Chapter 22: Dragon Or Lion?


The raven comes one bright and sunny day, a contrast to the message that shakes Eleana's world. The words written in her uncle's neat hand inform her of the battle being called the Final Fire, of her father and mother's deaths, of her brother Baelor's death, of the end of the Tarling threat. She reads that last part once, and reads the first part of the letter multiple times, her father killed by a score of arrows, her mother and aunt dead with their dragons in a blaze of ancient magic, that none had seen before. An area has ended for Westeros Eleana knows, her mother and father were two of the most brilliant and wonderful people she had ever met, and now their gone and her littlest brother Jacaerys is king and he no older than her son Gerion.

Amidst all of this is the fact that at the age of nineteen she is an orphan and a widow. Her husband Tommem, whom she had become fond of was dead, killed by one of her father's men during one of the battles as those damned Tarlings forced him into leading the enemy. Her goodmother had upped and left the night the raven had come announcing Tommem's death, Genna Lannister had never truly liked Eleana, though she knew that there had been an ulterior motive to the woman's suggestion of marrying Tommem to her, there always was with the woman. Eleana had not asked any of the men to go and find her in the morning, best to let her go off and run back to Crakehall or wherever it was she was from, if she had any sense she'd never come back to Casterly Rock again. But that was a concern for another day, as she read the letter from her uncle, she knew now that she would need to speak with him, and hope he was not too lost in grief that her son would lose the Rock or the titles that had been in their family since Aegon the Dragon had conquered Westeros.

"My lady," Maester Theodore's voice interrupts her musings. "How would you wish to respond to this letter?" Tommem had told her when she had come to Casterly Rock as a newlywed that apparently Maester Theodore came from a line of bastards could claim their descent from one of Mern Gardener's younger brothers. Whether or not that was true was immaterial, he had always given her husband and she sage advice, and when the Tarlings had come calling it had been he who had ensured that Eleana and her children had remained safe whilst Tommem worked to undermine the Tarlings from within.

There could be only one response to the letter. "Write to my uncle that we shall be coming to King's Landing soon enough, for my brother's coronation and to discuss certain other matters with him."

"As you will my lady. And whom shall you name as Castellan in your absence?" Maester Theodore asked.

It took Eleana a moment to consider whom to name, the Tarlings were dead as were their men and women, and besides Eleana had grown up learning to despise them so even if one of them were still alive there would be no chance of naming them castellan. Then her thoughts turned to Visenya, only seven years old but every inch the lady, and Eleana remembered how her own mother had once told her, that her father had wanted to name her his heir before the Great Council, but then she decides against leaving her eldest child alone here. Instead she says "Ser Stevron shall be named Castellan, he served my husband loyally as castellan in the years he was in King's Landing."

"Very good my lady." Maester Theodore replies. Eleana dismisses him but not before asking him to send for her children.

When her children walk in one after the other, Eleana takes a moment to look at them all, Visenya the perfect lady, with her flowing golden locks and pretty purple eyes, Rhaenys her little dragon, with her silver hair and green eyes and then Gerion, the Lord of Casterly Rock now that Tommem lies rotting in the ground somewhere in the Riverlands, he looks so much like Eleana's father that for a moment she feels her breath leave her. Swallowing slightly she beckons the children closer to her, and she smiles slightly by the fact that Rhaenys and Gerion fight to sit on her knee. "Children," she says in what she hopes is a serious voice. "A raven has come from your great uncle Daven, the war is over, but we must go to King's Landing to visit your uncle Jacaerys and pledge our loyalty to him as our King. I wish for you to know that we shall be leaving the Rock in three days time to make the journey and I want you to promise me that you will be on your best behaviour during the journey and whilst at King's Landing."

Visenya and Rhaenys both nodded and voiced their agreement, as did Gerion though his next few words sent a dagger through Eleana's heart. "Does this mean that Papa is coming home? And why would uncle Jace be king if grandpapa is still alive?"

"Because grandpapa died to fighting to end the war silly, otherwise how else would Jace become king? And papa can't come back because he was killed fighting to help end the war." Rhaenys says, parroting the words that Eleana had told the children when news of their father's death had reached the Rock.

Eleana sighs slightly and then says "Your sister is right Gerion. Jacaerys is king now as my father died fighting to end the war, and your father died as well. So we must go to King's Landing to re-pledge our allegiance to him and the Iron Throne."

