led by the rebellious Lords Cafferen, Grandison and Fell.

The situation for the Iron Throne in the Reach reads even worse, Ser Garlan Tyrell slain by Lord Jasper Florent, at the battle of the Honeywine, the Tyrell host scattered or captured, Highgarden besieged. And a fleet of ships from the Three Daughters makes it ways towards the Iron Islands. Throughout all this Daven watches helplessly as the war seems to be going from bad to worse, none of the Tarling dragons have been used and so none of the Targaryen dragons have been mobilised, and yet Daven knows how much that angers Orys, can see it in the way his friend tenses and curses everytime word of a new defeat for the Royalists reaches them. The straw that breaks the camel's back, is when a raven comes from Casterly Rock written in Princess Eleana's hand that details all the niceties that the Tarlings are giving her, though Daven is no fool and neither is Orys, the threat is clear for them all to see, surrender or she dies. That is when Orys decides enough is enough and the Targaryens come to the fore, the banners of the Crownlands are called, 15,000 men assemble at King's Landing, Daven leading them, they are to join Lord Desmond's host at Harrenhal and then march for Riverrun. Orys gives Daven one instruction before he leaves, "Kill them, kill them all." And so the battle truly begins.

The second battle of High Heart, or the Battle of Tears as it will alter be known is a bloody one. Daven Blackrush commanding the royal army which is made up of 15,000 men from the Crownlands and 30,000 men from the Vale assemble at Harrenhal on the eight moon of the 97th Year after Aegon's Landing and march for High Heart where they are met by a Tarling host commanded by Laecareys Targaryen's second in command, Ser Otho Hill. The battle rages long into the night, with men fighting as if possessed, hacking and slashing and ducking and dodging. Daven himself fights and fights until he nearly faints from exhaustion, hacking and slashing ducking and dodging. Slaying many men and bloodying his sword, and littering the ground with many, many bodies.

Eventually the battle ended, with bodies of men from both sides littering the ground and filling the Tumblestone River to the brim, Riverrun is freed when Lord Esther Goodbrook dips the banner and has the gates lowered. There is much to celebrate, the stronghold of House Tully is free though its lord lies in a cell in the Golden Tooth, and Lord Desmond Arryn a fierce fighter and proud man died, killing the man who slew three of his sons. Riverrun is free, but the Riverlands are not secure yet, there is more fighting to be done before the lands can be considered secure, and such soon after Riverrun is freed, a force of some 15,000 men led by Ser Carmon Reyne takes the passageway through the Pendric Hills and starts raping and pillaging around the Riverlands setting up shop on the Red Fork of the Trident.

Leaving some 5,000 men to hold Riverrun, Daven sets out from the castle with the remaining 20,000 men and heads out for the Red Fork, where another fierce battle is fought in the sleet and darkness. Daven commanding the van faces stiff opposition from many of the rebel Westerlords who are fighting with a passion akin to nothing he has ever faced before. Hacking and slashing and ducking and dodging, Daven truly learns what it means to fight as if his life depends on it. He has to remain 100% on guard, one little slip up and he will die, and then the cause of the Riverlands will be lost. He receives many nicks and bruises but at the end of the day victory is theirs, Ser Carmon Reyne's body lies floating lifelessly in the Red Fork, slain by Daven himself.

They are still camped by the Red Fork when a rider from Riverrun finds them and informs them of Lord Stark and the northmen's arrival. With the westermen under Ser Reyne either dead or bent of the knee, Daven orders his men back to the castle to discuss the next best options with another proven battle commander. Lord Jorah Stark is nearing fifty and yet he still holds a commanding and imposing presence, his eldest son and heir Donnel Stark is a giant of a man and at thirty seems almost as wise and as capable as his father. "There was a raven whilst you were away my lord hand." Jorah Stark says. "It came from the capital. His Grace wished to congratulate you on your victory at High Heart and at the Red Fork."

Daven knows not to show his surprise that Orys would already know of the victories, he learnt long ago that his friend's dreams usually turned out to be quite accurate. Instead he focuses on the matter at hand. "What news from the west, my lord of Stark?"

"Tommem Lannister and the Tarlings continue to sit at Oxcross with their men and their dragons, the men do not flit away as one would expect, it is said that the dragons continue to grow, and that Maegor Tarling is only waiting." Stark replies.

"Waiting? Waiting for what?" Daven asks a sense of nervousness creeping into him.

