Lord Gaemon Stonefyre
King's Landing hummed with anticipation, it was the first day of the tourney held to celebrate Prince Matarys wedding and sixteenth birthday. Lords and Ladies had come from every corner of the seven kingdoms to witness the tourney, everyone from Lord Tyland Lannister to Lord Cregan Stark of Winterfell whom very rarely bestirred from the north. The tournament itself would feature a jousting competition, a melee in the traditional style, an archery contest and a tourney for singers. The King had truly gone all out on this tourney, and rightly so, this was the third consecutive year that there had been a lasting peace with no tensions since King Valarr had ascended the Iron Throne, the realm was in a harmonious peace, and those who had once thought the King's position insecure had been proven wrong.
As if to show just how strong his hold on the throne was King Valarr had decreed that the winner of the jousting competition would be awarded 40,000 gold dragons, the runner up 20,000 gold dragons. The winner of the melee 20,000 gold dragons and the winner of the archery contest 10,000 gold dragons. The winner of the tourney of singers would be given a place at the royal court for the next five years as well. Such vast rewards had attracted many a knight, lord and hedge knight alike, King's Landing was teeming with people, and yet surprisingly there had been little to no disturbances so far. It truly did seem as if peace would be long lasting.
Gaemon smiled slightly as he saw the hum of people in the stands, and the looks of the people seated in the royal stand, it had been a long time since a tourney had been held in King's Landing. Some twenty years ago now, when King Jacaerys reached the age of maturity, back then Gaemon had been a younger man, aged forty rather than seventy five and had competed in the melee, if he remembered correctly, Gaemon's own son Ser Baelon had won the jousting, though he had died a moon later from a wound taken fighting the mountain clans. But that was in the past, and now Gaemon was determined to enjoy this tourney, for it was like to be the last that he would witness in his lifetime, old as he was.
He rose with the rest of the stand and the crowd as the royal family entered the royal stand. King Valarr walking tall and proud wearing a black and red doublet with the crown of the Dread atop his head, his two queens Baela and Sylvia walking arm in arm with him, both glowing in the sunshine. They were followed by the royal princes and princesses, including the Prince and Princess of Dragonstone, Prince Matarys and Princess Jaehara. Prince Matarys looked exactly how Gaemon remembered his uncle Orys had looked, tall and broad and strong with a mop of pale curls atop his head, his eyes glistening with mischief. The Princess herself seemed slightly cold and frail, winter was ebbing but it was chilly still, and the girl had never been the strongest of women to begin with. Still once the royal family was seated, the herald announced the beginning of the jousts. "Ser Jeffrey Norcross of the Kingsguard against Ser Myles Mooton."
The crowd went silent as the two jousters lined up at opposite ends of the field, and then Ser Myles spurred his horse on as did Ser Jeffrey, and so the tourney began. Both men broke three lances against each other before Ser Jeffery eventually managed to knock Ser Myles off of his horse on the fourth tilt. Next up was Ser Boros Swann against Ser Loras Mallister, Ser Loras had fought against the rebel riverlords, Gaemon remembered proving himself a capable warrior, and he proved himself a more than capable jouster unhorsing Ser Borros on the first tilt. Next came Prince Matarys against Ser Tom Costayne of the Kingsguard, Prince Matarys competing in his first proper tourney, unhorsed Ser Tom on the second tilt, his lance coming up to knock the white knight square on the chest.
The commons cheered that, and so the jousting continued. Eventually there were four men left in the jousting: Ser Jeffrey Norcross, Ser Madden Darry, Ser Loras Mallister and Prince Matarys. Ser Loras unhorsed Ser Madden- known as the Demon of Darry- after the fifth tilt, the crowd cheering with raucous applause when the Demon fell to the ground. Aemon, Gaemon's grandson who was visiting turned to him then and whispered. "Did you see that grandfather? The Demon of Darry was unhorsed by a Mallister!" In truth Gaemon was Aemon's great grandfather, but still he was alive whilst Aemon's grandfather Gaemon's own son was no, so really it made no difference.