"But why mama? Surely Uncle Jace knows that you won't try and do any harm to him. After all you are his sister." Visenya pipes up.

Eleana smiles slightly and says "Because even though I am Jacaerys sister, after war it is necessary for the Lords and Ladies of Westeros to show a sign of loyalty to their king, and so we must go." She knows not if she has explained it well enough for the children to understand without going into the whole intricacies of it all, but it seems she has for they all nod and then run off to go and play.

Four days later they set out from Casterly Rock with a company of some thirty guards and two wagons, one for Eleana and the children to ride in and one for the food and supplies they needed that could not be tied to the horses that rode with them. It took them roughly three weeks to reach King's Landing and in that time Eleana saw what destruction war had wrought to Westeros. Growing up she realised now that her father and mother had shielded her and her siblings from the horrors that they had undoubtedly experienced, she saw the corpses of men rotting into the ground, saw the bones of the already deceased being feasted on by crows, and she saw women and children driven to the point of starvation. When they passed by the Blackwater she saw the remains of what could only be her aunt's dragon Dusk,, the she dragon had glittered in life and in death her skeleton seemed huge, big enough to ride all of their horses down and more.

When they arrived in King's Landing, it seemed to Eleana as if the city could not decide whether it should be in a state of mourning for its King and Queen, or in a state of celebration for the ending of the Tarling threat, and the bringing of peace. As they reached the courtyard of the Red Keep Eleana heard her children gasp in awe, and as she peeked out the window she saw the cause of their amazement, her father's great bronze dragon, Vermithor was flying high in the sky, circling above their carriage. As they came to a halt, on the steps leading to the Red Keep proper, Eleana saw six figures standing on the steps, one of the men was clearly her uncle Ser Daven Blackrush, Hand of the King and Lord Regent of the Realm, he was dressed in a black doublet his bulky frame making him more apparent. Beside him stand a lady whom Eleana can only guess is her sister Baela, she will be seventeen now and ready for marriage. Then beside Baela there is a small boy who seems to be squirming to run to the carriage, but is being held back by a white knight of the Kingsguard. Once Eleana and her children dismount from the carriage and Ser Daven walks forward with Baela however, the little boy frees himself from the grip of the white knight and launches himself straight at Eleana. "Are you my sister?" he asks, his voice high pitched.

"Jacaerys come back here this instant." Eleana hears her sister say sharply.

Eleana smiles slightly and says lightly "It is not matter sister dearest." Bending down to look at her brother, she smiles and says "Yes Your Grace I am. I am Lady Eleana Lannister, Lady Regent of Casterly Rock."

Jacaerys looks at her for a brief moment and then nods his acceptance at her words before turning to greet his nieces and nephews. Eleana introduces him to them, and notes with a small smile how much like their father he truly is, in the way he holds himself- dignified and regal- even though he is only five years old, a few moons younger than her own Gerion. Eventually once all the introductions have been made Ser Daven speaks, in a serious tone. "I am sure Lady Eleana and her children are quite tired Your Grace. Perhaps we can speak with them more later on tonight at the feast."

Eleana notes how Jacaerys looks to Baela first before saying in as kingly a voice as a five year old can manage. "Very well then."

The feast that night is grand and celebratory, with the Lords of the Crownlands and even Donnel Stark, the new Lord of Winterfell in attendance. There are many courses of food served, and the children seem to delight with having someone new to play with, and the members of the court seem to smile at the antics that the children get up to. Eleana spends the feast speaking with various lords and ladies, sussing out what the current feeling is, the Tarling War just recently over, most of the lords and ladies seem relieved that the war is over and the threat is vanquished, though there are those Eleana knows who view her wearily, given her marriage and surname, and the fact that she too was once a Targaryen princess.

The day after the welcoming feast, her children were shown around the royal apartments by her younger brother and King, who was accompanied by Ser Robert Flowers and Ser Ryam Redwyne. Eleana spent her time with her sister Baela and as they walked along the pathways in the gardens reminiscing about their youth, they were accompanied by Ser Garen Caron of the Kingsguard who had distinguished himself in the battle where Tommem had died. "So how does the Westerlands feel compared to King's Landing sister?" Baela asked her.

Eleana thought for a long moment, before replying. "It is different Baela, there is much more to do in Casterly Rock and the nearby town than we could do in King's Landing, but then again we are not always under fear of war in Casterly Rock, the last war being the exception. The children love it there, and the smallfolk love them well. And what you sister? Do you know wish to leave King's Landing?"

