Chapter 4: Advanced AI N502

As the monsters from Another Space (AnoS) continue to arrive, Akaya feels the tension rising on the battlefield. But there was one thing he realized: Relic N502 was not just armor, but a very sophisticated system with AI that was able to help in battle.

"Akaya, activate the AI ​​system," Lieutenant Crount ordered, his calm voice remaining clear amidst the chaos.

Akaya pressed a button on her wrist, and the screen inside her helmet began displaying new information. A calm but firm voice began to speak.

"Welcome, user. I am AI N502, ready to provide analysis and tactical support."

Akaya's helmet screen shows images of the monsters they are facing, complete with detailed information about their strengths and weaknesses.

Target Analysis: Vervatos

Grade: C+

Weakness: Stomach

Status: Active

Suggestion: Attack with melee attacks to penetrate thick hide.

Target Analysis: Mount

Grade: B

Weakness: Head

Status: Active

Advice: Use ranged attacks to keep your distance from counterattacks.

Target Analysis: Natos

Grade: B+

Weakness: Wings

Status: Active

Suggestion: Immobilize the wings to prevent air movement.

"Alright, AI N502, we'll start with Vervatos," Akaya spoke firmly, directing Relic N502 to focus its attacks on the monster's stomach.

The AI ​​system provided visual cues on his helmet's display, pinpointing weak spots clearly. Akaya moved with incredible speed, striking with quick and precise attacks on Vervatos' stomach. The monster let out a roar of pain as Akaya's attack managed to penetrate its thick skin.

"Aim focus at the Mount, attack the head with a long-range attack," AI N502 gave the next instruction.

Akaya activated the long-range weapon on her Relic, firing an energy projectile directly at the Mount's head. The attack managed to hit the target, making the monster stagger backwards.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Crount is fighting Natos, following AI N502's advice to cripple the monster's wings. With coordinated attacks, they managed to make Natos fall to the ground, unable to fly anymore.

However, in the midst of their small victory, the AnoS portal vibrated again and opened wider. A rank Trynis and A+ rank Soug monsters began to appear, bigger and scarier than before.

"Akaya, we must move to a defensive strategy," said Lieutenant Crount, his voice still calm even though the situation was getting more and more dire. "AI N502, provide tactical analysis."

The AI ​​N502 immediately displayed a map of the battlefield on Akaya's helmet screen, showing their position and the best route to retreat to a safer position while maintaining the defense.

Defensive Tactics:

- Defense Position: 300 meters to the northwest

- Retreat Route: Avoid the monster attack zone

- Strategy: Hold a higher position for a tactical advantage

"Follow this route," the N502's AI instructions appeared on the screen, indicating a safe path to retreat.

Akaya and Crount started moving, following the route indicated by the AI. Along the way, they continue to fight the monsters that come their way, using every suggestion and tactic from the N502's AI to ensure their success.

As they almost reached the defense position, a new portal appeared nearby, and from within it, Forks S+ rank, disaster-level monsters began to appear, stopping Akaya and Crount in place.

"This is not good," Crount muttered, looking at the huge monster that had just appeared. "AI N502, we need a new strategy."

"User, the Forks monster has incredible strength and is difficult to defeat with its current strength. The best advice is to hold out until help arrives."

In the midst of an increasingly critical situation, the voice from the communication system sounded again. "This is the Moon Troop. We are almost here. Hold your position!"

Akaya and Crount looked at each other, knowing that they had to hold on a little longer. With Forks' monsters approaching, they prepare themselves for what may be the most difficult battle of their lives.