Chapter 38: Stormcloud

Lord Aegon Arryn

They could see the banners flapping in the distance for miles around, the burning tower on yellow of House Grafton and the various extravagant banners that the Pentoshi had taken to using, to distinguish themselves from one another. Some 20,000 Pentoshi soldiers were camped inside the walls of Gulltown, led by one Soroq Coroaq Mopatis. According to the scouts they had sent out a few days ago, the Gulltown forces and the Pentoshi forces were not united in their goal, Lord Gyles Grafton the new Lord of Gulltown wanted to board ships and set sail for King's Landing immediately, whilst Mopatis apparently wished to continue to mine the stores around Gulltown and then advance on further into the Mountains of the Moon.

That was why the mountain tribes had become as prevalent as of late around the passeway to the Eyrie and around the Gates of the Moon. They had been serving as the warm up act for the Pentoshi invasion, serving as a way for Aegon to tire the dragons out and it seemed that they thought the plan had worked, there had been no fighting as of yet, Aelix Stonefyre had been keen to get straight onto the fighting, yet Aegon had not done so, waiting and watching, willing to see if the Pentoshi were bold enough to make the first move. Something that his uncle Lord Gaemon had approved of, the man had spent most of his life fighting the Mountain Clans and earning considerable repute and laudment for doing so.

Aegon's thoughts were disrupted when his uncle came to stand next to him and spoke in that deep timbered voice of his. "There has been movement outside the city walls. The mountain clans are coming down the passway."

Aegon nodded. "Just as we thought they would. Lord Gyles means to use them as a distraction does he not? Has Prince Matarys been told?" Aegon's nephew was a bold and eager man, impatient to prove himself on his dragon- the oldest living dragon now that Balerion was dead- Crimson Fury and as such had argued stringently for being the one to lead the first pass at the city.

Aegon heard his uncle sigh slightly. "Yes he has, and he still insists on leading the first pass at them."

Aegon stroked his beard slightly and then said. "Does he not realise that that is what Grafton wants him to do. The minute Crimson Fury is sighted above the walls; they will unleash the scorpions and catapults at her, and try and bring them both down."

His uncle laughed softly. "He might not know that, or he might do. But Prince Matarys is young and wishes to prove himself. Better he do it now, when we are here to help him that against some other foe."

Aegon sighed softly. "Very well then. Send word to Lords Royce and Hunter we shall engage the Mountain tribes whilst Matarys shall engage the walls of the city with Dreamfyre and Shykros.

His uncle bowed and departed. Soon enough Aegon heard horns being sounded within the camp, a sign that the battle was about to begin, saying a quick prayer to the old gods, he check his hip to make sure that Dark Sister was still there, and walked out towards the patch where Stormcloud- his illustrious grey dragon- was sat. The dragon bent her neck when Aegon approached, allowing him to climb on to his saddle, holding on he dug his legs into her sides and she took flight. As he looked down on their encampment, he saw Prince Maelor- the son of the usurper- mounting his own dragon the black as night Shykros, he did not truly like the boy nor did he appreciate the fact that he had been allowed to live, but then again Valarr had always been partial to aunt Heleana, so he supposed that was understandable.

As he came toward the edge of their camp, he saw the mounted men of Lords Royce and Hunter's levies, numbering some 5,000 strong. Across the way near the edge of the city walls the mountain clans were visible. Aegon dug his heels into Stormcloud and the she dragon gave a mighty roar, and the battle begun. From overhead Aegon could hear the sound of steel on steel, of men fighting and dying, the mountain clans were fierce fighters, but they were undisciplined in the ways of proper warfare and Aegon intended to use that against them.

He kept Stormcloud up in the air and away from the main fighting for as long as possible, and then when it looked as if the mountain clans were about to overpower the men led by Lord Royce, Stormcloud dived down and began spraying fire down onto the mountain men. He heard their screams, and briefly his mind flashed back to the war when he had seen his mother brought down by archers, but he quickly tried to push such thoughts out of his head, and continued to only keep his eyes on where Stormcloud was breathing her fire.