Her sister had always been very active when they were children unable and unwilling to sit still for even a moment, and Eleana remembers conversations they would have late at night, the covers pulled up high above their heads, where they would speak of their dreams and hopes for the future, Baela's always involved leaving King's Landing and the stifling court. "I do wish to leave sometime in the future. But not now, not whilst the wounds from the war are still so fresh, and Jacaerys still needs a mother in his life."

Eleana nods her head in agreement and then asks "Has uncle Daven not tried to find a husband for you yet? I am sure he was quite keen for one of us Ser Corwen Darklyn before Uncle Jaehaerys proposed the marriage to Tommem for me."

Baela snorts. "No Ser Corwen has wed some fat cow in my place, he asked uncle Daven for my hand in Jacaerys presence and Jacaerys shot the poor man down. No he wishes for me to wed Borros Baratheon in time, the young heir to Storm's End, he believes will secure our brother's hold on the throne."

Something in Baela's tone causes Elena to stop their walk and to take her sister's hand. "Do you not wish to marry Lord Borros sister?"

Baela looks at her and then says "I do not know Eleana. I have met Borros, and though he is a charming man and lively, he does not seem to like Jacaerys for some reason, and that could be a problem especially as uncle Daven wishes for him to serve on the small council."

Eleana thinks on this and then says. "And what of uncle Daven how has he been since the war ended with father, mother and aunt Dany's death?"

Baela is silent for a long moment and then she says "Badly, he does not drink like other men would, nor does he engage with other women. No he simply buries himself in work and work. The day you arrived was the only day he had come out of the small council chamber other than mealtimes since he came back from the war a moon and a half ago."

Eleana sighs, and then says. "And what of Jacaerys how is our little brother?"

At that Baela lights up and a huge smile graces her features. "Oh he is just delightful Elle. He is such a chatty child, so bright and happy all the time. He makes time just fly by."

They continue to walk and talk for some more time and when Eleana returns to her old rooms in Maegor's Holdfast, she listens as her children tell her all about their day with their uncle Jace. That evening there is a smaller meal in the Tower of the Hand with Ser Robert Flowers, Ser Garen Caron, Ser Lewyn Rivers and Ser Rolland Darklyn of the Kingsguard in attendance. The meal flows smoothly, Eleana and her children are there, as are Baela and Jacaerys and so too is Uncle Daven though he seems exhausted and does not speak much.

On the third day of their stay in King's Landing, her uncle summons her to the small council chamber to address the issue that they both know is of the most importance. The issue over whether or not Gerion will remain Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West when Tommem fought for the Tarlings, albeit reluctantly. Her uncle Daven sits at the head of the small council table when she enters, looking for older than his thirty nine years, the other members also look haggard. Grand Maester Justin who was old when her father was growing up, master of whispers Larys Strong now Lord of Harrenhal after his father's death, master of laws Prince Viserys Targaryen her father's cousin, master of coin Lyman Beesbury ageing slowly, Ser Otto Hightower master of ships who has replaced the fallen Vickon Greyjoy and Ser Corlys Velaryon who serves as an advisor. Her uncle bids her sit and then in a serious voice says "Lady Eleana, you know why you have been summoned before the small council. We are here to discuss the issue of House Lannister's support of the Tarlings during the three Tarling Wars and what this could mean for the future of the house."

Eleana remains silent waiting for another member of the small council to speak, perhaps Prince Viserys who always seemed to have more joviality than sense, his brother Daemon the one with the cunning though he was currently off fighting pirates in the Stepstones after having fought in the Final Fire. Instead it was Ser Otto Hightower who spoke, his tone waspish and slightly annoying when he said. "Whilst House Lannister and the Westerlands did support the pretender Maegor Tarling during the last Tarling War reluctantly, it should be noted that they did support the Tarlings during the two previous wars with much gusto and man power. Furthermore it should be noted that the Lady Eleana did not order a pursuit of her goodmother the Lady Genna Lannister, when said Lady fled the Rock when news of her son's death reached them."

Eleana stares at the man, and feels the anger burning within her, how dare he! It seems Lord Corlys feels the same for he says "Surely you cannot mean to say that Lady Eleana should have ordered a search party to bring her goodmother back to the Rock in order to face the King's Justice Otto? What part could the woman have played in her son's decision, or the Tarlings coming to Lannisport as they did?"

