Chapter 23: The Quicksilver

Viserys Targaryen

Viserys Targaryen, Prince of Oldstones and father to the woman getting crowned watched with a mixture of pride and trepidation. Rhaenrya his little girl was only fourteen years old and yet from this day forward she would be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, ruling alongside her husband and Viserys goodson King Jacaerys Targaryen the first of his name. His daughter was a fiery character, someone who knew what she wanted from life and how to get it, even as a little girl she would never accept no for an answer and as such Viserys had always catered to what she had wanted never being able to say no to her. It was just pure luck that Rhaenrya and he wanted her to be queen- part of his plan to see the lines of Aenys and Maegor reunited- and that the king was as besotted with her as she was with him.

Viserys looked to his right as the ceremony began to draw to a close, and saw Ser Otto Hightower staring at Rhaenrya and Jacaerys an unreadable expression on his face, Viserys did not like what he saw. He knew Ser Otto was an ambitious man, someone who wished to see his daughter as Queen and his grandson to sit the Iron Throne, Ser Otto had tried numerous times to get Viserys to turn on Jacaerys, constantly trying to hammer home how Viserys by right of being Aenys Targaryen's oldest living male descendant was the rightful king of Westeros and how Maegor Targaryen's line had stolen the throne. For a time before he had become a father, Viserys had been tempted by the notion of being king, he had seen how his grandfather had become more and more bogged down with trying to bring peace to Westeros and reign in the follies that came with being Hand to a King like Orys Targaryen, the one the lords and smallfolk alike called Orys the Martyr. Viserys had been angered by the fact that such a man could be allowed to sit the throne, when clearly he was not fit to rule. He remembered how in his younger days he and Daemon would talk about what Westeros would be like under their own leadership, a land full of peace and glory, no Tarlings and no heathens to have to worry about.

Then Rhaenrya had been born and none of that had mattered. He had taken one look at Rhaenrya's small and vulnerable face and decided that no Iron chair was truly worth the amount of bloodshed and grief that would be the cause of trying to take the damned thing. Instead he decided that his daughter would be queen, she would be the greatest queen Westeros had ever seen, wiser and more venerable than Queen Rhaena or Rhaenys, and fiercer than either of the Queen Visenyas. It had seemed like Ser Daven Blackrush- now Lord Daven- was also of a similar mind to unite the two bloodlines of the sons of Aegon the Dragon, and so a betrothal had been arranged, and had come to fruition earlier year when Jacaerys and Rhaenrya had wed in front of the Heart Tree in the godswood in King's Landing. Ser Otto though was none too happy with that, the man still harped on about rights and blood, and seniority and after Alys had died had presented his maiden daughter Alicent to Viserys and insisted that Viserys still needed an heir to take the princedom of Oldstones after him, and so Viserys had wed Alicent.

His wife was a beautiful young woman, she shone like the sun beside him today as they watched his daughter descend from the throne Jacaerys had had made for her. Alicent had given him three healthy children so far, and he hoped for more. He found her to be an engaging and smart lady, capable of holding the most intricate of discussion, and he had to admit that he was fully in love with her, more so than he had ever been with Rhaenrya's mother. He knew that Alicent did not share her father's ambition of seeing her son sit the throne, she was merely happy that their eldest son Aegon would inherit the wealthy lordship of Oldstones, and so they never truly discussed what it was Viserys and her father talked about, though he did have a feeling that might change very soon.

With the coronation done, Viserys kissed his wife goodbye and made his way to the small council chamber, Ser Otto walking beside him. The man seemed to be grumbling about some heathen ritual, or this that and the other, after all the High Septon still resided in the Starry Sept in Oldtown, and the Hightowers though tied to the Iron Throne through marriage still practiced the faith, and were deep defenders of the Faith. They entered the council chamber and Viserys found that most of the members were already there. Old Grand Maester Justin who had served since King Maegor's day, ageing Lyman Beesbury master of coin, the waspish and suspicious master of whispers Lord Larys Strong thirty years on the small council, Viserys took his seat as master of laws and Ser Otto master of ships, they were followed closely by hand of the king Lord Daven Blackrush- the man who had held a solid hold of the realm since King Orys' death- and the newly appointed advisor Lord Gerion Lannister- who had been named to the position following his coming of age and his mother's return to the Rock, he had also hatched a dragon a blue and bronze dragon named Thunder-. Lord Daven bid them sit, and so they did. It was Ser Otto as always who brought up the question of where the King was much to Viserys annoyance. Lord Daven replied with the patience only an old man could have "The King is with the queen my lord, seeing her back to their rooms, he will be joining us shortly." Viserys knew that Rhaenrya had been feeling ill of late, but not due to some fever as some of the nobles around court had speculated but because she was with child.

