Chapter 15: Competition For All

Preparations for the For All competition have been completed, and Meka Academy is preparing for their trip to the CR (Center Relic) headquarters in Korea. Akaya and her team, along with other students from various academies, prepare to face the challenges ahead. All competition participants felt enthusiastic, excited, but a little nervous.

After arriving at CR headquarters, Akaya and her team were immediately greeted by Commander Jin Hao, who is famous for his reputation as one of the best leaders in the world of Relic. Commander Jin Hao gave a brief briefing and introduced the facilities that would be used during the competition.

"Welcome to CR headquarters. I am Commander Jin Hao, and I will guide you throughout this competition. Here, you will face various challenges that will test your skills and courage. Remember, this competition is not just about winning, but also about learning and develop," said Commander Jin Hao.

The students from the nine participating academies started to get to know each other, exchanging experiences and strategies. Akaya met several participants from other academies, such as Liu Yaou from China, Sin Tae from Korea, Tyoko from Japan, Rime from America, Tourent from the Philippines, Rawens from Switzerland, Tenkai from England, and Bold from the Netherlands.

The night before the competition started, the atmosphere at CR headquarters was full of excitement and anticipation. Akaya sat in her dorm, checking her equipment and preparations once again. Suddenly, Ruins, the AI ​​in the Relic N502, made a sound.

"Akaya, there is something you need to know about this competition. Apart from the challenges that have been scheduled, there is a possibility that we will face threats from AnoS monsters that might try to attack," said Ruins.

Akaya nodded seriously. "Thank you, Ruins. I will prepare for any eventuality."

The next morning, the competition began with a lively opening ceremony. The participants gathered in the main arena, and Commander Jin Hao gave an inspiring opening speech.

"You all are the future of our world. This competition is an opportunity to show your best abilities and learn from each other. Fight with passion, honor, and courage. Happy competing!"

The first challenge begins immediately after the ceremony. Participants are divided into small groups and must work together to defeat simulated monsters in a virtual environment. Akaya and her team demonstrated incredible coordination and strategy, successfully completing the challenge in the fastest time.

However, the competition gets tougher as the challenges progress. Each group must face monsters of increasing difficulty, and they must use all the skills and tactics they learn.

During one particularly difficult challenge, Akaya and her team were faced with a giant S-tier monster known as Regal. This monster has incredible power and is almost impossible to defeat.

"Defensive Tactics, Defense Position 500 meters to the south," Ruins instructed quickly, providing strategic guidance.

With good cooperation and following Ruins' instructions, Akaya and his team managed to overcome the monster. This success makes them more confident, but they know that greater challenges still await.

The For All competition is a true test for Akaya and her friends. They not only have to face powerful monsters, but also learn to work together, rely on each other, and continuously adapt to changing situations. At the end of the first day of competition, Akaya felt physical and mental exhaustion, but also pride and enthusiasm to keep fighting.

"We're just getting started," Akaya told his team as they prepared for the night. "Tomorrow we will face a bigger challenge, and we must be ready."