"I know not, but we must not wait to find out. We must take the attack to the Lannisters, draw them out and make them use their dragons; otherwise this war will be over before his Grace knows what has happened." Stark replies.

Daven feels the nervousness inside of him tighten. "There has been more news of the war from elsewhere?"

"Aye." Donnel Stark the heir to Winterfell says.

"What news?" Daven asks.

"Dermont Tyrell is dead; his family put to the sword apart from the youngest child, a babe of about one. Lord Jasper Florent has set himself up as the boy's regent and has betrothed him to his youngest daughter Janei." Jorah Stark replies.

Daven feels his heart sink. "What of the rest of the reacherlords? Surely they will not stand for Jasper Florent as regent; the whole realm hates the man."

"We are lucky there is still one Tyrell left. Florent was about to kill all of them when the ships from the Three Daughters arrived. They are docked in the Mander, and Florent knows not what they are going to do, so he has the Tyrell boy as insurance against the other reacherlords, they've bent the knee and are marching toward the Stormlands under Jasper's brother Loras' command to end the Siege of Storm's End." Jorah Stark says grimly.

"Has the King been notified?" Daven asks worriedly.

"Aye, the raven came from King's Landing. His Grace flew from the Capital on his mount Vermithor alongside his bastard nephew Aelix Waters who rode a beast named Grey Ghost." Donnel Stark says.

Daven blinks once in surprise, so it seems Orys has decided to finally trust his nephew then, though how well that will pay off only time will tell. "Then how do you suggest we draw the Tarlings out?" he asks instead.

"Send a raiding party through the Golden Tooth, tell them to take as much gold as they can, Lord Lefford will be at the Rock. The Tarlings will feel as if their wealth is slipping away, they will make a move, and then we lead the party toward the Stoney Sept and we kill them, ambush them, and butcher them against the walls of the town." Stark says.

"Will it work though? Surely the Tarlings will be too wary to fall for that?" Donnel Stark asks of his father.

"They won't send any of their own men to fight us, they'll send Tommem Lannister, on the threat of his wife and children's lives." Daven says understanding what Jorah Stark is getting at.

"Exactly." Stark replies smiling sadly.

The plan agreed, raiders are sent out that night, and for the next two months they sit and wait in Riverrun, as the raiders come back with gold and food, and the seasons begin to change, and the war rages around them. Lord Florent and his men were burnt to a cinder on the outskirts of Storm's End, Orys and Aelix showing them the true might of the Targaryens, 10,000 men died during the lifting, some 5,000 to dragonfire alone, another 5,000 died when the gates of Storm's End opened and Boremund Baratheon inspired by the arrival of the dragons came and led a charge against the scared and cowed Lords Cafferen, Grandison and Fell.

Eventually in the early months of 98 A.L. the Tarlings it seems have had enough of having the gold raided and so they send a host of some 30,000 men under the command of Lord Tommem Lannister to deal with them. Daven and the host of northmen, remaining river and Vale Lords meet them at the Battle of Stoney Sept, where the battle rages around the streets of the town, hand to hand, door to door fighting. The sound of men screaming, and yelling echoing around the town, the battle seems to be drifting between the two sides, Daven fights his good nephew and wins, slaying him with three quick slices to the head, shoulders and chest. And that is the moment that it seems as if victory will be theirs, but then the sound of leathery wings are heard, and soon men look up in awe as a big grey dragon blocks out the soon, and fire engulfs the town and the men.

A Tarling dragon, named Cerroth and ridden by Luceros Tarling, Maegor Tarling's son and heir. The heat and the flame cause much death and destruction, the walls of the small town making it near impossible for the archers to fire at the dragon. Daven begins ordering a retreat, but finds the way blocked by the narrow roads, and the remaining 2,000 men of the Westerland host. Fighting ensues and the longer the dragon remains airborne the more likely imminent defeat looks, but then when all seems lost another pair of wings can be heard in the distance, and the dragon that appears is red, pure red and upon its back is a rider Daven is familiar with, Rhaenys Targaryen, granddaughter of Prince Jaehaerys the wise. The two dragons meet in a clash of wings, teeth and claws and fire. The sight of two dragons engaged in some sort of dance causes all the other fighting to cease as all look up to the sky, when the dragons roar and look to be tumbling to the ground, the men and their horses move away as quickly as possible, but then both dragons rise up to the sky and fight once more.

