Goblin Theater: first scene; tragedy, tear drop and pizza.

What does this mean? Why does this notification appear? I didn't understand so I asked WOQ

- I finished this quest with the rat hunt, didn't I? So why did you display this quest?

"At no time was it said that you had to hunt rats to finish this quest. So I don't understand this question."

- Don't fuck with me. Do you know what you're asking me to do here?

"My role is just to pass on information. I'm not asking for anything."

I was shocked by the implication of this apparition but I didn't have time to worry about it as the leader of the horde and the commander arrived on the scene. The human had a black look filled with hatred when the leader of the horde appeared. He was quite pleased with the situation. He said to everyone

- Whoever bites his head off will be very well rewarded.

The whole troop began to dance and jump for joy. Each of them was ready to rush the defenceless girl when the commander entered the circle formed by the troop.

- Nobody move.

Everyone froze. He stared at the girl for a moment, circling her and provoking her with provocative noises. The girl didn't move and remained lying on her knees when

- Only the children approached. Kill her! And devour her whole. Her heart will belong to the one who takes her life.

When he said this, the chief and the commander never took their eyes off each other, as if there was an undertone. All the adults stepped back to make way for the younger children. They were all excited by the idea

- I refuse this quest.

"Choice unavailable. A quest already in progress cannot be stopped. If you do not complete the quest, the penalty will be severe."

- Penalties? I don't care about penalties. I'm out of here. I don't have to do this quest. I'm not killing that human. What the hell am I doing here again? I don't give a...

I turned before leaving when the commander appeared in front of me to ask me to go and fight with the others. He looked extremely stern. I wanted to refuse but I could feel his energy and strength surpassing mine, threatening to crush me at the slightest reaction that didn't go my way. I resigned myself before joining the others.

The battle had already begun. The girl remained calm but looked more serious and tense. Her chin was glued to the ground so she could watch us coming. Five of the first goblin charged at her with their knives but just as they got close enough, the girl made a gesture with her hand to cut off all their heads, without anyone being able to see what had happened.

- Magic power? A weapon? How did she do it? I was right to stay and observe.

Not even noticing what had happened, the others went back on the attack. The girl heard them all get within a metre or two of her before slicing off their legs with one blow in the same way as before. They all collapsed to the ground in violent agony. So she didn't even bother to finish them all off. But nevertheless, I managed to see something during this attack, even if it wasn't very clear.

- A blade?! It only lasted a moment but I did see a blade and if that's true then it's either a magic spell or a magic weapon that can lengthen and shrink at will. Dangerous stuff.

This time, the assault party had the idea of attacking from different sides, surrounding the girl before charging at her. One of the goblins from behind jumped on her, but by thrusting the tip of her sword through his armpits, she managed to pierce the goblin in the head without any problem before executing a circular movement around her to slice in half all the other goblins that were charging at her. After which, she fell back onto her elbows, gasping for breath.

Although she had been hiding it at first, this time there was no doubt in anyone's mind that she did indeed have a sword hidden within her body. The sword had the ability to lengthen and shrink at will. This could be very dangerous and very useful for feints and tricks. I was right not to throw myself at her. If she wasn't already dying, we'd all be dead by now and I'm sure the two leaders would be too.

In the meantime, the girl narrowed her sword again before lengthening it a little and slicing through all the goblins coming at her from the front. Thanks to the lengthening of her sword, she managed to surprise them all and cut them to pieces without them being able to react, but the more she killed, the more there were. I, who stayed behind, made another remark.

- If her sword can stretch to infinity, why doesn't she try to kill everyone at once? Either her sword is limited, or she is. Mind you, given her condition, I wouldn't be surprised if she just ran out of energy. So the more time goes by, the weaker she becomes.

Still slaughtering the goblins, the girl put one hand on the ground to get down on one knee before receiving the goblin attackers with the other hand holding the sword. She made no secret of the fact and used her army with great dexterity. She used her sword to shrink and lengthen him, while striking one blow after another in front of him, perforating several of the goblins who were coming at her in numbers. She thus reduced the number of attackers and was better able to receive what was trying to come from behind and from the sides.

She didn't have much trouble avoiding them before killing them while sitting on her knees and seriously wounded. She was killing a lot of them without taking any wounds. And if it went on like this, she was going to kill them all without exception. That's what I thought, and I'm sure the leader of the horde, who was quite reverent, and the commander, who threw his big club at the girl, hitting her in the back and crushing her to the ground. And seeing as the attack had come from above, she was completely flattened.

Just by looking at her, I could feel the pain she was feeling after such a blow that had crushed her back. She was vomiting blood and gritting her teeth as she tried to cope with the pain, tears welling up in her eyes. Unlike the other goblins, I must have been the only one who didn't take any pleasure in watching her suffer like that. 

- Fuck off...go on, die now and spare yourself this pointless suffering. I have no desire to kill you.

* It's a bit selfish isn't it? He wants her to die so he doesn't have to kill her. But maybe that would have been the right thing to do, but Arcadia thought otherwise. When the commander withdrew his club, all her defences had been shattered and she was in an even worse state. She spat out blood through clenched teeth before looking at the faces of her two group friends. Then she thought of her sister and said to herself

- All I wanted... was for you to recognise my value. I never wanted to be an adventurer. I wanted to be a knight like my father and mother, but it was by following you, by wanting to be like you, that I threw myself into adventure and...

* She then thought of her companions, from the time they met in a guild until now, when large drops of tears began to flow from her eyes. Then, with a bloody mouth, she said

- I...don't...want...to die.