He could feel the heat as Stormcloud's grey fires engulfed both Stonecrows, and Moonbrothers and Burned men. On and on it went, the mountain men still had not learnt their lessons from earlier skirmishes, they continued to charge head on into Stormcloud's flames and continued to be burnt to dust. Eventually when there were no more men left for Stormcloud to burn Aegon landed the she dragon, and waited for Lord Royce to come and speak with him. Lord Baron Royce, was the eldest born son of Lord Marcus Royce, and was a proud man, tall and broad with more pride than sense, but a loyal man. He spoke in a gruff voice when he came to stand in front of Stormcloud. "My lord, the mountain men have been routed. They are all either dead or fled."

Aegon took of his helm and then said. "What of the city. Has the Prince engaged with the city's archers?" That was the main concern, Crimson Fury was old but not battle tested, one wrong move and Matarys would be staring at certain death.

Lord Royce replied. "The Prince and Lady Heleana engaged the archers and took them out one by one. The walls are unmanned; Lord Gaemon leads the men in trying to break down the city gates."

"That is good," Aegon said. "What of Prince Maelor, where has he gone?" if the boy had fled, he would have his head.

Lord Royce swallowed and then said. "He was sent over the walls by Prince Matarys. Something about leading a feint at the Pentoshi."

Aegon smiled slightly so it seemed that his nephew had taken his words to heart. Maelor was being used as bait, no way would the Pentoshi not know how to deal with him, Shykros was not as big nor as agile as Stormcloud or Crimson Fury or even Dreamfyre, he had been sent on a suicide mission, and yet the boy was too foolish to know it. Turning to Lord Royce he said. "Lead your men towards the city gates, I want that gate open. Then we shall deal with Lord Grafton's men."

"At once my lord." Royce said before he rode off.

Aegon put his dragon's helm back on and dug his heels into Stormcloud; the she dragon gave a mighty roar and began the ascent back into the air. As he peered down at the ruins of the battle outside the city walls, Aegon found himself wondering whether his life would always be like this, fighting one more battle to try and make sure his brother's reign on the throne went unchallenged. He had fought against the rebel Stormlords, burning them to dust and the nightmares still kept him awake at night, but still he wanted peace and he supposed the only way to achieve that was to remove this latest threat.

As he flew atop Stormcloud, he heard a deafening crack and then a mighty roar, so the gate to the city had finally fallen, good he thought, that will give us more time. He spurred Stormcloud on and saw the fighting taking place in the streets of Gulltown, as the city watch of Gulltown and the forces of Lords Royce, Hunter, and those directly sworn to the Eyrie all engaged in combat. "Nuncle!" Aegon turned and saw his nephew Prince Matarys, Prince of Dragonstone, clothed in black as night armour, atop his monstrous dragon Crimson Fury. "We shall fly towards the main castle shall we not uncle?"

Aegon lifted his visor and shouted back. "Aye Your Grace. And burn the traitors and their family to dust." With that he spurred Stormcloud on toward the castle of the Grafton's that towered in the distance. The arrows came then, from those on the ground who had not engaged in the round of fighting on the ground. They skimmed past Aegon and Stormcloud and yet they angered him nonetheless, and so Stormcloud and Crimson Fury breathed fire down up the fools who had fired upon them, burning them to dust, their screams echoing in the wind.

Soon enough the sounds of the fighting were drowned out by the sound of wings beating in the sky, Aegon felt himself reach a state of peace, he knew what would come next, Lord Grafton had been conspiring with the Pentoshi, and before that with Lords Corbray and Melcolm to usurp his brother and place Maelor on the throne, it was time the Graftons got their due. When the castle came into sight, Aegon turned his head slightly to look at his nephew, and he shouted over the wind. "You know what must be done?" His nephew nodded slightly and then the flames began.

Grey and red, and grey and red, the flames engulfed the walls of Castle Grafton, the stone began to melt under the heat of the flames, Aegon was distantly aware of shouts and screams coming either from the castle itself or from the battle on the ground below. Where are the Pentoshi? Aegon thought briefly, but then his mind became one with Stormcloud's and the flames and burning and revenge were the only things on his mind. The flames continued and soon enough the stone was beginning to melt away and the castle was beginning to fall and burn. When Stormcloud pulled away, to move to the other side, Aegon could clearly see where there had once been chambers, simply dust remained.

