Chapter 7: Battle in Tokyo

Tokyo, a city that was once sparkling, is now a battlefield destroyed by attacks by monsters from Another Space (AnoS). Akaya and the Moon Troopers arrive there feeling tense amidst the chaos, but they have a secret weapon: Relic N502, an advanced armor with an AI system that helps them in battle.

"Akaya, activate AI systems," Lieutenant Crount ordered, his voice calm despite the gravity of the situation.

Akaya pressed a button on her wrist, and the screen on her helmet immediately displayed information from the AI ​​N502. AI N502's calm but firm voice began to speak.

"Welcome, user. I am AI N502, ready to provide analysis and tactical support."

Akaya's helmet screen shows images of the monsters they face, complete with detailed analysis of their strengths and weaknesses.

Target Analysis:

- Name: Natos

 Grade: B+

 Weakness: Wings

 Status: Active and aggressive

 Suggestion: Attack to paralyze its wings and reduce its mobility.

- Name: Soug

 Grade: A+

 Weakness: Large energy consumption when attacking

 Status: Active with powerful energy manipulation abilities

 Suggestion: Take advantage of it when you are in an energy recovery or tired phase

"Alright, AI N502, we'll start with Natos," Akaya said firmly, guiding Relic N502 to direct the attack at the first monster.

With the help of AI, they managed to exploit Natos' weakness, causing him to fall under a coordinated attack from the Moon Troopers. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Crount managed to overcome the other monsters with an equally effective strategy.

However, amidst their small victory, the AnoS portal shook again with more ferocity. The monsters Trynis, A grade, and Soug, A+ grade, appeared with greater and more terrifying power than before.

"Akaya, we have to switch to a defensive strategy," said Lieutenant Crount, remaining calm even though the situation was getting more critical. "AI N502, provide tactical analysis."

Defensive Tactics:

- Defense Position: 500 meters to the northeast of the meeting point

- Retreat Route: Avoids the direct attack zone

- Strategy: Take advantage of the height of the ruined buildings for tactical advantage

"Follow this route," AI N502's instructions appeared on Akaya's helmet screen, indicating a safe path to retreat.

Akaya and Lieutenant Crount moved quickly, following the plan suggested by the AI. They continued to battle an increasingly vicious army of monsters, using every suggestion and strategy from the N502's AI to defend their position.

However, their tension did not lessen when a new portal appeared, and from within it, Forks S+, disaster-grade monsters, began to emerge. This is the biggest test for Akaya and the Moon Troop.

"This isn't good," Crount muttered, looking at the giant monster that had just appeared. "AI N502, we need a new strategy."

"User, the Forks monster has incredible strength and is difficult to defeat with its current strength. The best advice is to hold out until help arrives."

In the midst of increasing tension, the voice from the communication system sounded again. "This is the Moon Troop. We are almost here. Hold your position!"

Akaya and Crount looked at each other, knowing that they would have to hold out a little longer.