The crowd went silent with anticipation then, as Prince Matarys and Ser Jeffrey lined up to face each other. They spurred their horses on, and Prince Matarys managed to strike Ser Jeffrey's shield, causing the white knight to teeter slightly, but he managed to regain his balance, in time for him to hit the Prince on the arm when they came back on the second pass. On the third pass, their lances broke, smashing against each other. The second tilt saw more of the same, the Prince struck Ser Jeffrey on the arm, whilst the white knight struck the Prince's shield, this time the tilt went on for four passes before the lances broke, once again smashing into one another. The third tilt saw more of the same, lances broken on the fifth pass this time. The crowd was growing restless, cheering intermitted for either the Prince or Ser Jeffrey. Gaemon himself found his thoughts going back to the first tourney he had competed in, he had been fifteen newly knight by Lord Bronn Royce, and the tourney was being held in Runestone, it had been a important occasion for Gaemon for his uncle had attended the tourney, and Gaemon had won the jousting . He was brought back to the present the sound of the crowd loudly applauding and cheering, and when he looked at the field he saw that Prince Matarys had unhorsed Ser Jeffrey, the Prince helping the white knight back onto his feet, before taking the crown of roses from the herald, Gaemon watched as the prince did a lap of honour before placing the crown squarely on the head of his wife Princess Jaehara, the Princess smiled sweetly as the commons and nobles alike cheered.
The rest of the tourney, for its duration passed by in a blur, later Gaemon would learn from his great grandson Aemon that Lord Tyland had won the archery competition, Gaemon snorted, as if the Lannisters needed more wealth, the turncloaks that they were. The melee Aemon had reported excitedly had been won by one Ser Gormon Storm, a big brute of a man who served as Castellan of Storm's End until Prince Laenor reached maturity, he wielded a massive war hammer with one hand, beating of men like they were flies. All the while Gaemon found his thoughts drifting back to the Gates of the Moon and the bed that would be waiting there for him when the King eventually sent him home, he was an old man now Gaemon was nowhere near young enough to continue to play the game, and yet the King kept him on the council.
As lords, knights and commons made their way to get food for the evening, Lord Larys Strong the old master of whispers came up to walk beside Gaemon and Aemon. Gaemon pulled Aemon close to him, Lord Larys might be loyal to Valarr but there was something about him that gave Gaemon the chills. "Ah Lord Gaemon, I thought I might find you here. I trust you enjoyed the tourney?"
"Yes." Gaemon grunted, he had learnt over the years that one word answers were usually enough to put the Strong Lord of pursuing further questions.
But then the master of whispers turned to look at Aemon, and Gaemon could have cursed aloud when the man asked in that soft tone of his. "And you my young lord, what did you think of the tourney?"
Aemon bless him, was only a boy of eleven, and had grown up in the shadow of his elder brother Valarr, he had never truly had much attention, not from his father nor did his mother- whom doted on Valarr and Maelor- the boy seem stunned that someone would ask him his opinion and so he stuttered slightly in response. "I-I-I liked it a lot my lord. I thought Prince Matarys did very well to beat Ser Jeffrey, and Ser Gormon fought fiercely and bravely in the melee."
Aemon looked toward Gaemon then for reassurance and Gaemon smiled slightly at his great grandson, and Lord Larys chuckled softly. "Oh yes, for sure the Prince did very well as did Ser Gormon. The tourney has ended for now, and the king will host a grand feast soon enough. Lord Gaemon I wonder if I might trouble you for a quick word before the feast this evening?"
Gaemon looked at the man suspiciously. "We're speaking now my lord. What do you wish to speak of?"
Lord Larys chuckled once more and said. "I know that my lord, but what I wish to speak of with you, would be best if the young lord here was not present." He looked at Gaemon meaningfully and Gaemon felt his heart sink then, had something happened in the Vale?