It is Prince Viserys who speaks, and once he is done speaking Eleana will hate him from that moment onwards. "Well the fact that the Lannister fleet did not even put up a fight when the Tarling fleet came in, and the fact that the Lady Eleana allowed her goodmother to flee back to her relations not in Crakehall but Lannisport suggests that there was some complicity from all sides in allowing the Tarlings to wreak havoc on Westeros once more."

Grand Maester Justin speaks up then. "What you claim is most preposterous Prince Viserys, have you forgotten that the Lady Eleana and her two daughters were held hostage in order to ensure that Lord Tommem had no choice but to call his banners and fight for the Tarlings lest they kill his wife and children? Even his grace admitted that should he survive the war, he would not punish House Lannister for siding with the Tarlings. Surely you cannot suggest that the mistakes of the past are to influence the judgements of the future?"

Prince Viserys a strange expression on his face says "I am not making any claims my good Maester, all I am saying is that is it not passing odd that the Tarlings had such easy access to the Lannisport port and gold of the Lannisters, a traditional ally of theirs when Lord Tommem and his wife- who was our own late king's daughter- were in the castle?"

Eleana feels the anger stirring deep within her, and one look at her uncle's face and she knows he is too. She can hear it in his voice when he says "Lady Eleana have you anything to say?"

Eleana swallows deeply, in order to make sure that her voice is not laced with anything but calm, and then she speaks. "I do my lords. I strongly disagree with what Ser Otto and Prince Viserys are suggesting. Neither my lord husband nor I were involved in a plot to allow the Tarlings to invade and conquer Westeros. Why would we be when I am King Jacaerys sister and our late King Orys' daughter? The fact that they took Lannisport without any resistance was because it was a surprise attack, and my husband was then forced into fighting for the Tarlings lest they kill me and our children. The fact that his mother fled when news came of his death, and that I did not send men after her, well to what extent would I have to send men after her, she had done no wrong, and so she may simply live with her relatives in Lannisport till the end of her days."

Eleana sees her uncle smile at her response and she feels some pride bloom within her. Her uncle speaks then. "And do you believe that you and your son will do the utmost to uphold the king's peace, should you be allowed to keep the title of Lord of the Rock and Warden of the West? On the Gods old and new, I ask this of you."

Eleana does not hesitate to reply "I do."

"Is there anyone here who has any problem with Eleana and her child Gerion keeping the Rock now that we have heard her solemn vow and promise?" her uncle Daven asks.

There is silence and a look is exchanged between Viserys and Ser Otto but at the end of it all the Lords of the small council all agree to keep the title of the Lord of the Rock and Warden of the West with House Lannister, something that is later formally confirmed by her brother Jacaerys who stamps a document with his seal and has it read out by their uncle Daven. They spend another two moons in King's Landing, staying to witness the turn of the century and the tourney held in King's Landing to formally celebrate the 100th year of Targaryen rule in Westeros. At the feast held later that night, the betrothal of Baela to Borros Baratheon heir to Storm's End is confirmed, their wedding set for later in the month. It is after watching her sister marry that Eleana and the children return to the Rock, where they are greeted by Maester Theodore who presents Eleana with a raven from her goodmother asking if she might be able to come back to live in the Rock, Eleana decides that two pairs of hands are better than one and agrees to allow her goodmother back so long as she agrees to follow Eleana's lead in raising her children and running the castle.

The next five years fly by for Eleana, she spends much of the time ruling for her son, and helping to rebuild the Westerlands, negotiating a peace between the Reynes and the Tarbecks both of whom seem to be competing for being the most annoying house in the West, her hard work and dedication to improving life in the Westerlands, earns her the appreciation and loyalty of her son's bannermen, and through that the improvement of the Westerlands, seeing the coffers of the Rock continuing to swell, through trade with the other regions of Westeros as well as the Free Cities of Myr, Tyrosh and Pentos and even Bravos. All of her hard work though does come from her desire to prove herself worthy of being Lady Regent of the Rock and to prove to her goodmother and to the Lords of the West that a woman can rule just as well as a man, though there are still marriage proposals from some of her Lords- Lefford, Crakehall, Westerling- who still believe that ruling is a man's work and that women should concern themselves with household matters, they all receive polite rejections. Her hard work does eventually earn her the respect and friendship of her goodmother Genna Lannister, who she learns has always tried to have her family's best interests at heart, though she might not always show it. It is with her goodmother's help that she raises her two daughters and her son, Visenya grows up to be the perfect lady, whilst Rhaenys develops into a more warrior like woman, completely different to their namesakes. Gerion grows to be a trouble maker, and the jewel of Casterly Rock.

