Chapter 11: AI Systems that Experience Problems

When the Moon Troop investigation team began their mission, the atmosphere was tense but full of enthusiasm. They head to the site of the final battle in Tokyo, where a new portal appears and a mysterious figure carries away the nearly defeated monsters. Akaya, Lieutenant Crount Tanrum, Sena Dequeens, and two other members of the Moon Troop prepared to face all possibilities.

Upon arrival at the location, Akaya immediately activated AI N502 to start analyzing the environment. However, suddenly his helmet screen flashed and a message appeared.

System Update:

- Status: In the process of updating

- Duration: Unknown

- AI function: Cannot be used temporarily

"What happened?" Akaya asked worriedly.

"AI N502 is in the process of updating the system, Akaya. We can't use tactical analysis and support for the time being," Lieutenant Crount answered in a serious tone.

Sena looked worried. "Can we continue without the help of AI?"

Akaya took a deep breath. "We have to. This is an important mission and we can't wait until the system returns to normal."

Lieutenant Crount nodded in agreement. "We have to rely on our own abilities for the time being. Stay alert and work well together."

They began to explore the battle area, looking for clues about portals and mysterious figures. Without AI support, every step must be more careful and calculations must be more precise. Akaya felt the pressure was greater than ever, but she knew that she had to stay focused.

"Check every corner and don't miss anything," Akaya ordered while leading her team.

Sena walked beside Akaya, her eyes continuing to scan the surroundings. "Do you think we'll find something here?"

"I hope so. Any information can be very valuable," Akaya answered in a low voice.

After some time, they found large footprints leading to a forested area on the outskirts of town. The footprints were different from any other monster they had ever encountered.

"What's this?" asked one of the team members while examining the traces.

"This must belong to that mysterious figure," said Lieutenant Crount. "We have to follow this trail."

They continued to follow the footprints until they found a hidden cave. Inside the cave, they find signs of monster activity and the remains of a recently closed portal.

"This must be the place where the mysterious figure is hiding," Akaya said confidently.

However, without the N502's AI, they had to rely on their own instincts and experience to investigate further. They decide to install tracking devices in the area and report their findings to Commander Hiro Dequeens.

After returning to headquarters, they reported the results of their investigation. Commander Dequeens seemed impressed by the team's dedication and courage.

"You have done an extraordinary job even without the help of AI. This is proof that you are true soldiers," said Commander Dequeens proudly.

"Thank you, sir. We are just doing our job," Akaya answered humbly.