Ser Otto it seemed was not appeased by this explanation though. He replied slightly indignantly. "It does no good for the King to summon the council on such short notice and then keep us waiting here for so long. Had I know he would tarry, I would have spent more time with mine own grandchildren."

Viserys had to repress a snort, Ser Otto cared not a whit for his grandchildren, he only cared for the claims they could have. Lord Daven seemed most frustrated with Ser Otto, the man seemed to be angry much of the time as of late, perhaps something was happening at his home behind the scenes to make him so. "It is the king's will to do as he pleases Ser Otto. We are merely his advisors to council him on matters of the state. As the Queen is heavy with child, it should be only correct that the king spend time making sure she is alright. Other than that, unless you have any more petty enquiries to make, please let us start this meeting now."

It was Lord Lyman who spoke first. "With the concluding of the royal wedding, the coronations of both the King and Queen, the royal coffers have depleted by some 500 dragons. We have a loan outstanding to the Iron Bank of Bravos also, due to the loans taking out by his Grace's father to fight the Tarlings and help rebuild parts of the kingdom during the last Tarling War."

Viserys sat and listened, waiting to see how Lord Daven would respond to this slightly difficult situation. It was common knowledge at court that Lord Daven had learnt the game of thrones from one of the best teachers possible, King Jacaerys grandmother, Queen Visenya and as such the man knew every in and out of politics and finance possible. The man did not disappoint. "500 gold dragons have gone from the coffers you say Lord Lyman. Very well, we should call in the dues we are owed from House Frey, House Reyne and House Westerling, the time has come for us to collect old debts. The loan we owe to the Iron Bank how much is it?"

Viserys saw Lord Lyman make note of what Lord Daven had said, and he himself made a mental note to ask to have a look at the books, he would need to know how much debt his daughter and grandsons could be looking at should Jacaerys die prematurely. Lyman replied "We owe the Iron Bank 200 gold dragons my lord."

Lord Daven nodded and then said "Very well write to Lord Jonothor at the Vale and tell him the time has come for the gold we gave him to rebuild Gulltown and the Eyrie itself to be repaid. That should cover the loan for the Iron Bank. Of course this is only suggestions the King will need to sign off on such proposals."

Viserys knew as did the other members of the council that if it was Lord Daven presenting the ideas to the king, then Jacaerys would be more likely to agree to it, for the man had been as good as a father to Jace, something Viserys knew well from his time at court, and something that could play in his favour should Ser Otto not relent. It was that moment that the door opened and the King entered followed by Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Ser Robert Flowers. Jacaerys was a tall man, thick and bulky like his father and grandfather, and great grandfather before him, even at sixteen he had an imposing presence and a personality that made people do whatever it was he asked of them. Viserys along with the other members of the council got up and bowed before the king, and once he had sat down, they too sat down Jacaerys was silent for a moment and then in a deep voice said "What matters are there to be discussed in council today, and what suggestions have you come up with for repaying the debt we owe?"

Straight to the point as always, a good trait for a king to have, Viserys thought appreciatively perhaps he had been too harsh in his judgement of Jacaerys earlier that year. Lord Daven as always spoke first. "We have Your Grace. The Houses Frey, Reyne and Westerling owe us a considerable amount of gold, which can be taken from tolls and the gold mines around their seats, which should be enough to pay off the money spent for the ceremonies. As for the debt owed to the Iron Bank, House Arryn and their bannermen owe us a considerable amount for the repairs we affected after the last Tarling War, and as such have the money to pay it off for us."