When pirates invade Massey's Hook and come close to attacking Storm's End, the Westerlands prove that they are loyal to the Iron Throne by sending forty warships that sink the Pirates ships at base in the Stepstones, and Ser Malcolm Hill the Bastard of Lannisport earns his stars and stripes by killing the King of Pirates. Later on in that year, Eleana's eldest daughter Visenya flowers and the marriage offers come flowing in, eventually it is decided that she shall wed the eldest son of Lord Gormund Hightower and Eleana's aunt Daenys, Maegon, they wed on the third day of the fourth month in 104 A.L. a year later Rhaenys flowers, and on her uncle's advice she weds her youngest daughter and her most martial daughter to Lord Donnel Stark's heir Barth Stark in the early days of 105 A.L.

When the raven comes from King's Landing asking her to attend Prince Viserys wedding to Alicent Hightower, both Eleana and her goodmother agree that nothing good could come from that wedding, though Eleana leaves with Gerion to go to the wedding leaving her goodmother as castellan.

King's Landing has not changed greatly since the last time Eleana was here six years ago, the city is still growing, a sprawling mass of buildings and bodies, and activity leading to a growing mass of smell and stink. Though she has come with her son Gerion, part of her wishes to go home and sit by the fire and read a nice book. She knows that the minute she enters the Red Keep she will be thrown into the viper's pit of politics and intrigue, especially if the reports her sources tell her of Prince Viserys growing influence at court, and his desire to be named Regent for Jace until he comes of age.

They are greeted by Jacaerys and a very haggard looking uncle Daven, Jacaerys has grown much taller since she last saw him, he is now lankier and the signature Targaryen traits are more evident than they were when he was five. He greets Gerion as if they are old friends, which they are she supposes as the two kept in contact through raven messages once they both had their words down properly. He greets her slightly hesitantly, though he still hugs her tightly. She smiles at him and then bows before him, and greets their uncle Daven.

They arrived two days before the wedding was set to take place, and so there is time for Gerion and Jacaerys to go exploring through the Red Keep and to cause havoc. Speaking with her uncle Daven she learns that Jacaerys bonded with their father's dragon Vermithor, that great behemoth that along with Quicksilver is one of the biggest dragons left in Westeros, Quicksilver still residing in the Dragonpit due to Viserys being here. Eleana also learns of her cousin Daemon's exploits in the Stepstones and how he continues to win praise for himself, despite supposedly being Lord Commander of the City Watch, a position that has in actual fact fallen to Ser Otto's son Ser Gwayne Hightower. But that is not the main point of what her uncle tells her, he tells her of how Daemon when he chooses to come back to King's Landing or even Oldstones, writes of how the pirates and other fools who seek to use the Stepstones as a base for invading Westeros slink away in fear at the sight of his great blood wyrm Caraxes. "More dragons are being born as well Eleana." Her uncle tells her, his eyes wide. "Lady Rhaenys dragon Meleys laid a clutch of eggs that have given rise to four eggs, two of which hatched. Pale silver egg that hatched for Laenor Velaryon, and gave rise to a silver grey dragon named Seasmoke, a fierce dragon in the making. The other egg to hatch was a mud brown dragon that has had no rider, and currently resides in Hull with Seasmoke. The two eggs left, are bright green and dark red, both are there for you to take, residing in the Red Keep. Vermithor resides in the Dragonpit most of the time when His Grace does not insist on riding him around the countryside."

"And what of Prince Viserys daughter, does she have a dragon?" Eleana asks as they walk around the garden.

At this her uncle's face falls and he says "Aye she does, a yellow dragon, hatched roughly four years ago, when the girl was four."

"Why does that not please you uncle, surely the increasing dragon population is something to be pleased about?" Eleana asks curiously.