Sighing he nodded. "Very well then, before the feast and not afterward." With that Gaemon and Aemon walked back to the Red Keep and their rooms, getting changed for the feast for that evening, Gaemon had Ser Olyvar Frey escort Aemon to the feast ahead of him telling Ser Olyvar. "Prince Laenor will be waiting for my great grandson makes sure he reaches him and make sure they behave." With that he sat by the fireplace and waited for the knock on his door that would signal the arrival of Lord Larys Strong.
The knock came soon after he heard the footsteps of Ser Olyvar and his great grandson disappear. Gaemon opened the door, and saw Lord Larys dressed in his house colours, he looked hunched though, and Gaemon knew that was a disguise to fool people into openly talking when he was around. "What do you want Larys?" Gaemon asked tiredly.
"I must know the number of men the Gates of the Moon can levy on short notice." Larys said straight to the point.
Gaemon looked at the man startled. "Around 2,000 why? Will we be going to war anytime soon?" He certainly hoped not.
Lord Larys merely looked at him and said. "My sources across the narrow sea report that Pentos and the Slaver Cities have become very uncomfortable with the expansion of the Volcarys Empire. It seems that they will be heading their focus west, for Westeros. The King wants all his lords on alert. I merely wished to know firsthand how many men you could raise."
Gaemon squinted suspiciously at the master of whispers and said. "Why, why come close to me to ask? Why not leave it to King Valarr to ask? What are you implying Larys?"
Lord Larys stared at Gaemon for a long time, if he had been a younger man Gaemon would have felt uncomfortable at such a stare, as it was he stared right back. Larys chuckled then and said. "Because the King believes, and I agree that the Pentoshi will land in Gulltown, the Graftons have been sending word to them about the city's defences, and Lord Arryn is not the most of hmmm, attentive when it comes to the Graftons."
Gaemon was silent for a long time before he eventually said. "Very well I shall speak with Aegon when I return." Larys nodded and then left, Gaemon waited a moment before walking to the throne room himself. When he entered he found it humming with activity, there were singers singing songs about god's alone knows what, there were dwarves jesting with lords, it was as if a wedding was going on, where Lord Toyne had found the money for this he knew not but he knew the crown was not in debt. He walked to his place on the main table in sight of the Iron Throne, Lord Larys was sat by the king speaking with him, the two queens were sat next to one another, and Prince Matarys and Princess Jaehara were conspicuously absent.
Gaemon sat down next to his great grandson who seemed enraptured with some story his uncle Ser Aegon of the Kingsguard was telling him. Aegon stopped speaking when he saw Gaemon sit down and he inclined his head respectively before getting up and leaving. Gaemon sighed, things had never been easy between Gaemon's grandson Aelix and Aegon, when Aegon had announced he wished to join the Kingsguard, and Gaemon had had to side with Aelix there, Aegon had been too young. Still he turned to Aemon then and asked him. "What was your uncle speaking to you of?"
Aemon swallowed a piece of food and then spoke in a rush. "He told all about the wonders of the city and the Red Keep, and the lords and ladies who are here. And of his sworn brothers in the Kingsguard. It seems so much like a song grandfather."
Gaemon smiled slightly and then said. "Well don't get too many ideas, you are here for a visit. When we leave for the Vale perhaps you may speak with your father and mother about visiting more often."
Aemon grimaced then and said. "I don't think father or mother would be too concerned if I just stayed here with you grandfather, after all father has Valarr to care for, and mother has Valarr, Maelor and Sansa to look after, they won't miss me."
Gaemon sighed, and was about to reply when the hall went quiet and Gaemon saw that the king had stood up. Valarr was a tall and broad shouldered man, his hair beginning to grey with the blond making him look silver, his purple eyes glistening with joy. "My lords and ladies, I thank you for coming to King's Landing for the tourney and for my son's wedding and nameday. We are in a time of peace, and I think it fitting we celebrate with a good tourney on occasion. To peace!" he said lifting up his cup and drinking form it, all the lords and ladies did as the king did.
