Chapter 6: New Combat Mode and Name

After a tough battle against Forks, Akaya and the Moon Troop returned to their base for rest and evaluation. The Relic N502's control room was filled with the sound of footsteps and bustling conversations, but in a quiet corner, Akaya sat in front of the control screen, listening to the calm voice of the N502's AI.

"Akaya, I have been observing the battle earlier. Your performance was outstanding," Ruins said in his ethereal voice.

Akaya smiled, feeling proud of the words of praise from AI who seemed to be her friend. "Thank you, Ruins. We managed to win, even though Forks wasn't easy to conquer."

"That's right. However, to deal with future enemies, I have a new mode that we can activate," Ruins said seriously.

"What mode is that?" Akaya asked, curious.

"Autostart Combat Mode. In this mode, I will control the Relic completely according to the analysis and tactics I made. You just need to trust me," explained Ruins.

Akaya thought for a moment. This mode will likely give him a huge strategic advantage. "Alright, Ruins. Activate that mode when we face the next serious threat."

Suddenly, the screen in front of them changed color from blue to red. The eyes of the Relic N502, which are usually white, turn bright red, indicating that Autostart mode is active.

"Welcome to Autostart Combat Mode," Ruins said, his voice now firmer and more focused. "We are ready to fight."

In a different corner of the base, in the Rembulan Troop rest room, the atmosphere was lighter although still full of activity. Several soldiers laughed loudly watching the battle footage of Akaya and Forks playing on the big screen.

"Hey, Crount, look at this! Akaya really hit Forks viciously," shouted one of the soldiers while pointing at the screen.

Lieutenant Crount, who was reloading his gun, smiled. "He is indeed extraordinary. No one can doubt his abilities after that battle."

At a table on the edge of the room, Sena Dequeens sat alone, observing the reactions of the other soldiers. His heart pounded when he saw Akaya in action. "He's really great," he muttered softly, smiling to himself.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and Akaya walked in with steady steps. Sena raised his head, his eyes met Akaya's friendly eyes.

"Oh, hey, Akaya," said Sena shyly.

"How are you, Sena?" Akaya smiled kindly. "I heard earlier that you are very interested in seeing battle recordings."

Sena was a little surprised but immediately gathered his courage. "Uh, yeah. I'm just... interested in your battle strategy. You're amazing."

Akaya nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Sena. You also have to believe in your own abilities."

At the same time, Ruins inside Relic N502 detected a slightly awkward atmosphere. "Akaya, do you want to know information about me? Name: Ruins. Gender: AI. Function: Tactical analysis, strategy, and combat control. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Akaya smiled at the screen of her helmet. "No, Ruins. Thank you. I will be counting on you in the future."

Before they could continue the conversation, a loud voice from the communication device called all the members for an impromptu strategy meeting.

"Akaya, we have to go now," said Lieutenant Crount, joining them. "There is an issue we need to discuss."

Akaya and Sena looked at each other, brief smiles on their lips before they separated to attend the meeting. But, in their hearts, a special feeling begins to grow, even though they may not be fully aware of it yet.