Her uncle says nothing, and though Eleana is desperate to find out the reason for his silence, she says nothing, and once they are clear of the gardens and are walking to her chambers he pulls her up short and whispers silently "Because Viserys means to make a move for the throne. Ser Otto has been whispering in his ear for four years now, of how the throne should belong to him, of how your father and his father, and his father before him were all usurpers, and that Prince Jaehaerys the wise should have been king after Aenys died. Viserys is falling under his influence and if it comes to war, we shall be finished, Vermithor is big, but Quicksilver is bigger, and Rhaenys and Daemon would side with Viserys through their blood ties, and so we would be left with Vermithor and Grey Ghost and an unpredictable bastard in the Cannibal."

That surprises her, the Cannibal had been around since her great grandfather's day and had never been claimed, everyone knew not to go near the beast on its lair in Dragonstone, lest they wished for death. "Who was mad enough to claim that beast?" She asks amazed.

Her uncle snorts and says. "Your cousin."

"Cousin?" she says confused, she has many cousins though whether her uncle means his own children or those of her aunt Daenys she knows not, but if it was either of those surely he would sound much happier about having such a beast for their side.

"Aye your uncle Maegon's bastard son, Baelon Rivers. Came to court two years ago and bold as brass claimed he could claim the Cannibal, all laughed, and yet he did. The boy is mad, and it is worrying, none except perhaps the Dread could bring the dragon to heal, though rider and dragon both, that I believe is beyond even the Dread." Her uncle says sadly.

Eleana shudders to think of another war that might engage Westeros should it come to it, though such thoughts fall to the back of her mind as the day of the wedding arrives. Alicent Hightower looks like the maiden come to life, the wedding taking place in the Sept built by Aegon the Dragon many years ago, something of controversy but minor when talk turns to the wealth the Hightowers bring to the realm through this wedding. The vows of the seven are exchanged and the ceremony is finished. Prince Viserys wears a smug look on his face as he kisses his bride, and his seems to glow in the sunlight, and Eleana feels something sickly stir in her stomach as something akin to a dream hits her, of blood and war and dragons dying, she shakes it off and the rest of the day and night passes by quickly.

The newly married couple venture to Oldstones two days after the wedding so that Alicent may view her husband's seat, though he is rarely there. With them gone, Eleana's uncle relaxes all that more and that is when he speaks to her of perhaps tilting the balance of power in King's Landing more in her brother's favour. "Lord Corlys wishes to return to the Driftmark to be with his wife and children. We must needs tip the small council to be more in our favour. Eleana I ask you for the good of the realm and for the benefit of your brother will you join the small council as an advisor?"

Eleana pauses for thought and then says "I will but Gerion shall foster here in King's Landing so he and Jacaerys can grow closer."

Her uncle smiles at her then and says "Very well."

With that done their lives go on as normal, when Prince Viserys and Princess Alicent return to King's Landing, Eleana is already accustomed to the politics of court, having grown up with it, she learns who the new players are and what their agendas are and uses that for her benefit. The years role by, and the tensions between her uncle and Prince Viserys seem to grow, when Princess Rhaenrya is betrothed to Eleana's little brother, Eleana things that the move is good as it means Viserys will be grandfather to a king one day but her uncle Daven merely says "Ser Otto wants his daughter to be queen, not some girl who is not of his blood. There will be war, and Viserys will not hold to the betrothal."

It seems this might be true when Alicent gives Viserys two sons and a daughter in rapid succession, Aegon born in 107 A.L., Heleana in 109 A.L., and Aemond in 110 A.L… When Aegon is born Eleana hears murmuring that Viserys means to end the betrothal between Rhaenrya and Jacaerys though whether or not these murmurs are more based in fact is something that never comes to light. Not when Jacaerys turns sixteen in 110 A.L. and is crowned King before the heart tree in the Godswood in King's Landing, with the crown of their father the Black Dread Crown, with Vermithor his behemoth of a dragon watching on, and the High Priest of the Green Order chanting ancient words in High Valyrian. It seems the murmurs are even less true when Jacaerys and Rhaenrya marry two moons after Jacaerys official coronation, and a moon after that Rhaenrya is announced as with child by Grand Maester Justin who is now closing in on ninety.

When Jacaerys comes to find her one night, tears in his eyes Eleana wonders what has gone wrong, and her heart stops for one painful moment when he says "I saw it sister."

"Saw what Jace?" she asks.

"Dragons dancing and dying, with fire and blood. But with a Lion in the midst smiling and plotting."

Her dream and her brother's dream echo her own thoughts, and the words she had long since buried deep down come back again. Am I a Dragon or a Lion?