Chapter 10: Research and Preparation

After a tense battle, Akaya and her team returned to the Moonlight Army headquarters. Everyone felt relieved even though they knew that a bigger threat was still lurking. Commander Hiro Dequeens, along with other higher-ups, immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss the events they had just experienced.

"Welcome back, everyone. I heard you are facing a difficult situation there," said Commander Dequeens in a calm but firm voice.

"That's right, sir. We managed to resist the monster attack, but a mysterious figure appeared which made the situation chaotic," answered Lieutenant Crount while giving a complete report.

In the briefing room, a large screen displayed battle footage, showing a mysterious figure emerging from the portal. Commander Dequeens watched closely, his face showing deep concern.

"AI N502, provide further analysis of the mysterious figure," Commander Dequeens ordered.

Target Analysis: Unknown

Level: Unknown

Weakness: Unknown

Status: Active

Advice: Avoid direct contact, high priority for further identification.

"The system cannot provide any further information beyond what we already know, Commander," Akaya said.

Commander Dequeens nodded. "We need to increase our surveillance and research. This figure could become a major threat if we don't find a way to deal with it soon."

In the midst of a serious discussion, Sena Dequeens, daughter of Commander Hiro Dequeens, entered the room. His face looked worried when he saw Akaya.

"Are you okay, Akaya?" asked Sena in a soft voice.

Akaya smiled faintly. "I'm fine, Sena. Just a little tired."

Seeing the closeness between Sena and Akaya, several team members smiled mischievously. "Wow, Sena looks really worried, huh?" teased one of the team members.

Sena immediately turned red. "Stop that! I just want to make sure everyone is okay!"

Akaya chuckled. "Thank you, Sena. I'm happy to see you too."

Commander Dequeens interrupted with a small cough. "Okay, back to the topic. We will send an investigation team to find out more about the portal and this mysterious figure. Akaya, you will lead the team."

Akaya was surprised. "Me, sir?"

"Yes, you have demonstrated extraordinary abilities and bravery in battle. I believe you can handle this mission," Commander Dequeens answered with confidence.

After the meeting was over, Akaya returned to her room to rest. However, his mind was still filled with the mysterious figure they encountered. While lying in bed, AI N502 spoke to him.

"Akaya, would you like to discuss strategies for the upcoming mission?" asked AI N502.

"Sure, N502. We have to be ready for whatever comes," Akaya answered.

Investigation Strategy:

- Team: Akaya Sinanhomiya (leader), Lieutenant Crount Tanrum, Sena Dequeens, and two other members of the Rembulan Squad.

- Objective: Identify the mysterious figure and find information about the new portal.

- Methods: Reconnaissance, data collection and environmental analysis.

- Route: Location of the final battle and the area around the portal.

That evening, Akaya reflects on her new responsibilities. Even though it felt hard for him.