That's when I met her gaze. A look filled with fear and dread. Despite her strength, she was really just a kid in a very bad way. Her tears were flowing hotly and she was shaking. The more I looked at her, the worse I felt.

But that wasn't the case with the others. So I made a firm decision. At the next assault, I joined the attackers. There were four of us preparing for the assault. Each of us waited for the perfect moment to act and one of us opened hostilities, almost immediately getting killed by a sword thrust to the throat.

The other two attacked at the same time. One from the right and the other from the left. The girl was in a lot of pain and couldn't straighten up, but when the first was close enough, she blocked his blow with the handle of her sword and pierced the other in the head at the same time. Then she narrowed her sword before cutting the throat of her second assailant with a sharp blow.

But I had just taken the opportunity to attack her in the face with my enormous two-handed scimitar. I grabbed the two-handed scimitar and put all my strength into an upward attack aimed at the girl's head. She turned and looked at me before countering my sword with her own. The clash between our two swords made a loud noise before pushing me backwards. The girl immediately attacked, extending her sword, but I managed to guess her attack and consequently avoid it. She then looked at me in amazement, or rather fear.

At that moment, I could see despair in her tear-filled eyes. She suddenly clenched her teeth and started attacking me relentlessly with her sword, which was getting longer all the time, but I managed to avoid or counter everything with my sword. The longer it went on, the more I managed to block her attacks, so she started screaming with a fearful look on her face

- Go on, go on! Die! Die! Die! Die you monster!!!

I didn't understand his words but I could easily guess them. There's only one word you think of when someone's trying to kill you and that's: Dirty monster. Although it hurt quite a bit, it was still the sad truth of the situation. I then avoided her next attack before running towards her, then jumping up and coming down with my sword and, as expected, she retracted her sword to extend it, trying to pierce me in the air.

- I quickly realised that your sword was very dangerous because of its capacity. But I also noticed that every time you use it, it loses strength and speed. That's because you're on edge. So if I force you to attack at a specific point, I can avoid the attack.

I narrowly avoided his attack as he slashed my cheek and then brought my sword down on her. But at the same time, she suddenly rose towards me to make me miss my target before hitting my hand to make me drop my sword. Then she grabbed me by the neck with her left hand and squeezed hard. With one foot on the ground and one knee still on the ground, she tried to break my neck while her sword returned to a small size.

- If her sword goes back to being small then I'm finished. She'll probably pierce my chest, although it's not such a bad thing to die now... anyway, what difference does it make if I have to kill someone to live?

In the face of death, we're all equal. I'd say that in the face of death, we're all cowards. While the girl clutched my neck, waiting for her sword to take the right shape to pierce me, I took out the knife I'd hidden behind my back, tied it up, brandished it in front of me and then turned it around in my hand to hold it in the opposite direction before sticking it in the girl's ear.

Everything happened extremely quickly and in the blink of an eye. She was clutching my neck, holding me high, her sword had only just taken its proper shape but blood was gushing from her ear. Her expression shocked and frightened, her eyes filled with fear and her voice trembling as she looked me in the eye and said

- I don't... want... to die. Please, help... big sister...

I then withdrew my knife and she immediately fell to the ground with her sword in her hand. While I was catching my breath on the floor, I received another notification.

"Quest completed! Congratulations!"

"You have earned the title: Vermin Slayer. You've earned experience bonuses. Quest bonus: 100 XP. Action bonus: 5 XP. Congratulations! "

Sitting on the floor, I stood up to see her lying next to me, her eyes wide open with her blades. What shocked me at that moment wasn't seeing her lying lifeless on the ground, nor was it the action of the others who threw themselves on her to give her even more sword blows than she needed, No, what shocked me at that moment was the fact that I didn't have the slightest compassion for the odious act I had committed.

And I still thought I was human. I had just realised that I was no better than these abject and repulsive creatures. The whole horde was celebrating this victory. The commander picked up the girl's sword and gave it to me. Obviously, I had no choice but to refuse, so I took it. It was still warm from her blood. I was just looking at her sword between my two hands when I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

"You got it: human language."

The girl's words came back to me clearer and it hurt.

"You have obtained the artifact of level 32: Piercing Sword."

- Why? Why did I get it? Why did I get it?

"You've just gone up a level. You have reached level 07."

- Why is that?

"That was part of the reward for this quest because of its difficulty."

- Why is this?

"Possible skill acquisition. Would you like to know more?"

- Why can't I cry?

* Well, so ends our dear story with the adventurers. It's a tragedy all the same, but it's part of the adventure and makes it all the more exciting. What's more, all the adventurers are aware of the risks involved, but all the same, Rip to them. And may they rest in peace, even if it's not going to be easy in the hands of the goblins. Our dear hero has just had his first time with a human and it's never easy to take the life of a living being, especially if it's of the same species as us. The man who still thought he was human must feel even worse. But what he doesn't know is that he'll eventually get used to it.

* What? Her first time at what? Hm what a question. His first murder of course. What the hell are you thinking? I made that clear. Well, let's get back to the story...what? Was that the end? Well, you had to say it, you stupid big brother. I was so happy to start the second part and also the other part, which I won't mention because I don't want to spoil the appearance of another strange entity hahaha haha suspense... Whaaaaa big brother what are you doing here? Why are you giving my share back to wok? Stop it! Big sister stop...hmmm that's not fair that was my share and I was saving it for later haaaaaa

"And nara cried again for a whole night. To be continued."