The fighting on the ground resumes once more men die, and the blood and bodies of fallen covers the streets the Battle of Stoney Sept only ends when a triumphant roar sounds from the sky, and Daven looks up to see a lifeless grey dragon plummeting to the ground close to them. Bodies are crushed when the dragon lands, and men are killed, but victory belongs to the royalists, for now.

Princess Rhaenys, the wife of the Lord of the Tides Corlys Velaryon and the mother of the twins Laenor and Laena Velaryon, rider of the dragon Meleys the Red Queen returns with them to Riverrun, where they are told of the sea battle that raged between the Iron Fleet and the Royal Fleet against the fleet of the Three Daughters and the ships that brought the Tarlings and their men over to Westeros. "Bloody battle it was, many men lost their lives. Vickon Greyjoy amongst them. The ships of the Tarlings were all sunk, as were most of the Iron Fleet, though some twenty ships of the Royal Fleet remain and some thirty of the Three Daughters escaped."

"What does His Grace wish for us to do?" Daven asks, and Donnel Stark the new Lord of Winterfell, after his father's death nods eager to know more.

"His Grace, has heard reports that the Tarlings in all their strength are going to be massing and marching from Oxcross very, very soon. He has ordered us to wait in Riverrun for the time being." Rhaenys says.

"Is he sure?" Daven asks.

"Very, very sure." Rhaenys replies.

And sure enough three moons after that conversation their scouts return, breathing heavily and covered in ash, reporting the movement of the Tarlings, their dragons and their men. At this Daven orders his men and the men of the north to march south, they will meet the Tarlings at the border near to the Pass of the River. It seems Orys had the same idea for he arrives with an army numbering some 10,000 men some two weeks after Daven and his men arrive. With Orys come, Rhaena, Daenaerys, Aelix and their dragons Vermithor, Vhagar, Dusk and Grey Ghost. Something seems amiss the minute Daven sees Rhaena step off of her dragon, and later that night as Daven and Orys sit by the fire, Daven asks his friend about it. His friend goes very, very quiet before replying. "Whilst I was away in the Reach ending their godsforsaken rebel lords lives, a servant attacked Baelor, the servant was killed but Baelor was fatally wounded, he died whilst Rhaena tried to save him. We know not why the servant tried to kill Baelor, but he succeeded and now the light has faded from my wife's eyes and she wishes to join Baelor once more."

Daven knows not what to say except to offer his condolences though he knows they will do little to change how his friend, how his brother feels. The next morning the battle begins. Steel, the final battle to end all battles, that's what it feels like at least, men fight men, brother fights brother, dragons fight dragons, and the battle rages on and on and on and on. Daven hacks his way through men, whilst his wife fights mounted on her dragon Dusk, burning men on the ground and ending the lives of one and then two dragons and their riders from the Tarling side. The Battle seems to hover in thin air, suspended in time, when a mournful shriek comes from upon high, and Daven looks up to see a body dressed in night black armour falling to the ground, covered with arrows, blood pouring from the wounds. It is only when the body falls to the ground and Vermithor the bronze fury screams and kills all those within its range that Daven realises that his friend, his brother Orys Targaryen, the first of his name, the Dread Crowned, the one whom history will name the Martyr to bring peace to Westeros has died, killed by cravens on the ground whilst he fought to protect his kingdom.

After that the battle changes, all those fighting for the royalists lose all sense of restraint and the bloodbath becomes more so. Daven himself loses control over himself and swings his sword until he cannot physically stand anymore, until his knees are weak and his arms hurt, and his body is caked in mud and blood, until all he can see his is friend's lifeless body falling down to the ground and he keeps fighting and fighting until he falls unconscious to the ground. When he awakens, he will wake in a Targaryen camp, Ser Robert Flowers standing next to his bedside, and he will learn of what people will later name the Final Fire, where Queen Rhaena, Lady Daenaerys, Lady Rhaenys and Ser Aelix combined their might along with Vermithor to unleash the flames of dragons hotter than anything the three conquest dragons ever produced, the fire so strong it engulfed Vhagar and Dusk and their riders, and killed the Tarlings and their dragons and their men. No one will know why Rhaenys and Aelix and their dragons and Vermithor were left alive, when Vhagar and Dusk perished, but that is how the Tarling War ends, the threat ended. But at such a cost to Westeros, losing three people that strove for peace that is something history will never truly mention, though it is something Daven never forgets nor will he let Orys' descendants or his own children and descendants forget.