Viserys saw his goodson nod, and then heard his agreement. "That is good. Maester Justin, I want ravens sent to the respective houses and I want a deadline set for when the gold must come into the coffers. Lord Lyman, when would be it most prudent to expect the gold to be in by?"

Lord Lyman was a cautious man by nature, Viserys knew, he also knew that the man might be in danger of losing his job, as the Lady Eleana had done very well in managing the affairs of Casterly Rock even from King's Landing, and Viserys knew that there was still a deep distrust of those not from the family amongst the Targaryens from King's Landing. Lyman swallowed once and then said "Perhaps a moon for them to collect the gold and another moon for it to reach our coffers Your Grace."

Jacaerys nodded and then said "Very well. Maester Justin I want the ravens sent out today. Now what more is there for us to discuss?"

Viserys speak then, his voice sounding slightly hoarse from not speaking for some time. "There is Your Grace. A man of the Night's Watch has come to take men for recruitment and an envoy has come from Lord Stark enquiring about a promise made to his father during the first Tarling War."

Jacaerys looks up from the table at that, interest showing in his eyes, as any young lad would be at the chance of adventure and a fight. "Show the man from the Night's Watch to our dungeons he can take men from there, and whomever wishes to join the Watch at the next session of court may do so as well. Now what promise does this envoy from Stark speak of?"

"There has been a growing threat north of the Wall, it seems as if the Wildlings are preparing yet another invasion. This time led by someone known as Bael the Bard, the promise involves Iron Throne help should the wildling threat look as if it would be too great for the north to handle on its own." Viserys replies.

Viserys sees his goodson's eyes burn brighter then at the chance of engaging in a proper conflict, and he feels a pang of worry, he does not want his daughter and as of yet unborn grandson left without the king, for who knows what Ser Otto will do. Jacaerys looks as if he is about to speak, but Lord Daven beats him to it. "If it is help Lord Donnel wishes for, then first we must know how many wildlings are mustering and in what sort of shape and formation, if they are using giants and mammoths then we must send our dragons to help. We cannot allow the wildlings to threaten the north."

Viserys nods his head in acceptance and turns to the King and says "I shall speak with the envoy today Your Grace, and get proper figures from him and then bring them to you."

Jacaerys nods and then says. "Is there anything more for us to discuss?"

Lord Larys speaks then in his accented titter. "There is Your Grace. My sources in the Reach report that there has been movement in the Boneway, it seems as if the Dornish mean to prepare for another attack on the southern parts of the Reach."

Viserys sees his goodson perk up at that, and feels another sharp stab of worry. The worry is accented more when Jacaerys says "And how many men does your source report that the Dornish are mustering?"

"15,000 men Your Grace. Some of the best fighters in Dorne are mustering as part of this army. Whether they mean to attack the Reach or to attack the Stepstones is not clear however." Lord Larys says, and Viserys feels his worry begin to recede.

It seems as though the King is no longer interested in the Dornish threat if they aim to fight in the Stepstones, and for a brief moment Viserys is relieved until he remembers that his fool of a brother Daemon is still out fighting in the Stepstones. Jacaerys seems bored though when he says "Very well then. I want someone sent to the border of the Reach to find out exactly what it is that is going on. And I want definite reports of martial activity before we war with Dorne. Prince Viserys I want you to find out what this Stark envoy wants in more detail and then perhaps we may send aid."

Viserys nods and the council meeting ends. As soon as the king has disappeared back to Maegor's holdfast, Viserys finds himself walking with Ser Otto and he internally groans. The man seems furious, or as furious as a man such as Ser Otto could be. "The boy is a fool if he thinks Dorne will not invade the Reach. That rivalry has being going on since the dawn of days, there is no question that they will invade, that problem is more important than some invasion from a bunch of heathens in the north."

Viserys sighs loudly and then turning to face his goodfather says. "Ser Otto, whilst I respect that you will be worried for your family back in Oldtown. You must remember that the Iron Throne made a promise long ago to help defend the north and the realm from any attacks from the lands north of the wall. We cannot afford to go back on that promise, not with things still a little unstable after the end of the Last Tarling War."