Aegon saw his nephew work his way around the rest of the castle, burning the halls and hearths of the Graftons, whilst Aegon worked on the main part, where the Graftons themselves would be. Now he could hear their screams, the sounds of children crying out for their mother, the sound of babes being burnt, the sound of innocents burning because of the crimes and treasons of their lords. He felt the urge to vomit overcome him but still he kept Stormcloud locked and loaded on the task at hand, only pulling away from his dragon's mind when he felt it all get too much for him. By that point the castle was nothing but a charred ruin.

By then the sounds of the battle below had faded away or had completely stopped, Aegon was feeling sick and so he brought Stormcloud down to the ground and began to dismount, when a huge shake beside him signalled his nephew had landed also. They both dismounted and Aegon fought to control the shake of his hands, they had unleashed yet another Harrenhal on the world. His nephew seemed unsure of what to make of what they had done. "So the battle is done then nuncle?" he asked quietly.

Aegon sighed and said. "Aye Your Grace it is."

"I did not see the Pentoshi banners anywhere during the flight from the walls to the castle, I wonder where they could have gone?" Matarys asked.

Aegon shook his head. "I know not Your Grace. Likely they fled at the sight of the dragons. Pray tell, where did Lady Heleana go? Was she not with you when you took down the archers?"

Matarys nodded. "Aye she was uncle. But then she flew off after Maelor to help him she said. I know not what has become of her since then."

Aegon sighed, his aunt had always been too caring for that boy for his liking. "You did well to send Maelor out to deal with the Pentoshi, the fact that they were not here suggests he succeeded."

His nephew nodded but then added grimly. "But what if he died uncle? What then, his blood will be on my hands."

Aegon sighed slightly and said. "In war, nothing is ever so simple, Maelor has done his duty to his prince and his king. He has earnt himself a hero's welcome and praise." It was true.

Matarys was about to say something when a knight bearing the arms of House Hunter rode up to them, his armour was bloody and mud stained. His voice tired when he spoke. "Your Grace, My Lord. I come bearing news of the battle."

Both Aegon and Matarys perked up at that. "Speak." Aegon said.

The knight took a deep breath and said. "The city watch of Gulltown has been beaten, most are slain or captured. The Pentoshi are dead or fled. The city and victory is ours."

Aegon allowed himself a slight smile, before asking. "What of our losses?"

There the knight became grim. "Lords Hunter, Stonefyre and Royce died during the fighting. The Pentoshi put up a stiff resistance, but in the end we won. Lady Heleana and her dragon Dreamfyre were injured but are being seen to. Prince Maelor and his dragon Shykros died during the pass at the Pentoshi spears."

Aegon grimaced then and said. "Very well, who holds the command of the ground troops now?"

"Lord Aelix Stonefyre, my lord." The knight replied.

"Very well," Aegon said before he turned to Matarys and said. "Your Grace I believe we should meet with the lords and discuss what to do next."

"Of course nuncle." Matarys said, they dismissed the knight and on their dragons flew to their camp. They were greeted with raucous cheering and shouts of joy when their dragons came into view and landed.

Lord Aelix Stonefyre his face lined with grief greeted them both. "My lord, my prince. An honour. Gulltown is yours."

Aegon nodded and then said. "My condolences for your loss my lord. Lord Gaemon was a true knight and fought valiantly and bravely."

Aelix nodded and then said. "Aye grandfather was a proud man, even till the end he fought like a warrior, he took down five men with him when he died. But that is not all I must tell you. You know that my wife is injured yes," they nodded. "Well my wife's son died leading an attack brought down by Pentoshi spears. I would request time for us to grieve and see to it that he is buried properly."

"Of course my lord. I shall write to my father." Matarys said.

Aegon said. "Take the time you need Aelix. The Pentoshi are either dead or fled across the sea. We shall have time to recover from this war."

At that Lord Aelix looked grim and his tone was ominous when he said. "I do not think so my lord. A letter came after the battle. It seems the Slaver alliance has landed in the Crownlands, they hold Stonedance."