Chapter 16: Second Day of Competition

The morning of the second day of the For All competition started with high spirits and enthusiasm. Participants from nine academies gathered in the main arena, ready to face more difficult and challenging challenges. Akaya and her team started the day with a strong determination to give their best.

Today's first challenge is the "Maze of Destruction." Each team must navigate through a large maze filled with traps and monsters. Their goal is to reach the center of the maze where there is a hidden Relic that they must bring back to the starting point. This challenge tests participants' navigation skills, teamwork and dexterity.

"Ruins, provide maze analysis and best strategy," Akaya said as she led her team into the maze.

Ruins immediately displays a map of the maze on Akaya's helmet screen, showing the best routes to avoid traps and deal with any monsters they encounter.

"Navigation Tactics:

-Fast Route: North Corridor, turn right at the second intersection

-Safe Position: 150 meters to the east

-Strategy: Avoid floor traps and attack monsters with fast and precise attacks".

With guidance from the Ruins, Akaya and her team managed to avoid dangerous traps and deal with the monsters effectively. They work together perfectly, relying on each other's skills to complete the challenges. After some time, they managed to reach the center of the labyrinth and found a hidden Relic.

"Stage one complete. Return to starting point," Ruins instructed.

Akaya and her team immediately turned around and started back to the starting point with the Relic in hand. On the way, they were confronted by a group of very strong A-level monsters. However, with the right tactics and good coordination, they managed to defeat the monsters and reach the finish line safely.

The next challenge was "Coliseum Battle," where each team had to battle against another team in a simulated battle. It is a test of individual combat skills and strategy as well as teamwork. Akaya and her team demonstrated their strength and toughness, defeating several opposing teams with clever strategies and coordinated attacks.

"Attack from the right side, focusing on the opponent's weak points," Ruins instructed during the fight.

With the help of Ruins, Akaya and her team managed to overcome their opponents and win the battle at the coliseum. They demonstrated extraordinary combat skills and amazed the audience and judges.

As the day begins to wind down, the final challenge is "Headquarters Defense." Each team must protect their base from attacks by waves of monsters that continuously come. This is a test of endurance and survival strategy.

"Defensive Tactics:

-Defense Position: Northwest wall

-Retreat Route: East corridor

-Strategy: Use ranged attacks to reduce the number of monsters before they get close"

With a tip from the Ruins, Akaya and her team set up their defensive positions and began fighting off the incoming waves of monsters. They show incredible strength and courage, defending against attacks by increasingly powerful monsters.

However, in the midst of the battle, Ruins detected an unexpected change. An AnoS portal appeared near their base, and from within it emerged a previously unknown humanoid monster.

"Target Analysis: Unknown

-Status: Active

-Advice: Avoid and persist until more information is available"

This mysterious monster leads a monster attack with terrifying power. Akaya and her team are fighting hard to survive, but the situation is getting more difficult. The monster displays extraordinary abilities, manipulating other monsters and leading them with clever strategies.

At the critical moment, the human monster suddenly stopped its attack and made a terrifying sound. "You are not ready to face us," he said before disappearing along with the remaining monsters through the portal.

Akaya and her team stood panting, confused but relieved that the battle was finally over. They know that this threat is not over and that there will be greater challenges in the future.