Ser Otto stares at him then and says. "You have changed Viserys. Where has the fire gone? Where is the man who would never have tolerated having his realm threatened by Dornish savages? The north has held off the Wildlings for thousands of years, they have a bloody big wall to do so, our attention must be on the south not the north."

Viserys looks at his goodfather and then says coldly "I have a Northman to meet pardon me Ser."

As he enters his rooms in Maegor's, he finds Alicent and the children are out, perhaps walking around the gardens, or preparing for a trip to Oldstones with her father. He will be happy to see the back of Ser Otto for a time, perhaps he might ask for him to be named Castellan and relived of his duties as master of ships. When Coren the head of his household enters his room, Viserys tiredly says "Coren send for the Stark envoy Donnel Locke I believe his name was, and bring us two glasses of wine if you would." Coren bows his head and goes off to bring the Northman and the wine. He returns some moments later with both, Donnel Locke a fierce man, tall and broad shouldered with a thick mane of red hair, a fierce fighter as well if Viserys remembers what his brother Daemon told him correctly. Viserys bids him sit and then gets straight to the point. "You know why I have asked for you here Lord Locke. I must know how many wildlings are amassing north of the wall and what creatures they bring with them before the Iron Throne can bring assistance to the North's cause."

Locke is silent for a moment before he says. "Truly my prince, the last report we had was that some 30,000 wildlings had numbered under this fabled Bael the Bard, and that some of the chiefs of the clans ride with giants and mammoths. How many we know not, though it is a grave number."

Viserys takes a swig of his wine and then says "And does Lord Donnel believe the iron throne's assistance will be needed?"

Viserys sees the man hesitate slightly before he says "Truthfully my prince, my lord of Stark is more than confident that Winterfell will be able to deal with the wildlings and whatever else comes with them. The true reason I was sent here was to assess how the court and the king were doing."

Viserys feels irritation begin to boil up inside of him and he has to maintain some sort of hold over himself before he asks "Why did Lord Stark wish for you to see how the court and King were doing? Clearly both are doing just fine."

Donnel Locke seems slightly apologetic when he replies. "I am sorry my prince, but I know not why my lord of Stark sent me, only that he sent me when he knew his brother was to be heading south as well."

Viserys sighs and says "Very well then, you may leave Donnel." Once Locke has left, Viserys is left alone to ponder his thoughts, does Stark suspect something? After all Viserys had heard rumours from that the northmen were wargs, or could see far into the south, and what with the royal family being strong believers in the Old Gods now, perhaps the Starks power had increased manifold. Either way Viserys sees this as proof that he no longer wants to be involved with any such plot that Ser Otto cooks up, not now and not ever.

The next few moons Viserys spends trying very hard not to hit Ser Otto, the man keeps coming to him trying to get him to start one of the many plots they cooked up over the years to end Maegor the Cruel's line's hold on the Iron Throne. Viserys no longer wants the throne, perfectly content with his daughter being Queen and his grandson as future King. It gets to the point where after Ser Otto has been hounding him for so long calling him all sorts of things, and then bringing up Daemon and his fierce attitude when Viserys knows that Ser Otto and Daemon are enemies, that Viserys snaps. Keeping his voice low but making no attempt to disguise the anger he feels, he says "For the last time Ser Otto I will not take up arms against my daughter. I am not the same young and foolish man as I was at twenty or even thirty. My daughter is the queen now, and my grandson Lucerys is heir to the throne and shall be King once his father's day comes. If you continue to pester me about carrying out some sort of plot that will only end in death and destruction for everyone, I will go to the King and have you executed for treason. Return to the Hightower or return to Oldstones and serve as my castellan but never, ever bring up these plots again."

Ser Otto is left speechless but he merely bows and leaves, the next day he is formally dismissed from the small council and returns not Oldtown but Oldstones along with Aegon who had come to visit Viserys, what with Alicent heavy with child back at Oldstones. With him gone Viserys feels freer, and as such speaks with Lord Daven perhaps two months after Ser Otto returns to Oldstones to serve as Viserys' castellan. "You made the right move there my prince, by dismissing Ser Otto. The man is nothing but a poison."