The feast went on for some time after that, and by the time it was beginning to die down, Gaemon had already had to leave once to put his great grandson to bed. When he returned the king was left alone, Ser Ryam and Ser Olyvar of the Kingsguard stood close by waiting and watching. The two queens had obviously gone to bed as had the royal children, Prince Matarys and Princess Jaehara had not even appeared at the fest, though none spoke of that. The King seemed deep in concentration when Gaemon approached him. "Your Grace?" he said tentatively.
The King jumped slightly then, turning he looked at Gaemon and Gaemon was surprised by just how tired his nephew looked. "Yes nuncle, what can I do for you?"
"I wished to speak to you about the threat across the sea." Gaemon said bluntly.
Valarr sighed and then looked up at Gaemon. "What about it?"
Gaemon swallowed and then said. "What do you expect them to do? Lord Larys believes that they will invade soon. Do you?"
The king sighed heavily then and said. "I know not what they will do. Pentos and the Slaver alliance have been strong for some time since the doom, and I doubt they took kindly to Ser Baelon conquering most of their lands. They will look west towards Westeros, and I do not mean to allow them to come very far. Aegon already knows to keep an eye on the Graftons, but there are others in the Vale who might try to profit from any potential invasion, that is why I want you to raise your men and be ready for a fight. When you return in two weeks time to your seat, call your men to arms. Lord Larys tells me the Pentoshi shall be landing in Gulltown in a moon's time, I mean to greet them with steel and fire." Gaemon nodded and was about to walk away when the king spoke once more. "Oh and nuncle, keep Heleana close by you when you go back. Maelor will be acting up soon enough; I do not want to have to kill them because one fool could not keep them under control." Gaemon nodded once more and left the throne room.
Two weeks later he was back home in the Gates of the Moon with a rather quiet Aemon, Gaemon knew the boy's parents loved him really, truly they did, but Aemon had grown up in his older brothers shadows and Gaemon knew that could cloud a boy's vision. As he dismounted from his horse and was settled in he was sat in his solar with Aelix, Heleana, Maelor and Aelix and Heleana's oldest son Valarr. "What has been occurring here since I last visited?" he asked.
Maelor, the current Prince of Oldstones who had come to visit his mother and stepfather spoke then, his voice deep. "The mountain clans have grown bolder nuncle. They do not stop fighting even when they know that they risk dragonfire for their troubles."
Gaemon turned to look at his grandson who seemed sheepish and rightfully so. "Why was I not informed of this whilst I was still in court? The mountain clans have been beaten back many times before, and even when there were no dragons in the Vale. What has changed that has made you so slow minded Aelix?"
Before his grandson could respond, Heleana spoke, the girl was sharp of mind and tongue and being away from King's Landing had done a world of good for her confidence. "We were ordered not to do anything by Lord Aegon my lord. He ordered us to let them pass, and we did, and so Stormcloud descended down upon them in the night near the mountains and swallowed most of the leaders' whole."
Gaemon sighed then and nodded. "Very well then. Regardless that is not why I have called you all here. The king has reason to believe that we will soon be facing an invasion from Pentos, and that they will set up base around Gulltown. I want the men called to arms, and ready to march soon, and I will want Shykros and Dreamfyre ready to fly off when we march. We must give them steel and fire."
Aelix spoke then. "How does the King know that there will be an invasion here?"
Gaemon looked at his grandson and said. "Because he has invited one, he means to end the threat to Westeros for good." His grandson looked grim but he nodded and sure enough the men near the Gates of the Moon were called to arms and they began the march towards Gulltown, along the way they were joined by Lord Aegon Arryn on Stormcloud and Prince Matarys on Crimson Fury had come to join them as had 10,000 men from the places surrounding the Eyrie and Gulltown. They stood ready to fight when the horns were blown.