Chapter 8: Deadly Fight

After dealing with the Forks monsters, Akaya and Lieutenant Crount continued their journey towards a safer defensive position. They continue to use instructions from the N502's AI to fight and avoid the monsters that come their way along the way.

"Come on, we have to move faster," said Lieutenant Crount as he scanned his surroundings warily.

The N502's AI again provides analysis and tactical advice.

Defensive Tactics:

- Defense Position: 200 meters to the southwest

- Retreat Route: Avoid the monster attack zone

- Strategy: Hold a higher position for a tactical advantage

Target Analysis: Trynis

Level: A

Weakness: Neck

Status: Active

Suggestion: Attack with combination attacks to weaken and paralyze.

Target Analysis: Soug

Grade: A+

Weakness: Back

Status: Active

Suggestion: Use high energy attacks to penetrate its strong defenses.

"Okay, AI N502, let's focus on Trynis first," said Akaya while adjusting the position of Relic N502.

With fast and precise movements, Akaya began to attack Trynis' neck. The combination attack succeeded in weakening the monster. Lieutenant Crount, with his fighting prowess, continued the attack on Trynis until the monster fell.

"Now it's Soug's turn," said Lieutenant Crount while pointing his gun at the A+ monster.

Akaya activated the high energy weapon on her Relic and began firing attacks directly at Soug's back. The monster let out a pained roar as Akaya's attack managed to penetrate its strong defense.

However, in the middle of the battle, the N502 AI gave a warning.

"User, detect new AnoS portal activity. Disaster level monster detected approaching."

Akaya and Lieutenant Crount looked at each other with worry. They knew that the situation was getting critical.

"In conditions like these, we must prepare for the worst," said Lieutenant Crount firmly. "AI N502, provide tactical analysis to defend against disaster-level monsters."

The AI ​​N502 immediately displays a map of the battlefield and the best route to retreat while maintaining defense.

Defensive Tactics:

- Defense Position: 100 meters to the north

- Retreat Route: Avoid the monster attack zone

- Strategy: Stay in open areas for better maneuverability

Target Analysis: Regal

Grade: S/disaster

Weakness: Unknown

Status: Active

Advice: Avoid direct contact, hold on until help arrives.

Target Analysis: Forks

Grade: S+/disaster

Weakness: Unknown

Status: Active

Suggestion: Attack with a concerted attack from a safe distance.

"Regal and Forks? This won't be easy," Akaya said in a shaky voice.

They began to move towards a new defensive position, while continuing to fight the monsters that came their way. Along the way, AI N502 continues to provide suggestions and tactics to ensure their safety.

As they almost reach the defense position, a new portal opens nearby, and from within it, the monsters Regal and Forks emerge with terrifying power.

"Come on, we have to hold out a little longer," said Lieutenant Crount as he prepared himself for what might be the most difficult battle of their lives.

In the midst of this critical situation, the voice from the communication system sounded again.

"This is the Moon Troop. We are almost here. Hold your position!"

Akaya and Lieutenant Crount looked at each other, knowing that they would have to hold out a little longer. With Regal and Forks' monsters approaching, they prepare themselves for a deadly battle.

Tensions rise as Akaya and Lieutenant Crount prepare to face the two disaster monsters. With the help of the N502's AI and a mature tactical strategy, they hope to survive until help arrives.

In the final moments before the battle began, Akaya spoke to AI N502, "Give us any information that can help. We must survive."

AI N502 displays all available data on the Akaya helmet display, providing clear visual guidance.

"Hopefully this is enough," said Akaya while strengthening her resolve. "We have to survive, whatever happens."