Chapter 12: AI battle

In the midst of battle without the help of AI, Akaya and his team have to rely on their own abilities to survive and defeat the monsters that keep coming from the Another Space (AnoS) portal. Each member of the team displayed extraordinary skills, but the pressure of the constant monster attacks overwhelmed them.

"Akaya, we can't keep going like this! We need a plan!" shouted Lieutenant Crount, his voice almost drowned out by the roar of the battle.

"We have to stay put! Don't let them get to us!" Akaya replied firmly, even though she herself felt tired.

Monsters of various levels emerge from the portal. C+ grade Vervatos, B grade Mounts, and B+ grade Natos attacked non-stop. Akaya and her team fought hard, using all the skills and strategies they had, but without the help of AI, it felt as if they were fighting in the dark.

Sena Dequeens, with her speed and agility, tried to distract the monsters so that Akaya and Lieutenant Crount could provide more effective attacks. However, the number and strength of the monsters made the task even more difficult.

"Akaya, we're almost out of time! What should we do?" Sena asked in a worried tone.

Akaya looked around, looking for an opening or a new strategy, but the monsters continued to press them. Until one point, Akaya was cornered, surrounded by Natos and Mounts who were ready to destroy her.

In the midst of that despair, a message suddenly appeared on Akaya's helmet screen.

System Update: Completed

- Status: Active

- AI Name: Ruins

- New Functions and Features: Added

"Ruins?" Akaya muttered.

A new voice, calmer and firmer, sounded inside Akaya's helmet. "Welcome back, users. I am Ruins, the newest AI from Relic N502. New features and functions have been added to support your battles."

Ruins immediately began providing analysis and tactics to Akaya.

Defensive Tactics:

- Defense Position: 300 meters to the northwest

- Retreat Route: Avoid the monster attack zone

- Strategy: Hold a higher position for a tactical advantage

New Features:

- Autostart Mode: AI controls Relic for automatic combat

- Enhanced Targeting System: More accurate and faster targeting

- Energy Shield: Additional protection for 60 seconds

- Tactical Overlay: Displays real-time tactics and strategy on the battlefield

Target Analysis: Vervatos

Grade: C+

Weakness: Stomach

Status: Active

Suggestion: Attack with melee attacks to penetrate thick hide.

Target Analysis: Mount

Grade: B

Weakness: Head

Status: Active

Suggestion: Use ranged attacks to keep your distance from counterattacks.

Target Analysis: Natos

Grade: B+

Weakness: Wings

Status: Active

Suggestion: Immobilize the wings to prevent air movement.

With the help of Ruins, Akaya immediately activated Energy Shield to protect herself from monster attacks. An energy shield appeared, blocking the incoming attack and giving Akaya time to plan her next move.

"Thank you, Ruins. Let's do this," Akaya said with renewed vigor.

Ruins provided visual clues on his helmet's screen, showing the monsters' weak points clearly. Akaya moved with incredible speed, striking right at Natos and Mount's weak points. With the help of the Enhanced Targeting System, each attack becomes more accurate and effective.

"Autostart Mode is on," Ruins said. "I will control the Relic for this battle."

In Autostart mode, the Relic N502 switches color from blue to red, and its white eyes turn red. Relic now moves with unmatched precision and power, striking monsters with incredible speed and power. Akaya only needs to monitor and ensure that the strategy goes according to plan.

With Ruins controlling the Relic, Akaya and her team were able to deal with the monster attacks more effectively. They moved towards a safer defensive position, following the route indicated by Ruins.

"Team, we have to hold out until help arrives!" said Lieutenant Crount, seeing the monsters starting to retreat due to their increasingly powerful counterattacks.

In the midst of battle, Ruins continues to provide analysis and tactics, helping Akaya and her team to survive. They managed to defeat most of the monsters, leaving them cornered and unable to fight back.

However, the battle was not over. At the end of the chapter, a new portal appears, and from within it, the figure of a monster in human form emerges. Ruins immediately tried to analyze it, but the results were surprising.

Target Analysis: Unknown

Level: Unknown

Weakness: Unknown

Status: Active

Suggestion: Not available

"Ruins, what happened?" Akaya asked in confusion.

"This figure cannot be analyzed. Data is not available," Ruins answered in a serious tone.

The mysterious figure raised his hand, and with incredible strength, he carried away the monsters that were almost defeated. Akaya and her team could only watch in shock and uncertainty.

"We have to find out who he is and what his goals are," Akaya said with determination.