Chapter 13: New AI system

After the appearance of a mysterious figure who takes away the nearly defeated monsters, Akaya and her team have little time to breathe. However, they knew that the battle was not over. They had to be prepared for the possibility of a new attack at any time.

Akaya stood in the middle of the battlefield, feeling the energy from Relic N502 which was now strengthened by AI Ruins. His helmet screen was full of messages and analysis from Ruins, providing detailed information about every aspect of the battle.

AI Ruins System: Feature Update

- Enhanced Targeting System: More accurate and faster targeting

- Autostart Mode: AI controls Relic for automatic combat

- Energy Shield: Additional protection for 60 seconds

- Tactical Overlay: Displays real-time tactics and strategy on the battlefield

- Combat Analysis: In-depth analysis of enemy strengths and weaknesses

- Emergency Evacuation: Fast evacuation route in critical situations

Ruins immediately activates the new features, and Akaya's helmet screen displays a map of the battlefield in incredible detail. Every enemy move is predicted and analyzed, providing a significant tactical advantage.

"Akaya, we must be ready for the next attack," said Lieutenant Crount, standing beside him.

"Of course. With the Ruins on our side, we can overcome anything," Akaya answered confidently.

Suddenly, the Another Space (AnoS) portal vibrates again, and new monsters begin to appear. Vervatos, Mount, Natos, and Trynis A rank and Soug A+ rank came out of the portal, ready to attack.

"Ruins, provide tactical analysis," Akaya ordered.

Target Analysis: Trynis

Level: A

Weakness: Head

Status: Active

Advice: Use ranged attacks to avoid its powerful physical attacks.

Target Analysis: Soug

Grade: A+

Weakness: Heart

Status: Active

Advice: Attack with full force at the weak point to end the battle quickly.

With Ruins' analysis, Akaya immediately aimed an attack at Trynis' head with a long-range weapon. The energy projectile hit right on target, sending the monster staggering backwards.

"Autostart Mode is on," Ruins said, and the Relic N502 switched colors from blue to red again, with its white eyes turning red.

In Autostart mode, Ruins controls the Relic with incredible precision. Akaya felt as if her body was moving on its own, attacking the monster with a speed and power she had never felt before. Each attack was targeted and on target, rendering the monsters helpless.

"Energy Shield is active," Ruins added, and the energy shield protected Akaya from the monster's counterattack.

The battle took place at high intensity. Ruins continuously provides instructions and tactics in real-time, displaying every enemy move and providing the best suggestions for overcoming them.

Defensive Tactics:

- Defense Position: 300 meters to the northwest

- Retreat Route: Avoid the monster attack zone

- Strategy: Hold a higher position for a tactical advantage

With the help of Tactical Overlay, Akaya and his team are able to defend and attack with maximum efficiency. Their every move was directed by the Ruins, ensuring that they were always in the most advantageous position.

However, in the midst of the battle, Ruins detected something unusual.

Warning: High energy detected

Source: Unknown

Status: Approaching

The mysterious figure from before appeared again, carrying an incredibly powerful energy. However, this time, Akaya and Ruins were ready.

"Ruins, we have to face it now," Akaya said firmly.

"User, all systems are ready. Let's get this over with," Ruins answered.

With coordinated attacks and a mature strategy, Akaya and his team attacked the mysterious figure. Ruins provides precise analysis and tactics, ensuring every attack hits the target. Even though the figure was strong, the cooperation between Akaya and Ruins made a big difference.

At the end of the battle, the mysterious figure finally withdrew, taking with him the remains of the surviving monsters. Akaya and her team stand victorious, despite their exhaustion.

"Good job, Akaya. We did it," said Lieutenant Crount with a satisfied smile.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. We couldn't have done it without the Ruins' help," Akaya replied with relief.

Ruins displays the final message on Akaya's helmet screen.

Ruins AI System: Mission Complete

Status: All features are working properly

User: Akaya Sinanhomiya

Energy Level: Stable

With the battle over and victory in their hands, Akaya knew that the next challenge was coming. However, with Ruins by his side, he was ready to face whatever came.