Chapter 5: The Fight Against Forks

The Rembulan troops finally arrived, strengthening the spirits of Akaya and Lieutenant Crount who were almost exhausted. Looking at the Forks S+ rank, disaster level monsters, they knew that this would be the most decisive battle.

The Moon Troop, with the Relic sparkling in the sunlight, moved with perfect coordination. Lieutenant Crount immediately gave the order, "Defense formation! We will isolate Forks and attack it with a concentrated attack!"

AI N502 immediately provides the latest analysis:

Target: Forks

Grade: S+

Weaknesses: Neck and lower abdomen

Status: Very dangerous

Suggestion: Use combination attacks from long range and close to destroy the monster's defenses.

Akaya felt a vibration throughout her body as she activated all the weapon systems on the Relic N502. His helmet's screen was filled with data, showing Forks' weak spots clearly. "Okay, we'll do this," he said, preparing himself for battle.

Forks went on a rampage, swinging his huge tail and claws, destroying everything in his path. The Moon troops spread out, surrounding the monster, attacking from various directions. Energy explosions and weapon attacks resounded through the air, creating a scene of fierce battle.

"Akaya, attack the weak spot on his neck now!" Lieutenant Crount shouted, leaping into the air and firing an energy blast to distract Forks.

Akaya locked onto her target, aiming the attack with precision. His attack managed to hit Forks' neck, causing the monster to let out a pained roar. However, Forks didn't just give up. The monster swung its tail with tremendous force, almost hitting Akaya.

"Be careful, Akaya!" Lieutenant Crount shouted, jumping towards Akaya to protect her from the attack.

The AI ​​N502 gave a quick warning, "User, counterattack detection. Maximum defense activated."

An energy shield appeared around Akaya, blocking Forks' attacks. Even so, the vibrations from the attack made Akaya stagger, almost losing her balance. He quickly got up and continued the attack, joining the Moon Troop who continued to launch concentrated attacks.

The Moon Squad worked with incredible synchronization, each member utilizing the power of their Relics to the maximum. They attacked Forks' weak points with successive attacks, eroding the monster's defenses slowly.

Forks started to weaken, his roars getting weaker. Akaya saw an opportunity, with the support of AI N502, she aimed the final attack at Forks' lower abdomen, the monster's weakest point. His attack hit right on target, penetrating the thick skin and causing a fatal wound.

Forks let out a final roar before his body collapsed to the ground, causing a strong tremor. The Rembulan troops cheered, celebrating their victory. Akaya panted, her body feeling tired but satisfied.

Lieutenant Crount approached Akaya, patting her shoulder. "Good job, Akaya. You've proven yourself today."

However, before they could enjoy their victory, AI N502 gave a new warning, "User, detect AnoS portal activity. New monster attack likely."

Akaya and the Moon Troop turned around, seeing the AnoS portal starting to vibrate again. They knew that the battle was not over, and that a greater challenge might be waiting beyond that portal.