Viserys nods his head, and then he knows not whether it is the wine of sheer relief that makes him say the next few words, but he says them anyway. "He wished for me to try and usurp Jace's hold on the throne. We plotted to use the fact that Maegor the Cruel usurped my grandfather of his birthright, as proof of my claim to the throne."

Viserys feels Lord Daven's eyes on him and he feels like a child, who has been caught doing something very, very wrong, which if truth be told he nearly did. "What made you change your mind then my prince?" Daven asks curiously.

Viserys hesitates slightly and then says "Rhaenrya. I could never hurt my daughter. And what myself and Ser Otto had planned would only lead to her death. I may not have loved her mother, but I love Rhaenrya more than I could ever say. Now she is married to Jacaerys and is the Queen, I will do all I can to make sure that she remains as such."

Lord Daven is silent for a long moment before he eventually says. "And what if Ser Otto continues to whisper in Alicent or even Aegon's ear that he should be the rightful King, what will you do then?"

Viserys is stumped, what would he do should he still be alive if Aegon ever tries to stage a coup against his nephews and sister. "I do not know." He answers truthfully and it is an answer he fears.

Lord Daven laughs and says "Then pray that you do not live to see such a day. Just as King Maegor once prayed never to live to see his sons grow to maturity. Ser Otto will continue to whisper in his daughter's ear, and you love your wife too much to have her father dismissed of executed. We can only hope Alicent has more sense than you did at her age." With that Lord Daven walks away and Viserys is left to ponder his own thoughts and decisions and the consequences they could have.

The small council now comprising Lord Daven as hand of the king, Viserys as master of laws, Lord Lyman as master of coin, Lord Gerion as master of ships, Grand Maester Justin and Ser Robert Flowers as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard along with King Jacaerys decide that the north will be able to fend for itself for sometime against the wildlings, a decision that proves to be more than accurate, the Wildlings they later are told lack accuracy and discipline and are easily beaten at the battle of Leafy Strain Bael the Bard slain by Donnel Stark, their host shattered and broken. The Dornish threat is nothing more than a scare it is later discovered, stirred up by Lord Gargalen and Ser Mathew Flowers, to get King Jacaerys to come down on Vermithor and be killed. Flowers become dragon feed, and Gargalen escapes from punishment due to Dorne being independent.

As such there are more pressing issues over the next few years for the small council to consider. When Bandits begin raiding in the Kingswood the year of Viserys grandson Lucerys' birth, Jacaerys sends Ser Lewyn Rivers and Ser Bradwell Hightower off to deal with them along with a score of knights and squires. The bandits are all slain their ring leader fed to Vermithor but not before Ser Lewyn is killed by a score of arrows in the back and chest whilst chasing after a bandit known simply as the Steam. Ser Bradwell later dies in the Dragonpit when a thief tries to break in and steal a clutch of eggs that were lain by the dragon Vhagar. The dragons awaken and carnage is unleashed on the thieves and Ser Bradwell. Ser Lewyn and Ser Bradwell are later replaced by Ser Criston Cole and Ser Rickard Thorne, both of whom seem to be valiant and capable knights, who should do justice to the white order they serve.

The Kingdom of the three daughters, comprising of Myr, Lys and Tyrosh invade the Stepstones supposedly as a base from which to add Dorne to their kingdom. Jacaerys declares that no part of the continent of Westeros shall ever belong to foreigners, and so the battle of the Stepstones occurs in 114 A.L. with Viserys left behind along with Lord Daven and Lord Larys and Lord Lyman to hold the capital. The battle lasts but a few days, with Jacaerys riding on Vermithor, Daemon riding Caraxes, Gerion riding Thunder and Ser Laenor Velaryon riding Seasmoke the Three Daughters stand not a chance, and the Iron Throne earns Dorne's gratitude, though talk of bringing them in Westeros officially is not discussed despite it being something that grate son Jacaerys nerves. Viserys knows for the one time that the King and Queen visit Oldstones is when Viserys himself returns home, and free from the burden of being king for just a little while Jacaerys confesses. "My title says I am king of the Seven Kingdoms, and yet one of those kingdoms sits outside of my control. It is an insult to the title and all my forefathers worked for that Dorne continues to remain independent and shut off from the rest of the civilised world. Would that I could simply get them to kneel."

Viserys can see the gleam in Ser Otto's eyes at Jacaerys words and he feels the familiar pang of worry hit him. He is glad then when Rhaenrya takes hold of her husband's hand and says "But you won't will you my love. Dorne owes you their freedom. And the children are still too young for more war without you there."

Jacaerys is still smitten with Rhaenrya for he says "Of course not my love. I will not leave the children again unless I have to."

And so that discussion ends and Viserys gets to be the doting grandfather to his daughter's children on multiple occasions. Lucerys the heir to the throne, is the most like Rhaenrya, fiery and quick to temper, but even quicker to love, he will be a great king Viserys can see it, he is tall and strong like his father, every maiden's fantasy, and Viserys knows his own daughter Heleana has a crush on her nephew, but when Ser Otto comes to him and speaks of perhaps betrothing Aegon to Heleana Viserys consents simply because he knows the kingdom has had enough of Targaryen- Targaryen marriages for now where the throne is concerned. Rhaenrya's second son and Lucerys twin Aemon is quite like Lucerys, fiery and passionate and so Viserys is not surprised when he and Aemond get into a fight one day during their sword practice at King's Landing when both boys are thirteen and Aemond always an angry boy says something that pushes Aemon too far and Viserys son ends up without an eye. Viserys has never been impressed with his second son's aggressive nature, seeing more of a monster than a Targaryen in him and when the issue is brought before him- Jacaerys and Rhaenrya are away visiting Jacaerys sister Baela in the Stormlands- he simply says "Did you deserve it Aemond?" His son merely nods his head and Viserys says "Let that be the end of it then." Much to Alicent's anger, though Viserys can stomach that.

One thing Viserys cannot stomach though is when Rhaenrya gives birth to a girl in 123 A.L. and the child is born with black streaks running through her hair that the rumours start up that Rhaenrya has been having an affair. Such rumours start growing bigger and bigger, until some people claim that Rhaenrya has been having a long standing affair with Ser Harwin Strong, Lord Larys' nephew. Rhaenrya fiercely denies them claiming that she and Ser Harwin are only friends, good friends but nothing more and that she loves and has only loved Jacaerys. The king thankfully believes her and orders all who speak such rumours to lose something valuable to them. When Viserys overhears his wife and his goodfather speaking of the rumours his temper so often frayed by Ser Otto snaps.

"Are you the two who have been spreading such foul lies of my daughter and grandsons?" he asks struggling to keep his voice even, though his body shakes with anger.

Alicent gets up and cups his face and says ever so sweetly "No my love, we have not. We were only speaking of how shocking that such a thing could be said of sweet and innocent Rhaenrya. Though a raven has come from my uncle Lord Gormund speaking of the rumours the citadel has heard, Ser Harwin ventured to Oldtown and has boasted of what he has done with the Queen."

Viserys fumes internally, feeling the dragon waking, outside in the dragon sanctuary he can feel Quicksilver's anger growing. "And what did Lord Gormund have to say about these salacious rumours did he believe them?"

Ser Otto is quick to speak then shaking his fiercely. "No my prince, he kicked Ser Harwin out from the Hightower the minute such filth left his lips, he wrote saying he would not have such lies spread of our most lovely queen."

Viserys nods and then leaves. It is only later once he has fallen ill, and is in a state of most duress, with the milk of the poppy weakening and his wife pressing yet another cup to his lips that he learns the truth of where the rumours came from. "Our son shall sit the throne my love. Rhaenrya's bastards are not Jace's, no they belong to Ser Harwin well and good all of them. From the time she was thirteen she loved Ser Harwin, not the King. Ser Harwin confessed all to me when he came to Oldstones once. So you see you were a fool to refuse my father's offer for the throne, otherwise I would not have had to kill you. Sweet dreams."

And with that Prince Viserys Targaryen, Prince of Oldstones and the Dragon Marches dies on the fourth day of the twelfth moon of 126 A.L. The maester of Oldstones will write that he died from a fever, not from the poison his wife had slipped into his drinks and meals since he had returned from King's Landing on leave some four moons past. The scene for what will later be known as the Dance of Dragons, the Quicksilver has died.